Mom & Me + Alien Abduction = Incest


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I don't know why it occurred to me then, except back home I always had a bottle of Astrolube in the drawer next to my bed; that and a big box of tissues. The wastepaper-basket got full often. (Can you imagine, my dad had to use petroleum-jelly; messy!) But have you ever jacked-off (guys I mean) so much without some kind of lubricant that you got a sore spot? Spit sucks for the most part, unless you sucked on a piece of candy. But I was out of luck. Well I suppose I could have tried to order it from 'room-service'. But then, I wouldn't need to 'go to the well' that I had right next to me in the same bed, would I? 'Nothing ventured . . . etc.!'

"Mom, I've got a little problem -- big problem."

"What, Sweetie?"

"I'm not asking to fool around, but I'm horny and I usually masturbate to get to sleep, when we're home. But I don't have anything to . . slick my willie, if you know what I mean."

"I'm not going down on you, if that's what you're driving at."

"No! I just thought that perhaps if you might be able to loan me some of your natural juices."

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Awh . . forget it, I'll go over to the couch and jerk-off there, if I get a sore, I suppose the aliens provide first aid." I sounded my best hurt/petulant/pouty tone, which mother had a difficult time to ignore. She usually gave in when I grumbled that way, if it was a minor issue which she wasn't firm on. It was a weakness which I played upon, though not too often, so as not to use up brownie points. I started to get out of bed.

"Wait!" Mom grabbed my arm and pulled me back. In the near dark I saw her put her hand to her crotch and in a moment she was smearing my cock with her sex oil. It occurred to me that there was already a flow, even before I had asked. If she could dip into the swamp and draw out her lube so immediately, I could deduce what that was indicative of! Interesting! Just the place I wanted to be in-dick-ative of! She gave me one more application. "Is that enough?"

"I think so, I'll try to be quick."

"You do that."

But of course I used it up before I was at the tipping point. "Can I have a little more?"

She sighed, "Here," mom repeated her application of her lubrication. "Would it help you get there faster if I did it for you?"

Now that was progress! "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind. I wasn't intending that you should have to do that, but sure it would feel better than doing it on my own." So she began to stroke my boner and returning to the well every once in a while. "That's so nice mom, I'll come soon. Do you need help keeping stimulated to provide enough for making me slick?"

She grunted a throaty, "Uh-huh", so I began to diddle in her genitals. This was going nicely! Glad I thought of it. I detected her pelvis making forward movements, I was beginning to move my hips too. We were now sort of turned toward each other and we got closer for better leverage. Our hands were not in sync, but my fingers played in her soft flesh and the middle digit dipped every now and then in her hole. She worked long strokes, then made a swirling around the swollen head of my dick. Her technique was clearly experienced and was really getting to me.

I pictured us in the act of making love, my penis plunging and plugging in her womanhood. The image tipped the balance and I shot into her hand as it caressed the knob just then. That set her off as well, and I felt her jerky movements and the flow of a liberal amount of her own discharge. "Don't expect this every night, young man." She said sternly. But no anger was there, it was a standard line, to indicate that she had no intention of spoiling me. She used it at home often enough, and usually contrary to the words, I got the privilege again as long as I didn't abuse her good will. So, I kept the thought to myself, but wondered what the next few days would bring of this new aspect of our relationship, in these very odd circumstances.

We rolled away and went to sleep after that session, but we woke spooning. Mom loved to cuddle and I had cozied up to her in the night, without any objections. We stayed in bed like that, both aware that we were each awake but enjoying the closeness and being lazy. What else was there to do? It's not like we were going anywhere. Unless we were on the mother-ship, and traveling in hyper-drive at light-years per second, due to arrive at a distant star eventually. But there was still no sense of that. In fact, the gravity was normal, and I suspected we were at a secret base of alien operations still on Earth. Or as the BEMs call it, Dirt. Looses something in translation.

We had eggs and bacon and French toast for breakfast with milk and OJ, and the standard dose of whatever the sex additive was. It was annoying, but we were getting used to the condition. We tried to remember how to play two handed bridge and which eventually evolved to become our own version of a bastardized bridge/rummy, perhaps a cross-breed? Maybe there was an undertone of sex to our gaming because Jack trumped a Queen if you could play an eight (ate) on her, Queens needed an Ace (ass) however to win a hand, and game was 69. Well the rules were silly, but we were bored and horny.

Then it was lunch, I forgot what we ate, maybe peanut butter and jelly. There was a movie on in the evening, we ordered popcorn and lots of beer. Then a couple of joints, since we were on a 'don't give a shit what the aliens want, we are on vacation!' roll. The mood turned ugly toward the BEMs and we got into a screaming fit, yelling out every insult and creative put down we could shout at them. Nothing happened, save we got hoarse, and at last we plopped down on the couch. Then we kissed because we had a mutual admiration for the other's power bursts of energy in hating our captors. We kissed some more because it was nice to have another human next to you. We kissed some more because kissing is fun.

Then we kissed some more because we were getting into it, and we began to make out, like two teenagers. Convenient that we had no buttons or zippers to deal with, birthdays suits had buttons but they were for fun things to do with them. I played with mom's and she worked my joystick. Palms caressed buttocks and chest pressed to breast, and octopi had nothing on us as our appendages roamed all over one another. We slid to the floor and entangled our legs and rubbed our genitalia together, like we were trying to start a fire, though rug burn was the only thing that was created. So then we clambered on to the mattress to continue our dalliance.

I found my fingers up mom's vagina, waving back and forth, front to back and groping for her G-spot too. Meanwhile, she had a finger poking two knuckles deep in my asshole. That was a new one for me, but everything was a turn-on at that point. She then got me to lie on my back and skittered down to show her talents at fellatio. She was in her element as she plied my pike. The way her lips sucked, the swirl of her tongue; I never felt her teeth, except when she deep throated me once and gagged, but after that she got the hang of my hard-on and gave really fine head. I was soon shooting in her mouth -- she even swallowed!

I wanted to reciprocate, but we were both wiped out and she promised I could save it for the next day. In the morning, we woke and decided to have breakfast in bed, we served each other. There were fresh strawberries and warm Danish, coffee and pineapple juice and ham. Mother said she wanted to have a bath. I asked her if she was going to . . . pleasure herself, since the meal was laced as always. She said she felt the need to bathe, but I was welcome to join her like when I had been little, only now it would be more crowded. But the idea was not for messing around, just water fun, not otherwise. I said I would take a rain-check. She replied, it was a bath not a shower, so I would have to take out flood insurance. I came back with perhaps we could pool our resources. Sure, said mom, dive in, and get into the swim of things.

So I ordered aquavit. It was like when I was very small and the next door girl and I would play in the tub, while our mothers gabbed together. Only it was me talking to my mom, but we played, and reminisced about the beach and neighborhood Fourth of July pool parties and swapped skinny-dipping bragging rights. Mom said she love to go skinny-dipping, that if we had a pool at home she would do it late at night when I was asleep. I assured her if she did, I would stay awake and look out the window to catch a glimpse of her in the altogether. "Well?" she asked her arms spread, indicating that I had gotten my wish, in abundance.

"Mom, you truly are gorgeous and I adore your body."

"Fine, you can worship at the shrine of Saint June tonight; just make sure your prayers at the sacred shine of her divine juncture isn't just lip-service. She wants you to speak in tongues too."

YES! Promises were made and will be kept! I was a happy camper. Eating that stuff would definitely get me erect and it would be all natural, no additives! I wondered if my sainted mom might saddle a sinner in her center, if my adoration was adequate? Would the oracle of my loving, allow me into her holy grotto? Theology is so difficult to understand, maybe if I stroked her temples too. Whatever it took.

By the time our water sporting was over we were two pink raisins. Being under the 'blow-dry-all' together was an interesting experience. We rubbed each other all over in the warm blast, kind of a standing massage. Then we tried to figure out something creative to do with the cards (couldn't exactly play strip poker!). We eventually propped open the 'dispose-all' and tried to toss them in, going further back as we challenged our opponent. Mom won by two points. I don't know why they couldn't provide us with Scrabble or even backgammon, they were good with food, but entertainment was the pits. Was it mother's pit and my poker that was supposed to be the fun? And for who's amusement anyway? Did they get off by watching us dabble in incest? Not saying I didn't enjoy it mind you, and mom somewhat as well, was happy when we canoodled.

Mom was quiet that evening. I could see that she was sort of nervous. She only had a couple of glasses of wine, enough to relax her, but not letting it go to her head. I guess it was because she knew I was positively going to give her head, that night. Cunnilingus here I come, and here cums mom. I was positive that she would climax. I was a dedicated muff-diver. She wouldn't even take a toke from the one 'J' I smoked that evening. I was like a race horse at the starting gate, couldn't wait for the bell to ring. I was eager to provide stud service too, if allowed.

Eventually, the programs we watched were over. If things were in sync with outside, this was Sunday, our eighth day in alien incarceration. Thus the episodes we were watching were not taped, that is to say, re-taped and played over closed-circuit. That would take a hell of a set up to handle all those channels. Mom went into the lavatory to do her female ablutions. Or maybe just to get up her courage for letting her son go down on her. I lolled on the bed, already semi-hard. Finally she came, not exactly as a blushing bride, but with a demure grace and appealing shyness, considering what we already had shared. No dainty daisy, I -- I dove into my mom's womanhood like a starving man at a banquet.

I lapped at her labia first, just to open the gap and set the mood. Then some little licks at her clitoris to warm her up and get her liking the sensation and not worrying about the fact that man between her thighs was her own boy. Next to kisses on the inner thighs and all around the whole area. I went back to tonguing her with fast flicks in the groove moving up to the button and doing arabesques. A series of delving into the cavity as deep as my stretched oral digit could dig. Then I repeated the entire routine, but in a different order, including warm and cool air from my mouth on delicate parts. Every trick I knew, and some I invented on the spot. She started cumming after maybe five minutes of my administrations.

Mother's orgasms were varied; she started with a nice size climax and then in a few minutes had a series of small multiples, then some hard spasms that lasted four to five seconds, with a short recovery time between them. Finally she had one huge clench, her back arched and she almost dislodged my mouth from her clit, but I held her hips and stuck the sucking all the way through the paroxysm. Afterwards, she dragged me up to kiss my face and hug me in a powerful embrace, too breathless to talk, but obviously she had been satiated with my gentle torture. She fell asleep soon afterwards, leaving me happy for her, but wishing that I had driven her to beg for my cock in her cunt. I would have settled for an IOU. Since what I only heard were little snores I went to watch a late movie.

In the morning, our ninth day, I was woken by the sound of mom crying. She was sitting on the divan and had her hands in her face. I went to her and put my arm around her. "Do you think they will ever let us go?" she wailed in a tiny voice.

"Sure, mom, I'm not positive why we were chosen, but they haven't harmed us. I know that the additive, whatever it is makes it hard, sorry, no pun intended; (this got a little smile from her) to control our . . unnatural urges. Well, I mean sex IS natural, but maybe they don't understand about human taboos. Not that they don't get broken often enough as it is, I mean look at . . all the things you read on the Internet about how odd people can be, and what weird stuff they do. No wonder aliens might be confused about earthling behavior."

"Mom, I understand that you don't want them to control us, that it's har . . uh . . difficult not to give in, to allow them to have their way. But what if we did just what they wanted and then they let us go. Would it be so terrible to fuck me for our freedom? NO, I mean make love, because I love you and I would do anything to make you happy. Anything, rescue you from aliens with my ray-gun like Luke and Princess Leia, or Flash Gorden and what's her face. But all I got is this friendly weapon, and I'd have to use it on you, if that is what, as we suspect, the goal of the BEMs is. But if that's what I have to do, I'll sacrifice my virginity to get you out of here."

"You're not a virgin!" Mom smiled, because she knew I was using hyperbole.

"SSHH! Don't let them hear you; it might spoil their fun when we do it!"

"We are not doing IT! And what the hell is a Bem?"

"B - E - M, that's an old Sci-Fi acronym term for Bug-Eyed Monster. Like 'little green men', but shorter; though they are usually pictured as being larger than the more humanoid type of men-from-Mars aliens that were in 'Close Encounters".

"I'd like to have a close encounter with one of the perverted little E.T.s that wants to watch us having sex!" Now mom had gotten angry, well that was a better mood than being depressed. However, it was not moving us toward our own 'close encounter', which had been my subtle strategy. Mom ranted on, "Just let me get my hands on one of those sonofabitch aliens, I'll choke his scrawny neck so hard he will be both bug-eyed and crossed-eyed, until he turns from green to purple and his God damn eye-balls pop out. If they have balls of any other kind those I'll rip off, so they won't have anymore fun that way either!" Mom's feisty nature was furious.

"Mom BEMs don't have human reproductive organs, and it takes three of them to make a nestling, which is why they are so curious about duo-procreation, when they are tri-sexual."

Mom looked at me with a little confusion. "How do you know so much about them? What? Did you find the BEM porn channel on the TV?"

"No, that was from an Isaac Asimov book I read from the library. I'm making it up. All I know really is that they do seem to want us to mate, and they are watching and listening. 'Cause we are naked and well fed, given intoxicants when we ask for them, so they know about inhibitions. That can be extrapolated, as well as their interest in sex because of the aphrodisiacs. And I know that our having sex would be quite a nice thing, beyond the fact we are mother and son. Because I think you are sexy and I adore you. But I would never do anything knowingly that it would upset you or make you feel bad. However if we did have sex, I know I would make you feel good."

"OH! You would would you? So this isn't a complicated scheme to get into your mother's panties?"

"In fact it is. I traded the Pentagon's plans to defend against alien attack for their help in seducing you. They said it was a good deal, as long as they got to watch the action and I threw in Sigourney Weaver. We would have shaken on it, but their tentacles are rather slimy."

Mom laughed. I had been confident that I could get her to lighten up. She leaned into me and we kissed. Then we Frenched. I lay her down on the couch and just stroked her all over, without pausing at the erogenous zones, but not skipping them either. We kissed some more and Frenched every now and then. Before long, my hand was slowing down as it passed over a nipple or brushed her mons.

"You are trying to seduce me aren't you?" mom murmured languidly as we lounged on the sofa.

"No, just trying to calm you and make you forget about our incarceration with a few casual carnal caresses."

"How slimy are their appendages?"

For some reason, I just knew that was an opening for what I wanted to do. I could tell she was a little turned on by our contact, the tactile touching of the erotic areas. Her nipples were pointy and her thighs had parted slightly. I took a chance that she was offering the 'opening' I was hoping for and dipped my middle digit into the well of her vagina. It came out wet. I put it in again when she did not object. Then I pulled it out and rubbed my fingers together, testing the slickness, right in front of mom's face.

"Well," I said in a near whisper in mom's ear, "If it was slippery like this, I wouldn't have minded so much, but . ." I took her hand and put it on the knob of my erection which was leaking pre-cum, "it was more like what you came feel down there."

"That's not so bad." mother played along.

I continued to push and pull my fingers in her soft lubricated tissues both deep and around the gash, including the clit. Getting her excited and ready if the moment came, so that she would allow me access. "But their tentacles have suckers too." I added.

"Suckers, like an octopus has?"

"No, more gentle, like this . ." I moved my mouth to her breast and sweetly engulf the pink center protruding from it. Then I spent a few more minutes on the other so neither side would be jealous.

"That's not so bad. What if an alien wanted to have its way with me, would I like it?"

I put a finger in her pussy and wiggled it. "A tentacle up your quim? Is that what you'd want?"

"Maybe, it would just use a sucker on the outside." I took the hint and moved so I could apply oral suckling on her nether regions. Mom spread her legs for my admission to her privates. I stuck my tongue in her gap as deep as I could. "OH! I'm getting tickled by an E.T.!" She giggled as my appendage wiggled in her womanhood. "But what I want isn't a BEM, it's a boy!" I moved up and lay upon her, my cock knocking at her cunt. I could feel the leaking oil mixed with my saliva as it coated the very tip of my dick, the labia began to part.

Mother froze. This was not a good sign, so I froze. "Please mom, I'm horny, because of you; not them, the BEM. I'm the boy you want. Your boy who loves you. Who wants to make love to you. I'm the human, the man who desires you. I don't care if they are watching and listening, or recording or whatever." I pushed the plum of my penis in an inch, it was prepared to slide right into the drenched chute of her snatch. She gasped but didn't relax, her muscles still were tense, but she wasn't pushing me out. Still, I thought that I might need to use subtle subterfuge to fulfill my filial lust finally. I withdrew to just kissing the labia with the piss-hole of my prick, then slowly re-submerged the knob within the warm wet depths.