Missing the Signs


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Once naked she writhed her body sinuously over mine and I could feel the heat and wetness between her legs. I wanted to take control, to assume the dominant position, but her body language made it clear that she simply wanted me to lie down and enjoy.

My mind was a whirl as she continued her horizontal dance first presenting her mouth for a kiss, then her breast, then a finger which bore the tang of her sex. She was driving me wild but I suddenly seemed overcome by pleasant lethargy.

Again she presented her finger, letting me see it glisten before she eased it into my mouth encouraging me to suck the taste from it.

Every now and again she brought her groin to mine and I thought that she was finally going to allow me in but each time she moved away again.

Finally she slinked her way upwards and pinned my shoulders with her knees as she came to rest on my face. I licked obediently and she pitched herself forward to take her weight on her elbows.

I was grateful for the room to breathe and for the next few minutes I gently tended to her sex.

I was just wondering if she expected me to bring her to a preliminary orgasm when my world was turned upside down.

I felt the bed give a little and them an unwelcome weight on my chest. It took barely a second to rationalize it but then I was shocked numb.

Duncan was completely naked and I scarcely had time to register his impressive circumcised erection before he eased himself inside her.

I wanted to punch, kick, scream and curse but the deep, heartfelt, groan of satisfaction that emanated from her completely disarmed me. As he began to slowly thrust at her I was totally appalled but, at the same time, I was rapt by a hideous fascination.

Scant inches above my face I could see every tiny detail. He did not have a single hair on his body, which made his manhood seem even more impressive, and his sac was drawn taut outlining his heavy testes.

She stayed still, remaining directly above me, allowing him to do all the work.

Each time he pushed home she gave a small sigh and each time he withdrew her labia seemed to cling to him with a reluctance to let go.

As he began to move a little more urgently his shaft became coated with a creamy rime which transmuted into a glistening wetness. I hated to admit it to myself but it had a shocking beauty and I felt my own erection screaming out for attention.

After a moment Zoe's knees dug a little less gently into my shoulders and I felt her body start to tremor. Meeting her need he picked up the tempo but then, reading her to perfection, he slowed and finally held himself deep inside as her climax shook her.

When it had passed she slid free of his still strong erection and curled herself up around my head. Her breathing had still not quite returned to normal as she brought her face close to mine and followed my line of sight to where Duncan remained very still except for his manhood which continued to throb with a pent up power.

Zoe reached up and took it in her hand her fingers barely making the circumference.

"I want to know what it's like…I want you to tell me."

Her words, whispered huskily in my ear, made no sense or perhaps I simply refused to understand. She leaned over me a little and kissed me on the lips and then her tongue darted playfully in my mouth.

I met her tongue with mine but as our mouths enjoined she slipped a single finger inside so that we were both suckling her taste. I had never done this before and I found it arousing.

When she slowly pulled it free I wanted her to do it again but now she completed her design. Without breaking our kiss she moved her body under me so that my head was resting and raised in her lap. As she did so there was a fresh intrusion.

I wanted to deny it but I could not move my head and her kiss remained insistent as she encouraged me to lick with her at the glans that gently parted our lips.

But for the taste of her I could not have done it and then, very slowly, she spirited away and it was my mouth alone.

"Suck him for me."

Her voice was, insistent, seductive and, taking his cue, Duncan eased further into my mouth.

I wanted no part of it but I was trapped in a closed world bounded by the warmth and softness of her body beneath and the strength and beauty of his above.

Following some instinct of its own my tongue began to examine this intruder from the smoothness at its head to the ridged boundary of the shaft.

The taste of her was still strong on his skin and he made no movement content, for now, to allow me to find my own way. I sucked tentatively and licked further along his length and he gave an approving groan.

"Good boy. Now let him fuck your mouth."

The coarseness of her works was disturbing but at the same time stirring.

He began to move, almost imperceptibly at first, but slowly working himself more deeply into my mouth.

I felt a rising panic but she stroked my hair and continued to whisper.

"Do it…For me."

My tongue was an irrelevance now but she still issued guidance.

"Keep you lips closed nice and tight"

I did as she told me breathing nosily through my nose as he increased his pace. He was thrusting with his hips but maintained enough self control not to choke me. How many times had I done this never dreaming that I would one day be the recipient?

"Get ready…he's going to come… and I want you to swallow."

He was groaning and I watched as her hand moved to encouragingly caress his buttocks.

"Give it to him…don't hold back."

Duncan needed no inducement. With a final thrust he buried himself deeply and held station as he started to come in long warm spurts that seemed never ending. Most, I had no choice but to swallow, but much filled my mouth and Zoe laughed out loud as it started to leak.

Chapter 6

Filled with self-loathing I cleaned myself up and left the studio. Zoe tried to make me stay letting me know that I had earned my reward but I felt totally screwed up and I was still trying to figure out the whole deal with Duncan.

On the way home I knew that I must have nothing more to do with her and, once that decision was reached, my mind was a little easier.

The problem was in trying to go cold turkey. For all that I had been through I could still not get her out of my thoughts. I wanted to believe that the whole Duncan episode had been something spontaneous, something that I should have treated as a new experience, but it strained credulity.

What made things worse was the fact that I was not totally repulsed by it. I could still not see myself engaged solely with a man but I certainly might reappraise my attitude to group sex.

After three days I almost had the opportunity. I was at a party sponsored by a computer supplier to the industry. Alcohol flowed freely and, later on, there were a few recreational drugs in evidence. I found myself in company with one of the sales reps and a couple of the promotions girls that had been brought in to brighten the place up.

There had been an agreement to go on somewhere but somehow I wound up alone with the girls. The trouble was that even though I had not drunk to excess I simply could not perform. It was not for want of imagination on the part of the girls but I was left feeing totally embarrassed. It's a cliché, but it had never happened to me before.

Further ignominy followed at work. I made another screw up and it was suggested that I take a couple of weeks away from the trading floor and help out on business development.

Having taken my recent new business, Don, our resident New Yorker, now took over temporary responsibility for my full roster of clients.

I felt no animosity towards him but trading was all I knew and all I was good at. I had to get back into the game.

I gave in after another couple of days and tried to get in touch with her. I told myself that I needed to close things out altogether; I would break it up formally, but amicably, leaving no way back.

I was lying to myself.

At first she would not take my calls but when she finally did I was not ready for her anger. She told me that I had embarrassed her in front of Duncan and that she was not mine to pick up and drop as I felt like it. She finished by telling me that it was over because I could not keep up with her.

There was some truth in what she said. I think of myself as a man of the world but she had seen through my bravado and her open minded attitude to life left me looking staid by comparison.

I called her back, almost begging for forgiveness, and she said she would think about it. The next day she phoned and told me her terms; I slammed the phone down without replying.

What she had suggested was degrading but, once the idea was planted in my mind, I could not stop thinking about it. It represented the antithesis of everything I held myself out to be so why did I feel such a rush?

Up until the very last I was going to refuse to go through with it and, even now, as I stood at Duncan's door, I could not explain it to myself.

As the door opened I could hear the sound of music and laughter, a gathering in full swing, but my attention was riveted on Zoe. She was wearing her hair pinned up in a formal style and her make was different lending an air of sophistication but it was her dress that really caught my eye.

It was like a pair of black ribbons wound tight around her lower body before splitting to form a harness that barely held her breasts in check. The whole effect made her look years older but even more beautiful.

I expected her to lead the way into the studio but, instead, she took me to the left to find a guest bedroom with an adjoining bathroom.

"Get undressed and slip these on."

The hint of mischief, apparent during our previous escapades, was noticeably absent adding to my growing feeling of unease. I felt awkward getting undressed in front of her and faintly ridiculous when I stepped into the thong which she had provided.

"Kneel down for me."

I was having serious second thoughts but when she looked at me impatiently I went to my knees. She had told how it would be but I was not prepared for the reality.

It looked like the fireproof balaclava's worn by racing drivers but, as she slipped it over my head, I found that the eye holes were obscured by a fine gauze which all but robbed me of sight.

The fit was tight, making me uncomfortably warm, but she was not finished yet. She fastened a leather collar around my throat and then fitted a leash of the sort we had seen in use at the club.

As I stood back up I towered over her but I felt an odd sense of comfort in having relinquished all control.


I nodded yes even though my mouth was left free and followed her from the room.

As we entered the studio the light was brighter and I was able to distinguish a little more detail but the shrill laughter that heralded my appearance confirmed that I was in the company of women.

Zoe stood to my side like some sort of animal keeper and took a mock bow.

"Who wants to make first use of him?"

She said it with almost total derision but, for some unfathomable reason, I found it arousing.

They all seemed to be shouting at once but Zoe chose a winner. She pulled me forward and then touched me on the shoulder.

"Kneel down. Show us what you can do."

I knelt blindly but I could have been led by sense of smell alone. The woman in front of me had her legs wide open and was obviously extremely turned on. Pausing only to wonder at her complete lack of embarrassment I leant forward and put out my tongue.

The smudge of darkness that I could see translated to a lush growth over her whole sex and I had to lick a few times before I cleared a way to her labia. As I did so she squeezed my head playfully between her thighs.

"That is so good…"

It took me a second or two but then I placed the voice. It was Katie, Zoe's landlady.

Remembering our last encounter I worked my tongue deep inside her to find a pool of wetness but she did not want to be hurried.

"Slow down…I want to savour this."

With some reluctance I retreated a little and took a more gentle approach but the result was that it took several minutes to make her come.

She gave my head a final farewell squeeze and then allowed Zoe to pull me away.

I was given no respite as I was positioned before a second guest.

Even with my restricted vision I could tell that this was a large woman. Her thighs closed me in more solidly than Katie's and I sensed the bulk of her body looming over me.

In some peculiar fashion I felt cheated. Zoe had made no promises but I did not think that she would have me demean myself with someone for whom I would not normally spare a second glance.

It might be, of course, that this was one of those women whose face was her fortune but overweight did not appeal to me. I wondered if it was another part of the challenge.

The most notable thing was the heat that seemed to radiate from her. I felt a mild twinge of disgust as my cheek brushed her inner thigh and came away wet but I girded myself to do what was necessary.

Her sex felt plump under my tongue in keeping with her physique but this may have been an illusion. Thankfully, she was clean shaven, and her puffy labia opened to my first touch.

Her scent suggested that she had been aroused in anticipation and to begin with her taste was a little sour but she was soon leaking freely and I had a feeling that she had not had this sort of attention bestowed upon her very often.

I quickly switched my attention to her clitoris in the hope that she would speak. I wanted to pick up a clue as to the sort of woman she was but, apart, from the occasional groan she remained steadfastly silent.

When she came it was with an almost childlike whimper of appreciation and I was surprised when she leant forward to offer Zoe a kiss of thanks.

At this juncture my tongue was getting sore but there was to be no remission.

Zoe offered me a glass of iced water, which I drank gratefully, but I was quickly put back to work.

The third woman was long limbed and seemed to be heavily tanned but, as I positioned myself between her open legs, I immediately noticed her perfume. It was a heavy floral scent that I had encountered before. I had not liked it then nor did I like it now.

As I resumed my labours I tried to place it but I was given little pause for thought. She gave an excited yelp and closed her legs around my head. I could no longer lick her but, clearly, that was not what she wanted.

She was taking her pleasure simply by squeezing me to her sex and she was exerting a powerful, painful, force.

I could dimly hear the others shouting encouragement and I had the feeling that she was more excited by the pain she was inflicting than the prospect of reaching a climax.

For all that she was very aroused and my face bore testament to her wetness as it seeped through the thick material covering my head.

At the finish she did relent. She opened her legs and pulled me on to her clitoris. After that, it only took her a moment or two for her achieve satisfaction and I was allowed to sit back.

I was desperate to remove the helmet, which now reeked of all three of them, and Katie seemed tuned in to my discomfort as she laughed.

"Do you think he can tell us apart?"

How had I come to this? The more they humiliated me the more I was aroused by it, their laughter now provoked by my erection as it strained against the flimsy confines of the pouch I had been made to wear.

Zoe had mentioned no names, nor any numbers, but I sensed that my ordeal was almost over. I had proved myself and now I wanted her and her alone.

She took my leash and had me follow her on my knees to the other side of the room. There were two others here, silent witnesses to my degradation. I was wondering what their role might be when I heard whispered words.

"Make him do it."

Zoe reached around in front of my face and I heard the sound of a zip. She pushed on the back of my head and I could smell the heat of yet another woman but my mouth was invaded by something altogether masculine.

My immediate thoughts focused on Duncan. She had let him fuck her, to go where I had not been privileged, and this was the only way I was going to get a taste of her.

I was wrong.

Whoever this was he was not circumcised and, as he pushed my head down, my face was brushed by a growth of hair. I wanted to retch but, at the same time, my tongue was savouring the taste of the recent conquest still fresh on his manhood.

My fate was measured in seconds. I knew that if I did not pull back I was destined to surrender to a downward spiral from which there would me no escape.

For a second or two I was alert, disgusted by my own behaviour, but then Zoe was at my ear casting her spell.

"Make him come…taste him"

She stroked my cheek stimulating him across the thin divide and that was all it took. I felt the shaft swell and the ridge of the major vein against my lower lip. Without thought I sucked gently creating a partial vacuum into which he suddenly erupted.

He jerked in his seat, almost gagging me, but it was a poor offering confirming that he had only recently reached fulfilment.

Behind me the three women gave a mocking round of applause but Zoe was already pulling me away.

This was most definitely a woman. She stood up as Zoe presented me and slowly removed her skirt. She folded it carefully, set it aside, and then remained still inviting me to gaze at her with unsighted eyes.

The hazy image hinted at long, attractive, legs and the evenness of colour tone suggested that she was not wearing panties.

She took her seat again and leaned back before slowly opening her legs. As she did so Zoe gave instructions.

"Take your time. I want you to make this special."

For a moment I thought it might have been her aunt but the sex that I now encountered was completely smooth and I had a sense that this was someone much younger.

Heedful of Zoe's words I licked at the fringes of her sex to begin with and was intrigued by the taste on her skin. There was the rich proof of her excitement but also something else.

It was only after a moment or two that I recognized the second constituent and I now knew where her companion had taken his pleasure.

Just then she shifted in her seat a little, an expectant increase in excitement, as she noted the moment of revelation.

Now, knowing what was to come, I prevaricated but she sighed softly safe in the knowledge that I dare not disappoint.

A positive effort was required to take the next step as I reached the seam of her mound which was broken by the soft wings of her labia. For a while I just licked the very tips but even here there was no escaping the evidence of his presence.

More minutes passed as I tried to brace myself but she lounged nonchalantly prepared to wait for as long as it took.

Finally, I drew a deep breath, applied a steady pressure, and her sex seemed to melt beneath my tongue.

Deep within I found the warm commingled pool and, whilst I grimaced, it was not as bad as I feared.

Having broken the barrier I wanted to withdraw and concentrate on her clitoris but Zoe spoke in anticipation.

"Keep your tongue there and suck her."

There was to be no escape. I tried to hide my lack of enthusiasm as I closed my mouth around her sex and began to swallow. Once started, I tried to get it over as quickly as possible using my tongue to clean away every last trace of him and in this I was aided by her arousal. Having me on my knees, ministering to her in this way, was exciting her moment by moment and she was lubricating freely.