Model Slave Pt. 02 Ch. 08


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Rocky came back into her arms and they kissed once more. Then the seamstress cleared her throat behind Rocky and they separated. Madison told him that they were finished taking all the measurements and the final fitting will be in three days. She just needed to quickly change clothes and they would go to their early dinner. Rocky waited in the lounge as they finished everything and gathered her in his arms as they went out to dinner.

Madison watched his face and the minute he looked back at her his face softened and she could see the love flow back into his eyes. Madison knew Rocky's heart and these feelings were suddenly hammered home. He was fiercely in love with her and no matter what happened he would protect her and defend her to his dying breath. She knew he would take on an army if he had to protect her and he would make love to her with that same ferocity. Madison had a shiver run through her and once again, she had a deep yearning desire to have Rocky plant his seed and create a baby inside her.

Just then their dinner came and they spent a leisurely hour eating and making love to each other with their eyes. The longer the dinner went on the more desperately Madison wanted to feel Rocky's arms holding her tight. The thought of having Rocky ripped from her life scared her and she wanted the security of Rocky's arms around her. There was no real reason to think that Rocky would be taken from her, but nothing good in her life had ever lasted and she desperately needed Rocky to be with her forever.

Madison moved from her seat into his lap and wrapped her arms around him pulling herself tight against his body. She whispered, "Rocky, I need you to make love to me and I need to feel you need to feel you shooting your seed inside me." She looked up into his eyes and with a pleading look said, "I just finished my period and tomorrow I am supposed to start a new packet of birth control pills. Rocky, can I stop? I want to have your baby; I want to feel our child growing inside me."

Rocky held her tight with a conflicted look on his face he said, "You know how much I want to have children and the only thing stopping me is the movies coming up. The last movie is a little more than four weeks away and even if you get pregnant tonight you still wouldn't be showing after six weeks. So yes, my love, yes you can stop taking your pills and we can work on making you a porn star and mother at the same time."

Madison smiled brightly tightening her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, "Take me home and make a baby inside me. Please my loving Master, please."

Rocky flagged down the waiter and made the sign for the check. He quickly paid the bill and hustled Madison to the car. They made out in the car like a couple of teenagers before he started the car and raced back home. That night they did their best to make a baby. They made love on the couch, the kitchen, the living room, in every room in the house until both of them were sore and tired, but neither really wanted to stop.

As Rocky scooped Madison up in his arms and carried her back to the bed, she did that little purring thing that she does when she knows Rocky's taking care of her. Rocky cuddled with her just a little longer so he could feel her preening against him. Her feline purring and preening were one of those little things he loved about her and they went straight to his heart.

They both snuggled and curled into each other until they woke at 8 o'clock. Rocky was still groggy from lack of sleep, but Madison jumped out of bed. She was excited that she had her shopping trip with her model friend Jennifer today and looked forward to shopping with her old girlfriend. Rocky made some coffee and he shuffled out to get the newspaper. The limo he had ordered for the shopping spree was parked at the curb waiting for Madison.

Rocky thought the girls could use a limo, chauffeur and offered his services for the day as their bodyguard. The bodyguard, Rocky, followed in a separate car. The chauffeur stayed with all the cars while the bodyguard stayed with the girls while they shopped. As predicted the day went without incident, with the exception of the damage done to Rocky's credit cards.

With all the boxes and bags, it took both cars to get all their bounty back to Mike's house. Rocky had thought most of this shopping trip was for Jennifer, but a good third of the bags came home with Rocky and Madison.

That night while Rocky was working on his computer Madison came in a sizzling gauzy harem number designed to evoke a passionate response from Rocky and it worked extremely well. The minute Rocky saw her, he forgot he was working and when she said, "Master your sex slave needs you. If it be your desire your slave would like you to claim her, fill her with your seed and try again to make a baby inside her." After that Rocky had but one thought, to do as his sexy slave girl desires.

That night they started out slowly and passionately making love. By the end of the night, they had tried every position that Madison had found on the Internet guaranteed to help make a baby. Rocky didn't know if any of these would help but it was a hell of a lot of fun trying. By the end of the night, they were both blissfully happy knowing that their love was trying to create a beautiful new life. They both knew that the chance of creating a baby tonight was slim to none, but the idea that they were trying to create a child had them both trembling with loving desire.


The chaos of trying to get everything ready for the renewal of vows followed by the movie weighed on Rocky more than Madison. She was able to fit all her clothes into two suitcases, mostly because they had so little fabric. All of her new clothes were fabulously beautiful and she used them to indulge in her always there, exhibitionist streak. Madison really enjoyed walking around in a skimpy outfit creating a stir and loved the way everybody stared at her, that had never changed. She said it was a potent and sexy feeling, specifically the way men undressed her wherever she went.

While she enjoyed men ogling her, there was only one man she loved and wanted to actually strip her and make love to her. Her skimpy outfits and blatant exhibitionism kept her in near constant arousal. At the end of the day, she wanted Rocky to subdue her, showing her what a bad spoiled girl she was. She wanted him to tame her petulant spirit while conquering her wild, teasing temperament. She fought him with her strong spirit, but that made her submission to him that much sweeter.

It wasn't part of a game, but it was part of their intricate dance. It was the dance of the strong-willed sensual woman and a dominant Master that must conquer her. He acknowledged her flaws, as well as her strength and fears while he made love to her soul. He didn't conquer her with force or pain, but instead with persistence, love and respect. He made love to her heart and mind until he plucked her desire from her like a delicate flower. It was then that she fell to her knees in joyful submission; giving herself to the man she loved.

There was one particular time that brought everything home for Madison. She went back to her old job at the modeling agency to clean out her locker and bring home any personal items she had left behind. Madison was on full display in a very short but scintillating dress with her slave collar and slave cuffs on her wrists. All of the men and many of the women watched her with mouths agape as she flounced through the office. No one could believe that this was the Madison they knew. This petulant, spoiled woman was now a submissive to a dominant man, wow! Most of the men and women that had always coveted incredible body, got turned on thinking about her as their sex slave.

Many were jealous and others disgusted, but everybody had opinions about her look. To her it was only the few people she counted as friends that really mattered. Most of them were astounded by her new look, but her real friends noticed the joy and happiness on her face and in her eyes. They had never seen her like this and wondered about transformation, but that radiant joy made everyone envious.

There were all kinds of rumors about what happened to her and why she never came back to the agency. Now they were seeing whatever the dramatic experiences were, they certainly had a positive effect on Madison. The spoiled, pampered, cantankerous model had been transformed into the spectacular sexual butterfly that oozed a lusty need to be used. But even that paled next to the radiant glow of happiness on her face. This was one of those moments where she realized what she was before and how far she'd come. Physically, passionately, emotionally, and lovingly, everything had changed and she was in a place that everyone envied.

Madison and Rocky discussed who they wanted to come to a collaring ceremony and while there were several people, they wanted to invite they didn't think any would understand. With Madison's blatant sexuality and exhibitionism many of her old friends could not deal with it and thought Madison had gone off the deep end. The one exception was her old college roommate, Susan, who had tried throughout their college days to get Madison to let go. She had seen what an incredible figure she had and she thought hiding who she was had been a crime.

When Madison hooked up with her for lunch, her old college roommate was ecstatically happy to see the new Madison. When Madison told her about the movies, she hugged her screaming with joy. In the midst of their lunch her roommate commented on Madison's beautiful choker. When Madison told her it wasn't a choker but her master's collar, her mouth fell open in an unbelieving gape. Then she asked what happened to Rocky and Madison responded, "He is my Master!

Susan sat upright trying to envision Rocky in leather pants bare chested cracking out whip over a cowering Madison kneeling at his feet. It was just too much for her to take in. Madison invited her to the house the next day and when she saw Madison and Rocky together, she was so incredibly envious of what they had. Their love for each other was blatantly on display with neither holding back any of their feelings and Susan longed for something as beautiful as what they had. She readily accepted the invitation to come to the collaring ceremony, but with her recent divorce, she would be coming alone.

As for the other guests, Rocky planned multiple photo and video shoots during the month after the ceremony and invited all of the photographers and videographers, and their staff. By this time most of the photographers and videographers had seen pictures of Madison they were anxious to take photos of her. None had ever been to a collaring ceremony, so to see Madison at a collaring ceremony was just too good to pass up and almost everyone accepted.

The only people outside their small group were several people from the BDSM club Rocky had helped found. All were anxious to see what his idea of a collaring ceremony would be. Collaring ceremonies had been written about, but they were really up to the master to decide what the ceremony would be like.

When it came time to leave, Rocky, Madison, and four people from the club bundled into a leased Jet Star that would take them to the gorgeous location where the ceremony and then the film would take place. The plane had an aft bedroom with a queen size bed and Rocky and Madison all took advantage of the bedroom to join the mile-high club.

Rocky tried to talk the pilots into some acrobatics while they were in bed hoping he and Madison could experience weightlessness while making love. Alas the pilots would not do any of that so their mile-high experience was mundane. Madison knew Susan felt like an odd man out and spent a lot of her time with her friend and Rocky even came over and sat with them for a while.

The landing was religious on the short, isolated runway. The runway went down the mountain side into the beautiful, serene lake. When you land you have to come over the lake and land as close to the lake as you can with the runway going uphill. Almost everyone there got very skittish, skimming the lake coming in for a landing, but everything went off perfectly.

The rented villa was truly magnificent. It sat on the top of the hill with the lake gleaming far below, but the whole house was surrounded by a huge deck and patio. The whole design could be opened to the outdoors and it was obvious the whole point of this villa was outdoor living. The glass walls could be moved and folded back to make the interior living space open and part of the patio as well.

Madison looked at it and immediately knew where she would set up the chairs for guests and where the collaring would take place. She wanted to be collared at the edge of the patio with nothing behind them except the lake and sky. Madison was giddy with anticipation and shifted into a creative frenzy as she worked with Susan and all the other women present. They all worked together with the wedding planners that Rocky hired to design the beautiful look for tomorrow's ceremony. While all this was going on Rocky and other Dom's enjoyed a beer, watching the women flit about in their creative fever.

Rocky's hired chef created a wonderful meal for them that night. A small gathering of friends spent the evening gathered on the deck mixing dinner with almost every kind of alcohol imaginable. Occasionally an intense conversation would break out, but mostly everyone was just subdued and in awe of the setting. With the lake on one side and the black star filled sky on the other with the stars twinkling brightly in the sky above, it was fairy tale idyllic.

Rocky and Madison watched everyone disappear into their bedrooms one at a time and soon Susan left leaving them alone. Madison was secretly glad that they had all left, because she really wanted to be naked under the stars and have the heavens watch as Rocky made love to her. Rocky made slow beautiful love to her with only her occasional gasp, moan or whimper breaking the serenity of the night. As Madison's orgasm consumed her, all the twinkling stars above merged into the fantastic fireworks display in her head, with her love for Rocky filling her heart.

They slept peacefully for several hours, but then Madison woke going over everything in her head making sure she hadn't forgotten any little detail. Rocky finally got tired of Madison's twitching, squirming and eventually gave her one of his relaxing massages. Ultimately the massage left her mind blank with her body limp and boneless as she finally went back to sleep.

When Rocky woke in the morning Madison had her head lying on his chest looking at him. Rocky raised his hand caressing her cheek as she watched him. Madison rubbed her face against his chest, tickling her face with his chest hair and inhaling the scent of the man she loved. Rocky asked her, "What are you thinking about my love?"

"I was just thinking about how mean I was to you I was when we first met. I was so spoiled back then and I'm just so glad that you didn't get tired and leave me, because now we wouldn't have all of this. Growing up I was told all of this, passion and marriage was a way to objectify women, you need to rely on yourself creating your own security. It was all a lie and I was never happy, well I loved being the center of attention and have men ogle me. When I was working, I felt more of a slave than I do now. Giving myself to you has freed me, allowed me to experience true love for the first time."

"I've always enjoyed working and it was very satisfying and fulfilling, it made me excited, but it never made me happy. I guess you do something satisfying but you never know what happiness really is. I only found out what happiness really was when I finally let you love me. True happiness is when two people are joined at the heart. When I finally allowed myself to love you and your love came back to me, that's when I found out real happiness was."

"Considering what we're about to do what I'm about to say sounds really strange but belonging to you and being your sub has made me feel powerful, in charge of my life. I know love and security like I've never experienced and nothing will ever happen that I don't agree with. I know you will honor, cherish me and love me with all you have, and should something happen that I don't want to I always have my safe word. Wearing your collar is the most beautiful and freeing thing that I've ever done, thank you Rocky for loving me and showing me the way." Madison concluded.

Rocky caressed her cheek again and said, "Baby, I've always loved the sexy passionate woman you are and it was upsetting when you tried to manipulate me, but I would never leave you regardless of what happens, where we are now exceeds even my wildest dreams. You are my perfect woman, my fantasy come true, love of my life and sometimes I still have to pinch myself to believe that all of this is true. I love you with all I am and I will love you even were both dead and buried."

Rocky pulled Madison's to his lips where they kissed sweetly then Rocky said, "Are you ready to be collared by me and be my submissive wife forever?"

"Oh yes, yes forever, 1000 yeses. I've never wanted anything like this. I want to belong to you forever and I want a collar to show everyone that I'm yours."

As they lay on the deck, they started hearing people waking up and shuffling around them. Rocky and Madison looked in each other's eyes with resignation that now they need to get up and face the morning. They kissed once more then Rocky swatted Madison on her sexy tush as she giggled and ran for the shower.

After the shower Rocky removed Madison's collar so that she would be unadorned for the ceremony. For Madison it was a weird feeling to be without a collar and she was sure she didn't like that feeling at all. The collar was part of her now; it symbolized her commitment to Rocky and his ownership for her. She felt naked, exposed, and lost without it. To be without it meant something in her life was missing.

They went down to the kitchen and joined the raucous crowd fighting for coffee and food to bolster their energy for the upcoming day. Shortly after their breakfast the Villa began filling up with all the anxious photographers, videographers, and guests for Rocky and Madison's collaring ceremony. The whole day was speeding up, trying to get everything done before was once again owned by Rocky.


Rocky stood on the deck facing two rows of chairs surrounded by candles and flowers. He looked at the back of the deck saw the most beautiful woman he's ever seen smiling at him waiting for the ceremony to begin. He's known for some time that he's the luckiest man in the world. However, looking at that incredibly beautiful woman ready to offer submission to him had his heart beating wildly in his chest. This incredible journey has brought them to this point, feeling the joy and the honor of Madison's submission welling up inside him.

The music started and Madison walked regally down the aisle towards her husband. The crowd faded away and Rocky filled her vision. She felt butterflies and an exhilaration as she slowly walked towards the man, she would soon be devoting her life too. He was ruggedly handsome, masterful and he made her knees week every time she looked at him. She never imagined that she would be doing this, but now she couldn't imagine not submitting herself to him.

When she reached Rocky, she cast her eyes downward looking at the floor. Rocky looked at the woman he loved so dearly and resisted the urge to pull her into his arms. He stiffened his resolve then said, "Madison, why have you come here today?"

With her eyes still downcast and in a quivering passionate voice Madison said, "I come here to give myself and commit myself to the only man I've ever truly loved."