My Cleaning Lady Ch. 03


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"Don't freak," she said soothingly. "I thought you might enjoy this naughty little surprise I planned for you. It's was hot, seeing your reactions on this side, but I thought you might try and bolt when you discovered what I was up to."

"Who?" I stammered, the hand on the other side still holding me, though I again felt the person's mouth slowly sucking on the tip of my prick again, causing my knees to buckle slightly.

"That's part of the don't get to know. But no worries, nothing to be alarmed or concerned with. Trust me," she said again, though her reassurance did little if anything to make me feel better. Only the teasing pleasurable sensations I continued to feel eased my fears some. "Now relax, and enjoy it."

What choice did I have? On the other side of the wall, whoever it was...had a firm grip on my cock, and not about to let go of it either. Behind me, Val pressed, the sensation of her breasts digging furrows into my back, not to mention her hand still lightly gripping my balls at the moment. Thus, I was literally in no position to attempt to do anything, but enjoy it. And as I finally calmed down from the initial shock and surprise, I began doing just that, though my mind of course was going a hundred miles an hour, wondering who it was she'd enlisted into helping her do this. A thousand possibilities entered my mind. But fuck it felt good as I finally gave myself over to it.

"So tell me...what's she doing now?"

One slight concern...and mystery solved.

"She's...she's, sucking it,, now she's licking it at the moment. Licking the head, slowly...ah, no, fast now."

"Keep going," she urged as I felt her hands reach around me now, finger tips caressing and tickling at the base of my shaft where she could reach, no more than an inch or so separating Val and the other woman as the two of them worked in unison, pleasuring me. "What's she doing now?"

"Ah fuck...stroking, stroking my shaft, and...and just sucking, just lightly sucking the tip of my prick now. Oh god...oh fuck, that's...that's good!" I moaned desperately. Though so did Val's fingers as she now guided them down through the crack of my ass, one hand back on my balls again, fingers dancing, teasing...threatening. I was shaking uncontrollably now, the sensations exquisite, rapturous and exciting.

"And now?" She asked moments later. "Do you feel her tight hot pussy yet?"

"Yessssssss!" I hissed, for it was precisely then that I was. The obvious difference in sensation unique. The sudden surrounding of even sweeter, softer, slick flesh now gathering in the tip of my cock, as though holding it. And then the slow almost torturous pleasure as the woman's cunt slowly drew my cock in until I was hilted inside her fully. I felt the grind of her pussy against me, the heat of it as it pulsated and contracted about my shaft before moving away again.

"God, this really is fucking hot, seeing it from this side," she sighed herself, the sounds of her own slippery pussy being worked now, her fingers obviously dancing within. "But I need to taste and feel you too," she stated. "So be a good boy, and don't try moving away or doing anything," she warned me. I could only stand there still feeling my cock being fucked as she left the room, joining her unknown companion. I again heard footsteps, but not before feeling Val's mouth as it took over sucking and tickling my shaft. Though she continued to speak to me through the wall.

"Just think Mark," she spoke to me from her side. "At the moment, I'm licking another woman's pussy juice off your stiff prick. How's that grab you? Turn you on that I am?" Just then I felt soft hands once more caressing my ass, cupping it, squeezing it, and likewise traveling down between my legs, finger tips just grazing my now very tight ball sack. I groaned through the wall, my cheek hard pressed against it.

"Hmm, that sounds naughty from this side. I take it you like what she's doing to you?"

I groaned again in answer to that. Just as I felt Val's pussy likewise slithering over and down my shaft.

"Just remember coming inside me. Want to see that again...actually, we both do. So if you reach the point where you just can't handle it any more, make sure you say something ok?"

"Ok..." I just barely managed, though nearly losing it anyway as I now felt a tongue on my ass, exploring me there in the most unexpected and delightful of ways. "Holy shit!" I flinched, and then sighed pleasurably again, stars already beginning to form as my knees buckled.

"You better get in here!" Val called out to her unnamed accomplice. "I have a feeling he's not going to last much longer."

I felt oddly alone, in a very strange way, the sound of bare feet once again making their way out of the room, joining Val on the other side of the wall. But then I felt heaven again, as two sets of lips and tongues began to dance and explore me simultaneously. If I could have crawled through that hole in the wall, I would have. One mouth nibbling, or licking...the other sucking, and then tongue-flicking. On and on it went, back and forth at times, and then at times I felt and sensed as mouths came together, almost kissing, my steel prick sandwiched in between.

And then it was there. I actually fought it, strained to keep myself from spurting, pressed against the wall as I was, even holding my breath to some extent, trying to delay the urge...the inevitable, all to no avail.

"Oh fuck! FUCK!" I screamed out loud, alerting them that I was about to explode. I continued to feel two differing hands on my cock. But the stroke was almost maddening. Just a very slow torturous pull up...and then down. It seemed like an eternity even then, but then suddenly the electric shock deep down inside my balls. The fiery surge of release. The mind blinding eruption of exquisite pleasure. The intensity of my ejaculate traveling up my shaft, almost as slowly as the hands that continued to stroke me. I could even see it, imagine it as it happened. The mutual combined giggles of delight now on the other side of the wall. The first time I could partially distinguish the sound of another woman's voice, though no words were spoken.

"Oh my god! Look at that! Look at that! Come baby, come. That's it! Squirt it baby, squirt it! Keep going baby, that's it...that's it, oh yeah baby...squirt baby. Squirt!"


Val had briefly poked her head inside the door where I had slithered down the wall, now sitting bare-assed naked on the floor. "I'll be right back," she said with her patented giggle, and then I listened as two pairs of feet hurriedly ran up the steps into the kitchen area. I could hear low voices speaking, but couldn't make sense out of anything being said, nor could I even begin to imagine from any of that who the girl was who'd been with her. I then heard the screen door open and closing, followed by just one pair of footsteps coming back down again.

She came over immediately, undoing my handcuffs first. By now my hands were aching, but I was in an even bigger hurry for her to pull the blindfold off. When she did, I was surprised to see that she had dressed again.

"Sorry, can't stay to play. I promised mom I'd get the grocery shopping done and pick up something for dinner tonight. Hope you don't mind, sure had a good time though," she said kissing me on the cheek, and then turning heading back towards the door again. She stopped however, looking back at me. And then at the wall again. "I do hope you'll leave it like that for a bit. You never know." And with that, she was gone.


I didn't see Val until the following afternoon. By then, I'd managed to finally fix the air conditioning. At least now I could sit comfortably naked without sweating. But even more interesting, Val had turned me into a morning person. I'd get up, have a coffee and get busy on my projects. It was amazing. By noon I had usually accomplished everything I'd set out to do. Val would bring lunch, or make it, and then we would. She had even come up with a new game for us to enjoy. "Fuck in every room," she'd simply called it. So we started out that very day doing it on the kitchen counter, and then on the kitchen table. And though it really wasn't two rooms, Val said it still counted, so we managed to cross two rooms off our list that day.

We had made it about half way through every room in the house (not counting the closets thank god) saving the downstairs for the weekend, where I was honestly in hopes of perhaps another repeat performance with her and her still unknown friend. When she didn't come over Saturday at all, I was actually starting to get worried, though at least she called me way late in the afternoon, telling me she'd explain everything on Sunday to me, when she did come over. I could tell by the tone in her voice that something was up.

Even more so when she came over late Sunday morning, and didn't even take her clothes off the moment she came in like she usually did. Unfortunately, I had...sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee with a woody. But seeing the expression on her face, that hope and thought went immediately out the window.

"What's up?" I asked worriedly now, wondering if we'd been found out or something. But it wasn't us that had been found out.

"Mom kicked dad out of the house," she began. "I warned her, even told her...but she didn't believe me. Come to find out, dad wasn't even in a bowling league. Mom discovered last week that the league he claimed to be bowling on, finished up two weeks ago. She finally confronted him with it last night. And of course, he finally confessed after lying about it for a while even then. Finally said he wouldn't see the woman any more...yada, yada, yada. But mom had already decided that enough was she kicked him out."

"Damn Val. I'm sorry to hear that," I told her, though greatly relieved it didn't have anything to do with us, though it certainly had affected us as she obviously didn't appear to be in the mood for doing anything. And naturally, I felt a bit awkward and sheepish sitting there like I was, even though I no longer had an erection at least.

"Yeah, and not so much them splitting up that worries me. I mean I've honestly been expecting it to happen a lot sooner than it did to be perfectly honest about it. What's bothering me the most though, is I'll be going off to school here before too long. Which will be home all alone. And though she says her backs a lot better, it still bothers her some. And I'm worried about her doing something, and throwing her back out again."

"Tell you what Val. You tell your mom, if she needs help doing anything, just to let me know, and I'll come over and do it for her. Either before work, or the moment I get home. How's that sound?"

Val's face lit up in relief. "Really? You'll do that? You'll keep an eye out on mom for me so I don't have to worry?"

"I promise...I will," I assured her. The moment I said that, she reached down, pulling the tank top she had on up and over her head.

" about we start out in the bathroom today?" She grinned wickedly. It was nice seeing that look in her eyes again for one thing. And my cock thought that too as it immediately began to stiffen again. "Only, let's do it all over the place in there," she added to that. "I want to show you what I like doing with the shower massage you have for starters. After that, I want to sit in your lap and fuck you on the toilet seat. Then...I want to sit on the counter while you fuck me there, so we can also watch ourselves in the mirror while we're doing it."

I was hard as a rock as I followed her cute naked ass up the stairs. She laughed, seeing her bra still draped over the shower rod in the bathroom. "I like that," she said. "Sort of makes me feel at home here."

"Glad you do. And trust me, it's not going anywhere either, not until you take it that is." She kissed me then. Deeply, passionately, lovingly. Different than she ever had before, and I kissed her back, just as passionately. I was then treated to quite a show, watching her as she pleasured herself in the shower, holding the vibrating shower massage against her pussy until she came that way. After that joining me on the toilet seat, not even bothering to dry off, just jumping on, sliding down, where we fucked until I finally stood up, picking her up, still impaled on my shaft. I then carried her over to the vanity counter, sitting her down on that where we proceeded to fuck our brains out, all the while looking over at ourselves in the mirror as we did.

It was the first time she let me come inside her. It was the first time we actually made love, although it was still in a rather strange spot. But then...that was Val. Nothing with her was considered normal, nor too depraved either really.

We managed to get through every room in the house easily. And many more than once. We'd even enjoyed the "whorey-hole" again as I now called it, though we didn't have anyone join us again for that one. I'd pretty much decided that was a onetime thing, which was fine too as it had worried me a little as to who her friend had been, and if word might eventually circulate about that.

We spent the last night we really had together, making love all night long. And though I knew she'd be back every couple of months or so to see her mom, and was proving to be very difficult. Val had indeed made me feel alive again, better about myself. Not to mention I was looking better too. All that exercise...

For the first time in a long time as Saturday drew near. I knew I'd be doing my own house cleaning for a change. With Val away at school now, I was missing her even more. The weekends now boring. Boring as hell. Though in her honor, I didn't bother getting dressed either, purposely staying naked as I geared up for doing the more mundane house cleaning chores at least. Along with the laundry. I was just carting the hamper down from upstairs when I heard a knock on my back screen door.

"Crap!" I said to myself, wondering who it might be for one, half startled by hearing the all too familiar knock to begin with. But then realizing I was naked, and thus opened the inner door peering around it, looking outside.

I think my mouth fell open.

"Hi. Val told me you would probably appreciate a little help with the housecleaning." Jocelyn stood there with a feather duster in her hand. It was all she had...on. "May I" she had paused...grinning.

Now where had I seen THAT look before?

"Ah...sure," I said stepping back inviting her in. She smiled upon seeing me.

"I take it you were about to do the laundry?" I nearly fell over the hamper, which I had sat down beside me as I turned to let her fully into the house before any other noisy neighbors saw her...or me. I nodded my head as I regained my balance. "Good place to start then...down stairs," she winked.

She might have been older, but Jocelyn had a fine looking ass herself. I picked up the hamper following.

"I do hope you didn't get around to fixing the hole yet."

I know I nearly tripped, quickly recovering though. "Ah no...not yet. And no intentions of ever doing so either."

"Good," she said simply...and walked down stairs.


There's a mirror now that hangs over the hole. Maybe it hangs just a little lower than normal, but it serves a purpose. Several actually. It's a finished den now too, nice and comfy where I spend most of my evenings, or rather Jocelyn and I do anyway. And if you're wondering. Yes. Val still comes to visit. Though aside from an occasional experience at the Whorey-hole, my relations remain separate with the two of them.

And oh yeah, before I forget. Val's bra still hangs over the shower rod in my bathroom.

Along with her mothers.

It feels homey here again.


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AlwaysNaked1954AlwaysNaked1954about 3 years ago

Quite the imagination, well written, thoroughly entertaining, let alone believable, at least I hope most of it came true...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great series

Very well done with memorable characterizations. If only all stories on this board were as good! Thanks for the effort.

EyeCanSeeYouEyeCanSeeYouover 5 years ago
Wish I had had the guts at 18

Wow. That was super hot. I have really big tits and when I was about 19 I went from an A cup, which is no cup, to a D in a few weeks. I was very very thin with a nice little white girl round ass and a tight never been used pussy. I had very nice proportions too. There were older men that I found to be very sexy and guys my age didn’t go for me for whatever reason. I guess they remembered me as I was before the overnight transformation. My tits quickly grew to double D’s and I noticed so many men looking at me. My aunt had remarried when I was 18 and her new husband would always try new ways to get me to bare my tits to him. I wish I had the courage to allow him a view at least. My aunt was withholding sex from him. She liked his money but just wasn’t into sex. I was over there a lot as they lived on the beach. Every time we went down to sun and swim he’d ask me to remove my bikini top and I was so prude I said no. He’d beg me to “please just let me see them have great titties.” He pointed to a women sitting a little ways away and she was topless. “ She’s showing hers and they aren’t much. ..I know you want to show me.” I did kinda want to but I was so embarrassed. The thought was hot but I couldn’t and wouldn’t. My tits were always straining against my yellow bikini top. That was enough. I went in and out of the water several times.Jumping in the waves and body surfing. The strings finally gave and broke as I was coming out of the water on the way to the towel where he sat on his towel. He glared right at them as if he willed it. My double Ds were set free sticking straight out and he finally got a long close look. I tried to cover them with my hands. I was embarrassed. My big hard high round tits and hard little erect pink nipples got harder as they greeted his eyes and open mouth. He said nothing. Then I said I was sorry and I saw him in his swim trunks. He finally got to see his step nieces double D’s.

hotwifeandhubbyhotwifeandhubbyabout 7 years ago
Fun Daughter and Mom

Your story puts a whole new image in my mind of hiring a housekeeper for hubby and I one that we both may enjoy. Thanks for a torrid story and thanks for getting Mom involved that is a lovely angle.

Hot wife

taco1085taco1085almost 8 years ago
omg, lol

thank you for a great read, i was hoping Val and he would end up tying the knot. and i am glad mom is over taking her place until she comes home from school. they sound good together and that is what i like. two souls filling a void..... thanks larry

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