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Over the sun dress I planned to wear a light, linen jacket that would hide my nipples until Ben and I were in the car, and my shoes would be a comfortable pair of flats I kept for driving. I can drive in heels but much prefer not to do so. I took a deep breath. Yes, I was ready. Well, apart from the fact it was nine-thirty and I hadn't had breakfast yet! That didn't take long to remedy and at ten-sixteen I backed the car out of the garage and set off for the airport.

I was early! The traffic was almost non-existent and I made much better time than I'd anticipated, so that it was only ten forty-five when I made my way into the terminal building after parking the car. I checked the arrivals board for Ben's flight. Ah, ten minutes behind schedule, so I could expect to see Ben at around eleven-forty. Okay, almost an hour to kill. I glanced across at the coffee shop. Yes, coffee and a Danish.

There was a repeater board in the coffee shop, and I kept my eye on the arrival time for Ben's flight, and at eleven thirty-one it touched down. I knew it would take a little while for Ben to make his way out and took myself off to the ladies' room. I'd brought my big purse and after I'd locked myself in a cubicle I took from it a plastic bag, and some pre-moistened wipes. It was the work of moments to discard my panties and store them in the plastic bag, and I was thinking wicked thoughts when I did that! A quick wipe down, dry myself with toilet paper and I was ready. I took a deep breath and headed out to meet my son.

I only had to wait about five minutes before the passengers from Ben's flight began to appear and he was about tenth or so in line. My breath caught when I saw him, a tall, gangling young man with a laptop bag in his hand and a small rucksack on his shoulder. He was looking around and didn't see me at first, but his face lit up when he spotted me and he waved. I waved back and thirty seconds later was almost being crushed in his hug, a hug which seemed to go on for ever but couldn't have been more than ten or fifteen seconds. Eventually, he released me and we just grinned at each other for a moment. I shook myself, and took his arm.

"Come on, I want to get you home!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you want to stop anywhere for lunch? Although there's plenty of stuff in our refrigerator."

"No stops, Mom. You know what I want."

"No more than I do, Ben," I said quietly, and he smiled at me and squeezed my fingers. "The car's over there," I said, pointing.

A couple of minutes later we had his gear in the trunk. I took off my jacket and threw it in, too, then took my seat at the wheel. Seat-belts fastened, and we were ready. "Okay, Ben, hush for the moment until I find my way out of this maze and get us onto the freeway."

"Okay, Mom." He pointed. "I think that's the way out."

He was right and a few minutes later we were on the entrance ramp for the freeway. A few minutes after that, and I'd brought our speed up to a couple of miles per hour less than the posted limit, and set the cruise control. I relaxed as much as I ever dare to when I'm driving, and glanced across at him. He was sitting quietly, just watching me and he smiled when he caught my eye.

"Love you, SexySarah," he said.

"Love you, too, stud," I responded. There was a long, but comfortable, silence until he spoke again.


"Yes, honey?"

"What are you wearing under that sun-dress?"

"Want to guess?"

"The red underwear?"

"Partly right, but only the garter belt. I needed something to keep my stockings up."

He grinned. "No bra? No panties?"

"Spot on, son."

"I thought not, because I can see the shape of your nipples. Can I check?" His tone was pure mischief.

"You mean you won't take your mom's word for it?" I said, mock-severely, then laughed. "Okay, but wait a moment until I've overtaken this truck." That was only about thirty seconds, and I flashed a grin at Ben. "If I lift my ass for a moment, maybe you could slide my skirt up a little?"


I braced myself and lifted my ass from the seat. Ben reached across and my skirt slid up my thighs, almost revealing my pussy, definitely revealing my stocking-tops. I lowered my ass again and smiled at him. "Okay, son, your move."

"Eyes on the road, driver," he said, and then I felt his hand slide between my thighs. I almost came on the spot as I felt his fingers moving over my pussy. He chuckled. "SexySarah is kinda wet."

"Anticipation, honey," I gasped as I felt his fingers slide into me.

"SexySarah is very wet."

"Like I said, stud, anticipation," I managed to say, as his fingers explored me. He took his fingers from my pussy and raised them to his mouth.

"Absolutely delicious, Mom. I've been so wanting to taste you."

"I want to taste you, too, honey, but hands off for the moment, that's our off-ramp coming up."

"Ten minutes and we're home, then."

"About that, yes, traffic permitting." I paused. "When we get home, Ben?"


"I'm yours to do with whatever you want, baby. Today, tonight, is about you."

He groaned. "Oh, Mom, I can't wait!"

"Only a little longer, honey. Now hush, SexySarah needs to concentrate."

I didn't even bother putting the car away when we got home. Nor did we take Ben's stuff inside, but I had the presence of mind to lock the car. Once we were indoors, the door closed behind us, I turned to Ben, opening my mouth to speak, but before I could he pulled me into his arms and our lips were locked together in a kiss, a kiss of passion, of promise, of want, a kiss that could only be the first of our kisses as lovers, long, hot, demanding, burning, our tongues dueling, lips mashed together. My senses were reeling when we broke the kiss, our faces inches apart, my lungs heaving to restore my oxygen levels. I managed a smile.

"Wow, Ben, you have missed me!"

"You have no idea, Mom. I think I've had an almost permanent erection since you told me that the idea of me fucking you was exciting."

"Exciting, and making me wet, very wet." I reached out a shaking hand to his, squeezing his fingers. "Bed? Please?"

He grinned. "Bed, yes." Next thing I knew he'd picked me up and was carrying me upstairs. I hung my arms around his neck and smothered his face with kisses.

"Your room?" he said.

"Yes, but until you go back to college it's our room."

"God, Mom, that makes me feel even harder!"

In the bedroom, I thought he'd lay me on the bed but, no, he stood me up. One shoe had fallen off as he carried me upstairs and I kicked the other one off. He smiled, and reached out to flick my hair back off my shoulder.

"Turn around, SexySarah, turn your back to me."

I obeyed instantly, and had the satisfaction of knowing I'd suspected correctly when I felt his fingers unfasten my halter top and then move to the zip fastener in the small of my back, lowering it to my ass.

"Okay, SexySarah, slide it off." I gave a quick shimmy and the dress fell to my feet. "Oh, yes, SexySarah, you have a beautiful ass. I thought so, on the web-cam picture, but you turned too quickly for me to be sure." I felt his hands on my shoulders, pulling me back against him, and then his hands came around me to cup my breasts, squeezing, molding, caressing. I'd thought my nipples were hard before, but they were like little rocks now. I put my hands over his and pressed them to me, then, somehow, found the strength to lift his hands away from me and turn to face him. Naked, except for my garter belt and stockings, I looked into the eyes of the son I'd brought into the world twenty-one years earlier.

"Get naked," I whispered.

He teased me, doing it slowly, shoes, socks, t-shirt, jeans, then - last - his obscenely tented boxers. I held my breath, my heart pounding, waiting, wanting, to see his cock, a cock I knew to be nicely sized, a cock I'd seen erect, seen come, in fact, but which I wanted to touch, wanted to feel, feel within me. Oh, god! And soon, Ben, soon! He eased the waistband of his boxers down, freeing his erection, and at last I could see him, see the hot, hard reality of his erection. I reached out a trembling hand to it and at last, I could feel it, feel the heat, feel it throb. I looked into Ben's eyes again, holding them, seeing the love there, love that was a reflection of my own. I moved my free hand down, between my legs, spreading my labia.

"Here, Ben," I whispered. "I want it here."

He drew me back into his arms, kissing me, then stooped and picked me up, moving to lay me on the bed. I threw my legs apart, moaning.

"Now!" I said, my voice a hoarse travesty of itself, as Ben moved to kneel between my legs, but he surprised me as he bent and I felt his mouth on me, felt his tongue slide along my slit, once, twice, three times, and I exploded in orgasm, feeling the waves of it crashing through me, lifting me, then casting me over the precipice into darkness, hearing the echoes of my orgasmic scream as I fell.

I could only have been out for a few seconds and as I became aware of my surroundings again, it was to see Ben's face above mine, loving, concerned.

"You okay, Mom?"

I managed a shaky smile. "Never better, honey, never better. I think that was another of the most intense orgasms I ever had."

"My turn now," he said, and moved over me. I held my breath, tense, ready, then shuddered as I felt the blunt, broad head of his cock move into me, letting out a gasp as I felt him in me, felt at last what I'd wanted ever since I found out about his fantasy.

"Oh, yes!" I whispered. "Yes! Fuck me, baby, fuck me hard!"

He began to move, to thrust into me, pull back, thrust again, and as he moved my own hips picked up the rhythm, pushing forward to meet his, pulling back, forward again, so that our pubic areas were slapping against each other. His breathing quickened, matching his thrusts, and I found myself matching him. The moment was intense, and the sweat was pooling between us. I felt him tensing as he moved, and he whispered to me.

"Got to come soon, Mom, I can't hold on!"

"Go, baby! Go! Fuck your momma hard, baby!"

Next thing I knew, he was coming, his hips slamming against mine, almost driving me forcibly up the bed, but as hard as he was driving into me, my own hips were slamming my pussy back at him. The intensity wouldn't last, I knew, it couldn't, but, startled, I felt the surge of orgasm hitting me again, and with a triumphant cry I let the climax wash over me, stifling a scream in my throat as we fell together over the edge, and eased slowly, very slowly, into rest again.

Ben was taking his weight on his knees and elbows,, so as not to crush me, and I could feel him twitch now and again in post-climactic tremors, tremors matched in myself, but they died away and our breathing slowed, steadied. I reached up and smoothed Ben's hair away from his eyes. He smiled, and bent to kiss me.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you, son."

He gazed into my eyes for a long, long moment, then smiled, a smile of love. He dipped his head to kiss me again, quick, light. "SuperSexySarah, that was better than I ever dared to hope, much, much better."

"For me, too, Ben. I've had niggling doubts about whether I should fuck you, but deep down, I knew I wanted it, probably from when I first realized what your fantasy was. Is. The reality was - is - wonderful, honey, truly wonderful. Thank you for making me feel so good."

He grinned, that lopsided, cheeky grin that I loved so much. "My pleasure, ma'am. And thank you, too for letting me love you." A pause. "Mom, did you come again, at the end there?"

I nodded. "Yes, I did. Took me a little bit by surprise."

"I thought so. I was scared I was going to come as soon as I put John Thomas into your talented pussy. That's why I used my mouth first, I wanted to make sure you came, too, but I lasted longer than I thought I would."

I stretched up and kissed him. "You were wonderful, honey. You got me off twice to your once. I can live with that," I added, grinning. I grimaced. "Better ease out, honey. We'll have a swim or a shower, or both, in a little while but for the moment I just want to lie here and be held by the man I love."

Ben grinned. "Your wish is my command." He pulled back and sat on his heels. His cock was softening, but was still half-hard and I took a moment to admire it, until Ben spoke. "Mom? Any tissues handy?"

I pointed. "Bedside table."

"Thanks." He gave himself a quick wipe, then wrapped the soiled tissue in another. "What about you, Mom?"

"Pass them here." In a moment I'd given myself a quick wipe, then tossed the tissues to the floor beside the bed. "Come lie beside me, hold me," I said, moving aside slightly to give him room. He came forward, and moments later I was snuggled in his arms. He kissed my ear.

"You are definitely SuperSexySarah, you know?"

"Thanks, baby. I guess that makes you Super-stud then."

He laughed. "Maybe," he said, then gave a gasp. "Oh, shit!

"What's up, honey?" I asked, alarmed.

"I forgot," he said, his tone bitter, "I forgot to ask if we needed to use protection. I forgot to ask if you were on the pill, or using a diaphragm. Oh, fucking stupid, selfish bastard that I am!"

I laughed. "It's okay, honey."

He stared at me. "It's not okay! I put you at risk without checking."

"It is okay, honest."

"How is it okay?"

"Because we don't need it. No, wait, listen. No, I'm not on the pill, and no, I'm not using a diaphragm. And the reason is because I don't need to. Wait! I'm getting there! I don't need to because when you were about five or six, your dad and I went to see the doctor, to try to find out why I wasn't getting pregnant again, because we wanted a brother or sister for you, but we found out I had developed an ovarian cyst and had to have my ovaries removed. I've never told you before because, well, before today you didn't need to know. So relax, sweetheart, all is well."

He settled again, drawing me close. "I'm so sorry, Mom. You've always been a wonderful mother, I guess another baby or two would have been loved just as much as you love me."

I laughed. "Just not as intimately!"

His chuckle was a tickle against my neck. "I guess not."

"Mind you, son, I want your promise. Before you touch your Aunt Carol or Tina, you check with them first."

"I promise, Mom. One scare like that is enough." He paused. "But I can look forward to fucking them both?"

"You can, son, you most certainly can, and I tell you three times, they're both looking forward to it. A lot."

He nodded, smiling, then bent to kiss me again. "They're for another day, SexySarah. Today, tonight, is for us." He drew me close, hugging me, kissing me again. He smiled into my eyes.

"We'll rest a while, Mom, then it's round two, and this time, it's what you want, okay?"

"Okay, son, but I have the feeling we're both going to want the same thing, your hard cock in my wet pussy!"

He nodded, grinning. "Amen to that, SexySarah!"

We lay back, cuddling, caressing, exchanging the occasional kiss. I mused over the day so far. Yes, as good as I hoped, even better, in fact, and much, much, better than I had feared. Today, tomorrow, were for us, but I knew that Carol and Tina would be hoping for some early action. I laughed to myself. They could wait a little while longer. For the moment, Ben was mine!

* * * * *

And that's the end of Part 1. There will be further parts, I promise, although I can't say when. Feedback is very welcome.

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wwaldripwwaldrip9 months ago

Loved the story and the characters, loved the sex descriptions too

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago
The sister telling her

That she is fucking her own son put me off this. Kinda ruined it for me, if I'm honest.

That's because I know now that this going to end up as yet another dreary swapping session, turning into a free for all like so many other stories. Sharing isn't hot or sexy, it's meh. It diminishes the mother son bond. What they have isn't special, if any swinging dick can have in on the action. It means that the mother and son don't share a special bond, it just means they are available in that moment, and anyone else that's available can get some too.

Thanks for the offering, but I'm reading no further.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Vey nice story but I think there was to much story and not enough sex maybe if you write more of this you can add more sex will have to wait and see!! Still gave it 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The build up was killing me. Great story. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


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