MILFs: Dear, You're Buzzing


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"Although he continued to talk about mundane things, Bob was definitely aware that something very unusual was going on. His face was a mixture of bafflement and charm. He looked at me quizzically, then glanced quickly at my squirming body, then scanned the room to see if anyone was watching. I gazed at him through half lidded eyes, my body rocking and my breath coming in ragged gasps.

"I reached for the neck of my dress and unbuttoned a button, and then a second. The vibrator picked up a notch. Fanning myself with one side of the opening in the front of my dress, I panted, 'Do you think it's hot in here?' I lifted the nearer knee onto the couch, spreading my legs so that Bob would have a clear look at my inner thighs.

"Bob reddened, and glanced down into the open cleavage I was offering to his gaze, not once, but twice. 'Not really,' he said, 'but you look a bit overheated. Are you all right, Cathy? Is everything OK?'

"'Oh, yes!' I answered with a gulp, sounding more eager than I'd intended as the vibrator shifted into high gear. 'I just need to... I just need to sit a bit... a bit longer. Oh! Is that OK? I mean, OH!, is that OK with you? Ohh. Oh my!'

"The vibrator was by now so intense that I was sure Bob would hear me buzzing, like an angry bee. My body craved to be touched. I had to be touched. Frantically, desperately, I thought, 'What can I do?' as I panted and climbed, higher...,

"...and higher...,

"...and higher...,

"...until at last the feelings crested and broke as I jumped toward Bob, grabbing his arm and crushing my breasts into his biceps. I rocked my hips and rubbed the sensitive nipples of my breasts into his arm. At the same time, I clenched my teeth and buried myself in Bob's shoulder and cried, 'Oh, shiiittt!' as three separate waves of powerful orgasms exploded inside me. I crushed poor Bob like a tourniquet, squirming against his side while he looked confusedly into the room.

"With an act of will, I pushed Bob away almost violently and frantically waved my hands in the air up and down in a motion indicating 'slow down. Slow Down!' but when the buzzing didn't relent, I croaked, 'stop,' then yelled out loud, 'Stop! STOP!!' The buzzing abruptly stopped.

"Another thing also stopped: all conversation in the room. Every eye was on me. There was no sound except for Steely Dan on the stereo. For a long moment I glanced around the room, red-faced, then said to the room, 'Steely Dan. I can't stand Steely Dan. Could we play something else?'

"Someone hurriedly changed the music; then I thought I owed Bob some explanation. I told him that I sometimes suffered petit mal seizures (which was really a load of crap). It was something like Tourette syndrome, I told him. I would sometimes blurt out a phrase or convulse briefly, and then I'd be OK. It very rarely happened and I was sorry he had to witness it. I asked, 'What did I say?'

"Bob blinked and swallowed. Then he glanced down at my still open cleavage. 'You just weren't yourself,' he blurted uncomfortably. 'Just for a moment. It was like what you said. Just for a moment.' He reddened. 'Well, I have to go. Say Hi to Frank for me,' and then he was off out the front door like a startled hare.

"For a moment, I considered going to the bathroom and taking this contraption off. But what would I do then? I didn't have a purse big enough to put it in – would I just wander around carrying these strange-looking electronic dildo-ised panties in front of everybody? Even assuming that I was willing to throw it away (and I don't even want to tell you what it cost in the first place), would I just put it in the bathroom trash for people to find and ponder over? Why didn't I just take out the batteries? I swear it never occurred to me.

"No. I should find Frank. I stood up and wobbled from room to room. No Frank. Was he playing hide and seek with me? And to make matters worse, the vibrator had started up again. Both the inner and outer parts were set on a low hum. This caused me to walk a bit haltingly, bowlegged, and made it very difficult to concentrate. Every once in a while I would pause, leaning against a door frame or a piece of furniture, willing myself to continue looking. I felt myself wanting to be ravaged, not really caring who did it. I found the host and asked where Frank was.

"'He's out in the front yard. He and some of the guys are looking at Billy Boy's new pickup.'

"That hit me like a slap on the back of the head. Was he so disinterested in this game that he was just absent-mindedly turning the device on and off to appease me, without even taking the time to see the effects? Wait a minute...

"How did I know that he had even received the package? I hadn't given it to him myself. Nothing we'd said at the party mentioned it, in fact, I think it's strange that Frank wouldn't have mentioned it to me. But if he didn't have the controls, why was this thing going off? Most of these people were from Frank's office. What if one of them had intercepted the package? With the instructions I gave, all they would have to do is buzz it once or twice, and when I held up my hand, they'd know who the lady sex toy was.

"You know I'm as faithful to Frank as a person could be, but you have to put yourself in my frame of mind. I had been going around all night being stimulated over and over. I had almost come in the kitchen in front of a group of people, and then I had come over and over in the living room next to this gorgeous man. Here I was wandering around in public while the most intimate parts of my body were subject to the whims of a total stranger. What had been mere mechanical stimulation of my body finally wrapped itself around the biggest erotic organ of them all – my brain. I could have gone running to Frank demanding that he take me home, but instead, I got the perverse idea that I had to know who was wielding the controls. I decided to try to catch him and if I had another good orgasm or two in the process, it wouldn't really be my fault.

"I started something like a game of hot and cold. First, I wandered from room to room and noticed that the intensity of the device changed as I went around corners. When I ducked into a hall and ran down the hall, the intensity of the signal diminished rapidly and then when I turned to retrace my steps it grew stronger. So the transmitter had a limited range!

"I returned to the living room, where the signal appeared to be the strongest. I looked at the men in the room – there were eight or ten – and although several of them looked back none of them tipped their hand. Leaning in the doorway I struck a sexy pose. I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head in a sexy way, then ran my hand up and down my side while thrusting my hip out. I placed my hand next to my hip, and with my palm facing the ceiling I curled my fingers upward in a gesture that indicated 'turn it up a little.' I was rewarded with a small but noticeable increase in buzzing. Glancing around, I took note of the four or five men whose hands were not both visible.

"Then I stepped back into the kitchen, turned my head to look back into the living room, and just as I disappeared around the corner I winked and crooked my finger in the 'follow me' sign. The vibrator went 'bzz bzz' in acknowledgement, then increased noticeably in intensity.

"My heart was pounding in my chest. What were the bounds of faithfulness? What was I going to do when I confronted my anonymous lover? Slap him? Scream? Submit? Thank him for a good time? I decided I would chew him out, threaten to tell my husband, and demand that he return the controls to me. I went to the far end of the kitchen and leaned against the counter, facing the door I had come in. Nearby was a door leading to a hallway, with a powder room halfway down the hall. I stood and watched the far kitchen doorway, knowing that my tormenter would pass through that doorway at any moment.

"Unfortunately, it was not obvious who my target was. Several men came and went without making eye contact with me at all. I poured a glass of wine and decided to wait him out. The source of stimulation had changed from outside to inside as I waited, and had been growing in intensity again, and with it, I began to lose my tenuous grasp of reason.

"The throbbing deep inside became like a living thing. As it pulsated, my knees grew weak. I felt myself swaying in time to the throbbing. I began to crave release. My breathing grew deep, my face flushed, and my eyes grew half-lidded. My God! This guy was really learning how to use this thing! Like water on stone, it only took time and relentless pressure to push me over the edge past all reason, my resolve crumbling under this unceasing attack.

"I had not accounted for how thoroughly I could be controlled and used by this device in the hands of a patient man who knew how to use it. Far from planning revenge or a settling of accounts, I wanted this man to dominate me completely, to give up to him a powerful orgasm all his own. I slid weakly against the wall toward the door leading to the hall. I ran a hand across my breast, over my sweating face and through my hair and then extended my arm and once again made the 'follow me' gesture with my finger to no one in particular. Then I staggered down the hall and stepped into the powder room, closing the door. As I closed the door, the stimulator intensity reduced to a steady hum that kept me safely away from the threshold of orgasm while keeping me perpetually turned on.

"Inside the powder room I leaned against the sink. I stood listening to my own breathing and the very gentle hum of the clitoral stimulator. What a small sound for such a large effect, I thought to myself. At least, in the privacy of the powder room, I could satisfy my craving for touch. I rubbed my breasts roughly, pinching the nipples, and ran my hands up and down my sides, over my stomach, and over my ass, tossing my head backward, breathing like a horse.

"I had almost forgotten about the events of the evening and fancied myself safe and alone when a noise made my heart almost stop. There were three gentle raps on the door. I held my breath. Again, the three gentle raps. With my heart in my throat, I croaked, 'Yes?'

"My clitoral vibrator answered the question. 'Bzz bzz.'

"I could hear the blood coursing in my ears as I saw the doorknob slowly turn and swing inward. From the dimly-lit hallway the outline of a man materialized and stepped into the powder room with me. I had never seen him before. He was young, about in his mid-twenties, tall and thin with dark hair and deep, liquid Slavic eyes. He regarded me for a moment, and then held the control where we could both see it. He had a gentle voice with an accent that matched his features.

"'You like this, yes?' and he boosted the internal vibrator slightly. I was speechless, and glad that I had the sink to lean against. 'I have been enjoying this..., this plaything of yours this evening. You are a beautiful woman. So much sex. So sexy.' He turned the vibrator up. I gasped.

"'You will no doubt want this back. I will tell you. I plan to give it to you.' I could hardly concentrate on his words as the throbbing once again took control of me. Here I was standing, leaning against the sink in a little powder room, my ass against the sink, leaning backward in abandon, with the effect that my needy pussy was pushed forward toward this strange man. 'Do you want me to fuck you?' he asked.

"I vigorously shook my head no. No way that was going to happen. He smiled lopsidedly, not surprised. 'You are a good woman. Yet you crave release. Do you want me to give you release?' I couldn't speak. Below the waist my buzzing body was unanimous. With the last spirit of defiance I possessed, I pursed my lips and glared at him. He responded by lowering the controls. As the buzzing decreased, my body screamed at me, 'NOOOO!!! You can't let it stop now!!!' My eyes widened in horror, mouth open, and I knew I had no choice. I gritted my teeth and looked down. As if to cement my decision, he began mercilessly to increase the vibrations again, ever so slightly, as if to remind me of the exquisite control he possessed. My mind no longer belonged to my body, and I writhed in front of him.

"I couldn't speak for several seconds, my mind and body in conflict. Slowly, guiltily I shook my head yes. Inside a part of my brain was screaming at me, 'Damn it, Cath! Get off now! Light this rocket! I CAN'T STAND TO WAIT ANY LONGER!!!'

"He went on. 'You want me to give you these controls, which, I must add, came to me rightfully by an honest mistake. You want me to give you release. But you must also give something to me. You must show me some of your charms. You must take your dress down and show me your charms. You must show me those beautiful breasts of yours.'

"I took a deep breath. I tried to think, but the screaming in my head said, 'Let me cum you bitch! Turn me loose! Get me off! Do it! Do it right fucking now! Offer yourself to him!' Looking into his eyes, I slowly, seductively unbuttoned the front of my dress and shrugged the straps of the dress off my shoulders so that I stood facing him in a very pretty little lacy bra. His eyes dropped to my cleavage. I lifted and squeezed my breasts for him. Then I turned to face away from him, giving him access to the clasp on the back of my bra.

"His hand caressed my neck, followed the contours of my back and landed with his palm on my ass, which he squeezed. Then, he stepped forward where I could feel his erection pressing into my buttock as he released the clasp on my bra with two hands. As I turned to face him he turned the clitoral stimulator slightly higher. I shuddered.

"Holding the two cups of my bra against my breasts with my hands I shrugged the shoulder straps down. Then I stepped forward so that I stood mere inches from him and lowered the bra so that my breasts stood naked in front of him. I cupped one breast in my hand and held it forward toward him in silent offering. Holding my gaze, he slowly leaned his head down and licked my nipple, sending a chill that raced past my stomach to my groin to join the powerful sensations churning there.

"I'm ashamed to say that I never gave a thought to Frank as this attractive stranger surrounded my nipple with his mouth and then closed it over the nipple. As he did this I grasped his head and crushed it into my breast as a great wave of passion swept over me. He began to suck powerfully as his other hand took my free breast and pinched and twisted the nipple. I felt my naked breasts bouncing and yielding unrestrained under the control of this man and my mind once again remembered Frank. The memory of all the stimulation and getting off tonight and the craving for sweet release flooded into my mind. At the same time, I realized what a nasty, sexy thing I was doing, letting a stranger maul my naked tits that I myself offered to him freely, my pussy about to explode, in a powder room with my husband somewhere outside. I was enjoying it! These thoughts were all the stimulation I needed to drive me over the cliff. I was beyond screaming. I had a crushing series of whole body orgasms that would have caused me to collapse if the stranger had not forcefully held me upright against the sink.

"People talk about getting off in their vaginas, and how that's different and more intense than getting off with their clitorises. I've had it both ways and I can tell you that getting off in this way, because of nipple stimulation is the deepest, most powerful and most memorable orgasm of my life.

"I never learned his name, but this persecutor was an honest, if not entirely honorable man. Wordlessly, he returned the controls to me, winked once, and stepped silently out the door of the powder room leaving me alone to compose myself. I was completely spent; otherwise I know I would have slapped him with all my strength. I never saw him again and I never found out how the control got delivered to him instead of my husband; I didn't want to ask."

The coffee ladies all spoke at once. "Did you tell Frank? How did this guy get the controls? What did Frank say?"

I told them that of course I didn't tell Frank. I went through a long period of feeling terribly guilty for what I thought of as my betrayal of Frank, and of my body's betrayal of me. In the end I decided that it was better for me to carry the secret than for Frank to suffer for no good reason. I hadn't really been unfaithful in a certain sense; the incident had elements of rape as much as it did of unfaithfulness and nothing like this was ever going to happen again. I took comfort in the fact that I had the strength not to go all the way. Although I still think it was a fun idea, I never want to use the device again. The association would just be too strange for me.

I knew what the next question would be, but I was surprised by who asked it. Tentatively, Martha caught my eye with a curious look. "So this device... I assume you still have it? Did you ever think of selling it?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" I replied with a grin.

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FluidswallowerFluidswallower10 months ago

A ccute, fun, sexy tale. It turned me on, a lot! Thanks.

Feoalex81Feoalex81over 2 years ago

If u feel guilty then you cheated, another slut story writing by a slut

gpetagpetaabout 4 years ago

hope she will use it again

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
No guilt

Why would a whore feel guilty? She's true to her nature.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
What an idiotic slut crap!!! MINUS 5*!!!

I asked you before, is that the way you see the wives at your life??? Slut, cheap sluts who betray their husbands and dont have the courage to stand for their betrayal?? If thats your opinin then you are a poor Gosh!!!

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