Mother May I?


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It was just a most beautiful Saturday, on a late May morning, I really wanted to get out of the house. However, it's no fun going on an adventure alone, so I dragged lazy-bones boy outta bed and told him we were going on a road trip. "Where?" he asked. I replied I didn't know until we got there, but he ought to pack a swimsuit, just in case we found a nice watering hole. We'd get sandwiches and our sodas at the deli, on the way out of town.

I honestly didn't have any idea where we would land, but I wanted to fly. I headed west together with my son in the SUV. After a couple of hours, we passed a sign that said Hotahmachee Falls State Park, Camp Grounds Entrance. I turned into the narrow road. We went past the little house for information. It was deserted. Further on was a parking lot. I never had heard of the place. It didn't show on the map when Dana looked. I guess it wasn't too popular; in fact we were only one of three cars there. Nobody was in sight, so I guess with the budget cut backs, it wasn't well kept up. Least, not this early in the season.

There was a map painted on a board that showed the trails and spots of interest. We decided to try to find the falls. Must have been named after some Indian chief, with a handle like Hotahmachee. It looked to be about a quarter-mile hike, judging by the map. The path was clear enough, but with branches across the way and ruts. It hadn't been groomed for the summer yet, but at least there wasn't any poison ivy. We had a nice little stroll, I carried a blanket, and Dana took the food in a canvas sack with handles.

It was worth the walk, the falls were not so high but very broad, tumbling over several cascades. There were a couple of picnic tables, but they were in such poor condition, I just spread the blanket on a grassy patch and sat there. I was getting a mite hungry by then; breakfast was a glass of OJ and toast. I don't think my son had even that, before we were gone on the trip. But then I remembered he got a brownie at the deli, and munched it as we drove. We set out the sandwiches, chips and drinks, and feasted.

We heard nothing but the roar of the falls; saw birds and insects and flowers, but nary a soul. I didn't know where any of the folk from the other autos happened to be, but they didn't come by the water. Dana took his tee shirt off, and kicked off his sneakers. I tied my blouse in a knot at the front to shorten it, slipped off my sandals. It was nice and peaceful, very relaxing. Just what the doctor had ordered. After a little while, Dana asked if I wanted to explore the falls with him. I said I'd watch, but he ought to change to his suit.

He had forgotten it back at the car, well so had I. I told him that he'd dry fast in this weather, go on and get wet. He did, I watched him prance over the boulders, and splash in the creek and act like he was ten again. It was good to see him enjoying the unexpected diversion of such a remote location we had discovered. I got distracted by watching a dragonfly, a bright blue darning needle. When I looked back to where my boy had been, he was nowhere to be seen.

I did panic, just a little. Then I had to remind myself that he was not ten, but eighteen. He knew how to swim and take care of himself. There hadn't been any yell, nor fuss, he was just behind a rock or something. I called to him, but he didn't answer. Now I was more concerned. I stood up. I moved to look up the falls, to see if he had climbed higher. Suddenly I heard him shout, "MOM!!" There he was, back about where I had seen him last, but completely soaked. Had he fallen in?

"Mom! You gotta come see this! Come here!" I picked my way back down the side of the stream. He was waiving me over to him. "Look what I found. It's really neat! Wade over to me."

I nimbly pranced over the stones, until I had to get my feet wet. The water temperature was chilly, but not cold like it would have been a month before. When I reached him, he took my hand, and steadied me. He pulled my arm and took me by the hand, indicating I was to follow. He took three steps and then, still holding my hand, went under a section of the falls. He pulled me through the pouring water. Then I was past the deluge, in a little cave. It was a real hiding place. I couldn't see out, past the water, so no one could see us either!

The floor was sandy or had smooth stones, and a long slab was set like a bench on one side of the stone room. You had to duck, when you walked, but once we sat on the rock couch, it was just fine, if a bit a hard underneath.

"Mom, do you know what this place is?"

"It's a cave."

"No, I mean the historical significance."

"No, what?"

"Give me a kiss, and I'll tell you!"

"Why do you want a kiss?"

"You understand when I tell you."

"You're bein' silly, now. Here." I gave him a kiss, but he started Frenching me. "Hold on there, Mr.! You know the rules, you gotta ask permission!"

"Mother, may I kiss you?"

"Alright, seein' how nobody can see us." I indulged in a nice long French tangle of tongues. It was fun, and sort of naughty, being hidden away. Even though there was nobody about, anyway. "Now what about this, hidden cave?"

"Why, this is where the Indian Princess Pocahontas, lost her virginity!"

I laughed. "Dang, Dana, you come up with the goofiest stories! She lived in Virginia, not around these parts. And she would have rated a much better bed as a princess, for fooling with her beau. This rock's way too hard to mess around on."

"Well, I bet some Indian maid gave it up in here. They brought some deer skins and woven straw mats, for making out in here. So Papa Chief wouldn't know they were doing the dirty!"

I giggled at his imagination, then kissed him again, quickly. "Well this squaw is going back to the sunshine, and dry off.

I exited, and 'Little Big Manhood' followed, with an obvious boner tenting his jeans. My blouse and shorts and underwear were completely wet. I made my way over to the blanket. "We should have brought our suits and a towel, from the car!"

"Want me to go get them, mom?"

"No, Darlin', too late. Why don't you take off your pants and put them on a warm rock to dry."

My brave son decided that I meant both jeans and skivvies. So suddenly, he was 'running bare', through the woods. "Its great weather, mom. Nobody's around, why don't you let your clothes dry too. Come on; get natural, be free, let it all hang out, there's nobody here but us chickens."

"Yeah, well I'm not forgetting' who's the chick, and who the rooster is! Maybe I'll shed my shirt and shorts, but I don't feel comfortable, totally nude. "

"You won't like the damp bra. Your panties get plenty damp around me anyway!"

I took a pine cone from the ground and tossed it at him. It hit him square in the nuts!

"Oh! She got me in the delicates! I'm an 'injured indium'! Squaw must pay for that!" He scrambled over the blanket, and began to tickle. He knew just where I was vulnerable, as we had tickle-wars up until he was twelve. I did my best to counter attack, but he was much bigger now days, and had me down under him in no time. I was getting out of breath, and we were both laughing very hard, when suddenly he got a serious look on his face.

"Mother, may I kiss you?"

I only hesitated for an instant, then nodded okay. He kissed my lips, and then my eyes. But then I kissed him back, and we Frenched. I knew we could be discovered if anyone came by, but they didn't know who we were, and the place seemed deserted. I let caution blow away with the breeze.

"Mother, may I take your bra off?" I didn't object, and he took my silence for assent. I suppose it was. Then he was kissing my nipples, I held his head, caressing his hair. There was something about the primeval surroundings, the water had made a sensual setting, the cave lent a kind of primal privacy to the place. It was an enchantment, I was under a spell. My body was responding to his unclothed form. Just as in the laundry room, the unexpected exposure created an erotic response to his physical masculinity.

"Mother, may I take off your panties?" My mouth made to say no, but nothing came out, I couldn't utter an objection as he swept his fingers under the waistband and pulled them down my legs, past the knees. Then I was eagerly helping him get them to my ankles, making a little dance to free them from my feet. Now we were both in the buff. I knew better, but couldn't help myself. It was such a hot moment, and I needed a man, - no I wanted Dana, my son! - in my body!

"Mother, may I touch your down there?" I was panting hard, and instead of answering with words, I took his wrist and guided his fingers to my pussy. They parted the labia and spread the oil, making a few rubs on my clit, and then a single digit slid in to my yearning cavity. It poked for a few strokes, then was joined by a second. They sought my G-spot and made it happy, then they smeared the opening in preparation.

"Mother, may I . . ."

"God! Yes! Darlin'! Do it to momma! Put that beautiful cock in my cunt, fuck me good! Don't ask any more, just do what you want, I'm yours! Take me! Dana Darlin', take me now!!"

I felt the movement of his arms and legs position his body over mine, between my thighs. The meat of his hard prick was pressing on my mons, drawing down, seeking the center. I tilted my hips, I spread even more to give him the target. He angled just right, and the tip dipped into my hot honey-pot. It almost skittered out but I grabbed his hips and pulled him, to slide the meat further, about half way. He drew back, and now sure of the way into his reward, plunged ever so slowly in; to the very root.

WHAT a joy!! To have this handsome hunk on top of me, sliding in his firm, smooth instrument of love. My body welcomed its penetration. I was primed and juicy and eager! The mighty meat made its way deep inside, pushing the tissue aside as it made that intimate slither within me. The pleasure of his member was made extra exciting that this was my boy. Dana was a charming, funny, devil that was doin' it to his momma with abandon. It had the zing of being wrong, but it felt so right.

There we were, out in the open, before the eyes of the Lord lookin' down, and anyone else who happened to wander by. It was so naughty, so nasty, so nice and hot and good. I do love to fuck, I confess. The male who was ramming my cunt with his big cock, liked it a lot too! He was really going to town. I had to hold his hips to slow him down a tad, so we could enjoy it longer. I mean, if he came too quick I might miss my first couple of cums before he blasted. I climax pretty fast on start up, but I like to have a second orgasm, before I let the fella join in and spurt.

Then, when he has done justice to my feminine needs; we have a special, two for the price of one. Cum one, cum all, y'all cum hear?! I had just sailed over the peak of my number three twat-twang, when his hunching went into urgent mode. I knew that pace; he was racing for his finish line. Our balling was silent, for some reason, even though we were panting real heavy; we kept the moans to a minimum. But then Dana gave out with an "OH! Oh oh Oh oh oohh! OOHH!!!"

I always am thrilled to my core, when I feel that throbbing pulse of a male bursting inside my hole. I sense the jism pouring out and I flood at the same time too in concert with the pumping of my son's semen into his momma. I was fulfilled by my man. He had grown up, and we both had very adult yearnings, that finally were released and given free rein to be wild and untamed. He was the stallion, I was the mare in heat, and we horsed around mighty fine!

Just then there was the unmistakable sound of voices, with footsteps cracklin' through the woods, coming closer!

"SHIT!" I whispered.

"The CAVE!" Dana whispered back.

Off we scampered, a pair of buck naked wild injuns, to the Hotahmachee hideout. As soon as I ducked under the water and emerged into the shelter, I realized that our clothes were strewn all over creation for anyone to find. I hope they didn't take them and hide them; like we did when I was a youngster, when we found somebody's duds at the pond. Dana was right behind me. In fact, his still half-hard doodle donked me in the ass as he bounded in through the falls. We sat down on the stone bench. It was hard and chilly, but what were we going to do?

We laughed! I made hushing motions with my hands, but our chuckles got worse. We went into hysterics. I hugged my big goofy nature-boy, and he held me tight and caressed my soggy tresses. My tits jiggled as I giggled, they bounced on his chest, against his muscular pects. The nipples got more erect, so did my boy's lodge pole. He lay me down on my side, on the flat rock; he was spooning me, and prodding you know where!

I said, in a little squeak, "Don't you dare, they'll hear!" But to no use, I was once more being the victim of my son's lust. A cooperative one, as I lifted my leg so he had easy access. While the position did not allow as deep an entry as when he had been on top, now his arm reached around and held my breast. It was so crazy, and thought that maybe somebody was just a few feet away as we were screwing, add a heightened erotic stimulation. We were cumming again in almost no time.

As we lay there, trying to regain our breath, I said, "Well, maybe an Indian gal got laid here after all. But I sure do miss them deerskins cushions!"

"Mom, you're my native American Princess, my Pocahontas!"

"And you got to poke her Highness!"

"I got to poke her hinny!"

That started the giggles again. Then I couldn't contain myself any longer, I shrieked with laughter at the top of my lungs. Finally, I was able to calm down, some time had passed; I asked Dana if he thought anybody had heard us, and if they were still out there. He said he doubted they could have heard anything over the sound of the waterfalls. But he would peek out, to see if whoever had been near was gone. He stuck his head through the curtain of water for a minute.

"Nobody around, no sound, no nothin'" He reported. So we crept out and sure 'nuff, nary a soul in sight once more. We grabbed our clothes; they were still a little damp but hadn't disappeared. Thank the Lord! We picked up our trash and put it with the blanket in the bag, and trekked back to the car. Our adventure was over, but not our romance. We snuggled in bed together that night, and made sweet love again Sunday morning. Need I add that Dana joined me for my Sunday afternoon nap? We did sleep, after a while. Wouldn't my momma be shocked! And on the Sabbath too! What can I tell you? Must be the DNA!

OH! One other thing. The next day, Monday, Dana was reading the paper and he had it opened to a back section. He spoke up, "Here's an interesting item, mom. It says that some campers reported hearing the ghost of Chief Hotahmachee, at the falls in the State Park on Saturday. 'It was just the awfulest wail. It was coming right out from the water,' said one girl. 'A very frightening sound indeed', said another youth of the group, 'It must have scared some other folks who went swimming, because we saw their clothes, but they were nowhere around!' What do you suppose they heard, momma?"

Of course, he was just funnin' me. But it started a tickle war, and you know where that led to. Honestly, you see why I love that boy of mine?

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

I am a reader of erotic stories. I did not especially like the style of writing nor the use of redneck/hillbilly language. However, with the foregoing said, this is the first incest story that made me laugh. Likewise, there was no pretense with the characters of mother and son. Both knew what they were and what they wanted. Story rated 4 stars.

hotncold_teasehotncold_teaseover 9 years ago
Really Fun

Your stories are great. I like the tease/game of "Mother May I." If I would get around to writing a story, I would make it a cruel tease. Thanks.

peter1934peter1934over 9 years ago
cum together

What a story so well written made me cum as well just did not have a nice pussy for company please keep the stories Cummings is

SlipperySaddleBumSlipperySaddleBumover 9 years ago
Good One

What the hell are these idiots complaining about? It was an enjoyable story and now she enjoys having her son pump his cum into his momma's ovary ducts, just as she's always wanted him to. What the fuck does it take to make you whining crybabies happy? If you're so fucking much wiser, knowlegable and more skilled, why don't YOU assholes write and post a story instead of wasting your extremely valuable time reading someone elses' worthless work?

I won't say that oediplex is the best author on this site but he sure as hell IS... one of them.

You're dismissed. Go back to playing with yourselves. (if you have Poison Ivy, stop playing after three days and see a Dr. )

girdlelovergirdleloverover 9 years ago
Great Story

To hell with those who don't like it. It was a great, fun read. Please keep writing!


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