Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 05


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Between her fingers was a set of underwear. Lacy, red, nice-looking, while not quite as revealing as the ones she just had on, which is to say, the panties were a regular pair of panties and not a thong. The bra was just like he wanted, similar to the one she had on prior but maybe a bit more demure. It was exactly what he was looking for.

But he barely even noticed it.

Because yes, she had changed her clothes. But instead of going back to her work outfit, like he thought she was, she had changed into something else. Something that made his jaw drop. Something that she had called 'straight-up fetish shit' mere minutes prior. Colin couldn't believe what he was seeing.

She was wearing the 'Man Eater'.

The purple garment composed of tiny crisscrossing strings and miniscule patches. He had seen one on the mannequin, and at the time, the bundle of strings looked indecipherable, but now that it was adorning Rachel's luscious frame, he got a clearer picture.

His eyes were glued to Rachel as he examined what she was wearing, and she stood in place, letting the married man give her the once over. The thin straps were coiled around her fit frame tightly, traversing up along her torso, supported at her shoulders by two thin straps. Her outfit was insane, impractical in every way. That being said, with it clinging to her, it made her hot body look absolutely ridiculous in all the best ways.

Purple stretchy bands of material strained across and around her slim torso, crisscrossing her fit, sexy belly in a wild, seemingly random manner, the material glowing against her tanned skin. Her navel caught his gaze for a moment before his eyed drifted lower. The tiny triangle of stretchy purple material covering her nether-regions looked microscopic, barely covering anything, scooped low to show as much skin as possible. In fact, it was scooped so low you could see a hint of her tiny, little landing strip, a small tuft of dark hair just above the hem of the purple material. And that tight, stretchy material was clinging to her down there, giving him a clear imprint of her vagina's puffy lips. But with all that being said, he wasn't looking at any of this either.

He was looking at her breasts.

He had never seen a pair of large breasts showcased so perfectly. Jutting outward, firm and proud, those tits of hers were launching off her chest. The only thing containing them was a stretchy triangle of material at the front of each of them, clinging to her massive melons, covering her nipples and a little bit of the surrounding areas and not much more, with a few thin straps of material straining to hold them in place. The sides of her bulbous boobs were completely exposed, both the outsides and the insides, and there was plenty of soft breast flesh on the undersides that were left exposed as well. And the soft, tanned flesh looked so smooth and inviting too, enough to make any man's mouth drool. They pressed together in the middle, and the chasm of cleavage formed there was absolutely obscene. Her breasts looked ridiculously massive like this. The purple patches of material were straining against the fronts of her big tits, molding to them, with the soft, succulent flesh oozing over the edges. And they were pressed so tight against her breasts that you could see the indents caused by her hard nipples, as well as her round areolas.

"What are you doing?" he asked, eyes wide, but unable to pull his eyes from her juicy body.

"What?" she asked, playing dumb. "Oh... this?" she said, glancing down at herself and the outfit she was wearing. Looking up and seeing his rapt gaze, she took the opportunity to spin around and showcase her backside for him.

Her ass looked ridiculous in this outfit. Each of the round, full, perfectly shaped cheeks of her heart-shaped ass were just hanging out, practically bare, jiggling ever so slightly as she moved. The tiny strings of this crazy garment both framed the upper ridges of her ass and thread in between the cheeks in the style of a G-string, while being fully connected to the rest of the outfit. There was just so little material there, allowing him to fully appreciate her perfectly formed, tanned, practically bare rear end. Right in front of him. Each of the firm, smooth cheeks were calling to him, his eyes arrested on them, barely able to look away. But he was able to look away, glancing upward at her tramp stamp, the black and red coloring looking almost poisonous, luring him to touch it even though it would be his doom.

Colin looked up further, looking at the thin crisscrossing bands of purple material stretching across her lithe, taut back, the color really popping against her golden tan skin. The only thing he could see was her long, shimmering, deep crimson hair, shaking in an almost hypnotic manner as she began to move, spinning back around, turning to face him again, her huge breasts swaying in a mouthwatering manner as she did so.

"What are you doing?" Colin croaked, eyes rapt, his cock straining in his pants, screaming for attention.

"I was getting the gift for your wife from our basic line, and I started to think..." she said, glancing at the bra and panties between her fingers, which looked downright patrician compared to what she was wearing. "Why should a guy like you, who is so handsome, and so well-built, and clearly so successful, settle for a woman whose tastes are so... cheap?" she asked, before tossing the red garments between her fingers away, letting them fall to the floor like the trash she saw them as. Colin simply gulped, unable to say or do anything but remain in place and look at Rachel's juicy body.

"I've met so many guys just like you, Colin," Rachel began, taking a slow step towards him, her breasts quaking as she did so. "Guys who have it all and finally settle down. I bet before you got married, you could have gotten a girl every night if you wanted to. And I bet you did, A LOT. Haha," she teased him, taking another step towards him, her heavy boobs jiggling lusciously. "And the game always plays out the same. At first, you do the basic stuff with these total babes, testing out the waters. You keep screwing these queen goddesses, a new one every night, doing filthier and filthier things, taking it to new depths, having the time of your fucking life," she stated, and as memories of those wild days flashed across his mind, he couldn't disagree. She took another step forward, getting closer to him. "Eventually, the condoms are long gone, you're buttfucking some whore you've spoken six words to, as she eats the cunt of another girl, and you're doing coke off of some other slut's huge tits, and you've never been happier!" she said excitedly, bouncing up and down, his eyes dutifully watching her bouncing jugs. "And eventually, one of these sluts end up knocked up, and you're forced to settle down and put a ring on it and make her your queen for life. That's how it always ends."

"So," she continued. "Color me shocked when it turns out you're not married to a queen, but a... but a commoner. Some peasant girl who tricked you into thinking she's what you wanted, when she's not."

"Hey!" he said, angry, ripping his eyes from her rack just long enough to look up into her eyes and convey his annoyance.

"I'm sorry, but someone has to say it," Rachel stated, taking another step towards him, her feet now near his. "I've never met her, but I don't like her. I can picture her in my mind, and I'm not impressed by what I see. Colin... you could have the best! You are worthy of so much more! A woman who knows the best, is worthy of the best, who could fit into your lifestyle without you having to change a thing. You could still be having all the same fun you used to, partying and drinking and fucking to your heart's content, and she would be right there with you, keeping up with you. You so clearly love spending that money of yours on your wife, but her tastes are so cheap it almost makes you feel bad about your success. Why not have a girl who loves having money spent on her? Who makes you feel like a king when you shower her with expensive gifts and fancy jewelry and the best clothes! Who would wear so much crazy hot lingerie that you wouldn't be out there looking at a simple thong like a starving man! A girl whose idea of fancy isn't eclipsed by our 'basic' line. A girl who wouldn't stop you from fully exploring the depths and darkness of absolute, all-consuming lust, but would instead join you for the ride into sin. And Colin... I'm that girl! So... why don't we just make it happen! Right here and now! Colin... why don't me and you just get it over with and fuck?" She asked with her arms spread, smiling moving another step towards him.

Her intentions were now clear, if they hadn't been before. Her goal was seduction. Seduction of Colin. Looking up past her massive, bulbous peaks, her diamond hard nipples standing proud beneath the thin, stretchy material, he found his words.

"Rachel... you shouldn't be doing this. This is a bad idea," he croaked, ignoring the fact that his cock was probably harder than it had ever been in his entire life. He was right. This was a really bad idea. Now that she had made her intentions known, he felt stupid for letting himself end up in this position. Of course. She'd been flirty and teasing this whole time. Alarm bells had been ringing throughout their discussion, but in his desperation, he'd ignored them. And now, here he was, backed into a corner, with Rachel's juicy, barely clothed body standing between him and freedom.

But damn, she looked good.

It would be so much easier to ignore her and write her off now if she didn't look so fucking amazing. And now that her mask was gone, and she'd let her evil intentions reach the surface, it was hard to ignore the fact that evil was a damn sexy look on her. Combining that with that ass, those legs, that belly. Those tits! Like, the whole luscious form was incredibly, undeniably sexy.

"But baby... bad ideas are the best ones..." she teased, stepping between his legs, boobs quaking as she moved. "And don't pretend you haven't let a few bad ideas run across your mind as you and me have been talking. I see the way you've been looking at me. I think you want this more than I do!"

"Stop! STOP!" Colin said, holding up his hands to stop her. "I'm a married man. You may be an attractive woman," he said, before letting his eyes fall to her breasts. "Very attractive... but, uh... I can't do this! We can't do this!"

"There's that wife of yours again, ruining your fun," she announced. "Is this what you wanted out of married life? I mean, God... that sounds like torture, having a spouse who gets in the way of your excitement. Who doesn't give you everything you want? You work so hard, and do so well, and do everything you can to make your wife as happy as can be... why doesn't she do the same for you? What's the point of being a success if you don't get to go home to a hot piece of ass every night? You deserve that, Colin. You deserve the best. You deserve a girl who can satisfy your every wicked desire. You deserve a girl with a nice round ass and huge tits, who can fill out every naughty bit of lingerie you can imagine. I saw that from the second we met. Let me give it to you. Let's me and you have some nice, dirty fun..." she teased, stepping up close, putting her fingers under his chin, lifting his gaze from her chest to her eyes, at least temporarily.

"Rachel..." he whispered desperately, looking up at her gorgeous face, meeting her cunning gaze with his nervous one. His mind knew better, it really did, but his cock was as hard as iron, screaming out for pleasure, affecting his thinking. He had never been this turned on, even in his younger days. Maybe having gone what felt like an eternity without cumming, or having gone years and years without having the type of nasty sex he truly preferred, he was left in a vulnerable state.

Part of him wanted this. Really wanted this. That part of him knew what was happening from the start and had been leading him towards this moment from the very beginning. Even though he knew better, even though he had a wife he loved back home, every fiber in his being was telling him to do this, damn the consequences. But he couldn't quite shake the nagging voice in his mind, that alarm that he himself had instilled through years of discipline and self-improvement the only thing preventing him from giving in. He knew it was wrong. He knew what the consequences would be. He knew this could end very badly. Which was why that alarm was still ringing in his head through all of this. And that, and only that, was the lone thing stopping him. It was the only way to silence the alarm.

Well, not the only way...

"Rachel, please..." he begged. "We can't..." he said, trying to sound as firm as possible while looking straight into her eyes. But it was coming at a great struggle. Because she was in such close proximity, standing right in front of him, even looking up at her gorgeous face put her mountainous rack on his periphery. And she could see how badly he was struggling not to look at her big tits, so she made up his mind for him.

"Here..." she began, sliding her fingers from under his chin around his face to the back of his head, digging her fingers into his hair. As she did this, she took another step forward till she was right up in his space, forcing him to look down to the massive mounds of tit flesh on a collision course with his handsome face.

"Rachel, wait!" he called out, but it was in vain, as she pulled his face forward. For a moment before they collided, he looked at her massive, jiggling breasts, and the cleavage in between. Taking in this sight, he realized he was being pulled towards his doom, and in that moment, the moment of truth, instead of fighting against it, he submitted to it. He accepted his fate.

He embraced it.

Colin couldn't stop the contented, almost relieved sigh that escaped his mouth when she pressed her massive, firm boobs against his face. Feeling the soft flesh pressing into his handsome features was an incredible sensation that sent bolts of concentrated pleasure throughout his body. He scrubbed his face lightly against the chesty redhead's mammoth rack as she held him in place, her chin resting on top of his head.

"I've wanted to do this from the second I saw you," she said, scrubbing her huge tits against his face as she held in tightly in place, with both arms wrapped around his head. "You looked so handsome, but so stressed out. I just knew that you needed a big pair of tits in your face to make you feel better. Do you feel better now, Colin?"

A small noise of bliss arose from his throat. He scrubbed his face against the smooth skin of her bulbous jugs, reveling in the pure softness. They felt incredible. It had been a long time since he'd experienced anything like this, back in his younger, single days. Scrubbing his face across the soft, sexy breast fresh, he remembered why he'd fallen so deep into this kind of thing years prior. It felt like a drug entering his system after years of sobriety, sending every nerve in his body into overdrive, and making his cock throb with excitement. He got less and less tentative, his face fully embracing the perfect pair of tits in front of him, rubbing his face against both mammoth jugs and nestling his nose into her smooth cleavage.

"Here," she began, moving to step back ever so slightly. His face moved to follow its fleshy prison, but a gentle grip on his scalp by her held him back, allowing a few inches between him and her jutting tits. "I know how to make this even better." Pulling one hand from the back of his head, she reached down to her chest to pull one of the straining patches restraining her big tits to the side, then the other, releasing her bare tits to his full view.

And he was viewing.

They looked even bigger bare than they did covered up. They were fucking massive! Like, the size of melons, literally. Full and round and smooth and fleshy, they looked fucking incredible. They vaulted off her chest, perky and firm, riding together lusciously. He'd seen so much of them already, but now he had his first view of her nipples, and they were fantastic. Perfectly sized, dark pink areolas, capped with rock hard nipples, pulsing with lust, begging for an eager mouth.

His mouth was watering.

"Go ahead, babe..." she cooed, before stepping forward. His mouth opened on it's on accord, just in time to be stuffed with one of her perfect nipples. Within seconds, his lips had formed a tight seal around the hard nub and his eager tongue began laving it with his heated saliva.

"Fuck!" Rachel called out as the married man sucked on her giant breast. Scratching at his hair lovingly, she looked up and bit her lower lip in stifled pleasure. She pressed more of her big tit against his face as he sucked at it eagerly, before she pulled back and popped her nipple from his mouth, switching it out with the other one. "Yes!" she moaned as he eagerly attacked her other nipple, sucking at it, coating it with his saliva. "Bite the nipple... bite it!" she seethed. He complied, biting down on the hardened nub with the perfect amount of pressure. "Yes! Yes! You're so good at this!" she sighed, patting the back of his head. Colin was completely lost in the redhead's massive jugs. Fully immersed in her boobs, all doubts and worries were forgotten as he sucked at the hard cap.

"Mmmm... I bet wifey can't compete with this," Rachel sighed, scratching the back of his head lovingly. It was true. Juliet's breasts never seemed smaller than they did at this moment, with a pair of real big fucking tits against his face. He never knew how badly he missed this kind of thing till right now. Despite his years of good behavior and discipline, this affirmed to him why he was a breast-man, and why he would always be a breast-man. No matter what he did, he would always come back. "Isn't it SO much better being with a woman who has big, perfect tits like mine?" His mouth was too busy to speak, his lips eagerly switching between both her hard nipples was all the answer she needed. In his haze, his old talents were rising back to the forefront of his mind, and these talents were being utilized on Rachel's huge breasts.

"Yes! I just knew it would end this way," Rachel sighed as the married man's mouth tugged at her hard nipples. "I just knew you'd be all over my big tits if you had the shot. Fuck... you just seemed like that type of guy, Colin." She felt his eager tongue circling her nipple as she said this. Looking down at him, eyes closed, entirely focused on the task at hand, namely worshipping her giant tits, she was eager to take this to the next level.

"Here..." she began, pulling her hands from his head, him no longer needing the help to stay focused on her huge boobs. Reaching down past his head to grab his wrists, she took a small step back and pulled his hands upwards, mashing them into her boobs, so he was now cupping them. "Here, you hold these," she said, as her hands went to work on his clothes, tugging at his tie and unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt.

Colin's mouth pulled back from her nipples and his eyes opened wide. He couldn't believe it. His hands were on Rachel's tits! For the first time in years, his hands were on a pair of massive jugs. Pressed lightly into their undersides, his big palms were supporting their weight, and fuck were they ever deliciously heavy! Playing with them lightly, testing their weight, it was a few moments before he gave the massive, perfect jugs a tentative squeeze. Hoollllllyyyyy shit! They were so God damn soft! Fuck! He squeezed them lightly, testing their delicious pliability, before squeezing a little more firmly, then a little more firmly, then a little more, before he finally just dug his fingers into the soft, squishy breast flesh. They were amazing!
