Millie's Mayhem Ch. 02


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"I know you could have, but well I'm the one with the contact list at the moment." He said brushing off her concerns as he stepped nearer. His hands took a hold of her hips once more as he pulled her against him. "Let's just say you can pay me back... somehow..." He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.

Millie knew exactly what he meant when he said 'somehow' and feminist in her knew she should feel offended by the inference... but she just couldn't. Millie honestly didn't mind a little bit of sexist chauvinism in her men. Not too much, but a little was always good!

Millie couldn't help herself, she giggled. "Well of course I will pay you back. Depending on how much the tow job costs of course, do you think we could work out a payment plan? Because I'm kinda between jobs just at the moment..."

"I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement." Drew answered huskily as his hands slid down and around to her ass.

Millie smiled bashfully her eyes fluttering prettily as she felt his hands knead her buns together. "I was hoping you'd be agreeable."

"Oh I'm agreeable all right." Drew responded, leaning in, "Very agreeable."

Millie laughed as she let her hands trail up along his arms. Her fingers curled behind his neck as he brought his mouth closer to hers. They shared their breath for a moment before their lips met and Millie's eyelids drooped languidly as a thrill shot through her body. The warmth and texture of his lips, his tongue, the taste of his mouth, the smell of his skin, it was all so very intoxicating and Millie felt herself falling into lust with this man.

Millie was enjoying the kiss a great deal, moaning against his lips, pushing harder against his mouth as their passion began to intensify. Her heart was thumping, and the thrill of another sizzling tryst began shivering across her skin when Drew broke the kiss abruptly and straightened. Millie was left feeling a bit bewildered.

He stared down at her for a long moment, just gazing at her face and Millie began to feel slightly self-conscious, until Drew smiled and dipped his head to give her a quick but firm kiss. He raised his head again. "You know, while I would love to pin you against this car and ravish you yet again, spend the entire afternoon eating you up from head to toe out here in the sunshine, I think it's time we took this party someplace else." He announced before grinning at her slyly.

Millie gave a cry of alarm as Drew swooped low and swept her feet from beneath her. She fell back into his arms as he effortlessly hefted her against his chest. "You're chariot awaits my dear." He stated gallantly as he strode towards his car.

Millie laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck; then gasped. "My stuff!" Millie cried twisting her head to look back, remembering all of her personal belongings were still in her car, along with her handbag. She couldn't leave those behind.

"Don't worry. I'll grab it in a moment." Drew reassured her.

"Thank you." Millie said gratefully.

"You are most welcome." Drew replied grandly, sticking to his 'rescue' theme. Millie laughed again. Drew stopped beside the passenger door of his black BMW M series 2 and leant down a fraction. "Be a peach and pull the handle."

Millie complied with a smile. As the door swung open the rich aroma of new leather, new car and old spice wafted out to assault her senses. It made Millie shiver. Was this really happening to her? A knight in shining armour, come to rescue her, on his valiant steed? Or in her case, said knight in tailored Armani, come to rescue her in his shining black Beemer, a steed of a different sort no doubt? She felt like she should pinch herself and make sure she wasn't dreaming. However, the dull ache in her ankle was sufficient to reminder her that this was indeed happening.

She glanced up at Drew as he bent to set her down on the plush leather seat. He saw her looking and flashed her that million dollar smile. Millie felt her stomach tremble with nervous energy. Never, ever had she had a reaction like this to someone she'd only just met. Oh, she'd had the flutter of attraction unsettle her stomach on more than one occasion, but usually once she'd slept with the guy, well, it disappeared and she lost interest, hence why she was single and overly promiscuous. She'd never met anyone that could hold her attention for more than a few moments.

This man however, seemed different. She didn't know what it was, she just couldn't put her finger on it, but God he made her insides quake! Millie watched him as he walked back to her small car, admiring the easy stride, the effortless grace he possessed as he moved; appreciating the fact that he had a great ass too! He grabbed her stuff and locked her car, hiding the key in the wheel arch of the rear tyres.

He returned and put her things in the boot before sliding into the driver's seat beside her. He twisted a little as he retrieved his driving gloves. Millie felt that unreasonable touch of dread as he pulled them on and then chided herself. She'd just fucked this guys brain's out and she was worried about a pair of gloves? Millie really needed to get her priorities straight.

Drew donned his sunglasses and looked over at her with a smile. "Ready?"

"Yes kind Sir." Millie replied prettily, playing along with his gallantry. Drew smiled broadly at her and chuckled.

Millie leant back against her seat as he leant towards her. He reached across her body and pulled on the seatbelt, clicking it into place. He looked up at her and gave her another smile; his face so close to hers. "Safety first, milady." He said before nudging his head forward and giving her a quick kiss.

"Thanks." Millie said breathlessly as Drew started the car and pulled around on the road, heading back to the highway turnoff.

They sat in relative silence for the first twenty minutes of the drive, Millie unable to stop herself from casting furtive glances at Drew's gloved hands. She obviously wasn't good at being furtive as after a short while, Drew turned to her.

"Do you have something against driving gloves?" He asked his voice congenial.

"Ah, no." Millie denied immediately, but then thought better of it and answered him honestly. "It's just that, well, why do you even need to wear them?"

Drew held a hand up as he watched the road. "Why Millicent, do you not think they make me look dashing and debonair?" He joked, flapping his wrist loosely like a fop.

Millie didn't think to check the derisive snort that she let out at Drew's joke. Then realising how rude that must have sounded, she quickly apologised. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that. Of course, they suit you, but what's the point of them?"

Drew laughed. "Well darlin'..." He began in an affected drawl. "As far as I know there are really only two reasons to wear driving gloves. The first is that they afford the wearer a better grip on the steering wheel..." He reached over and touched her knee, sliding his fingers gently up her thigh to the hitched hem of her skirt and then back down again. "The leather is soft and supple and feels rather nice against the skin too." His voice was low and insinuating; hot! It made Millie's spine tingle and her nipples pulled tight. He withdrew his hand and replaced it on the wheel as a faint smirk touched his lips. "Secondly, and most importantly I think, you wear driving gloves to protect the leather on the steering wheel."

Millie swallowed, her blood heating from his quick caress. She hoped she sounded normal when she spoke. "Protect it from what?"

"Well from your hands." Drew replied like that should have been blatantly obvious to her. "Think about all the things you do throughout the day. Everything you pick up, everything you touch, all the grit and grime you accumulate on your hands in one day. Then think about how many times you actually wash your hands. Add to that the natural oils your skin produces, and then you go and grab a hold of your pricey leather steering wheel? Leather, absorbs a lot of grime over time. So if you want to save the leather upholstery on your steering wheel, you wear gloves, otherwise you end up with sticky, discoloured mess."

"Oh." Millie said feeling a little foolish. Now explained, it made perfect sense. "That seems... logical."

"I think so." Drew replied glancing at her briefly before turning his attention back to the road. "Also, they're great for not leaving fingerprints!"

Millie's head snapped around and she stared at him wide eyed. When she saw he was fighting back laughter, she got that he was joking again. "Oh ha ha very funny." Millie grumbled. Drew laughed.

There was another silent stretch of road and Millie relaxed back into her seat comfortably as she stared out of her window. Traffic was beginning to pick up slightly as they slowly neared the city. As was usually the case the drive back into the city seemed to take less time. Or perhaps it was simply because she was still in Drew's company that time seemed to rush past. As Millie contemplated this she realised she was actually dreading the moment she had to say good bye to him.

She'd known him less than an hour before she'd spread her legs and boned him like a pro and here she was another hour later, dreading the thought of parting from his company. What was up with her today?

"A penny for your thoughts?" Drew's low voice broke into her reverie.

Millie looked over at him and gave him a half smile as she thought of something mundane to tell him. It certainly wouldn't do to fill him in on what she was really thinking about. "Oh you know, just thinking about... stuff. My car and... Things." She said. Bringing up her car triggered a thought and she fixed Drew with a stare. "I hope you realise that I am going to pay you back for that. It's not like my car has broken down or anything. I just ran out of gas. So it shouldn't cost all that much."

"Oh I intend to make you pay, Millicent. Again and again, and then hopefully again." Drew insinuated softly, as he stared resolutely ahead.

Millie felt an excited chill run down her spine and she squeezed her thighs together. She smiled as she twisted and leant towards her sexy rescuer. "Promise?" She breathed cheekily.

Drew couldn't help the smile that quirked at the corners of his mouth. "I promise."

"Now?" Millie suggested reaching forward to lay a hand on his thigh. Her fingertips kneaded his thigh gently, inching their way closer to his groin.

Drew shifted in his seat, squirming a little as his cock responding to her touch, though his tone was dubious as he spoke. "Millicent I..."

Millie cut him off before he could say no. "Think of it as my first down payment." She told him quickly with a smile and an arched brow, as she used the back of her knuckles to gently stroke along his quickly burgeoning member.

"Millicent I'm driving..." He tried again and once more Millie cut him off.

"I know. And it's Millie."

"Pardon?" Drew asked confused. Millie's hand in his lap must have been distracting.

Millie rolled her wrist and cupped her fingers around Drew's thick shaft through his pants giving it a quick squeeze. "I prefer to be called Millie." She told him her fingers already working at the button and zip. She wasn't going to be denied.

Millie licked her lips as she pulled open the front of Drew's pants and slid her hand inside. Cupping his thickening cock she squeezed it hard through his briefs, extracting a deep groan from him. When Drew didn't try to stop her, she smiled. She knew she'd get her way.

She watched his jaw clench. "Millie!" He half growled from between his teeth.

"Yes Drew?" She replied innocently as she slipped her fingers into the waist band of his briefs, stroking the backs of her fingers against the smooth, sensitive skin of his lower abdomen, while the pads of her fingers thrummed past the head of his quickly swelling cock. Millie watched his jaw muscles working overtime as another low groan sounded.

"Oh God!" Drew breathed.

"Is that a yes?" Millie queried as she pushed her hand lower and wrapped her fingers around his throbbing length. Pushing down, stroking his thick cock through her loose grip as she sidled closer to him.

"Yes." Drew replied breathlessly.

Millie smiled as she leant in and kissed along his jaw to his ear. She sucked his lobe into her warm mouth and let her tongue lick the underside as she pulled back. Drew gave a quick shudder. "Lift up a little." Millie whispered in his ear.

Drew raised his hips so Millie could push his trousers and briefs down just enough to free the majority of his fat cock. He managed to keep the car surprisingly straight considering his manoeuvring and settled back into his seat as Millie wrapped her small hand around the entirety of his thick shaft and begin pumping slowly. Drew groaned hard and Millie smiled against his ear.

She began working her hand in slow, firm pumps, stroking it up and down his length, squeezing at the bulbous head and rubbing her thumb across the tip every now and then. His hard cock throbbed in her grasp. Millie could feel the quick pulse of blood that ran through the veins on his engorged member. Millie kept up the teasing, rubbing her thumb across the tip over and over again, teasing the slit gently until she could feel the slow ooze of pre-cum slick beneath her fingertips. She smeared it over the head.

"Mmm," Millie moaned in Drew's ear eliciting a shiver from him. "Someone's ready."

She shifted back a little, using one hand to flick her hair out of the way before she dropped her head into Drew's lap. She let her warm breath flow over the head of his throbbing shaft teasing him, wanting the anticipation to grow.

She let her mouth engulfed him and she heard him groan in pleasure at the wet heat of her mouth as it slid along his length nearly right to the root. Millie moaned as she pushed down further, taking his fat cock all the way into the back of her throat.

Millie would have smiled if she could have when she heard Drew's gasp quickly followed by a deep groan of appreciation. It was one of the things most guys said they loved about her. Millie had minimal gag reflex. What she did have she could control quite well, and she was going to make the most of it now with Drew. Millie swallowed, making her throat muscles constrict and roll over the head of Drew's thick shaft.

"Holy shit!" Drew hissed over her heard. Millie began to bob her head up and down in his lap, deep throating his pole on every stroke, slurping and sucking, enjoying the feel and taste of Drew's rather large cock. There was a faint taste of her own pussy still on his shaft and it made Millie suck him harder. Millie knew she gave great head and she was pulling out all the stops on this one! Low groans and moans came from her as she slurped and sucked his engorged member and she knew it wasn't going to take him long before he came.

Millie used her hand to stroke his cock as she swirled her tongue around the sensitive head, teasing at the flare and slit, sucking the sweet pre-cum up and savouring the taste. He was quite thick and already her jaw was beginning to ache as she worked on him, her jaw overly stretched to accommodate his girth. But she kept going; it made her tingle all over to know she was giving him pleasure, she could feel her nipples, tight and aching inside her bra and it was a feeling she relished. Millie really did enjoy sucking cock. And Drew's was no exception!

She bobbed up and down, her hand stroking along in time with her hot mouth, her full plump lips sliding wetly over his length as she pulled back and kissed his tip lovingly. She let her fingers delve deeper and gently kneaded at Drew's balls. She stroked them and let her fingernails lightly graze over them. She felt his sac twitch as it began to pull tight. Millie knew what that meant.

Quickly she dropped her head forward and took Drew back into her throat. She swallowed again, tightening her throat over his cock head once more and she heard him swear again in response. He was getting close.

Millie worked harder. She wanted him to cum in her mouth. She dropped her head down over and over again, forcing the head of his cock into her throat each time, until he had no option but to empty himself into her mouth. She moaned loudly, egging him on, hoping the vibrations would push his over the edge. She was so eager to taste his hot goo she pumped her hand up and down in time with her mouth. Faster and faster Millie bobbed until she felt Drew's gloved hand drop onto the back of her head.

"Oh Fuck!" He grunted hard as his hips jerked up into her face. Millie simply opened her throat and let him push in as far as he could. "OH Fuck!!" He cried out as his hand pushed down harder on Millie's head and he thrust his cock deeper into her mouth as he exploded!

Millie felt the car swerve a little as she greedily gulped down Drew's thick gooey seed, her throat, tongue and mouth milking him as he drove along. She could feel his thigh muscles twitching wildly as she sucked and sucked, drinking down his hot cum.

After a moment, she felt his hand let go of her head and his hips dropped back down into his seat. She suckled the entire length of his cock as she drew her head up and off of his shaft, using her tongue to gently clean his thick member, slurping and moaning lightly as he began to go soft. When she was satisfied that he was clean she slowly rose.

Sitting back she looked up at Drew, licking her lips. "Good?" She asked as she stroked a finger lightly up and down his softening member.

Drew gave a shudder as the tension left him and let out the held breath he had trapped in his chest. "Very." Drew said with feeling as he looked at her.

Millie smiled in return and patted his cock before pulling his briefs up and helping to fix his pants. She sat back in her seat and let her head fall back against the rest, very pleased with herself. She watched him as he drove; she had enjoyed that a great deal!

Millie sighed inwardly, she really was dreading the moment when she had to say good bye to this guy. He was so attractive! And not in the sense of being good looking, although he was that too. There was something about him that drew Millie to him like a moth to a flame; a tied old cliché but true nonetheless.

She watched him from her side of the car as they drove in silence once again, and then shook her head slightly in disbelief. She couldn't quite believe that Drew was Angela's brother. They seemed nothing alike. For one, Drew was actually nice. Millie's experience with Angela to date had left her with a less than friendly opinion of the woman. Hell, Millie's opinion of the woman was decidedly 'R' rated and not for general exhibition as it contained coarse language and gratuitous violence. Under the right circumstances, Millie thought, it could also be 'X' rated as Millie wished she'd had the balls to tell Angela to go fuck herself.

"You know you're going it again." Drew said not looking at her, his breathing still a little laboured.

"Hmm, sorry what?" Millie asked shaking her head slightly, as Drew's voice brought her back.

"You're staring. And thinking. I can almost hear the gears turning."

"Sorry, away with the fairies." Millie apologised.

"What were you thinking about?" Drew queried. "And before you say 'Oh nothing important', it must have been interesting going by the little frown on your face and the 'huff' you gave."

Millie's eyes flicked fractionally wider. "I didn't, did I?"

"You certainly did." Drew laughed. "A little 'pissed off' sound from your nose."

"Sorry." Millie said again as her face flushed pink. "But you don't really want to know what I was thinking."

"Oh?" Drew's voice sounded intrigued as he turned his face to her. His brow was quirked high behind his sunglasses. "Nothing bad I hope?"