Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 04


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Joining his grandmother in the kitchen, he noticed that she hadn't changed. There was no dressing down with his grandmother. She would dress up to do nothing. She always liked to look her best, so she didn't mind cooking in the same outfit she went to church in, a slim pair of black pants and a green pullover top, which acted more like a thin sweater. She had pulled on a red apron as she had begun food prep.

"So... what are we making?" he asked, putting on a smile and rubbing his hands together.

"Well, I've already got a few things going," she said, showing him a few pots on the stove. "And I had your uncle put in the turkey while we were gone," she said, opening up the oven, revealing the huge turkey baking in there. "So, I'm gonna have you put to work on the baking. The cookies and the pie and the other treats. But we're not quite there, so until then, you're just gonna be my slave, and do whatever little task I ask..." she said with a naughty smile.

"Ooohhh..." he said, grinning, amused by this. "With the way the guys were flocking to you at the church, I bet I'm not the first." Polly laughed at this.

"See, I know what I'm doing then..." she stated. "So, you'd better be careful." She warned, before giggling again, miming a whip-like motion towards her 'slave'.

As they got going, with her having him stir some pots on the stove and having him cut some veggies, little menial tasks, Polly wondered why she was being so bold today. While she always loved joking with Connor, and teasingly flirting with him, things were getting a little more adult than usual this morning. There was a strange energy in the air between them that was never there before, a hint of Christmas magic that brought people together during this time of year. Maybe it was because he was an adult now, freshly 18. Maybe it was because he was more mature and ready for more grown up conversations, as he was a very, uh... 'experienced'... young man. Maybe it was just nice to finally have someone around that was so quick that she could go back and forth with. Or maybe it was that he was just so darn cute. But for some reason, things felt more... real... in a way they never had before. She knew she should probably cut this kinda behavior off now... but... why stop the fun so soon? Flirting with Connor was exciting. Why not keep playing around? Who did it hurt? She knew what lines not to cross, of course. She wasn't stupid. So... why not just have some more fun, even if it approached that line a little bit more?

"Okay..." she announced, setting down a pile of ingredients on the counter next to him, as well as a big mixing bowl. Grabbing a recipe card, she handed it to him. "So, follow this card, and use this bowl to mix it all together."

"Don't you have a mixer?" he asked.

"Yes, that's gonna be in use, so I'll need you to use all this teenage strength to do a good mixing job," she said, letting her fingers fall to his exposed bicep, squeezing it lightly.

"Whoa..." he said, surprised but not bothered. "Watch your wandering hands, old lady," he joked. "Could get you into trouble." She was undeterred, holding his gaze as she gave his strong arm muscle another firm squeeze. Finally, she let her hand slide off his arm before walking away, but not before slapping his ass firmly. "Oh!" he called out in surprise as she looked back at him with a smirk.

Once she turned away from him, she shook her head. What was she doing? She was exhaling to cool herself down, because she was enjoying the tease. And despite the situation and the parties involved, she found herself getting very much turned on. She knew it was wrong, but again... it was fun. Polly might be getting carried away, but Connor was a gameplayer just like she was. That being said, she knew she had to cool off, so she deftly and unconsciously undid a button in her top, exposing a bit more of her succulent, perfectly aged cleavage.

In order to cool off, of course.

Connor certainly wasn't offended by his grandmother's teasing of him. It was all in good fun. With having so many girls swooning over him, it was fun to actually have someone be so aggressive, even it was kind-of joking. Even if it was his own grandmother. And besides... he gave as good as he got, and he was ready to return the favor.

"Hey... check it out," he called out. Polly turned to face him and watched as he deftly, with one hand, cracked an egg and held both sides between his fingers as he emptied it in to the mixing bowl, without letting any shell fall in, before spinning one end of the shell in his palm so the two ends were nested together. "I'm good with my fingers," he teased, tossing the shells in the sink.

"Mmm... I always suspected that..." she replied, leaning back against the counter, making him laugh. "But one trick isn't enough. Nothing makes a girl melt quite like a guy who can handle himself in the kitchen."

"Oh..." he replied, nodding. "So this does it for you then?" he asked, sticking his tongue out and adopting a dull look on his face as he stirred at the bowl wildly, sending flour flying all over.

"Haha... surprisingly yes, even with you looking like that," she replied. "I could make it work." He smiled again at this.

"Well, it's good to hear you have low standards," he replied, ending his stirring and adding more things to the bowl.

"You'd be surprised at how low my standards have gone..." she replied, smiling, making him laugh. "I could even settle for some dumb 18-year-old who barely knows what he's doing." He smirked at this.

"You'd be surprised at the things I know..." he replied.

"I bet..." she replied, that comment hanging in the air between them for a moment as they stared right at each other. Finally, Polly ended the silence.

"Okay..." she called out. "No more fun. Back to work," she said, refocusing on cooking.

Connor didn't know why he was doing this either. He and his grandma had always made joking comments to each other, but this felt different. Maybe it something in the air, or maybe it was the cum bubbling in his balls, but he was feeling emboldened in a way he rarely had before. And it had had its affect, as his straining erection had only gotten harder at this gentle teasing between them.

"It's probably for the best we focus," Connor said sarcastically. "Like you know, I have a girlfriend. I have to behave."

"Hey, I'm just trying to help you out. Like I said, your little girlfriend will love seeing you being able to cook and bake for her. If you can keep up with me in here today, it will pay off very well for you long term. Trust me." Polly stated, calling out behind her as she worked at the stove.

"I bet that... oh, wait... where's the vanilla?" he asked, interrupting their mutual teasing with an actual question.

"Oh, that's above here," she stated, pointing above the stove.

"Okay," the young man said, sauntering towards her. Standing near her and reaching up into the cabinet, he grabbed the container of vanilla. Turning to walk away, he surprised Polly by reaching back and slapping her ass in the same way she did with him.

"OH!" she called out, jumping, dropping the wooden spoon in her hand as his big palm slapped against her full rear end, laughing slightly. Her body tingled from the sudden contact, and she couldn't hide the heat in her eyes when she looked back at him. "Oh, well... if you need to come back over here for anything else, feel free..." she purred, shaking her butt at him ever so slightly, all but inviting him to spank her ass whenever he wanted.

"Don't make any promises you can't keep, old lady..." he replied with a wolfish grin.

"I'm not..." she replied succinctly, smirking wickedly. Both of them refocused on their work as they each started to sense they were getting carried away.

It was amazing how far society had fallen that this type of behavior could be justified. A generation prior, a decade prior, hell... maybe even only a few years prior, the idea of flirting with someone you're related to, such as what was happening here between a grandmother and her grandson, would be a thing of shame to most. The type of intrusive thought that would be stamped out internally before ever reaching the point of action. Sure, an older woman might think her grandson was a hunk, with all those tasty young muscles and an impressively large bulge in his shorts. And yeah, a young man might think to himself that his grandmother had a pair of massive squeezable boobs and an ass that was damn near hypnotizing. But for the most part, they would never give these thoughts any purchase in their minds, letting them pass by as quickly as they appeared.

To most people, thoughts along these lines were so foreign that they would never even conceive such a thing was possible. A young man and his grandmother... flirting? It was madness! And for those who were able to conceive of such things, they would never dare speak them knowing how wicked and wrong they were. But now, right here in this kitchen, a grandmother and grandson were flirting and teasing as they sized each other up sexually. And not only that, they were doing so on the eve of the biggest holiday of the year, Christmas.

What had changed?

Was it the slow erosion of morals in society that allowed people to think they could so openly flirt with their own flesh and blood? Was it the declining numbers of church-goers in today's world? Was it the spreading influence of hardcore sex and filthy pornography over every aspect of life? All of these were possibilities. But... maybe there was another explanation.

Maybe the problem was Christmas itself.

Maybe it was Christmas that changed. Since its inception, Christmas had been a beacon of purity, of all that was good and right in the world. A time where everyone could come together for the sake of humanity, putting the best of themselves on display. The sins of the world would accumulate as the year passed, but they would be washed away by the unrelenting purity of Christmas. The holiday was one of the focus points of all that was good in the world. If the good in the world was a flowing river, Christmas was its freshwater source.

Was it possible that something changed? That maybe the reservoir had been tainted, the water no longer pure? Maybe something about Christmas had been upended, flipped on its head. The North Pole was the beating heart of Christmas, powering it, allowing it the holiday to spread cheer throughout the world. Maybe something bad had happened there, something so sinful that the world was forced to reckon with it. Without people even knowing it, maybe Christmas as they knew it had been forever changed. Instead of the beacon of Christmas shining its light across the world, maybe it was funneling something else outwards, a dark energy, slowly enveloping the world in its shadow. And maybe that shadow was spreading, slowly affecting everyone. Gradually infecting people, warping their moral compasses. And this shadow wasn't something that created an evil in people that wasn't there before. It just weakened the barriers that held back people's worst impulses, allowing them to slowly seep to the surface.

This might all seem insane but look at the evidence. People were becoming more and more jaded towards Christmas, dreading the joy and positivity that it brings. The point in the year where Christmas music being played used to be a moment of joy. Now, people dreaded it. Instead of the joy of the Christmas season, people were more concerned about all the Christmas sales, more concerned with material goods than the actual tenets of the holiday. Christmas displays were muted, a shadow of their former glory. Lights hung lazily from the edges of houses, an almost perfunctory display, lacking the spirit and joy they once represented.

Face it. Christmas had changed, and the people along with it.

Across the world, people were getting greedier. Meaner. More self-centered. If anything, Christmas was a thing that divided people now instead of bringing them together. Instead of relaxing and finding joy in the world during Christmas, some would use the holiday to pick fights, about anything from religion to Christmas coffee cups. Instead of coming together and taking joy in the diversity of the world, it fortified their differences. If Christmas didn't meet some people's specifications, then they would use the holiday as a weapon to split humanity apart. For most people these days, Christmas was only about themselves.

Maybe all this self-centeredness was not only what people put on display to the world, but behind closed doors as well. Maybe this self-centeredness translated to the bedroom. Maybe now, people were putting their own needs and sexual desires first and foremost, overriding any concerns that would prevent them from quenching their thirst. Everyone had filthy, nasty, deliciously wicked sexual fantasies. And for so long, all but the most wicked would tamp these desires down, never letting them reach the surface, fleeing from anything even resembling the impure. But it seemed that today, not only were these desires being allowed to reach the forefront, people were living them out. Indulging their filthiest cravings, willingly bathing in sin, saying and doing things they never would have before.

Maybe the sins of the world were all rooted in the paradigm shift behind the scenes of Christmas. The holiday as it used to be was long gone, the spirt and soul of the season having faded away, becoming a sad shadow of its former self. And in its remains, a new form of Christmas rose, taking its place in a bloodless coup. This paradigm shift affected the world year-round, but maybe its affect got stronger as Christmas Day approached.

So, if you wondered how a grandmother and grandson could find themselves flirting with each other on Christmas Eve, you might have your answer. Or if you considered how people like them could ignore all the warnings and keep playing with fire, this might be why. If you questioned how two intelligent people could keep playing this most dangerous game, dancing around the dark waters of incest, this might be the explanation. A colossal Christmas conspiracy that explained how jaded people had become towards Christmas, why people were meaner these days, why the world had gotten more materialistic, and why filthy, nasty and sinful sex was on the rise.

Or, maybe it was that they were both just really hot.

Maybe the explanation was as simple as that. Just look at the facts. For an 18-year-old, Connor was way more studly and attractive than most. And Polly, as a grandmother, was hotter, sexier, and had a much better body than most women half her age. Connor, with his good looks and his fit, well-muscled body, emanated a raw sense of animal sex that only comes from someone at their absolute peak. And Polly oozed with heat and lust in a way that men responded too, and her being much older only added to that. That's why men would chat her up at the church. That's why people in public would always enjoy dealing with her. And that's why it was possible that her own grandson would get turned on just by being around her and flirting with her. This was an unusual situation, not helped by the fact that his cock was throbbing and his balls were churning with pent-up cum, and that she was a shameless flirt who was almost constantly horny. These were two highly-sexed, highly attractive people in close proximity to each other.

Of course sparks would fly.

There were so many good reasons for them not be teasing each other. They were grandmother and grandson. That should be the biggest hang-up to them teasing and flirting with each other like this. Secondly, he had a girlfriend, one he liked very much. And she, as a grandmother to this big family, should not be behaving this way. They both knew better, but both were finding the game too much fun to stop playing.

Neither could fully understand what was going on between them right now, or how far they were willing to go. Both of them enjoyed the game of teasing and flirting, even if it was between each other. Polly had been a shameless flirt for all of her adult life. And in recent years, with her husband long gone, she had really embraced it again, working it the best she could, to great success. And for Connor, this was unexplored territory. He'd done just about everything he could with the girls his age, and with some girls a few years older. But this, going back and forth with an older woman, a real, fully formed, hot-bodied, confident mature woman... it was thrilling. It was new. It was exciting. For a guy who thought he'd done just about anything, he was enjoying this flirtation in a way he rarely had. And the fact that it was with his hot grandmother only added to the excitement.

He could fully admit to the fact that his grandmother was pretty fucking hot. He wasn't normally super into the idea of MILFs and older women, but his grandmother just had IT. The special something that gave her an incredible level of sex appeal. And not only that, the fact that she was physically attractive and had a ridiculous body only made it better. Combined with the fact that he had such a contentious relationship with his mother, and that he had such a better relationship with her mother, only added to the fun. Polly clearly liked Connor a lot more than her own daughter, and that was kinda exciting in a weird sort of way.

And Polly felt the same way. There were so few guys that could keep up with her, and the fact that her own hunky grandson could do so was exciting. The fact of the matter was, with his fit body, nice muscles, handsome face, and cute butt, she found him devilishly attractive. The ultimate forbidden fruit. And that they seemed to be on the same level only made it more difficult to ignore. If he wasn't her grandson, and they had met in public, she would have done everything to seal the deal. And she was having difficulty not wanting to take things to that same level, incest be damned.

Playing the game with him was just too much fun...

Both knew the boundary, and both knew better to not cross it, but due to the fact they were both totally turned on, that boundary was getting quite blurry. And they could either put an end to the fun and keep that boundary in place, or... they could keep going, and see how close to the boundary they could get before pulling back.

"How are the cookies coming?" she asked, coming over to him as she saw him pour in the bag of chocolate chips. She approached him from behind, and he jumped slightly as he felt her confidently push her giant breasts against his back, lightly scrubbing them against him as she looked over his shoulder.

"It's good..." he said, stirring the dough by hand, getting the chips fully mixed in. As he dug in with the spatula, his body swayed to side-to-side, and she responded by scrubbing her huge, soft tits against his back in an opposing rhythm.

"You've got to really get in there, hon," she said, grabbing his arm and urging him to dig in deeper, an act that also doubled as an excuse to press her big tits even more firmly against his back.

"Oh, yeah... deeper?" he questioned knowingly.

"Yeah... you've always got to go deep, hon. That's when it's the best..." she teased in a breathy tone. As overt as this was, she wasn't actually making a legit pass at her grandson. She was just pushing it further, testing how he'd react.

"How about you show me?" he asked, stepping back. Not hesitating, she stepped in front of him, grabbed the spatula, and began digging into the dough just the way she wanted. He stepped in close behind her, looking down over her shoulder.

"You see?" she asked, arching her back.

"Yeah... I see," he replied. Her vigorous stirring of the dough was causing her breasts to sway side-to-side, and those few undone buttons gave him a primo view straight down into her cleavage. So yeah... he could see. She was bent over the counter slightly, pushing her butt out towards him, shaking it back and forth in the same way her chest was. Sensing a chance to respond in kind to her earlier gambit, he straightened his cock so it was pointed upwards in his boxer-briefs and stepped right in behind her, pressing his thick, throbbing teenage cock right against her ass-crack. As soon as he made contact, she pushed right back against him, putting the pressure on his lengthy dong. "You want me getting in there like that?" he asked, his voice lower, grinding his cock against her hot ass.