Model Slave Pt. 03 Ch. 01


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Her face had a look of excited anticipation underneath the chocolate, but her overall display was just awesome. She looked as if she had a terrific tan with all the chocolate painted on her and all the fruit hiding and enhancing the titillating effects. Emma couldn't tell it was her, but whoever was there was exceptionally gorgeous and worth devouring. She kept staring at herself in the mirror until she realized Steve was talking to her.

"If you didn't want to do it, then why are you here?" Steve played with some of the pieces of fruit, acting like he was still working on her as they talked. She felt his hands touching her and shivered.

"I needed the money, and I am trying to work as a model." she added sheepishly.

"Okay, well, I gotta get back to work," Steve said. He let his thumb run across one of the few spots of clean skin on her body, winking as he turned away.

New tingles of nervous energy fluttered in her belly. Why hadn't she realized that someone she wanted to know might be here, maybe even one of the guys that would be pulling fruit off of her? God, she was going to kill her agent.

Minutes passed and she relaxed, realizing that there wasn't much she could do besides jump up and run. But as bound as she was, she couldn't even do that. Even if she could, Emma couldn't do that to herself or her agent, she knew this gig meant a lot to him, both of them needed the money and it would boost their prestige. A roar of male laughter caught her attention, and she moved the tiniest bit, trying to see what was going on.

Emma needn't have moved. Men swarmed into the room, tuxedoed and shined, they carried crystal glasses full of golden bubbles. She felt the eyes on her as she kept her position, wishing she could slink away. While at the same time wanting to preen in front of all these hunky men.

She could close her eyes and pretend she wasn't there. There were about twenty men and she could see Steve, his eyes riveted upon her as all the men walked in.

"Emma," he whispered as he walked by. "You look amazing. You'll knock them dead."

"I feel stupid and exposed," She growled at him. "Everyone is going to owe me for this one, even though I agreed to this."

"Yeah, I'll pay." Steve said, a twinkle in his brown eyes. He reached over, playing with the flower that covered her sex, moving it ever so slightly. His smile grew even bigger as he heard her gasp, and she narrowed her eyes to him.

"Watch it buddy! But don't stop unless you don't want some of me." She hissed.

He laughed. "I know you really love the attention," he smirked. He bent and before her disbelieving eyes, smelled the flower he was playing with, his head so close to her body she could feel a silky brush as his hair touched her.

Shock had her speechless and he lifted his head and winked before turning to walk away.

"Gentleman, if you'll take your seats, dinner will be served and then we'll get to the highlight of the evening." Chairs were moved, the clink of silverware and China sounding loudly in her ears. Toasts were given even as waiters moved through the room keeping glasses filled, distributing expertly cooked cuisine that smelled amazing.

Emma felt her stomach contract and growl. Embarrassingly she heard a laugh close by and a deep voice resonated, "I think our centerpiece missed dinner."

Another voice chimed in, "Well, we can't have her passing out on us due to hunger and missing the main event, can we?"

"No, where would our manners be?"

She heard the sound of a chair scraping back and then saw a wide black and white covered chest in front of her eyes. Looking up, she could see a large man, his body muscled not fat, holding a fork in front of her.

"Open up, pretty one," he said, waving a bite of rare, red meat in front of her.

"I-I..." was all she got out before he pushed the food into her mouth.

The taste exploded in her mouth, rare prime rib with a delicate mushroom sauce, and she couldn't help the moan of pleasure that escaped her lips.

She swallowed and another fork was offered, and then another. Emma had a group of tuxedoed men standing over her, feeding her tidbits of their own dinners. There was just something slightly decadent about being surrounded by these men, most of them well built, handsome, exuding power and sexuality with their scent.

Then she felt a hand upon her hip, a finger tracing through the chocolate flowers, a yum of delight as she was tasted for the first time. Another hand reached out, plucking a strawberry from the table, his hand brushing against her ass cheek.

Someone bent over her, his tongue slipping out and trailing up her leg, licking up the sweet, syrupy liquid. Another mouth was at her throat, nibbling on skin left bare from syrup or chocolate, tasting only her own flavor. Now it began and the deep throbbing passion roared back to life. Emma fought to keep her body still, but her chest heaved and her hips shimmied.

She heard a whimpering moan and realized that it was her as more hands, tongues and lips experienced her deliciously decorated form. There were still only a few men sampling her inviting body and truly she didn't know if it was her or the delights covering her. Her skin seemed especially sensitive and every lick coaxed an erotically muscular tremor from her torso.

"Having fun?" She heard Steve say and she saw him amongst those gathered around her. His eyes were bright, lustful, sending a thrill of naughtiness through her. She wondered if he would join the men who were nibbling at the strawberries covering her nipples. Would he want to do the things to her that she could feel were being done already?

But he just winked, turning his back and walking off. She followed him with her eyes, seeing him talk to Chef before someone blocked her view. She heard a booming voice of the chef, "Gentlemen this is your dessert, try her, by the way her name is Barbie. Since the groom is named Ken, he gets first taste."

The strawberry covering her right nipple was gone, a tongue slowly began lapping at the engorged peak. The man lapping and nipping at her nipple grunted, "I'm already enjoying my desert, but I'm not stopping. These nipples are delicious, but I wonder what that Lilly tastes like?"

Emma quivered at the thought of him devouring her pussy and slurping her clit. The chef's words came back to her, "You are not allowed to climax." She wondered if she could hold back her orgasm, because she could already feel the passion inside her building. She fought to keep still like the chef had commanded, but her body had other thoughts and micro tremors rippled over her impassioned form.

Another whimpering moan escaped as some teeth bit down on her right nipple. Now everyone in the room was sampling her decorated form and she couldn't stop the rampant sexual tremors in her body. More hands, tongues and lips experienced her delightfully highlighted form and there wasn't any place not covered by some voracious man. Her especially sensitive skin rippled with micro tremors and every lick coaxed an erotically muscular tremor from her pussy and womb.

Another tongue was at the small of her back, licking up the chocolate that had pooled there. Men vied for position around the small table holding her table and for a single instant, she wondered if cannibals ever did this to the missionaries they captured in all those jungle movies while waiting for the water to boil in the huge pots.

Emma felt her needy passion building along with her body's squirming response. It seemed as if every part of her body had lips, tongues or fingers goading her towards the climax she craved. She fought the waves of ecstasy that rippled through her, even though her glory in the desperate need to feel everything. Emma looked down and saw her body covered with men's heads and hands and it only made her feel more of what they were doing to her form. One gentleman latched onto her left nipple and munched on her as if she were his last meal.

Someone tried to lift her foot inches from the table, but as tightly as she was bound, he couldn't raise it and settled as she felt a warm mouth close over her toes, sucking and then licking at the sensitive pads. She wanted badly to squirm but too many hands were on her now, too many mouths licking or sucking at her skin, teasing her nerve endings. Emma was on sensory meltdown, her muscles danced beneath her skin, jerking with building ecstasy. She started to writhe in pleasure within the limits of her bondage, but no one could see because she was covered with hands, heads and not to mention the fruit salad on her skin.

She tried to arch her back but was pushed back on her back, the flower plucked from between her thighs. Someone shouted Steve's name and she saw the man holding the flower toss it to him, like it was some kind of trophy. She felt juice from the strawberries that had been crushed when they'd put her on her back and felt it mix with the blueberries that were pushed off of her by eager hands.

Her thighs were spread, someone lifting a slice of peach and rubbing it over her thick lower lips, making sure it was coated in her womanly nectar. The gentleman brought the fruit to his mouth, smiling as he bit into it, savoring her taste mixed with the fruit. Warm wetness surrounded both her nipples, tongues sliding over her stomach while fingers played with her thighs and slid into her pussy.

In the beginning, nerves had her stiff, but soon she was a massive bundle of need, her hips jerking every time someone touched her clit. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the group of men around her but feeling them all the same. Moans and groans filled the air, and for a moment she was surprised to know that they came from her. She wasn't a prude, but she was usually pretty quiet during sex.

She couldn't call this normal sex, but it was the most exciting thing she had ever done. Mouths moved over her, licking and nibbling, sucking and biting gently at the fruit still on her. Hands plucked and played, one sliding through the wetness between her thighs, a thick finger pushing into her pussy. It seemed as if there were hundreds of hands, fingers, mouths and lips teasing and plucking at the most erogenous on her body and the wild fiery passion just kept building.

Tied and bound as she was, there was nothing she could do but live in this moment. But she didn't really want it to end or even put up a fight, she wanted it to go on. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this kind of debauchery with gasps, whimpers and cries of need escaping her trembling lips. Emma's body reveled in depravity and tried to squirm showing her craving for what was happening, but her tightly stretched form could only tremble in her building passion.

Her head was the only thing that could really move and it thrashed back and forth with the wild decadence plainly written on her face. Her hair swirled around her face as her face expressed her need for more of what they were doing to her. Soon her hair was full of chocolate and fruit with clumps of hair sticking to her face and shoulders.

Emma's deep heaving gasps made her ribs explode against her skin leaving the contrast between her concave belly and chest even more pronounced. Her breasts vibrated with seductive titillation, begging for more attention and they got it. Most of the fruit had slid down her breasts, uncovering her nipples and eager mouths took their place. She wanted to thrust her nipples into the voracious lips but could barely move, and that seemed to excite her even more.

One of the men went to her head then to her bound hand and suddenly it was filled, her fingers wrapped around a thick cock. Her eyes flew open, and she looked over, seeing the man who had fed her the first bite of food slowly wrapping his hand around hers, then moving it up and down his stiff shaft.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked and she remembered what her agent had told her. Nothing would happen that she didn't want to.

"Y-yes, Oh God Yes. More I need more!" She breathlessly whispered, her thumb brushing over the spongy soft head of his cock and finding it already wet.

Hands played with her breasts, squeezing and rubbing, picking up handfuls of the now soft fruit and squeezing the mass of juice over her nipples. She heard a wet sound, turning her head from watching the hand job she was giving to see another man, his hands covered with strawberry pulp, rubbing it over his hard cock.

"Lick it off," he growled, moving closer to her face so that his cock brushed against her lips. She never wanted to suck a man's cock, but now it was a desperate need. She wanted it in her mouth tasting the fruit and the salty pre-cum.

She couldn't help herself, so many sensations were overloading her system, so many hands and mouths were caressing and kissing, sucking and touching until she felt like she was a taut string on a bow, ready to let her orgasm fly like an arrow. She turned her head as much as she could and felt the spongy tip pressing against her lips.

She opened her mouth, her tongue coming out, licking at the warm flesh and sweet juice. Lapping from the bottom of his balls to the head of his cock, she got all the sticky fruit from him before opening her mouth and taking him inside.

He grabbed her head, holding her as he thrust inside slowly, going a little deeper each time until she could feel him at the back of her throat. She gagged slightly and he eased off, making quick little jabs inside and imploring her to suck on him.

Suck on him she did, her cheeks hollowing out, her lips stretched around his straining cock.

Her hand moved over the other cock, jerking him off even as another man pushed her legs wider apart, his head snaking between her thighs and his tongue stroking over her clit.

Emma squealed. She couldn't help it. She felt that one tiny lick all the way down to her toes which were now curled. A low moan started in her throat as he continued, driving her crazy with torturously slow licks, sometimes purposefully missing her clit and making her wiggle in disappointment. Emma wanted to reach down and yank his head further into her, but her other bound hand was taken, and another cock was there.

The man in her mouth moved up his pace, his breath growing heavy, his body jerking even as his cock swelled. Suddenly, she felt the first pulse of salty hot sperm hit her throat and she coughed, gagging even as she swallowed the salty, bitter brew. He filled her mouth again and again until finally, with a sigh of satisfaction, he pulled away.

He patted her head and before she could say anything, another man took his place, another cock pressing against her lips. Her jaw began to ache, and her head started to spin, but she let him use her even as the cocks in her hands started to spray their loads on top of her.

It set off some kind of signal and she glanced around, finding herself surrounded by all these men, cocks in hand, jerking off over her naked juice and chocolate covered body. Even the man in her mouth pulled his cock free. She could hear him using her saliva to smooth his strokes. It was a wet slapping sound and one that she would never forget.

Her eyes were wide, her hands and arms covered in semen from the last two guys who had come on her. She looked around the circle and then, when one of the men shifted, she saw Steve standing in the doorway of the kitchen. His eyes met hers and he grinned, winking at her.

He seemed to be watching over her, making sure no one abused the bound naked centerpiece. Something about his overwatch gave her some security and her anxiety dissipated. Now she knew she would be safe and she began to let the wild sexuality flow through her. The mouths were still licking her erogenous zones, but more cocks were out ready to shower her with their heady brew.

The first spurt of semen landed across her breasts, the hot fluid running down the soft mounds to pool in the valley of her cleavage. The second landed on her thighs, which were still spread, the creamy white stuff trailing over her barely covered mound. She closed her eyes as the next shot landed across her face. Then they were climaxing, all of them, shooting their cream onto her naked body and covering her with their spunk.

She was covered with jism. It was hot and gooey, a little slimy against her body. It mixed with the juice from the fruit and the syrup and the melted chocolate, pooling in her navel, dripping off her thighs, matting in her hair. She felt the last shot land across her mouth to the accompaniment of some hoarse male laughter and then she felt them all move away from the table.

She couldn't open her eyes and could only lay there in the quickly cooling pool of semen, listening as the men talked, hearing lighters click and smelling the scent of cigar smoke. She lay there bound and unable to move or stand up, she was about to open her mouth, to ask for help, when Steve spoke above her head.

"It's okay, Emma. You did great."

"Steve?" She asked. "Can you get me out of here and off this table?"

"Yes ma'am, right away. That's why I'm here."

She felt the cart begin to move and heard the swinging doors into the kitchen.

"Amazing," Chef said. "Simply amazing." He clapped his hands enthusiastically. While Steve began to release her hands and legs from her bondage. The ropes were slippery and she waited patiently until all her limbs were free. Then she began to move around realizing just how slippery the table was. She looked to Steve for help and he offered her his hand as he asked, "Can you sit up?"

She managed, feeling the gooey stuff dripping off of her. The erotic cravings still made her tremble in need, but all the gooey stuff dripping off of her made her feel messy and unattractive. She desperately wanted someone, like Steve, to release the pent-up passion, but as she felt the goo dripping off of her she knew that no one would want her in her current state.

Something was placed in her hands, a wet cloth, and she used it to wipe away the worst of the many types of goo out of her eyes and off her face. "I can't go home like this."

"No one expects you to, Emma," Steve said. He held a small wire basket and she could see her clothes inside. He held out his hand to her and she took it, wanting to act contrite about the mess everyone made of it. "I'm going to take you to where you can get a shower." He added.

"Thank you," She mumbled, standing still for a moment and letting her knees lose their shakiness. She'd been more affected by what had happened out there than she thought. Her body tingled, her pussy felt empty and achy and her nipples throbbed. Oh God, how she wanted someone to fuck her to multiple orgasms, she suddenly felt like such a needy slut. Yet everything felt oddly right, with her entire body tingling and it was an experience she wouldn't trade for anything.

Emma tried to gather her wits and control as she followed Steve down a tiled hallway, hearing the sound of someone mopping behind her as they cleaned up the mess falling off of her. He held her hand like a couple on a date and she felt secure with his hand holding hers. A doorway appeared on the left side of the hall and Steve opened it, clicking on the light switch.

The bathroom was gorgeous, surprising her. She hadn't thought to find something spacious and opulent and so well fitted for a woman in a man's club. The colors were soft, opal and pink with touches of yellow and pale green, the tiles were ceramic, on the floor as well as surrounding the tub and the huge shower. A long counter ran the length of the room with three marble bowls, the opal-colored marble shot through with the same colors as the room.

She was afraid to step inside, but Steve waved her in. "You'll find everything you need in here, Emma."

No, she wouldn't. She knew what she needed, and it wasn't marble and ceramic tiles. She needed a man deep inside her. She needed the last hour to be consummated in a primal fucking that relieved the wild craving inside her pussy. She looked over at Steve and saw his eyes roaming over her messy but delicious form and she quivered thinking of this manly hunk fulfilling her desperate needs.