Moving in on Dad Ch. 06


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"Well it looks like I will have to shower now before we go out," Frank commented.

"Oh no you won't," Sue told him in a no nonsense voice. "We want every women that gets to within 5 feet of you to know you are taken. Barb, get him a towel but a dry one. We'll towel you off and dry you out but you are not going to wash our scent off of you."

Barb got him a towel and dried his face and neck, where most of their juices had gone. Then proceeded to wipe the rest of him off with the same towel. Frank was a little disconcerted. He was not sure about going out covered in dried pussy juice, but the girls seemed adamant, so he shrugged and accepted it. After all, it was not like he would stink or anything. It would be more like light cologne, he imagined. Something you could only smell when you got really close to somebody.

As Barb and Sue dried him off, Janet, who had recovered from her orgasm, and Trish were in his closet picking out clothes. They chose for him a sport shirt and slacks and topped it with a light summer blazer. Then they ran off to get dressed leaving Barb and Sue to dress him. It did not take long, men seldom do, and so when they were done they moved him to the living room, sat him in his recliner and made him a drink. By the time they served him Trish and Janet were back. Each dressed for the evening. Janet had on a short black strapless dress that seemed to be held in place only by her tits and friction. Trish was also wearing a short skirt with a tight, and I mean tight, sheer white top which showed all of her cleavage, not that she had much, but it left no doubt that there were tits inside, albeit small ones. Frank was sure that once they got into air conditioning her nipples would be straining the material in the front.

Trish and Janet saw to his comfort while the other two dressed. Surprisingly, it did not take either of them long. First, Sue came out of Frank's room. She was also wearing a skirt, but hers was blue, and a white top, also very sheer, but not as tight as Trish's. Barb came up the stairs shortly and she also had a little black dress on that only was held up with spaghetti straps. Frank looked at her and realized that it was a good thing it had straps because so much of the front was missing that it surely would have fallen off of her. It was open enough that the swell of the sides of her breasts were easily visible, along with most of the breast right on down past her belly button. He was sure that if she moved right her tit would pop completely clear out of her dress or her pussy would be visible.

"Time to go," Janet announced. "Frank, we're going to take your SUV so we can all fit and I will drive. That is if the master approves," and she bowed as she finished.

Frank laughed at her antics. "That's fine with me. But where are we going?"

"Oh it's a surprise, but you will like it," Sue answered.

They all piled into Frank's SUV, with the other three girls in the back, Frank in the front with Janet behind the wheel. He handed her the keys and looked at her. "Jesus, Janet that dress is short enough you're hanging out all over."

"Complaining?" She asked

"Well, no I like the view, but you might want to be careful." In fact she would have to be careful because getting into the car the dress had ridden up enough to completely expose her naked pussy.

She looked down at herself and smiled, "Just right." Then she took a finger and ran it down her exposed slit. It came back very wet, then she reached over and rubbed the same finger across Frank's lips. Without another word she started up the car and began backing out of the driveway.

Frank just shook his head as Janet drove. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"Someplace you like," Trish answered. Frank knew he would get no better answer so he just relaxed and let the girls have their fun. It was a short drive, only about five minutes before they pulled into the parking lot of one of his favorite restaurants. It was a big old Victorian house that had been refurbished and all the rooms on the first and second floors were converted to dining rooms. What had been the parlor and dining room had become a bar. The atmosphere was elegant and quiet. But the prices were not quiet. Frank came here on occasion when he was either entertaining someone special or just wanted to pamper himself. He knew that dinner would run at least $100 a person and probably $150.

"No girls this is too much. This place is way too expensive for me to allow you to buy dinner. Either we go someplace more affordable or I buy." Frank demanded.

"Too late," Trish answered. "We already have reservations and we came down this afternoon and paid the bill in advance so you wouldn't try to pull a fast one with the check."

"Besides, we still have most of the money you gave us from that golf hustle, I mean game," Barb added with a laugh.

Frank was not sure what to say so he kept his mouth shut and grimaced as he got out of the car at the thought of the girls dropping so much money on a dinner for him. He waited at the front of the car while the girls crawled out and straightened their dresses and hair, when they were all ready they joined him and with two girls to a side they escorted him to the front door.

What had been the vestibule and foyer of the old home now was the domain of the maitre'd. He greeted them in a friendly manner and confirmed their reservations. Their table would be ready in a few minutes and they opted to wait in the bar.

Each of them ordered a drink and, to their surprise and giggles, the bartender carded all four of the girls. He gave Janet's only a passing glance and barely looked at Barbs. But he stared real hard at Sue's and Trish's; finally he shrugged and got the drinks.

They barely sat down when the hostess entered and told them their table was ready. She escorted them to the second floor and into one of the rooms. It had obviously been a bedroom in its former life and, although small, was big enough for a table and chairs with some other decorative furniture spread around the room. There was a large bay window looking out over the water that gave a beautiful view. Altogether it was a cozy setting.

The hostess seated them and told them their waitress would be Theresa and she would be with them in a moment. Frank cringed inwardly. If it was the Theresa he knew and he was sure it was, this might get a little tense. Frank had dated a girl who was a waitress here named Theresa. She was attractive, about 35, and a good lay. He never let it go far as she had two kids one who would now be 17 or so and another who would be about 15. He just did not want to be a step dad and that is what would have happened if he had continued to see her. They had dated casually after that. She understood his reasons and accepted them. She was just not happy about not landing one of the areas eligible bachelors. The hostess gave Frank an odd look as she left the room but he ignored it, not even thinking about the cause.

They sat and talked for a minute before their waitress appeared. Sure enough, it was the Theresa he knew. She greeted them all warmly and recited the specials for the evening, all the while moving around the table until she got to Frank's place.

In a very friendly manner she said, "It's good to see you again Frank. I haven't heard from you in a while." She stopped and looked at him and then the girls. Her nose gave a little almost imperceptible sniff and a look of surprise quickly flashed across her face followed by a spark of anger. She looked at the girls and, if it were possible, daggers would have flown from her eyes. Now her manner was all business. She took their orders and when she finished she commented, "Well Frank, it was nice to see you again. When you get tired of playing with children give me a call." Then she turned to leave.

Before she could get out of the room Barb piped up, "Frankie you promised me bubble gum and a new Barbie if I took my clothes off. Are we going to get that tonight?"

Frank stared at her dumbfounded. The last thing he wanted is for word to get out in the community that he was bopping underage girls. "Barb, stop that," he got out after a stutter.

Theresa had stopped in her tracks at Barbs jibe, without turning she said, "Don't worry Frank I know they are legal. Bob the bartender cards everybody and they would not have drinks if they weren't. Legal, but a little young. Agood fisherman would throw them back and let them grow a little." Then she walked out.

"Well we know it works," Trish announced. "An old girlfriend daddy?"

"Someone I dated a little," Frank answered.

"Sounds like she wants to date some more," Sue said with more than a twinge of jealousy in her voice.

"I doubt that she will have much interest after tonight," Janet offered. "She was really pissed."

After that things calmed down and shortly two young boys served their meals, supervised by a very cold Theresa. The boys seemed fumble-fingered but Frank knew they were checking out the tits and legs in the room and not paying attention. "Can't blame them," he thought to himself. "I'd be distracted, too." Theresa admonished them to pay attention to their jobs as they left. The rest of the meal was pleasant company and conversation.

They left the restaurant with the girls in high spirits. It was a good meal and pleasant conversation. Frank felt a little bad for Theresa but not too bad as she had stepped over the line with the remark she made. As they all got into the car, it became apparent that the girls wanted to stop at the tourist shops. They always have in beach towns, a strip of stores that sell everything the tourist wants and a lot of stuff they don't need. His town was no different. There was a group of shops, probably about 50 or 60, in one place all with the rustic seashore motif; kite store, liquor store, seafood shop, souvenir (junk) store, video rentals, etc. etc. and the always present ice cream shop.

They pulled into the parking lot and began a pleasant stroll around the complex, looking in windows, briefly going into some of the stores, until they got to the ice cream shop. It sat on the waters edge, facing the bay with tables and benches arranged outside. All four girls insisted they have an ice cream and that Frank join them. They all ordered and sat on the benches enjoying the view. About then Frank was approached by a woman he knew. She struck up a conversation with him and they chatted. Sue noticed the byplay and the old green-eyed monster, jealousy, bit her. She got up and moved over to join in, and claim her man.

Sue sauntered up to the pair and easily tucked her arm into Frank's. When he did not stop and introduce her immediately she became annoyed. She waited until the first break in the conversation and extended her hand to the interloper. "Hi, I'm Sue, Frank's girlfriend, and you are?"

"Charmed, and you can retract the claws. I work for Frank. I manage his rental properties and although I know he has a reputation with the ladies and is a good looking man, I am very happily married. I'm Maggie." She said with a smile.

Sue had heard the name and knew who she was but had never met her. "I'm Sue and I'm very sorry if I came on a little strong. I ... just... I guess I get a little possessive."

Maggie laughed. "Yes, I know. You're the one who bought the car from that deadbeat Jimmy. Well you have a right to be possessive. Half the local single women would like to trade places with you and some of them can be pretty devious. Sometime we will have to get together for coffee so I can tell you all Frank's secrets."

"Oh, I am so embarrassed. I did not mean to be rude or anything," Sue said apologetically.

"Well next time you see me talking to a woman, think about this and don't jump to conclusions. If the look on your face hadn't been so damn funny I might have gotten annoyed but you seem to have gotten a good dose of humility," Frank laughed.

Maggie was friendly and gracious to Sue and to the other girls as she was introduced to them. When she met Trish she said, "Well the famous Trish. I have heard so much about you. Your father talks about you all the time."

Trish had the good grace to be embarrassed by the attention. "I hope it was all good. I am pleased to meet you after hearing about you, too."

Maggie laughed, "Well I know what you heard about me wasn't all good, at least if you heard it from some of the tenants. Well, it was good meeting all of you and I do have to go. I am meeting my husband and am late already."

With her goodbyes said she headed off to her appointment. "Well I guess I really put my foot in it didn't I?" Sue asked.

Frank chuckled again. "Well, let's just forget it. What do my four favorite girls have on the schedule for us next."

Trish answered for all of them. "We could not decide whether to take you dancing or home. So it's up to you."

"Well I hate to dump it back, but it is up to Janet and Barb really, as it is their last night here," Frank answered.

"Well originally I wanted to go dancing," Janet said. "But honestly I an so full from dinner and the ice cream that I just as soon would like to go home. Or we could strut around here some more and show off our bodies. I think at least a couple of guys have walked into light posts watching us."

Barb echoed her friend. So it was decided that they would head back to the house and relax. Little did Frank know what they had in store for him there.

They returned to the house and as the girls had agreed, Barb got her farewell fuck from Frank. It was a good hard fuck, just the way she liked it, only he added a few licks with his belt across her ass for good measure. She came that night like she never had before. The girls wheedled and begged until Frank finally took Trish that night while they all watched. He was nervous at first but quickly put the others from his mind and Trish became the only one in the room to him as he made love to his daughter. Before he had finished all three of the others were in tears from watching the beauty of their lovemaking. Father and Daughter making love and loving each other. Once they had finished all of the girls tasted Trish and Frank both and all five of them fell asleep in a tangled mess in his bed.

I know because I was there. You see, I am Trish. My friends left the next day and Sue and I set out to make Daddy happy. That was 10 years ago. I think we succeeded, as he always seems content. It took Sue about a year and a half to wear him down to make a commitment but he finally proposed and they married two years after meeting. They have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, who love their father and Aunt Trish very much. What about me you ask? Well Daddy could not very well give Sue something he didn't give me. I also have two beautiful children who love their father and Aunt Sue.

They have the most wonderful Dad in the world. I know, because he's my dad, too.


Many thanks to the readers for their kind comments I hope you enjoyed the series and this, it's conclusion. Finally thanks to Brett for proofreading and correcting my grammar as well as his suggestions and insights.

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Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

What a journey, this love triangle of Frank, Sue and his daughter Trish was a warm and loving tale was an inspirational story to say at the very least. Story was well written, and it had a warm and loving ending showing them 10 years later with both Trish and Sally having 2 each of Franks children. The happily ever after was a perfect ending to this wonderful love story. Well Done 5++stars.

ca_daveca_daveover 3 years ago

To ellijules: you know so much about how a story should be written. Try this WRITE YOUR OWN STORY, then you can make it just the way you like. You blasted this story for all sorts of things. It is a story it is not real life, things that YOU would not do others will and do do them. If you took time to READ the story you would have understood that Trish and Frank and Sue all loved each other equally. The author took time to show that, during the beach scene Frank realizes the 3 way love they have WILL work. SO why would Trish be in any other type of relationship, She loves her dad and has beared 2 children with him. That you read the whole story and missed that is beyond belief. Your constructive criticism is not constructive. It is nitpicking because you did not like how the story played out. So please write your own story so we can see how it should be done. Then we can give you constructive criticism. I have said this to many authors here at Literotica, be true to yourself and YOU STORY. Ignore the idiots that know so much about how to do it, but never do write their own story.

shollingshollingalmost 4 years ago

Thank you for this fine story. Way too many stories end with "they had sex - the end." I much prefer a story that ends with a "they lived happily ever after" which is what you gave us with Trish's epilogue. I'm not normally a daddy/daughter guy but I'll be adding chapter 1 to my favorites and will likely reread this down the line. I hope you'll be writing a bro/sis epic like this down the line.

dgandedgandealmost 4 years ago
Absolutely Amazing Story! One of the Best So far

I disagree emphatically with the negative comment you received from Ellijules. I thought that the writing kept me intrigued and went at just the right pace. At some point I started to pace myself, not wanting to get through it all at once, and ended up reading some each night (well granted, sometimes I had to stop for the night to get relief). I loved the character development, the side stories, and the way you managed to include different fetishes and sexualities into the story. It was romantic and sentual as well as erotic and hardcore.

I also appreciated how the entire story unfolded to a wonderfully happy ending (I am just an old romantic). I found no weaknesses in the story and it was well edited. Thank you so much for sharing it and I am now very excited to begin reading the other stories you have shared.

EllijulesEllijulesalmost 5 years ago
Good story gone bad...

I didn't rate the story as I only rate stories I like and discourage the writers. After all, no matter what, I'm still thankful for the stories. However, I tend to write comments when I find stories that I saw great potential but disappointed. If story is simply not to my liking then I just ignore and move on. So please read this as my constructive criticism. By no means to be disrespectful and it's only an opinion of a reader.

Story that had started off with all the promises of being great but story lost it's focus by 4th chapter.

First 3 chapters were great as it had a great build ups, character introduction and development at the same time. If 4th chapter wrapped up the story with dedicated attention to consummation of Frank and Trish and deepening bond between all 3 (Frank, Trish, and Sue) then it would have been very satisfying. Especially clearly showing their shared love is emotional as much as physical.

Between Frank and Sue, it was extensively established that their lust bloomed into romantic commitment. Meanwhile trish's commitment was not so clearly defined. Yes, story wrapped up with 3 of them being together with both having birthed Frank's children. But is Trish in exclusive relationship with Frank and Sue? Or is she in open relationship? There were too many indications in the story that she is not exclusive type and her harlot side of her was very strong part of her. Isn't this story about the daughter and father? But story ended being love story between Frank and Sue while Trish being a third wheel. Sue was technically an instrument in the story to set the incestuous awakening for Frank and Trish. Also to give a way for the story to wrap up where Frank and Trish can have continuous relationship.

As for 2 other females (I can't even remember their names as they were so unmemorable), they were necessary components in the beginning chapters to set the premise. But they should have been just fazed out which wasn't hard to do. But instead, using them to pad the story and dragging out while trying to grab readers' attention by introducing many kinks, it had negative effect for the overall story. Worst, turning them into just a walking dripping cunt was very degrading and it destroyed this story being any sense of being romantic by association of characters.

As for kinks, I particularly have no stand on all introduced in this story. We all have kinks and not my place to say or judge. However, one thing that disturbs me is hygiene issue. I know this is just a fantasy story but for it to be good, it needs to be grounded to reality. If it is too unbelievable then our brain will deny to accept it and thus ruins the any eroticism writer is trying to convey. bi-male/bi-female orgy with multiple anal to oral to vaginal simultaneously is just simply not believable. Why? Even with preparation and precautions to hygiene, anal sex is risky. Not to mention unending transference of anal deposits between dozen people... How about STDs under such unprotected sex among total strangers, not to mention very horny kids who have no qualms about sticking their dongs in any holes imaginable. Just the thought of it left such a bad after taste that would likely to disturb me for long time to come. Worst is that, Frank's 3some couple having sex with those walking STDs after.

Sex...Some scenarios and acts were hard to imagine. Physically they seemed impossible. Giving blowjob on knees while male playing with female's tits or sliding in their slits??? Especially during 3somes. I felt like trying to imagine some alien species having sex with their incredibly agile and long limbs.

Lastly, what I hate about multiple chapter stories is that story loses it's direction after few good beginning chapters. Good story needs to stay on course till the end. If story starts off with the premise of lighthearted romance then it should not introduce every debauchery there is. It needs to keep it romantic. I felt that this story set that premise in the beginning chapter but it felt apart as usual.

Overall, story had good beginning. middle and ending lost focus. Conclusion was rushed. Sex was ok...Some might have liked certain acts while some hated. To each their own. Not the worst read on site but yet again disappointed none the less.

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