My Lesbian Sugar Mama Pt. 05


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Before we left, Coach Spurlock got on her computer to show Alisya and myself the bat-girl uniforms that she'd selected for the both of us. To say that they were a bit on the skimpy side was a bit of an understatement. I mean, have you ever seen that 'Suicide Squad' movie, the one where Margot Robbie plays comic book bad girl Harley Quinn? Well, that's exactly what Coach Spurlock seemingly had in mind for Alisya and myself. We'd each be wearing these tight blue & gold State jerseys (with our numbers on the back), along with matching hot-pants that would do an outstanding job of showing off our legs and rear ends! Add to this image the two of us carrying softball bats and the Harley Quinn comparison becomes complete. Of course, Alisya thought they looked awesome. And I guess I did, too.


The uniforms arrived quicker than expected. Alisya got to be #11, while I wore #12. The shorts were even skimpier than they looked in the catalog. I later asked Coach Spurlock if these outfits were family-friendly, and she answered absolutely!

"Haven't you ever eaten at a 'Hooters' restaurant?" she asked me. "Entire families go there for chicken wings, and yet their waitresses are really hot, with gorgeous tight bodies that you just want to grab at while they walk past your table!"

Yes, I suppose she had a point. Anyway, the girls on the softball team certainly approved when we modelled the outfits for them. And to be honest, the job of being a bat-girl turned out to be an incredibly easy one. Mrs. Morgenstern had already given me her consent, by the way, saying that it was important I enjoy my college years doing things that I'd look back on fondly, and this certainly qualified. And at least Alisya and I weren't required to go to practice everyday - only show up on game-day.

The home fans took an immediate liking to Alisya and myself, learning our names and calling out to us as we took turns retrieving softball bats. Attendance also soon increased, with more guys predictably showing up, but ALSO more girls! And, of course, little kids would ask us for our autographs after the games were over, with more than one woman actually slipping me her phone number!

Alisya and I even got to travel with the team on road games, with Coach Spurlock initially having us sharing a room at the team hotel. Of course, on at least two occasions Alice Retten attempted to whisk Alisya away to her own room in the middle of the night, despite that being a clear violation of team rules. Coach Spurlock would then assign one of her assistant coaches to keep a close eye on us to prevent any further illicit rendezvous attempts.

But it didn't last very long.

For one thing, Alice Retten was having an incredibly good season at the plate, batting over .400, with Coach Spurlock eventually deciding to reward the girl by allowing her what she desired the most, which was to begin sharing a room with Alisya on road trips. Of course, this left me without a roommate, leading to several players immediately volunteering to take me into their own rooms (and their beds). But Coach Spurlock had ideas of her own, informing me that I would instead be sharing a room with her.

Now being asked to bunk with the head coach was quite an honor, as she always got the biggest/best room, and never had to share it with anybody if she didn't choose to do so. But it seems that she WANTED me, which I found to be quite flattering when I was informed of our new sleeping arrangement.

"I believe that we'll be great together" Coach Spurlock announced. "But just remember, Kenzi: it's MY room, and MY rules!"

"Yes, Coach!"

"And that's another thing... when you and I alone together, you don't need to call me coach... I get enough of that on the playing field," she told me, before then adding in a whisper: "In fact, I'd prefer that you refer to me as 'mistress' when it's just us two."

"Yes, co... I mean, mistress." I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not.

I suppose I could have objected, but what other choice did I really have? Coach Spurlock had already informed Alice Retten that as long as she kept her batting average above .350, she'd continue letting her share her room with my pretty blonde friend, Alisya, who also appeared satisfied with that arrangement. I had never figured Alisya to go full-lesbian with a girl-jock, but it was what it was, and a direct result of this would be my (as Alice so aptly put it) "warming our head coach's bed!"

While I had no intention of allowing myself to become Coach Spurlock's submissive plaything, I feared that 'mistress' had other ideas. Our next home series was out west, and after checking into our hotel I was sent ahead to the ballpark with Alisya to help set-up the equipment in our dugout with the team's manager. The players arrived on a bus soon after.

I was kind of hoping that Alice Retten's hitting streak might worsen somewhat, so that things could return to normal (with my going back to rooming with Alisya), but no such luck. Alice hit a double in her first trip to the plate, and another double in the fifth-inning. Meanwhile, the other team's fans had also taken a liking to watching Alisya and myself running back and forth picking-up bats, almost as much as the fans enjoyed watching us back at State.

Coach Spurlock was quite pleased with her team's 5-1 victory, and the way she smiled at me in my skimpy bat-girl uniform didn't bode well. When the team boarded the bus for the drive back to the hotel, she had me sit right next to her, with her hand resting on my thigh for the entire drive back. The whole team ate dinner together in one of the banquet rooms, with coach then telling me to return to our room to await her arrival.

"I've got to meet briefly with the assistant coaches," she informed me. "But I'll be up shortly. In the meantime, I suggest you enjoy a nice hot bath and get this beautiful body of yours all nice and pretty for me."

Seriously, that's what she said! In any case, I did as she instructed, going upstairs to our room, where I got undressed and took a nice hot bath. Yes, I suppose I had no choice regarding the sleeping arrangements, but being designated as her personal 'sex toy' went way beyond any responsibilities I owed this team. I mean, she was assuming that I had no say in the matter, which was just wrong.

After bathing, I put on clean panties and a tee-shirt and sat down on the huge king-sized bed to await her arrival. I didn't have to wait long. I heard her at the door seconds before she let herself in. I was prepared to talk with her about her treating me like an object. But then she walked in, stopped, and stared longingly at me. I couldn't talk.

"You are such a beautiful girl," she murmured with a sigh.

"Yes, ma'am... and thank you, ma'am."

"I believe you were told to call me 'mistress' when we're alone together?"

"Yes, you did, Coach Spur... I mean, mistress... but that's what I need to talk with you about."

"Then go ahead and talk," she said with a smile.

"It's about how you're treating me," I began, seeking the right words to say next. "You act as if I have no say in the matter."

"And what matter is that?" she asked, still smiling.

I hesitated, unsure of how to put this. She continued staring at me with an amused look on her face, but also one that suggested she was also undressing me with her eyes. It only confused me further.

"I don't... I mean, you seem to think..."

"Shhhh, Kenzi," she suddenly interrupted, leaning down to place her index finger on my lips. "I need to tell you something first."

I nodded, allowing her to continue.

"Being the head coach of a university softball team, or of ANY team for that matter, is highly stressful work," she began. "It's tough on me, making all kinds of decisions, decisions that affect everybody, including the players, the athletics department, and everyone who deals with all of us on a daily basis. You have really helped me in that regard!"


"Yes, you! You and your pretty friend Alisya have added a refreshing new excitement to our team... you're both incredibly hot young girls with such beautiful bodies..." Here, she paused briefly to stare down at my bare legs before returning her gaze to my face. "Your presence has made everything more enjoyable... for the fans, for the players, and especially for me!"

"Th...thank you, Co... I mean, mistress."

Here she leaned down to kiss me softly on my lips.

"I know I've expected a lot from you, without listening to any of your own input or objections... but that's what being a head coach is all about... it's my job to make decisions on my own, decisions that affect other people, including yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am... I think so."

"You're being together with me right now is proof of your loyalty... loyalty to your school... to this softball team... and especially to me!"

Here, she sat down beside me on the bed, with her hand gently brushing aside a strand of blonde hair from my eyes.

"Do you think you can continue showing me that loyalty... that dedication... and especially that kind of unquestioning obedience?"

I knew what she was asking. She wanted me to surrender my body to her. Her stare into my eyes was almost hypnotic.

"I'm just not sure if this is right."

"What's not right?"

"My sleeping in your bed because you've ordered me to do so," I said, looking down at my hands. "It's making me uncomfortable."

"How so?" she inquired. "Why would you not want to share my bed, after I've made you a part of this team?"

"I'm just... I'm just not sure, is all."

"Oh, I get it," she laughed. "You want to be seduced, is that it? Well, maybe I don't have time for all that. I have way too many things to do, day after day. Yes, I find you very attractive, and I want to enjoy this delicious body of yours. Isn't that enough for now?"

I stared at her, not sure how to respond. She continued.

"Look, I happen to know that you like older women, especially older women who are dominant. I've talked to Alisya and to other girls who know you. It's been very difficult for me to sit in the dugout during games, coaching this team, and all the while watching your beautiful body clad in that sexy little bat-girl uniform! Remember, I'm the one responsible for you're being here! Maybe it would be nice if you showed me some appreciation and gratitude."

While she talked, she ran the back of her fingers up my bare leg. I didn't dare interfere. I realized that I definitely wanted to remain a part of the team, and if keeping the head coach happy was to be part of my job, then that's what I'd have to do.

"Yes, ma'am," I softly responded. "Thank you."

"What's that?" she asked, her face only inches from my own.

Yes, ma'am... thank you... mistress."

Here she smiled and leaned in close to me, gently taking me in her arms, before then passionately kissing me on my lips, long and hard. I closed my eyes as her lips pressed against my own in a long and tender embrace, her tongue slipping its way forcefully past my open mouth. I've got to admit, this woman certainly knew how to kiss a girl.

She gently pushed me back and down onto my back, partly climbing on top of me while we continued kissing.

"So... you're going to be my obedient and submissive little plaything from here on, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes... mistress."

"Good girl," she laughed. "Now let's get this tee-shirt off of you."

I raised my arms as she then swiftly lifted it over my head, pulling it completely off of me before tossing it onto the floor. All I remained wearing were a tiny pair of white panties. She stared down at my mostly nude body and smiled, before then lowering her mouth down onto my breasts.

"Such beautiful tits," she half-whispered, as her mouth closed upon my right breast, soon switching to the left, all the while kissing and sucking away. "These are just so perfect!"

She continued kissing and licking me for quite some time, all the while staring deeply into my eyes while licking her lips.

"Stand up," she then ordered. "It's time I removed these panties."

I stood close beside her as she continued sitting on the bed, her hand tugging down my undies in a swift motion, until I stood completely nude alongside her, with her hands how running up my legs while her lips planted a kiss on my hip.

"I so very much love this gorgeous ass," she casually remarked quietly to herself, before then sharply slapping me on my behind, causing me to cry out. She then softly kissed my ass cheek where she'd just spanked it. "Your butt is just perfect for both kissing AND spanking!"

And so, for the next couple of minutes, with me standing closely beside her, slightly bent over at the waist, Coach Spurlock alternately kissed and spanked me on my naked derriere, laughing at my obvious discomfort. Occasionally, between slaps, she'd softly rub my ass cheeks affectionately, before then planting another kiss squarely upon my curvy behind.

When I say 'obvious discomfort,' I should probably point out that coach's loving attentions to my rump were also an incredible turn-on for me, as I've always had a thing for older lesbian women who make love to my bottom, and I must admit that Coach Spurlock was particularly good at it.

"Would you like your mistress to fuck you now, Kenzi?" she suddenly asked, taking me by surprise. "Are you ready to take our relationship to the next level?"

I stared at her and slowly nodded my head, not sure what else to say.

"Get on the bed," she then ordered, patting the spot where she wanted me. "Lie down right here on your stomach."

I did as she directed, while watching her go to her suitcase and rummage through it for what turned out to be several different items. One was (somewhat predictably) a strap-on, but she also had in her hands a pair of steel handcuffs along with a plastic ballgag.

"We can't have you crying out," she explained, as she proceeded to place the ballgag firmly in my mouth. It had a kind of cinnamon flavor to it. "These hotel walls are paper-thin, and I really don't want us disturbing the other guests!"

She then locked her handcuffs around my wrists, securing me to the bed, before then removing her sweatpants and donning the black strap-on around her lower abdomen. I then watched as she applied a few drops of lubricant to moisten it.

"Lift up that pretty butt of yours a bit," she then ordered, leering down at me. "I want your body face-down and ass-up, capice?"

I immediately positioned myself as she instructed, with her hands then coming to rest on my butt, squeezing it contentedly, as she then mounted me from behind. I felt her sliding the dildo up and down my ass cheeks before then working it slowly inside my pussy from behind. I softly cried out through the ballgag.

"Ahhh... yes," she softly sighed. "The ultimate submission!"

It's true. I had surrendered myself to her completely, despite my earlier intention to stand up for myself and not allow my body to be used by this dominant woman for her private pleasures. But those sentiments were now water-under-the-bridge as she began slowly rocking me back and forth, fucking me like I was her slave. But, I must admit, it also felt kind of wonderful.

Her hands grasped be firmly by my hips, her palms occasionally lifting to slap me sharply on my ass. I couldn't cry out, what with the ballgag in place, but could whimper loudly enough for her to hear me and laugh.

"I'm now your mistress, Kenzi... and you're my pretty little slavegirl... understand?"

I whimpered my assent, as she again laughed and slapped at my butt before squeezing it lovingly. She was really good at this. I'm going to guess that she'd probably had plenty of practice with other girls before I came along. When I later had the temerity to ask her if that was the case, she didn't deny it.

"A lot of young women desire to engage in at least one lesbian experience," she explained. "Only they don't know how to go about it. Too often it ends up being a somewhat clumsy encounter at summer camp, or maybe it involves some uncomfortable experimentation at a sleepover, or perhaps with a college roommate. I, personally, have never had any trouble finding pretty young women like yourself at nightclubs, fitness centers, or even at Walmart. Pretty girls are far less fearful of being picked-up by another woman than, say, some creepy guy!"

She was certainly right about that. After all, Mrs. Morgenstern had basically picked me up while I was working as a cashier at a grocery store. I trusted her from the very beginning. And like Coach Spurlock, she also fully understood how to sexually please a vulnerable younger woman.

But coach wasn't through with me just yet this night. After she'd finished fucking me, she laid her body down on top of mine and began kissing the back of my neck, before then slowly gliding her mouth down my back, kissing a path all the way to my curvy behind, which she was soon covering every inch of with warm, wet. and passionate kisses. For some reason, it seems that every woman I get with can't get enough of smooching me on my butt, which is perfectly fine with me as I dearly love the feel of a dominant older lady's lips marking my ass with her lips.

Anyway, Coach Spurlock then proceeded to eat me out from behind, with her face pressed up tightly against my now upraised derriere, with her mouth hungrily licking & sucking at my pussy while I softly moaned aloud through the gag. By the time she was finished I was thoroughly exhausted, but she wasn't through just yet. After removing the ballgag from my mouth, unlocking the cuffs from my wrists, and removing the strap-on from around her waist, she gently shoved me off of the bed and down onto the carpeted floor, where I stared up at her questioningly.

"I want you now to suck my pussy," she ordered, spreading her legs and leaning back against the bedpost with an evil-looking smile crossing her face. As I had no other choice, I obediently knelt before her, completely nude, and did exactly as she demanded. Her hands grabbed at my long blonde hair, holding my head in place, as I proceeded to lick her clit. No, I wasn't particularly good at it, but I did my best. She appeared satisfied.

"We'll work on that," she promised, helping me to my feet. "Let's now take a shower, you and I. I prefer this gorgeous body of yours all fresh and sweet-smelling instead of covered in sweat and sticky with my saliva!"

She laughed and slapped my behind to send me on into the bathroom. I really did need that shower! And yes, she did a very thorough job bathing me.


It was pretty clear from that point on that I was Coach Spurlock's property for the remainder of the season, which was fine by me. Several times she even asked me to move in with her, but I wasn't about to do that. Deep down, I still knew that I belonged to Mrs. Morgenstern, despite not seeing her all that much now that I had so many other duties to attend to, what with school and the team.

Mrs. Morgenstern and Camile were both completely understanding of my absences on weekends, knowing of my busy schedule, and they were wonderfully supportive. I had posted a few color-photos showing Alisya and myself in our sexy bat-girl uniforms to Camile's Facebook page, and both she & Mrs. Morgenstern were highly impressed at how hot we looked!

But things were changing at State regarding the softball team.

We lost several games over the next couple of weeks, thanks in part to Alice Retten's midseason batting slump. She wasn't getting on base like she'd been doing earlier in the year, and soon her overall batting average had dropped below .350, with Coach Spurlock revoking her permission for Alice to share a room with Alisya on road trips. Now this should have meant that my pretty blonde friend would go back to sharing a room with me, but that's not what happened.