Miss Harcourt's Guardian Ch. 01


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The sergeant was an expert with the dagger which must have been as sharp as a razor so easily did it slice through the cloth and he had the eye of a tailor knowing just where to cut to split the right part that the cloth might fall away with the least effort and across the shoulder and down the outer arm sufficed with the slit down the entire frontage for her green gown to fall away entirely.

She stood a while in her white underthings, angry beyond measure, tears streaming form her eyes protesting, "This is an outrage!" and "You shall hang for this," with not a hint of contrition, her head up and challenging where it should have been bowed in shame.

"Do you wish to appeal for leniency?" the Colonel asked, "Shall I ask if Lord Blanchforth will relent?" he asked, "For heavens sake girl show some contrition or it will surely be the worse for you!"

"I have been wronged!" she protested,"Desist!"

"Carry on Sergeant!" the Colonel replied and with a single cut the sergeant split her undergarments from neck to waist baring her back from corset to the nape of her neck, and then with a contemptuous want of finesse, he simply tore the garment away in its entirety baring at once her mounds which while not of the first rank as regards size and the ability to feed a brood of infants were entirely acceptable, indeed one might say perfectly formed if shape and not sheer volume were the yardstick.

"Aggghhhh," Miss Harcourt screamed with the realisation that her teats were displayed to all, and not just those with the where-with-all to pay, "No not that, please I am uncovered!"

"Hush," the Sergeant counselled, "You shall be bared entirely before I have done with you."

"Nooo!" she wailed even as his knife cut through the top of her petit-coat and loosened it fell revealing her voluminous bloomers which he then set about with his knife, splitting the outer sides of the legs before ripping them away from the middle, his hands between her legs, which revealed the tangle of black hairs on her belly and her privateness which nestled beneath.

She stood now in her silk stockings corset and her boots, and I'll wager not a single man jack present seeing the same was devoid of an extension, no wonder father was smitten, indeed my own manhood extended uncomfortably provoking me to adjust my dress as I watched so he might lay upwards on my belly and not uncomfortably down my breeches leg.

Next the sergeant gave an order and she was pushed towards the stocks, her arms pulled through the arm places and her head bowed through the centre hole and as she was held so the sergeant pulled the top of the stocks down over her and he pulled the latch down and secured it with a huge pad-lock trapping her even when the militiamen stepped away.

She was bent from the waist now, and in concert the militiamen took her boots and pulled them and her stockings from her legs leaving her barefoot and attired only in her corset but for a short time only as the sergeant sliced through the stitching of her corset and it fluttered to the ground.

The crowd gasped, the expected bulging of her constricted abdomen was entirely absent, and her firm taut belly was revealed, strangely so for whore or gentlewoman, more like the statues of ancient Rome than any living soul.

Father again rose in my estimation, what a flower had he plucked, or was it nurtured, yes perhaps he had intended her for his future whore, maybe he had others in addition, it would certainly explain the paucity of collateral in the estates coffers if he had a habit of the same.

But for the moment it was for the sergeant to administer the chastisement and so did he proceed to do, with a single whip, not the cat o' nine tails beloved of the admiralty, no not that brutal flayer but a tool of great delicacy wielded with such skill that each blow curled around and smote both her bared back or buttock and the flailing end smote her tenderest parts as it flailed.

Teats and mounds and her private parts, indeed the very lips of her slot were flayed by the tip of that flailing whip, bruising and enraging them such that far from fighting to keep the rampant militiamen from her she actually desired the militiamen to mount her to allay the discomfort.

But though she desired it utterly she would not confess it and protested endlessly.

The crowd was now clustered around behind her so they could view her humilliation, her slot and her behind the object of their curiosity, as stripped and secured in the stocks she bore her chastisement with the worst if grace and the least contrition, blaming me and the Colonel and every other thing except her own lewd debauchery for her situation as the sergeant turned her lily white back to a mass of purple bruises and bleeding red stripes while she cursed me and sobbed ceaselessly.

Finally as I wormed my way close she saw me and demanded, "Now what indignity shall you heap upon me?" she demanded, "See my tormentor, the noble Lord Blanchforth the rapist and despoiler of the chaste!"

"I desired your services," I explained, "Or I did before I saw those ugly gashes."

"Good, then I pray for more lashes that you may be permanently repulsed!" she snapped.

I saw Colonel Melchett approaching, "Still she insults me, I've a damned good mind to thrash her myself." I insisted.

"It is entirely your decision," he affirmed, "But the men had hoped you would leave her that they might use her in their turn this night."

I thought of her when still pink and unblemished, and looked again at her all bloodied yet unbowed, her hair all cascading like an angels except black not golden.

"No, she deserves it but I have need of her, as a servant," I explained, "With proper chastisement she might one day make a scullery maid or something of equal utility," I observed, "But still she looks the part of a whore, Sergeant, hack her hair away if you please, she is a base servant and should look like one.

"Colonel, can you not save me from this monster?" she asked despairingly,"It is barely a week until my majority," but he shook his head.

"Lord Banchforth is your guardian," he said, "Until you are twenty and one years you must obey him in all things."

She hung her head, "Indeed," she sighed and she stood bare chested challenging me, "Shall you not have my head shaved entirely and sell my hair for a wig?"

"No, hack it like a boy," I said, "And trample the remains in the mud, I offer you a way to salvation as a maid in my house, be so good as to humour me!" I ordered.

Her look un nerved me, "Her hair sergeant if you please!" I ordered and when the Colonel nodded he left off the whipping and with a few slashes he chopped away her curled tresses and let them fall useless in the mud.

A hush fell over the throng as they saw she was indeed one of them, not a bewigged noblewoman as they first thought, no her hair had been her own and now it was hacked away she was just like any of them, a sister or daughter and they felt aggrieved.

"I never thought that the son of such a sweet man could be so evil," Miss Harcourt muttered in her shame and agony.

"Enough my Lord, the throng grows surly," Col Melchett advised.

"So be it," I agreed, have her taken down and let her dress in whatever she has that I may take her home to serve my mother and myself," I ordered and I watched as they freed her and she climbed down from the staging while collecting up her torn raiments and winding them around herself to hide her shame

"Shall you lead her home on a lead rope like a prize cow?" Col Melchett asked derisively.

"No, I am too impatient, she shall share my horse," I declared and I went to find my horse and behind followed Melchett, his men and Miss Harcort all in a melancholy line, she sorrowed at her humiliation and they sorrowed that the chance to sample her charms had been cruelly snatched away.

My horse was tethered still but I thought she would refuse to mount it but when I threatened to mount her in the street if she defied her she climbed reluctantly up and sat before me, and with a view of her shapely neck before me I set off home to set her on the road to servant hood though in truth, were I honest, I could scarcely wait to get her bedded.

We made haste, in truth I galloped my steed faster than was prudent but the anticipation was like a drug spurring me on to recklessness, and barely stopping to tether my steed I dragged Miss Harcourt into the house and up the back stairs to my bedchamber.

Indeed it was in consideration of her bloodied back that led me to drag her unwillingly to my bed chamber and throw her on the bed, instead of conjoining among the filth of the stable floor, I slipped her torn dress from her and when she was naked I threw open the bed covers and undressing myself I joined her upon the soft linen sheets.

She defied me, lying close kneed, but I soon wrenched her legs apart to observe her parts all red and moist with anticipation and then I speared her.

She gasped at the violence of my insertion, I ceased immediately, "What is wrong, have I injured you?" I asked, "A splinter, what?"

"You," she said, "You ravished me you monster."

"Indeed, should I have paid first?" I enquired as I aimed my manhood at her slot and with the least of resistance I entered her once more, more decorously this time than hitherto I own, "Is that better?" I asked.

"A fraction," she said, for my attention had diminished considerably her discomfort from the whipping her soft womb lips had endured,"I shall bear it stoically if I must," she said and she closed her eyes.

Suddenly she smiled, "Make the most of me my lord, for soon it shall be my birth day and I shall be rid if you for ever."

"Is that your wish?" I asked.

"Indeed!" she agreed, "I should rather anything than to remain here with you."

"Then I have no objection," I insisted, "And until that time you shall repay my father and repay me by toiling in a whore house, the Rose and Crown or Red Lion or perhaps the famous Maison L'oiseaux. Madame L'oiseaux's establishment where I take my pleasure, or did when funds permitted."

"I am not a whore!" she protested, "How dare you!" she scowled, "How dare you suggest I become one of Madame L'oiseaux's harlots!"

"Oh please spare me the false protestations!" I suggested, knowing Madame L'oiseaux's establishment was a whore house of the first rank catering only to those of noble birth and eschewing completely the filthy diseased lower classes as customers, and that she should be honoured that I considered her suitable for such an establishment

With little enough protest I rolled her onto her back again and explored with my fingers and when she was moist and her muscles had relaxed I entered her and though the passion of our first union had gone I ploughed her pleasantly enough though her face was twisted to a scowl throughout the proceeding.

She lay still afterwards and watched as I rose and dressed, "I have my duties to perform," I explained, "Rest a while."

I left her but returned to bring her a servant's smock to wear and so apart from dinner where I had her come down and eat with me and supper when again she joined me again I did not see her again until I retired to my bed.

"I expected you earlier," she said as she watched me disrobe,

"I had much to do," I explained, and I yawned, "I'm tired."

"Whoring?" she asked, "Am I not sufficient for your rapacity?"

"No I have been doing the ostlers work and the butlers and the clerks and every other man jacks on this damned estate," I assured her, "Now stoke the fires burning within my breast," I suggested, "Tell me, how does my cock compare with father's?"

"I know not!" she exclaimed and then she shook her head as she realised I did not believe her and she instead said "Poorly, disappointingly so."

"Oh!" I exclaimed in disappointment, "I see."

"He was a real man," she said, "The best of men where you are the basest," she added and she scowled at me.

"Am I that repugnant?" I asked.

"Yes," she said unequivocally, "Entirely."

"Then you prefer the debauchery of the whore house?" I asked.

"I would prefer the fires of hell to another night with you Lord Blanchforth," she replied.

"Oh, then so be it!" I agreed, "So be it!" I turned away from her, "Come the morning I shall find you a suitable situation as a whore."

Anger filled me but weariness overwhelmed me and quickly the darkness engulfed me and I slept dreamlessly until the grey light of morning roused me.

My waking roused her, she was laying against me, and arm across my chest, "I was cold," she explained awkwardly as she moved away from me.

"Would not the honest toil of the servant be more godly than life as a whore?" I asked kindly.

"I am not a whore!" she insisted, and added with childlike naivety, "In time I shall marry well and be entirely happy, and I shall leave this place with joy in my heart when my majority is reached!"

"Am I so repulsive?" I asked earnestly, "That you would prefer to serve all instead of serving me alone?"

"Indeed," Miss Harcourt replied, "For Madame L'oiseaux shall recognise that I am no whore even though you can not." but for now, if you wish to use me as a whore I can not prevent it, indeed, I shall lie abed all day awaiting your pleasure," she insisted.

"Then to Madame L'oiseaux you shall be sent," I insisted.

"And I shall look forward to it," she assured me.

I left her to her day dreams, if she was determined to return to debauchery then so be it, I understood father had taken her in hand and provided her with rooms for his pleasure and indeed I should have continued the arrangement had funds permitted, but the best I could in all reasonableness offer her was a post as a maid, though I did let the thought of marriage slip into my consciousness it would never do, I had in all consciousness to marry well that my wife's dowry might save the estate, so a post with Madame L'oiseaux was the best I could offer indeed even arranging a post there would entail all the persuasion I could apply.

"How did you come to be father's ward?" I asked.

"Oh no, no questions, you may use me, but no questions." she replied, so I rose and dressed and went to breakfast.

"Do you not desire me when I do not resist?" she asked as she joined me at the breakfast table, not in the servants kitchen where Cook and Bessie the maid now toiled alone save for the gardener handyman Giles, but as if she were a guest.

"No, I merely desire release, you are simply a vessel into which I expel," I said and she turned on me,

"I have tried," she said, "To hide my repugnance, but you are truly evil!" she snapped and rushed away,

I followed, "Come back!" I ordered and when she did not I chased her into the passage and then to the sitting room where I caught her and grabbed her, "You must eat, for there is little enough of you as there is," I insisted, "Eat with Cook and Bessie if you prefer, " I offered but she struggled rousing me.

"Unhand me," she cried, but her struggles had aroused my manhood, and in a moment her servant's smock was raised and she was bent over before me and as I bared her so her arousal was manifest as moisture glistened in silent invitation around her parts, "No!" she said but with no conviction.

"No!" she said again as I released my belt and my breeches fell to release my manhood which I eased gently against her bottom's brown bud before easing his purple tip between her sweet moist pink folds and pressing onwards into her womb.

"No!" she said but feebly as I began to plough her awkwardly as she bent from the waist, "Let me grasp the chair back," she said, "Before we both fall," and so still coupled together we shuffled up to the chair and which she grasped and when she pronounced herself ready I began to plough her once more.

This time she was true to her calling as I grasped and twisted her teats so she moaned and cried out to inflame me to greater and greater efforts and when the time came for release she pretended she too was inflamed like all the finest whores do, and afterwards as I stilled and she stayed bent over she panted breathlessly and perspiring as if she had enjoyed fornicating as much as I.

"My eye, I knew you were a well versed harlot, but where on earth did you learn to do that!" I gasped.

She blushed crimson, "But my Lord, I merely acquiesced it was your instigation," she replied.

"And Sodomy, had I desired that?" I asked.

"I would ask that you spared me, but if needs be I shall bear it," she replied anxiously.

"And suckling my prong," I asked, "Shall you do me that service when the curse is upon you?"

"Indeed, and I shall bite him off at the very root and swallow him whole," she cautioned in jest I thought.

"And I shall strangle the life from you," I threatened playfully.

"A fair exchange," she agreed, "So have you had your fill of me?" she asked.

"Indeed no!" I replied, "There must be a thousand ways you know to satisfy me!"

"Oh no, in your estimation I am merely an empty receptacle for your filth," she replied, "It is for you decide in which manner 'tis done."

"Then I shall risk your teeth," I suggested.

"Surely not?" she queried, "I have very sharp teeth."

"Then lie on your back," I instructed.

"Indeed an excellent choice, in your bed perhaps?" she goaded me her confidence growing apace.

"Yes, yes my bed," I agreed reluctantly, "And let me see you."

"Of course, my lord," she simpered deviously, "Come," she said and she held out her hand to lead me to my bed chamber wherein she undressed completely and showed herself to me shamelessly.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked, knowing full well I was completely enraptured.

"Yes, now on your back," I ordered.

"Like this," she asked with a smile as she deported herself lewdly legs astride and indeed held the very lips that led to her womb aside with her dainty fingers such that it took a mere instant to disrobe myself and spear my manhood deep oh so deep into her soft yielding flesh.

She even held me in her arms briefly, and I thought to kiss her but such is most ungentlemanly where whores are concerned, so we just fornicated lewdly with her returning each thrust I made in complete equality until dreamily I obtained my release.

"Am I really your only consort?" she asked after we stilled.

"Indeed," I said.

"Liar, if I acquiesce you will dismiss Bessie?" she decided, "And I shall never escape you, no I shall prefer the whore house."

"Then so be it." I declared.

"Perhaps?" she said coyly, "I might be more use."

"Where?" I asked.

"Seeking efficiencies," she said.

"What know you of such things?" I asked.

"I learned household accountancy at my school," she said proudly.

"Where?" I queried, "Whore's school?"

"Beast!" she snapped and that was an end of our conversation, though later my younger brother James arrived unexpectedly and I introduced him to Miss Harcourt, "Jamie have you met father's whore?"

"Oh," she said, "I am your brother's ward, not his whore."

"Indeed you are my whore, disrobe now and comfort my brother," I ordered.

"No, no I shall not, I shall not!" she insisted.

"Well if I am that repulsive!" James said with a laugh, "But I do not consort with whores, so the conflict does not arise," he declared.

She looked most relieved, which surprised me, and when we came to dine there was something different about Miss Harcourt, it was her hair, she was so imbued with whoredom that she had tidied her hair into a very comely short style, such that she might entrap poor Jamie and indeed had found out her own attire from her lodgings and sat down quite the young gentlewoman again when she should have been serving at table not dining thereat.

Then came a long evening with James whereby she tantalised him and held conversations on a wide variety of subjects the breadth if which surprised me there followed a long night where I awaited Miss Harcourt's arrival but she slept elsewhere and I spent the night unrelieved.