Mom's So Hot! Pt. 05


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Meanwhile Brad just stood there, almost at attention, handing Mom the pillowcases and politely answering her questions. Mom was soon done with the bed and straightened out to look at Brad. She seemed to give him the once over and a look of approval crossed over her face as she smiled at him.

“Well, as long as you and Maggie are happy, that’s all that matters” Mom said as she continued to sweep over Brad with her eyes.

“Oh, yes mam. I’ll make sure Maggie is very happy.” Brad responded stiffly.

“Uh…Brad…we tend not to be too formal in this family, so it’s not necessary to call me “mam”. Mom or Vicky will do now that your family” she instructed.

“Uh…well..I’m not sure I could get used to calling you Mom just yet, but Vicky sounds nice” he replied.

“Good” Mom responded. “Now that we have that settled let me officially welcome you into the family. Why don’t you come over here and give me a kiss”

“Uh…well…I guess that would be o.k.” Brad replied awkwardly.

I realized Mom might be looking for a cheap thrill with Maggie’s new husband, but I didn’t think it was anything more than that. Brad shuffled over to her and leaned down to kiss her lightly on the cheek. This didn’t seem to be what Mom had in mind.

“Uh…Brad…as I said…we…uhm…don’t tend to be too formal in the family” she said, somewhat nervously. “I…uh…think you could…probably do better than….uh…than


“Oh…well….uh…sure…I…guess…” Brad stammered.

“Well…uh...good” Mom replied, visibly shivering. “Why…don’t…uh…we try that again”

Mom raised her arms around Brad’s neck lightly and cushioned her body gently against him, slightly smiling at him. He tentatively placed his hands on her waist and bent down to softly kiss her on the lips. The moment their lips touched, Mom pulled his head towards hers, pressing their lips firmly together.

“Mmmmmm” Mom moaned at the contact of her lips on his.

Brad’s eyes were wide open in obvious surprise at the steadfast kiss he was getting from his mother-in-law.

After a few, long moments, Mom slowly pulled her lips from his, letting them gradually peal apart. She gazed up at him, smiling nervously.

“Uh…well…that was nice” she said as she pulled away from him.

“Uh…yea…” Brad responded, bewildered.

“Well, I’m going downstairs and catch up with my girls.” Mom said.

“Oh…o.k.” he replied.

At that moment I saw a shadow in the hall move away from the bedroom door that I was sure was Jim. He had obviously seen the whole thing and I was curious to see what he might say. Mom quickly left the room leaving poor Brad standing there looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

The rest of the day was uneventful, with all of us catching up and Nan relating her visit with Dad the other day. At one point the three women started talking about Brad, with Mom and Nan agreeing on how good looking he was.

“You landed yourself quite a hunk, sis.” Nan said, smiling.

“I know, but he is so naïve sometimes.” Maggie responded, giggling.

Chapter 3

Jim, Brad and I planned to go play some golf the next day, sort of a get to know you better outing and the women wanted to spend the day together. Through the course of the evening I couldn’t help but watch Mom as she snuck looks at Brad every chance she got without making it obvious. Brad, on the other hand, went out of his way to keep his distance from her, acting as if he were scared shitless of her.

The next day the three guys went on their golf event and I must admit we had a good time. Brad seemed to loosen up a bit, not much, just a bit and give us a better idea of what he was like. We hit the bar at the end of the 18th hole and sat around shooting the shit for a while. Jim and I had a few beers, but, true to form, Brad stuck to coke.

By the time we got home, Jim and I were feeling no pain and the women had started the grill for supper. I took the time to observe Maggie and Brad together and they truly seemed to be in love, acting very affectionate with each other. We sat around eating and drinking until one by one people started bed, the first being Brad and Maggie. Eventually we all went in and settled down for the night.

I was asleep when the overwhelming need to piss awoke me, obviously a result of drinking most of the day. I got up and made my way to the bathroom, not bothering with any of the lights. The bathroom closest to my room overlooks the backyard and as I pissed I could hear the sounds of someone in the pool. It was a muggy night so it made sense that someone probably couldn’t sleep and went for a dip. I peeked outside and, after adjusting to the dark, I could make see it was Jim in the pool, casually swimming from one end to the other. The only lights that were on were those in the pool itself, which gave a nice, serene look to it.

I thought about it for a moment and decided a dip might be nice and went to my room to slip on my trunks. I quietly headed outside and as I approached the pool Jim was swimming underwater the full length. He had no idea I was there yet and as I put my towel down and was about to jump in, a noise from the house drew my attention. As I looked in that direction I could see my Mother making her way out to the pool, dressed in a cover-up with a towel in her hand. I had been waiting for two days now to see if Jim would tell Mom he had seen her kiss Brad, since the two barely got along. I immediately decided to hide in the bushes that separated my property from my neighbors, just a few feet from the pool.

Mom made her way to the pool and had just put her towel down and started to unzip her cover-up when Jim emerged right at her feet from under the water.

“Oh…..I didn’t realize you were out here. I’ll….um…just forget it.” Mom said, disappointedly as she picked up her towel to leave.

“Why? What’s the big deal?” Jim asked.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to disturb you” Mom replied, icily.

“You’re not disturbing me. Look, it’s a big pool. We can both be in here and not bother one another, if that’s what you want.” Jim shot back.

Mom looked at him with a bit of an annoyed expression and then seemed to give in, her desire to swim winning out over her dislike for her son-in-law. She unzipped her cover-up and let it fall to the ground, displaying a new bathing suit, no doubt purchased today when she was out with the girls. It was a green one-piece, cut fairly high on each hip. It had a laced and tied front that was designed to be open, showing lots of cleavage and lacing on each hip with ties at the top of each hip bone.

I saw Jim’s eyes light up at his first look at the suit, but Mom ignored him and slid into the water up to her neck. They swam around for a short while at opposite ends of the pool, but when Mom finally came to rest with her back against the wall at the shallow end, Jim made his way over to her.

“Uh…there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” Jim started.

“Yea? Like what?” Mom asked with very little patience.

“I’ve been thinking that there’s a way for you and I to help each other get something each of us want.” he stated.

“What are you talking about?” Mom asked, a bit angry.

“Well, I’ve noticed you have the hots for your new son-in-law” Jim chuckled.

“WHAT?” That’s ridiculous!” Mom snapped.

“Is It?” he replied. “Well it sure looked that way to me when you kissed him yesterday up in his room”

“That was totally innocent!” Mom insisted. “It was just a sweet kiss on the cheek to welcome him to the family and you want to make it out to be….”

“BULL!” Jim interrupted. “The first kiss might have been that way, but I saw you put your arms around him and lay a good one on him and it wasn’t his idea.”

“Well….” Mom struggled. “That…that was….just…my way…of…getting him..uh…”

“Yea, right!” Jim interrupted again. “Look. I figure we can work together and both get a little action”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Mom spat at him angrily.

“Quit playing games!” he insisted. “We both know you want him. You’ve been all over him since he got here. So I figure I help you with him and you do the same for me with Maggie”

“WHAT? You’re out of your mind! I’m not going to help you go to bed with daughter!” Mom cried.

“Oh, really? Well, what if I told her and Nan about your little lip lock with Brad?” Jim asked.

“They’d never believe you!” Mom insisted.

“Maybe a year ago, you’d be right, but given your track record lately, I think they might.”

he countered.

I could see Mom’s face flush in the reflection of the pool.

“Look, I know you want him and you know you want him, so let’s make a deal. This way we each have someone watching our backs so we don’t get caught.” Jim offered.

“Your despicable!” Mom hissed.

“Yea, it’s part of my charm. Stop acting like this isn’t something you’ve been thinking about.” he said.

“I…I may have thought about it, but there’s a big difference between fantasizing and acting on it” she replied.

“Oh? And what was that kiss all about? I’d say you already crossed that line.” Jim countered.

Mom looked away.

“What….what do you have in mind?” Mom asked.

“I was thinking that I could put you and Brad in a position where, with a little help, nature might follow its course” Jim replied.

“How?” she asked.

“You let me worry about that. I’ll make sure he’s in a place where you can get to him and not get caught. And I’ll see what I can do about getting him to let down his guard a bit” he said.

“And what do you want from me?” Mom asked.

“Do some inquiring. You know, find out how Maggie feels about me. How she might react if I put a move on her, that kind of thing. Then run some interference for me when I’m ready” Jim replied.

“I…I can’t believe this! All right you’ve got a deal. I’m going back to bed” Mom said and turned to leave.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast. We haven’t confirmed our agreement” he said.

“Huh? What do you mean…?” Mom asked, irritated.

“You know, sealed the deal” Jim grinned.

“Huh? Oh, you mean……” Mom trailed off while lifting her hand to shake Jim’s.

“I didn’t mean a handshake. I meant we could seal our deal with a kiss” he said.

“A kiss?!!” Are you out of your mind? I’m not going to kiss you!” Mom insisted.

“Oh, all right. I guess we’ll just forget it. All bets are off. Your on your own.” he replied and turned to leave.

I could see Mom’s eyes searching rapidly, obviously recognizing that Jim could spill the beans on her.

“Wait! All right…… win” Mom surrendered.

“Good” Jim replied, turning back towards her.

Mom slowly made her way towards him, hands on her hips and a look of contempt on her face. When she got about a foot and a half from him she stopped, standing in about three feet of water. She leaned in and placed her lips on his for about three seconds and then quickly backed away.

“What was that?” Jim asked incredulously.

“It was a kiss!” Mom answered.

“That was no kiss!” he retorted.

“What did you expect, a make out session?” she asked angrily.

“Not really, but I sure as hell didn’t expect that peck you gave me” Jim sneered.

“I thought it was more than adequate” Mom insisted.

“No, no, no, your gonna have to do better than that!” he insisted.

“Forget it!” she replied.

“O.k., let’s forget it!” Jim responded, daring her.

Mom stared at him with daggers in her eyes for a few moments.

“What is it you want?!” Mom demanded.

“A real kiss! Not some two second glance!” he replied.

“And if I give you a “real kiss”, can I go?” she asked impatiently.

“Sure. We’re just sealing our deal” Jim said with a smirk.

“Your unbelievable!” Mom spat.

She made her way back towards him. This time, she got about half a foot from him, reached up with both hands and placed one on each side of his face. She looked at him with contempt for a second and then pulled his face towards hers, pressing her lips firmly on his. She held the kiss for several moments as Jim lightly clutched her waist while kissing her back. As soon as Mom thought it had gone on long enough, she pulled back, breaking the kiss while attempting to move away from him.

“Was that good eno……” Mom started to ask but was quickly stopped as Jim leaned back in, pressing his lips back on hers and pulling her to him.

“Mmmmppphh!!!” Mom groaned, trying to escape as Jim kissed her, holding her tightly.

He held the kiss, slowly sliding his lips against hers, as he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Mom pushed at his chest with both hands, trying to break away, but Jim was too strong. After struggling for several minuets, Mom seemed to give in and let Jim kiss her, her hands dropping to her sides. He finally pulled his head back, peeling his lips from hers.

“That’s a kiss!” he informed her, still holding her.

“Really? I never would have known!” Mom replied, indignant. “Now can I go?”

“Well, you know, maybe one more” Jim replied, leaning back in towards her.

“NO! DON…..MMMPPHHHHH!!!” Mom protested as his lips covered hers again, but she didn’t struggle as she placed her palms against his chest.

Jim continued the kiss, bobbing his head as he ground his lips on hers.

“Uhhmmmmmm!!!” Mom groaned under the onslaught of his kiss, her head pushed back by the force of it.

He began caressing her exposed back, feeling the contours of her spine. Mom seemed to loose all will, her eyes drooping as her head swiveled in rhythm with his, their lips fastened together.

Jim finally broke the kiss, pulling his lips from hers and leaning back to look at her. Mom was bewildered, her eyes partially closed as she struggled for her composure.

“I…..I…uh… go….go in….” she blathered, still in Jim’s arms.

“Yea, no problem. I’ll see you in the morning” he replied, never moving as he continued to caress her back.

“Yea…in….the…uh…morning…” Mom replied, swallowing hard, her eyes on him.

“Before you go….” Jim said and slowly leaned back in, his head coming towards hers.

“Oh…..I.. don’t think…..” she began, but stopped, cocked her head and waited for his parted lips to reach hers, sealing them again in another steamy kiss.

“Mmmmmmmmm!!” Mom moaned as Jim kissed her again, softer this time, but deeper.

They stood in the water, their heads swaying as their lips slid against each other’s. Mom lightly held onto his arms as she surrendered completely.

Once again Jim pulled back, parting his lips from hers and looking her over. Mom’s eyes were mostly shut now, her hands trembling on his arms.

“You, uh, said something about going in” Jim said, his fingers flitting across her back.

“Oh…yea…I..uh…I..need…to….” Mom responded, not moving.

“O.k.. Why don’t we…uh… say goodnight.” He said thickly as he slowly wrapped his arms back around her waist, pulling her up against him and leaned back in.

“I …..think…I…I…should…just…go…” she replied softly, her arms slowly crawling up on Jim’s and coming to rest wrapped around his neck as he continued to lean in closer.

“I…don’t..want…you…to…..” Mom tilted her head and parted her lips in anticipation of Jim’s. “…to….to…” she leaned in, meeting him half way, as their lips collided in another deep, soulful kiss. “MMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!!”

Mom’s arms coiled around Jim’s neck as she franticly kissed him back, their heads bobbing in a frenzied pattern, as the last shred of resistance fled Mom’s body. Their mouths opened wide, deepening the kiss, as their tongues fought one another in a lustful duel.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!” Mom moaned into his mouth, her hands running through his hair, her lips glued to his.

The kiss went on for some time as Jim’s hands trailed up and down her back, grabbing her ass and groping it through her suit, pulling her groin up against his. Suddenly, Mom pulled her arms from around Jim’s neck and pushed against chest, breaking their kiss and pulling away.

“I…I…have…to..go….” she said weekly as she started to leave.

“What’s the rush?” Jim asked, breathing hard.

He reached out as Mom passed him, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her back towards him. Her back fell against his chest as her ass cushioned in against his crotch.

“No…don’t!” Mom begged as Jim caressed her just below her tits and lowered his head to her neck, kissing it hard.

Her protests didn’t last long as she arched her back against him, moving her head to the side to give his lips better access to her neck.

“I….I….really….should…go…” she moaned, reaching up and wrapping one arm around the back of his head and pulling it closer to her neck. “Ohhhhhhhhhh!!”

Jim’s hands reached up, grabbing a tit in each and massaging them through her swimsuit.

“OOOHhhh God!!!” Mom groaned, her ass undulating against Jim’s crotch as he continued to suck on her neck.

His fingers deftly untied the lacing at her chest, pulling it open and reaching inside to caress her naked tits.

“OOOHHHhhhh!!!!!!” she moaned, pulling his head up out of he neck and crushing her mouth onto his in another illicit kiss!

Jim pulled her tits out of the suit, giving him more room to knead them and tweak the nipples. This sent Mom into orbit as she franticly shoved her ass back into Jim’s dick, kissing him with wild abandonment.

I saw one of his hands leave a tit and quickly untie the cord in his swimsuit. He leaned his lower torso away from Mom’s grinding ass and with one hand pulled his suit down. His feet worked the suit below the water until he managed to step out of it, freeing an impressive looking cock. It wasn’t longer than mine, but the stunning aspect of it was its thickness. He quickly jammed it back against Mom’s butt, burying it into the crack of her ass. He returned his hand to her tit and continued to pull and kneed at them lustfully.

Again one of Jim’s hands left a tit, but this time it traveled down to her hips as he neatly untied the laces at each and pulled, opening the suit on each side. He then reached outside the crotch and found the snaps that hold it closed, pulling at them until they gave, causing the whole bottom half of her suit to now drape open like a skirt. He returned his hand under the suit, reaching for Mom’s exposed crotch. I could see his hand cup her twat as a finger slid into her wet, hot cunt.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!” she moaned into his mouth, her hips driving towards his invading finger.

Jim used his other hand to lift the bottom half of the suit up around Mom’s waist and then swept his hand across the voluptuous curves of my mother’s ass. Mom gasped into his mouth at the contact and the realization of what was about to happen. She tore her mouth from his and reached down, grasping at his hand.

“No…Jim..don’t!” she blurted, struggling for breath. “We can’t!” But the conviction wasn’t in her voice and they both knew it.

“I gotta fuck you! I couldn’t stop now if I wanted to!” Jim answered.

It seemed at that moment Mom realized it was useless to argue, they were way too worked up to stop. She jammed her ass back against his engorged dick, her eyes almost popping out of her head at the feel of its girth.

“OOOooooooohhhh, Jim!!! God help me!!” she moaned. “I want it too!!!!”

“I’m gonna fuck your ass off!!” he cried.

“Yeeeesss! OOOhhhhhhh, Jesus, yessss!!! Hurry up before I change my mind!!” she groaned.

Jim reached down and around, between her open thighs and ran his fingers up and down the length of her leaking cuntslit. His hard, throbbing dick jerked up and down against her ass, dribbling pre-cum down the back of her thighs. Mom gurgled and strained her aroused pussy back against her son-in-law’s fingers, eager for more intense stimulation.

“UUUHHHhhhmmmmmmmm, Jim!!!!!” Mom moaned. “Don’t tease me!!!”

Jim continued to work his fingers in Mom’s hot snatch and her cunt began to boil. Hot fuck juices seeped from her squishy, overheated cunt and dribbled into the palm of his hand, coating Jim’s probing fingers with a hot, sticky wetness. Mom arched her ass up like a bitch in heat and wiggled it vigorously against his throbbing member.