My Depraved Summer


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The big man's hand shot out as quick as a rattlesnake's strike and grabbed my money. He gave me a hard look. As I waited for him to speak I thought, "That's fifty bucks down the drain."

The guy looked at the bill he'd snatched, looked at me, and said, "Come in."

The crowd behind me groused because I'd cut in front of them. I didn't care, and neither did the bouncer.

I heard music. A sleepy guy behind the counter in the vestibule said, "We have a $5.00 cover and a two-drink minimum."

I handed him the money he wanted and entered the main floor of the club.

The place was nice. It had a good sound system that pumped out the music. It had a disco ball and lights that flashed to the beat of the songs.

The dance floor was full of people getting their groove on. Tables with chairs ringed the dance floor. A large bar was off to the side.

There were cages suspended from the ceiling. In them were topless young women wearing white vinyl boots and short shorts. They were dancing their asses off.

It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light. I looked around for the twins. I checked the bar and the costumed waitress who walked by in short skirts and tight, low-cut tops. I didn't see them. They weren't in the cages either.

I was headed to the bar to ask about my nieces when movement caused me to look up. New dancers were replacing the old ones.

I recognized the twins. They had their mother's great breasts with small pink nipples.

I was impressed with their dancing. They moved with a grace and intensity that the other go-go dancers lacked.

I went to the bar, sat on a stool, and bought two beers.

I tried not to leer at my half-naked nieces. I forced myself to look at the dance floor and my fellow patrons. It didn't work. The voyeur in me won out, and my eyes sought the four topless cage dancers.

I admit that I gazed longer at the twins. In my defense, they were prettier, better dancers, and had nicer tits.

I left before finishing my second beer. I prayed that the twins hadn't seen me. I felt guilty for ogling my nieces. I mumbled, "I'm sick" as I walked out the door.


The next time I saw Addy and Maddy was a few days later when we buried my mother. I saw them at the funeral and the get-together afterward for family and friends at Eve's house,

I looked for an opportunity to have a conversation with them but was busy accepting condolences.

I saw Addy grab a full bottle of tequila. The sisters walked out into the backyard. Maddy stumbled as she crossed the door's threshold.

I wanted to follow them but was delayed by a friend of my mother's who wanted to tell me how much my grandmother enjoyed herself on the cruise we shared.

"Oh, that was quite a trip. Memorable, for sure," I said.

When I exited the house, I didn't see the girls. I walked past the pool and through the garden. I searched for them in the back of the lot.

I found them in the woods where I had built them a treehouse. They were sitting on swings suspended from a thick branch, and taking turns chugging tequila from the bottle. Half the bottle was gone.

"Hi," I said.

"Want some?" Addy asked. She slurred the words.

"No, thanks. That's pretty strong stuff. Should you be drinking that?"

"Don't scold us," Maddy said. She sounded drunk too.

"Be the cool uncle. The one who played with us and took us to concerts," Addison said. She pushed off, lifted her feet, and swung. When she came forward, the wind lifted her skirt.

Of course, I looked up her skirt. I was right in front of her five feet away. I saw tanned thighs and a dark space between her legs. I stared and wondered, "Are those panties or does she have black pubes?"

"He's no longer the cool uncle," Maddy said. "He's a perv. He's looking up your dress. Why should we be surprised? He came to the club and watched us dance. He leered at his topless nieces."

Addison stopped swinging, stood, and asked, "Do you like to look?" She lifted her skirt and flashed me.

I learned the answer to one question. She was wearing black underwear.

She sneered and asked, "Did you like seeing our tits?"

"Yes. I'm a sick, depraved man. I like women. I especially like looking at naked women, but I didn't come here to perv on you. Your skirt flipped up right in front of me. I couldn't help but notice. I came here to talk.

I gave them a sincere look and said, "I didn't go to the club to see your boobs. I forgot you danced topless. I wanted to see where you worked. To see if you're okay."

I looked from one inebriated nineteen-year-old to the other and said, "Addy, Maddy, I sense tension between you and your mom. Am I wrong?"

"No. She's been on our case for years," Addy said.

"Nothing we do is good enough," Maddy explained. "So we keep our distance."

"You were lucky to have Grandma," Addy said. "She's always been loving and supportive."

Maddy said, "We have an absentee father. He's too busy working to make time for us. He missed birthday parties and never came to school events."

"Our mother is hyper-critical," Addy said, "She complains about our grades, our clothes, our friends, our drinking, and us having sex."

"You'd think she'd say, 'My! What responsible girls I have raised'," Madison said. "When we were eighteen, and the prom was coming, we asked her to put us on the pill just in case we had sex."

"We weren't sexually active, but it was the prom. We knew there'd be drinking and parties," Addy said, "and we didn't want to get pregnant."

"It was a good thing we were on birth control!" Maddy said.

The twins broke out into giggles.

"Things might have turned out differently if Dad hadn't called us sluts," Addison said.

The twins took turns telling the tale.

^^^ prom flashback^^^

^^May, 1976^^^

Addison and Madison were in the bedroom they shared. They were in front of their makeup tables, applying way too much eyeliner. Satisfied with their painted faces, they helped each other put on their prom dresses. They were careful not to mess up their hair.

They wore matching long pink satin dresses with spaghetti straps. The gowns had a modest front, a slit up one side, and were backless. The twins didn't want bra straps to show and opted not to wear them.

Eve and Rick went to the girls' bedroom and knocked.

"Come in," the girls said in unison and stood eager to be seen.

Rick was his usual grumpy self. As the door swung open, he said, "I want to see what my money bought."

He looked at the beaming eighteen-year-olds and said, "You look like sluts. I can see your nipples. Eve, fix this, or they aren't going to the prom!"

He stormed out of the room as the teens burst into tears.

Eve hurried to them and consoled them.

"Fuck him!" Addy said. "This is the last time I'll seek his approval."

"Mom, we have to go to the prom," Madison pleaded. "All our friends will be there."

"You will. We can fix this. Satin is a soft fabric. It can be clingy and allow your nipples to show."

She went to their dresser, pulled out strapless bras, and said, "Here. Put these on."

Her daughters pushed the skinny straps off their shoulders, bared their firm young breasts, and begrudgingly took the bras.

"We don't need bras. We don't have old saggy tits," Maddy said.

"I know, but you know how your father is. He won't let you out of the house without them."

The sisters put the bras on. Addison groused, "Why does he care? He ignores us most of our lives, and all of a sudden he's concerned about us."

"Not us," her sister said. "He's concerned about how things reflect on him."

The bras were on. The sisters pulled up the front of their dresses.

"Why did you marry him? Addy asked. "He doesn't treat you any better than he does us. He's always working."

Eve ignored the question and said, "Turn around."

The twins slowly spun.

"You look beautiful. The bras don't show, the dresses drape nicely, and you'll pass muster with your father. I'll come and get you when your dates arrive."

A few minutes later, a limousine pulled up to the big house. Out stepped two long-hair dudes in colorful tuxedos with wide lapels. They rang the doorbell.

Rick opened the door and said, exasperated, "For the love of God! It figures. Two long-hair dope-smoking losers."

He turned and walked away.

Eve invited the young men in and got the girls. Photos were taken, and off they went.

The quartet did the normal prom stuff. They had dinner at a swanky restaurant. Eve had made the reservation and arranged to pick up the tab.

They went to the prom, danced, hung out with friends, and had an official portrait taken. The prom ended at eleven p.m., and they went to the after-party.

It was held at a friend's house whose parents didn't give a fuck. The teens were unsupervised. The only rule was don't mess up the house, so the party was held in the backyard.

People drank, smoked, and had a ball. Everyone got high or drunk.

Music blared, and people danced on the patio by the pool. A sassy redhead yanked the top of her dress down and showed her perky pale puppies.

The crowd cheered.

Andy, Addison's date, playfully pulled one of her spaghetti straps down and said, "You should flash everyone. You've got better boobs than Rebecca."

Madison's date said, "You both should pull your tops down and lose those bras."

"We planned on going braless," Maddy explained. "Our dad had a hissy fit because he said he could see our hard nipples through the dress."

"Fuck him!" Andy shouted

Addison said, "That's what I said."

"You're adults," Andy said. "He doesn't own you. You decide what you wear."

Maddy's date said, "You've got to lose those bras and go topless as a sign of your independence."

The words struck a chord with the sisters. Of course, their ability to think was impaired due to the alcohol they had consumed.

Addison said, "You're right."

"Yes. Fuck, Daddy," Maddy said. "If going braless upset him, what do you think would happen if he learned we went topless?"

"He'd have a stroke!" Addy shouted.

The twins broke up laughing.

They stood up, pushed the skinny straps and front of their dresses down, and flashed their titties.

Their dates made a lot of noise, and people looked over. They saw the twins shaking their shoulders and making their twins wobble and jiggle.

A great ruckus followed. There was cheering and clapping.

The girls smiled. They seemed to love the attention and put on a show for their classmates. They danced and displayed their naked, full, round breasts.

Addy and Maddy ate up the attention. They didn't feel embarrassed or awkward or ashamed. They felt loved. Something they'd been craving all their lives.

Rebecca, the redhead who had started the topless craze, joined them, and the three young women paraded around proudly, shaking their ta-tas for the amusement of their classmates.

Boys tried to touch them. The girls knocked their hands away.

Addy said in a loud commanding voice, "We are goddesses. Look upon our beauty. Lust after us. Worship and adore us, but do not touch us.

"Follow this rule, and we will strip naked. Break this commandment, and we will dress and leave!"

That statement caused a hubbub.

Rebecca covered her breasts, walked away, and said, "I'm out. You two get naked if you want."

The captain of the football team came forward and said, "You have a deal. I'll make sure no one messes with you."

Madison looked at her sister and whispered, "Are we doing this?"

"Yes. Don't you feel empowered? I have goosebumps, and I'm wet between my thighs."

"Me too," Maddy confessed and giggled. "I like the attention. Who doesn't enjoy being lusted after?"

They shared a smile and stripped.

The crowd went wild!

The school kids made lots of noise and surged forward. The handsome captain and other members of the football team held the horde back.

Female classmates made catty remarks. No one could find fault with the twin's bodies, so they called them sluts, whores, and attention-seekers.

The girls that could, berated their boyfriends and dragged them away.

The goody-goodies also left.

The boys that stayed ogled the bare flesh in front of them and cheered.

The other girls pondered countermoves. They didn't have great options. Some left. Some groused and stayed. No one, as of yet, stripped.

Everyone looked at the nude, pretty twins: their light blonde hair, blue eyes, and good figures.

Addison and Madison had distinct tan lines, top and bottom. The contrast highlighted their full breasts and round bottoms.

Many of the young men didn't know where to look. Should they check out the nice breasts, the blonde pubes, the slender sexy legs, or the great asses?

People encircled the naked young women to get the best views. Some came close, so Jake, the captain of the football team, led them to the upper terrace of the patio. The three steps became the barrier no one was to cross.

The sisters sat on chaise lounges with raised backs. The elevated spot allowed the twins to see their subjects, and their classmates could see them.

People brought them food and drink. Jake, who was standing guard by the bottom step, received the offerings and brought them to the twins.

Addison accepted a drink. She smiled and looked the football player in the eyes as she said, "Thank you."

Madison took the drink he offered, shifted in her seat, and separated her legs enough that he and the others got a good view of her furry pussy.

Janet, Jake's girlfriend, was fuming. She said to her BFF, "I'm not standing by while some skanks steal my man. You have to fight fire with fire."

She kicked her shoes off and undressed. Completely.

Janet was the head cheerleader. The attractive, brown-hair eighteen-year-old was slim, had a tight butt, and long toned legs that looked great when she did high kicks.

She wasn't blessed with boobs. It would be unfair to say she had breasts resembling fried eggs. They were slightly bigger, more like chicken cutlets.

"Yoo hoo, Jake!" Janet called out seductively.

He turned and saw his girlfriend naked. He smiled, and as she had hoped, he came to her. She kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss and groped her ass.

The other females could see the handwriting on the wall. They could either get naked and fight for their guy or be judged an anti-fun prude and lose him.

Some women threw in the towel and went home. The rest and all the guys got naked.

Boobs, dicks, and butts of all sizes were displayed.

All the females had the 1970s trademark: a full bush. A few of the guys showed off impressive hardware.

Those who stayed partied hard.

People jumped into the pool. Guys laughed and groped girls; the gals squealed and did the same.

People made out. Some fucked in public.

Andy and Mark, Madison's date, climbed the steps and brought shots. Mark passed the drinks out. Andy said, "You two are so hot. You brought this party to life!"

He stood over them with his erection jutting forward, and he looked from one to the other and said, "Damn! You're beautiful. And identical. Addy, which one are you?"

The twins laughed. Addy raised her hand and said, "I'm Addison. If you ever are fortunate enough to see us nude in the future, you can tell us apart by our birthmarks. We have three dots that form a triangle on our breasts."

She pointed to the dark spots on her right tit and said, "My triangle is on my right boob. Madison has hers on her left boob."

Maddy smiled and pointed to her birthmark.

"Ahh," the guys said, and they leered at the sisters.

Mark reached out and touched Madison's left boob and said, "So this is your identifying feature. Nice. I'll remember." He caressed her breast and thumbed her nipple.

"Oh!" Maddy mood.

"And these three beauty marks ID you," Andy said with a sly smile on his face. He cupped and squeezed her right breast. When she didn't object, he put his other hand on her other tit and squeezed them both.

"Move over," Andy said.

Addy did.

He sat on the lounge, and they embraced and kissed.

Mark sat beside Maddy. They made out.

All the women were being groped and kissed. The spare dudes watched with hard cocks and blue balls.

Jake had Janet spread-eagle in a lounge chair, and he ate her pussy.

Rebecca had overcome her shyness. She was nude and giving some stud a blowjob.

Addison and Madison were deliriously happy. They ran their fingers through their dates' long hair as the guys sucked on their breasts and fingered their twats.

If you had asked them why they were feeling so good. One would have said having sex with her prom date. The other would have said the thrill of exhibiting their naked bodies to a horny, adoring crowd.

The first one would have said, "I need to change my answer. I'm delirious because I have had so much to drink, I loved being naked in front of everyone, and the sex feels so fucking good."

"Ditto," her sister would have said, correcting her answer.

The long-hair dudes climbed on the twins and slid dicks as hard as steel into their wet and ready pussies.

"OHhhh!" the sisters cried out.

Their exclamations of pleasure were lost in the cacophony of other moans, sighs, and groans as a dozen other couples had sex by the pool.

The cries grew louder and more urgent. Soon guttural screams announced climaxes.

The twins didn't orgasm; their partners did and filled their no longer virgin vaginas with sperm.

The air was filled with heavy breathing and the smell of cigarettes, marijuana, and cum.

A drunken orgy ensued.

Most of the women didn't say no. They were caught up in the moment. It wasn't that they were too drunk or hopped up on drugs. It was the scene and a feeling that nothing was off-limits.

They were naked. Their friends were naked. It was time to fuck or give head to the guy you had a crush on, and allow those who have been carrying a torch for you to show their love with kisses, tongues, or a firm cock,

You could have sex with a complete stranger or two!

The guys without girlfriends came off the bench and joined the fray. They replaced the spent lovers or became the second 'M' in an MMF threesome.

If the lips or a mouth of a young woman was available, it was kissed or had a dick shoved in it. Body parts were caressed, fondled, or groped. Erect cocks found available vaginas.

Jake's best friend fucked Janet. Afterward, Janet fulfilled one of her fantasies. She sucked a big black cock!

The twins had sex with many hot guys in many ways. They gave handjobs, blowjobs, and fucked.

"Ohhhh! Addy hollered as a talented tongue found her clit. She paused the BJ she was giving Jake and looked down to see who was eating her soiled pussy.

She was shocked to discover Rebecca between her thighs. The sassy redhead looked up, smiled, and asked, "Do you mind?"

"No. You're doing a great job."

Everyone returned to their previous activity.

Rebecca was on her hands and knees between Addy's legs, and her pale butt attracted the attention of a passer-by. Andy slid six inches into the spunky ginger.

The four enjoyed each other. They cried out and came nearly simultaneously.

Madison was a sought-after partner. While her sister experienced her first lesbian encounter, she was being split-roasted by two hunks. The guy in her pussy came first. He was quickly followed by the guy getting his cock sucked. He exploded in Maddy's mouth, pulled out, and gave her a facial.

Before Madison could wipe the cum off her face, two other young men presented themselves. She giggled and nodded when they asked to have sex with her, and she was fucked in two holes again. The big black cock stretched her pussy well and she had her first orgasm.


The sisters woke the next morning when dicks were pressed against their lips.
