Mom's Secret Life


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Our eyes locked in wordless communication, and as we stared at each other, a sly smile crept over her face, then she ran her tongue seductively over her lips before moving on.

But I wasn't through with her, not by a mile. As she made her way back in my direction, this time teasing the crowd by opening and closing the scarf around her waist, I waved a hundred-dollar bill in the air, and she squatted down right in front of me, whirled the scarf off her body and waved it over my head.

All she had on now were her fuck-me heels and her g-string, and as she stood up, I kind of stood up as well and slid the bill into the waistband. She winked at me and I sat back down, barely able to contain my erection.

However, she wasn't through with me either. Once she got the g-string off and was naked, she danced back over until she was right in front of me. She spread her legs and slowly worked her way into a squatting position, all the time swaying to the music, which was getting faster and more rhythmic.

There it was, the pussy I'd dreamed about, no more than a foot away from my nose. It was clean-shaven and very wet. It was all I could do to keep from reaching out and touching it, but I knew better than to do that. I've seen how they do guys who get carried away and touch the dancers. They're always whisked out of the place in under 10 seconds.

"Like what you see?" she said in a throaty voice. I could only nod my head in rapture, and I threw another hundred on the stage. At that, she rolled onto her back, did a complete semi-back flip, and landed on her knees, her long hair moving in every direction, looking like she wanted to fuck every man in the room, and probably all of the women as well.

She quickly bounded up and did her gyrations, humping the pole and doing her spread-eagle routine as the music reached a crescendo. Finally, it was over, and I could feel sweat all over my body from watching my mother's show, knowing she was doing it for me.

I took a big sip of my beer, draining it in one big gulp. No more than a minute later, the waitress came over with a fresh beer. She whispered in my ear that I was to follow her toward the backstage area, that Dana wanted to see me.

Mom was sitting on a stool in the spacious dressing room, in front of a lighted mirror, guzzling a bottle of water. She was still naked and her chest was heaving from her exertions.

"Pull up a stool," she said breathlessly. I sat, still speechless.

"You were here a couple of weeks ago, weren't you," she said finally.

"Yeah, I was here," I said. "Bunch of us were bar-hopping. All the guys were real impressed."

"You didn't tell them anything, did you?" she said, looking over at me sharply in a little bit of panic.

"Are you kidding?" I said. "Not bloody likely."

"Good. I thought I recognized you, but I wasn't sure it was you," Mom said. "I've been in a state of ... I don't know, anxiety? I've been a bundle of nerves the past couple of weeks, wondering if it was you, and if so, what you'd do, how you would react. My God, what you must think."

"M-uh, Diane, it's OK, you don't have to explain anything to me," I said. "It's your life, you can do what you want with it. Truth is, I've always thought you were the sexiest woman in the world. And you are very good at that (and I pointed with my thumb toward the stage)."

"I guess you know about the other thing, too, don't you," she said, with a slightly pained look on her face. "You've got to under..."

"D-Diane, you don't have to go into it now, maybe later," I said. It felt weird calling my mother by her name, but I didn't think she wanted any of the other girls, who were coming and going through the dressing room, to know what our relationship was.

"You know you look very, very nice," she said after a minute or so of silence, and now she had that look of incipent lust in her eyes. "I don't suppose I have to ask whether I'm that girl you were telling me about yesterday, the one you were going to make a move on soon."

I just nodded, and I swept my gaze leisurely up and down her hot, slender body, my desire plain to see.

"I have wanted you for a very long time," I said softly. "I just never thought I'd ever have a chance at it. I do have a chance, don't I?"

My mom looked at me with naked lust in her eyes, and in that moment, I knew I had her.

"Believe me, you are your father's son," she whispered as she brought her face close to mine and brushed a hand over the bulge in my pants.

"But I'm more my mother's child," I whispered back, then our lips met, and I got my first "real" kiss with my mother. At first, it was tentative, a sort of testing of the waters, but it quickly deepened into a full lip lock, and then our tongues clashed.

When we finally broke apart, we both actually shivered, that's how high our lust had risen. Without a word, Mom reached into her bag, pulled out a cell phone and punched in some numbers.

"Grace?" she said when the other party answered. "Look, I hate to do this, but I need to cancel my appointments for tonight. Something's come up at home I need to take care of (and as she said that, she squeezed the large bulge in my slacks). Tell them I'll make it up to them next time, but this is really urgent. You can? Oh, thanks, you're a doll. Love ya. Bye."

I just grinned as she put away the phone.

"You didn't have any plans for later, did you?" she asked as she turned toward the mirror and began to get ready for her next set.

"Well, yeah, actually I did," I said, then I leaned in and whispered in her ear. It was time to be just a little bold. "I had planned to fuck my mother."

Then I stood up, so that my cock was right at eye level. Mom just stared at it, and as she did, it got quite hard, not as hard as it was going to get later, but it made for a very nice bulge in my pants. Mom licked her lips and ran a hand softly over my cock.

"You are a very naughty boy," she said. "You would think your mother would have taught you better."

We both laughed at that, then she stood up and we embraced. I kissed her with confidence now, holding her hot body close to mine and letting my cock dig into her abdomen.

"I get off at 1 o'clock," Mom said when we broke apart again. "Meet me around back, by the stage entrance, and we'll go somewhere, OK? And don't have too many of those (referring to the nearly-empty bottle of beer I had in my hand)."

"Oh, I won't," I said. "See you later."

I left the dressing room and went back out to my seat, which the waitress had saved for me. I acted cool, but inside I wanted to jump up and down for joy, because I knew that before the night was over, I was going to get what I'd always wanted.

About 1 a.m., I made my way out of the club and walked around toward the back entrance. I stood there for about 10 minutes as several of the other dancers passed through the door, then my mom came out.

She had on the same tight leather pants and tank-top outfit, except that she clearly didn't have a bra on, the way she had when she'd left the house. Her little nipples poked invitingly into the thin material of the white shirt. She had put on a little makeup, and had brushed out her waist-length hair so that it shone in the light over the entrance.

We embraced, and our hands roamed all over each other as we kissed deeply.

"Let's go get some breakfast," Mom said when we broke apart. "All this work makes me hungry. And, besides, I think we need to talk."

We climbed into my little pickup truck, and we drove off, leaving her car in the parking lot. We were silent, lost in our own thoughts as we drove onto one of the loops that surround the city. We saw a Denny's off one exit that wasn't too crowded, so we went in.

You should have seen the looks my sexy mom got when we walked in the door. Our hands were clasped together, and heads swiveled as we were escorted to a booth. We ordered coffee and something light for breakfast.

When the waitress had gone, we looked across the table at each other.

"I guess you have some questions about why I'm doing this, and how I got into it," Mom said finally. I just nodded and let her continue. She told me that she had been restless and bored at home, and that she was frustrated with her lack of a sex life.

One afternoon, she'd had lunch with a friend, and she was complaining about that, and the friend had told her about Tower Enterprises, which she had been using on a part-time basis. Mom had done the interview, they had taken her on, then they had sent her to Headlights with an A-1 recommendation.

"Did you try to tell Dad how you felt?" I asked.

"God, did I," she said. "I spent 10, 12 years trying to get him to pay attention to my needs. Your father is a sweet man, he really is, and I do love him, but he doesn't have a clue. I tried romantic weekends, sexy outfits, marriage counseling, doctor's visits, the works. It all went in one ear and out the other. I'd finally get him alone, get him really interested, get him really hard, then I'd get him in me, he'd hump me about three minutes, shoot his cum, roll over and go to sleep. Every single time. Then it would be another three months before I could get him interested again. He's always working on some project for work, playing with his trains or he has his nose in some engineering journal. I finally just gave up. Now I get my physical needs met, and he doesn't seem to mind that I don't bug him for sex any more."

It seemed to make sense to me, at least from her point of view. I still have trouble, though, understanding how a man could be married to the sexiest woman in the whole state of Texas and not be interested in fucking her more than three times a year.

As we ate, I asked about how the operation worked, as much to allay my fears for her safety as anything else, and she explained the set-up. Finally, our plates were empty, and there wasn't much left to say. Mom took my hands and looked into my eyes.

"We're going to do this, aren't we," she said, and I just nodded. "You know, I've always wondered how your cock would feel in me. I've caught a few glimpses of it, and it is impressive."

"I've watched you too, seen you when you walked around in shorts and a tight t-shirt, in a bikini, or wrapped in a towel after showering," I said. "God, you don't know how long I've wanted you. Ever since I first understood what sex was all about. But, honestly, if you don't want to, I'm not going to force you into it. I'll keep your secret, and it won't change the way I feel about you. I love you, no matter what."

Mom just smiled her sexy smile, reached in her purse for some cash to pay the bill, took my hand and we headed for the door without a word.

"We've come too far to back out now," she said softly when we got back in my truck. "Richie, I want you just as badly as you want me. Incest, the last taboo. You're sexy enough without that element added to it. The fact that you're my son just makes it all the more delicious. I'm gonna fuck you, big boy, like you've never been fucked before. Your mother is the best call girl in the city, and I'm going to show you why."

"Well, you'd better get ready, honey, because I've never left a woman any less than fully satisfied," I said. "Unlike Dad, I know how to take care of a sexy woman like you."

We kissed then, ravenously, wantonly. My cock was straining at my pants, struggling to get to the fount of its desire. My left hand slid up Mom's left leg, up to the tight crotch of her pants, and I could feel the heat radiating from between her legs. Mom's hand was massaging my cock through my pants, kneading the iron rod.

We were trembling with lust as we broke our embrace. There was a motel right across the street from the restaurant, a Comfort Inn, clean and inexpensive. I drove over there, sat for a second to let my hard-on diminish, then went inside to rent us a room. I used my Austin address so it wouldn't look too obvious, but the woman working behind the desk gave me a knowing smile as she handed me the key card and directed me to the room around back.

As soon as the door to the motel room closed, we were on each other, frantic to get it on. Our mouths met in a frenzy of hot lips and slashing tongues, and our hands were busy getting at each other's clothes.

I pulled Mom's shirt over her head, tossed it aside and feasted my eyes on her little titties, with the pink nipples stiff as little erasers. I ran my hands over her breasts, then bent to kiss, lick and suck each nipple, one after the other, while she was quickly working the buttons on my shirt open.

Mom moaned as I worked on her tits, while my hands were busy unbuttoning and unzipping her pants. As I expected, there were no panties to get in the way of my fingers sliding down her smooth pubic mound to her dripping-wet cunt. I sawed two fingers between her juicy lips, then stuck my middle finger up her hot, horny hole.

Mom gasped in pleasure as my fingers worked in her pussy. All the while, she was unbuckling my belt and getting my pants open so she could get at my raging-hard cock. When she got my slacks off, my fat dong flipped through the hole in my boxer shorts, already leaking at the tip, and she softly caressed it, stroking it up and down lightly.

I pushed her pants off her hips and down her thighs, until she finally had to sit down on the bed so she could pull her boots off. Once she had them off, her pants quickly followed, and she lay back on her elbows naked, her chest heaving in desire.

She just stared at my long hard cock as it bobbed in front of me while I finished undressing. Her tongue was working over her lips in a hungry motion.

"Oh, baby, it's beautiful," Mom whispered, and she slid to her knees in front of me. My mother looked up at me with blazing eyes as she licked up the shaft, then opened her mouth wide and fit the head past her lips.

Mom slid about half of my length in her throat and sucked me briskly, but only for a few seconds.

"Fuck this," she panted as she pulled her mouth off my cock. "We can play later. Right now, I gotta have this thing in my hot cunt where it belongs. C'mon, Richie, come on and fuck your mother!"

She stood up, walked to the head of the bed, pulled the covers down and pulled us down onto the bed together. We kissed wildly, our passion out of control. Mom rolled onto her back, spread her legs wide, and as she did, she pulled me onto my knees.

I opened my mother's cunt with two fingers, and she held my cock at the base, aiming the head at her burning-hot hole. Our gasps filled the room as I slid my cock up Mom's well-lubed cunt, and I quickly began to fuck my mother.

I absolutely cannot describe the feelng as my cock invaded my mom's velvety depths. For a woman of 38, who has had two chidren and who is a professional sex provider, her cunt was tight and muscular. I mean, I've fucked virgins who weren't as tight as my mother. Her sugar walls squeezed and caressed my cock almost like a third hand. And her hips and pelvis were moving in a hard, jerky rhythm.

Mom was a live wire under me as I began to give her every inch of my cock, hard and fast. There was no holding back, no savoring the moment of our first fuck. This was just raw, animal passion running wild. We'd savor the moment some other time. I was on my knees, holding her around the waist as I worked my throbbing cock back and forth in her cunt, and she was working me just as hard.

She was keening, moaning, squealing, and her body was undulating in runaway passion. Even as I got fully up to speed, Mom's eyes rolled back in her head, her body jerked hard, then shuddered as a full-body orgasm ripped through her. She thrashed and twitched as the climax crested over her

Her legs were wrapped tightly around the small of my back and her hands were gripping me around my shoulders as we worked like a machine. I had always dreamed about how good my mother's cunt would feel if I ever got a chance to fuck her, but nothing in my dreams could have prepared me for the tight, clenching hole between her legs, and the way her body enveloped me.

"Unnnnnnh, come onnnnn, baybeeee!," Mom wailed. "Come on, Richie, fuck Mama. Be a dirty motherfucker and give me all of that big beautiful cock. Awwwww yeaaaaaaahhhhh!"

I was trying to hold back the tidal wave of cum that was battering at my resistance. But that's when Mom really showed me what she could do. She pulled me down on top of her, our sweaty bodies rubbing together, sending sparks of sensation crackling between us. She lifted her legs high over her head and locked her ankles behind my neck.

In that position, I had her bent nearly in half, and I could really pound her pussy, which I did. I fucked my mother like a runaway locomotive, and her keening moans got louder and higher in pitch as another orgasm raced to a head.

Just about the time I thought her body was going rip my dick off at the root, Mom went into convulsions, and she started in crying, gasping, and moaning. Her cunt went into spastic palpitations, and that was all she wrote for my control.

With a loud grunt, I felt something that resembled barbed wire rip through my cock and out the tip, and I spewed one of the hardest, most intense cumshots I've ever experienced deep into my mother's womb. Our bodies twitched and jerked, and our mouths worked at each other frantically as our mutual climax inundated us.

I didn't know exactly how Mom was feeling at that moment, but I was in the grips of a fuck frenzy like I'd never experienced before. I just kept humping my cock deep in my mother's clenching cunt, firing off microbursts of cum, long after the initial explosion had passed.

Actually, I did kind of know how my mom was feeling, because I suddenly realized that her fingernails were digging deep into my back, from the intensity of her orgasm.

I was so overwhelmed by lust, that as my cock began to falter, I pulled it out with a loud sucking sound, slid down the bed, spread Mom's legs and buried my face in her overflowing pussy. I sucked up as much of my free-flowing cum as I could, until she was relatively clean, then lapped feverishly at her red, swollen pussy and nibbled at her bloated clit.

Mom jerked in a small series of aftershocks, giving out little squeals of lust, until she finally had to pull me away from her crotch, to give her over-sensitive genitals a break. I crawled up the bed, into my mother's waiting arms and we kissed again, still ravenously, but a little more luxuriantly, and she savored the taste of our forbidden lust on my mouth.

Finally, I exhaled deeply and I felt my body relax as we held each other tight, still stunned by the ferocity of what we'd just shared.

"Holy fuck!" Mom exclaimed after catching her breath. "I'd like to know what the hell those girls were thinking that let you get away. My God, what a fuck!"

"Jesus, Mom!" I answered. "No wonder there's a waiting list of customers to fuck you. That's... God, you're the best."

Mom's long hair was stuck to her sweat-covered body in a thousand strands, and I brushed it away from her face. Her hand reached down and covered my deflated cock, and she softly stroked the red, wet member.

"My beautiful boy," she whispered, almost reverently.

"Mom, I meant what I said earlier," I said. "I love you, no matter what."

"I love you too, sweetheart," she said, and we lay together just soaking up the afterglow. I've fucked a lot of women, including a few who were older, and I can honestly say that the first time with my Mom was by far the best fuck I'd ever experienced.

As Mom stroked my cock, I slid my hand up and down her back, cupping and caressing her taut butt, and sliding my fingers between her legs.

It didn't take long for my cock to start stirring again, and we looked up at the same time and had the same thought. Our mouths met and we kissed, deeply, like two lovers who had just plumbed the depths of shared lust.