Mothers and Daughters Ch. 09

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Melissa learns her grandmother was also a slut.
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Part 9 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/11/2020
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This story is a continuation of the Mothers and Daughters series I recently posted. I had originally intended to stop at the end of Chapter 8, but I found the characters too interesting to just abandon there so I have created a few more chapters. As with the rest of this Series, this chapter will be easier to follow the reader has read the prior chapters.


Jamie and Melissa returned from Eugene within a couple of days with all of their worldly belongings barely starting to fill the F-250 Luke had loaned them. The assumption of their sublet by Sally was accomplished with a minimum of hassle. Both of them were impressed with Sally—her beauty, her polished demeanor, her obvious intelligence, and a glimmer in her eyes that just spelled sex to both of them. Their meeting was a brief one and nothing was said about her relationship with Luke and Lisa.

As they drove out of town, Melissa said, "It is certainly easy to see how my father fell for her."

"And your mother too." Jamie said. Melissa had shared with Jamie the information Lisa had provided about the ménage et trois among Sally, Luke and Lisa.

"Yes, her too."

As Luke had promised, the summer on the ranch was far quieter than their weekend visit had been. Mostly they worked at chores Luke had given them, but usually for not more than half a day. The rest of the time they kept themselves busy with a wide range of activities, including more than a little bit of time in the Shag Wagon. Melissa taught Jamie how to ride, and they went up to the Headwaters regularly (more sex). They also took a pack animal and rode deep into the Owyhee wilderness on a three day trek following a narrow trail into the canyon that Melissa had known about since she was a child.

Lisa was around much of the summer and she occasionally joined Jamie in the Shag Wagon. On one evening when Luke was away on business, the three of them got silly stoned and sat naked on the front porch watching each other masturbate. Melissa and Jamie also watched from the hay mow again as her parents were having sex leaning against the rail of the pasture, just as they had on their first visit.

It was approaching mid-July when Lisa suggested to Melissa that they should ride to the Headwaters. Things had dried out over the intervening weeks and the trail was dusty. As the horses walked slowly along the two women chatted amicably.

"I'm so glad you two decided to spend the summer here," Lisa said.

"Hmmm. Is that because of my sterling personality or just the Shag Wagon time you are getting with Jamie."

"Oh you noticed," Lisa said with a giggle.

"Yes, but don't worry about it, Mom. There is plenty of him to go around. I swear he never runs down. Always ready to cum again."

"Yes. I've noticed. Sort of like the Energizer Bunny. He's a lot like Luke was when he was about that age."

The horses were anxious. They hadn't been ridden in several days and they weren't really excited about just plodding along the nearly level ridge top. "These horses want to run," Lisa said. "What say we let them gallop up to that big rock on the right up ahead. It's about a quarter mile from here, and it's a little uphill. That will take some of the energy out of them."

"Sure," responded Melissa. "I haven't ridden hard in a long time." With that both women gave their horses a little kick and let them have their head. As Lisa had predicted the horses were more than ready to run and within moments both were at a full gallop with Melissa's horse leading.

Melissa quickly remembered that she hadn't worn a bra beneath the T-shirt she was wearing and as the horse ran her boobs were bouncing wildly. She laughed and then had an idea. She wrapped her reins loosely around the pommel of her saddle so she was riding with her hands free, controlling the horse with the pressure of her thighs. She had done this many times in rodeos as a teenager. Then she grabbed her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. She pushed the horse to run faster and delighted in the wind against her wildly bouncing naked breasts. Melissa whooped and hollered and swung the t-shirt around over her head as the horse ran on up the ridge.

Lisa's horse was galloping ten yards or so behind Melissa. When she heard Melissa holler and saw what she had done. She was inspired. "I wonder if I can do that?" she asked herself. "It's been years since I galloped a horse with no hands on the rains." She quickly followed Melissa's lead, tying her reins on the pommel and stripping her shirt off so she was riding half naked, her big tits swinging wildly while she hooted and hollered and swung her shirt in the air like Melissa. Lisa heard her whoop and looked back over her shoulder to see her half naked mother riding hard behind her.

When the two women reached the rock they had targeted as then end of their gallop they reclaimed their reins and pulled the horses up and then sat there laughing uproariously as the horses panted, snorted, and danced a bit.

"Okay," Lisa said, "That was the most fun I've had in years, but now let's just let them walk from here. They have to get us home you know, and we'll need to water them at the Headwaters."

"Okay, but let's not put the shirts back on. I kind of like riding half naked," Melissa said as she rolled up her shirt and secured it under a tie down on her saddle.

"Great idea," Lisa responded as she did the same.

As they rode along Melissa returned to the topic that had been under discussion before their gallop. "So is Dad slowing down... I mean sexually?"

"Oh he's doing fine," Lisa responded, "but no man approaching his fifties can keep up with a youngster like Jamie. Jamie's good for five times a night and Luke was too at that age but not now. But I'll tell you Luke's still great fuck. Let me tell you about what he did the other night while we were in Boise:

"We went out to dinner with some friends. It was a nice restaurant, so I was well dressed, skirt and a nice sweater. These people weren't part of the Rev's group so I was fully respectable. You know bra, panties, the works. Not like right now," Lisa chuckled.

"When dinner was over we said goodbye and Luke and I climbed up into the pickup to drive home. He even held the door for me, which is unusual. I should have known something was up. It was one of the crew cab pickups with the huge back seat those things have.

"When he got in the truck he leaned over and ran his hand along my thigh and asked, 'When was the last time you made love in the back seat?'

" 'It's been awhile. What do you have in mind?'

" 'Well, the back seat in this truck is a lot bigger than the old VW I had in college. Maybe we should try it out.'

" 'You are in a raunchy mood,' I said. But suddenly I was too. The idea that we would act like teenagers and go find a place to park the truck and screw just electrified me.

" 'What if we get caught?' I asked.

" 'We won't get caught ,but if worrying about it makes it hotter for you, go to it.'

"It did just that. Suddenly I could feel my pussy starting to leak. All I could think about was having him fuck me in the back seat of the truck, someplace dark where no one would know, we hoped.

" 'So where are we going to park cowboy?'

" 'I know just the place,' he said.

"Latter I figured out he had been planning this for a week or more. We drove up into the North End of town. Narrow straight streets laid out in a rectangular grid with alleyways running north-south behind the houses. While he drove I reached across and rubbed his cock through his pants. He was already hard.

"After driving for a few minutes he turned off into an alley and half-way through he backed into a little parking slot off the alley. The nose of the big truck was still sticking out into the alley a bit. As soon as he shut the engine off he leaned over and kissed me. One of his hands was releasing my seat belt while the other hand was fondling one of my boobs. Once the seat belt slid away his free hand slipped under my skirt and worked its way up the inside of my thigh until he reached my panties. I spread my legs to accommodate him. I couldn't believe how horny I had suddenly become.

"Finally I broke the kiss and said, 'I thought you said something about the back seat?'

" 'Oh so you're in a hurry now, eh?'

" 'Oh god, yes. Luke, I'm so fucking horny. I need you right now. I don't care who comes by.'

"He crawled through the slot between the two bucket seats. Before I followed him, I stripped off my panties and pulled my sweater over my head, throwing them both on the floor followed by my bra. By the time I crawled through the slot between the seats all I was wearing was a loose skirt.

"It was dark in the back seat, but I quickly found Luke. He was sitting on the seat and I dropped to my knees on the floor between his legs. I opened his zipper and pulled his pants and underwear down to his feet and off adding them to the growing pile of clothing on the front floorboards. Then I spent the next five or ten minutes sucking his cock and fondling his balls. I love to suck that man's cock. Luke was laying back in the big back seat of the truck savoring the blow job I was giving him. That's one advantage of an older guy. A young guy like Jamie would have blown his load barely before I got started, but not Luke. His cock just got hard and stayed that way while I alternated between licking the underside and then the tip and then sucking the whole thing into my mouth and down my throat like the Rev had taught us. I knew there was a risk that someone might come down the alley and catch us, but I didn't care. I was having too much fun. The risk just added to the excitement.

"Eventually Luke took charge. 'It's time to fuck Babe. Pull that skirt up and sit on my lap facing forward. He moved to the center of the truck and slid his hips forward so I could easily ride his cock. I released the zipper on the skirt and stripped it clear off, adding it to clothing stock in the front. I was naked now, leaning on the jockey box between the two front seats with my broad ass pointed directly at Luke. He grabbed my hips and pulled them back and then pushed me down onto his cock. I was so wet there was no difficulty in his gaining entry to my cunt. God he was big though. He slid slowly into me, filling me fuller and fuller until I felt like he was going to slice me in half. I groaned as he hit bottom. Then he withdrew and slowly forced his way back in. He repeated, again and again, slowly and steadily fucking me while I pushed back at him on each inward thrust and squeezed his cock with my cunt muscles on each withdrawal. It was a long slow delicious fuck. Jamie probably would have cum twice in the time we were fucking.

"We were just cruising, rocking the truck a little. I was groaning quietly when it happened—bright headlight lit up the inside of our truck as someone drove into the alley. Oh Fuck! Was it a cop? Luke pulled out, and I dived to the floor. Luke did the same to the other side so that we were laying on the floor naked with our feet in each other's faces, which was actually kind of funny, but I was too scared to laugh. We absolutely froze, not wanting to make even the sound of breathing. We couldn't see the car through the widows from where we were, but we could tell from the headlights on the cabin roof that the car was moving slowly up the alley. He stopped just in front of us. We could hear his engine idling. Was it a cop? Then the engine noise increased and the car moved on, shortly leaving the alley.

"We sat up, and Luke said, 'Maybe we better go home and finish this.'

" 'Oh no you don't Luke,' I said. 'You started this and now you're going to finish it.' I climbed up on the seat and pulled him up next to me, figuring I was going to have to suck his dick for a while to get it to recover from the scare. But I didn't have to. He was still hard as an iron bar. I swung my leg over him as he slid forward so I was sitting on his lap facing him. His dick quickly found its way back into my cunt. For a long time we simply sat there, his prick fully penetrating my cunt while he fondled my tits. Eventually I grabbed the seat behind him and used it to begin leveraging myself up and down on his cock while I rubbed my big tits against his chest. It didn't take long before we both climaxed. I had to stuff a hand in my mouth to keep from screaming and Luke should have done the same, given the groan he gave out when he came. I don't know how many squirts of his cum he emptied into me but it was a lot. When we were done we collapsed against each other for a long while before we crawled naked back into the front seat. We didn't bother getting dressed since we were only a few blocks from home. When we got there we parked the truck in our own alley, looked around for our neighbors, and then dashed naked into the house. We fell into bed and a deep sleep. In the morning we made love again and then Luke put on a robe and went out to the truck to retrieve our clothes. We sat naked at the kitchen table laughing about the whole experience."

"Melissa smiled and said, 'You two sound like teenagers.'

"Lisa said, 'Yeah we kinda are since we took the Rev's training.'

"The trail veered to the left and wandered down the steep side of the ridge to the Headwaters. They paused their conversation while they paid attention to getting themselves and their horses safely down the hill. At the bottom they dismounted. Lisa unpacked the lunch and beers from the saddle bags and then Melissa led the horses, first to a place where they could drink and then to the open field where she hobbled them and left them to graze. When she returned she saw that Lisa had spread a blanket to sit on, opened a beer for each of them and was sitting naked with her feet cooling in the Headwaters pond.

"You're overdressed," she said.

"So I see," Melissa responded as she pulled her boots off and shucked off her remaining clothes. Soon she was sitting naked beside her mother taking a long pull on the beer. "Umm. That could be colder, but it still tastes good. The ride up here is getting warmer and dustier as the summer goes on."

"It does that," Lisa responded.

"Let me ask you a question Mom," Melissa said. "Recently you said something that suggested that Grandma Louise was something other than just the little old lady who baked cookies that I remembered. What was that about?"

Lisa laughed. "That's the understatement of the century," she responded. "Actually your grandmother was a serious slut."

"Grandma Louise?" Melissa responded in shock.

"Absolutely." Lisa took a long pull on her beer and continued, "A world class slut."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well first I can't think of a good reason to tell a teenager that her sweet loving grandmother was a world class slut in her younger days and secondly because I didn't know myself until two years ago."

"What? Grandma died two years ago. Was it a death bed confession."

"Hardly. But she failed to destroy her diaries and when I went back to Virginia to clean-up the estate I found book after book of diaries. Some of them are very steamy."

"Really? Tell me more. It's okay to gossip about the deceased isn't it?"

Lisa laughed. "Oh I don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'll do better than tell you about them. I brought one of them along so I can read you an especially steamy passage while we lay here naked enjoying the sunshine."


"But first I have to give you some background. I can't say your grandmother was always the sweet little old lady you remember, but like everyone, she had her reasons."

"For being a slut?"

"Let's not be too quick to judge. You and I haven't been living on most people's idea of the straight and narrow the last few years, have we?"

"Oh I guess not. I'm just horny and love to fuck," she said with a laugh.

Lisa smiled. "Me too."

"So what was Grandma's excuse?"

"Well I don't know if excuse is exactly the right word. First, she was a lot like you and me. She was horny and loved to fuck, men or women."

"Hmmm. Seems to run in the family."

"It does, doesn't it."

"But in addition, she was married to a man who had no interest in sex at all."

"Grandpa James?"

"Yup. He apparently married Louise for her family money, which there was a lot of. The only thing he wanted to do was to use that money to make more money, which he was very successful at. But he was so obsessed with it that he ignored your Grandmother. At some point he in essence told her, 'I'm busy. Screw who you want. Just be discreet about it'."



"But that's what she did," Lisa continued. "She screwed men and women freely so long as she could do so discreetly, and if you had Louise's money and ran in her social circles it wasn't hard apparently to find a lot of discreet sex partners."

Melissa shook her head in surprise.

"But," Lisa continued. "She kept a diary. The first entry describes her husband telling her to get her sex elsewhere. There are many volumes and I haven't read them all yet, but the ones I have read, covering the first twenty years or so of her marriage, describe her very steamy extra-marital sex life."

"How many?"

"How many?"

"How many people did she have sex with?"

"I don't know. I haven't counted, and it's a little like the issue I was describing about the Rev's parties of what constitutes sex. Is a quick hand job for the preacher after the service sex?"

"Well it's not tithing," Melissa said with a laugh.

"I suppose the preacher's wife would think it was sex and not tithing, but maybe not if the preachers wife was getting her pussy licked by your Grandma Louise after the Wednesday ladies prayer meeting."

"Oh. Oh my. So you're telling me that I come from at least two earlier generations of 'sexually active women,' and all that's in the diaries?"

"Yeah. Sluts. And yes, it's described in detail in her diaries."

"But she kept all this a secret from you?"

"Yes, discretion was the key requirement of her deal with my father, so I knew nothing about until after she passed and I found her diaries."

"And you never had a clue any of this was going on while you were growing up?"

"No. You have to understand that I wasn't really raised by my parents. First there were nannies, and then, when I got older, they sent me to boarding schools. High school was an all-girls boarding schools run by Catholic Nuns."


"Yeah, it was pretty sterile." Lisa laughed. "College was really a revelation. I was so busy screwing I probably would have flunked out if I hadn't met Luke. He was able to keep me sexually satisfied and still insist that we pay attention to our studies. Our study dates really did involve study. Study first, then fuck." Lisa laughed and shook her head.

"So how did Grandma get started. I mean after Grandpa James told her to 'screw who she liked and be discreet'?"

"She started with his partner. He was a randy bastard who had been hitting on her even before she married James. So it was pretty easy to just go up to him at a party and whisper in his ear, 'Let's fuck'."

"Just like that?"

"That's what the diary says. And then it says they met in one of the bedrooms upstairs and she dropped to her knees and sucked on his cock until he was hard and then she lay back on the bed and he mounted her. It was all over in five minutes. I guess it was pretty exciting when she wrote it, but she must have decided later that he looked pretty wimpy compared to others so she wrote in the margin, 'Ho hum fuck'."

"That's cold."

"The diary is anything but discreet. It also discloses that they bought out the partner shortly after that. I guess if you can't cut it you have to go."