My Lesbian Sugar Mama


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We remained this way for some time, with me actually falling asleep in between them both. When I later woke up, I noticed that the sun had gone down. I was still lying nude with the two older women. Camile was asleep, her hand resting on my ass while I could see Mrs. Morgenstern's eyes staring at me in the dim light.

"You were wonderful, sweetheart," she whispered. "I hope you enjoyed tonight as much as we did!"

"Oh, yes ma'am," I whispered back, "It was wonderful!"

"Come with me downstairs," she then quietly ordered. "Let's allow Camile to continue sleeping while we go talk."

"Is there a robe or something that I can put on?" I inquired.

"Actually, no," she responsed. "I prefer keeping you naked."

I blushed and smiled. She then took me by the hand and we walked silently down her carpeted stairs and back into the indoor pool area. She then removed her remaining clothing before wading into the water and motioning for me to do the same. Once together in the shallow end she pulled me close to her and passionately kissed me, her hands gliding down my sides and coming to rest on my ass, which she squeezed contentedly.

"I know a way for you to pay your tuition, Kenzi," she announced. "I'm going to become your 'Sugar Mama' and send you to State!"

"But how...?" I began, before she interrupted me.

"My husband's publication runs a scholarship program for would-be students requiring economic assistance," she explained. "And as I happen to be on the board that decides who gets these scholarships, I can make it happen." She continued: "In the past, I've generally allowed the other board members to make these decisions, but this time I've got my own candidate!"

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, you!"

"But do I meet the necessary qualifications?"

She smiled. "I will make that decision, and I have already decided that you're the perfect candidate!"

I was so happy that I kissed her, right then & there!

"But there's more," she added, pulling back. "The scholarship covers tuition & books, but not room & board. Fortunately, my husband & I own a condo at State that we purchased several years ago, intending to use whenever we wanted to spend time there for things like football weekends. A realty company currently leases it out for us and keeps it maintained. But now I'm going to have that lease transferred to you so that you'll have a comfortable place to live right next to campus!"

"This is all so wonderful," I exclaimed! "And you're doing all of this for me?"

"Yes, I am," Mrs. Morgenstern replied, staring into my eyes, her hands continuing to squeeze my rump while we remained embraced in the shallow end of her pool. "But in return for my being your 'sugar mama' I'm going to expect something from you in return!"

"Anything," I responded, although I already knew what she wanted.

"You will remain my submissive little sexual plaything during your entire time at State," she said, staring deeply into my eyes. "I'll be visiting you regularly, and when I do I'll expect you to be waiting for me, bathed & nude! I'll only arrive on weekends, when you won't have to go to class, but I'll want this gorgeous body of yours all for myself!"

I solemnly nodded. "I can do that,"

"You accept my terms?"

"I accept them."

"Then you're mine... all mine!"

I nodded again before asking: "And what about Camile?"

"Yes, yes... I'll sometimes bring Camile along," she laughed. "So... do we have a deal?"

"Absolutely," I happily replied! We then sealed our contract with a passionate kiss!


The condo that Mrs. Morgenstern and her husband owned at State was exceptionally nice, probably much nicer than any student housing. It wasn't particularly large, but it included luxurious furnishings, including a cozy bedroom with a huge bed. There was also a beautiful bathroom, kitchen, and study nook. She even bought me my first computer! I still didn't have a car, but the college had an excellent public transportation system included with my tuition.

A couple of other areas that Mrs. Morgenstern was concerned about involved me keeping my grades up and remaining in good physical shape.

"If you flunk any of your classes," she warned me, "you could automatically lose the scholarship I'm getting you, and so to avoid this I've employed a tutor to help you. Actually, she's an old friend of mine from my own college days here: a Mrs. Shimatsu. She taught economics at State for several years. She's retired now, but I told her all about you and she's agreed to help you with your academics! You'll be meeting with her every Thursday here at the condo, and she'll go over your work!"

"You got me a private tutor?" I gulped. "That must be expensive!"

"Well, yes & no... like I said, I told her all about you. She's an excellent academic, but she & I also share a mutual desire to be in the company of pretty young women."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means that you are to do whatever Mrs. Shimatsu asks... ANYTHING!"

I think I understood. "Is she Japanese?"

"Yes, she is... and when she comes over for your weekly tutoring sessions we've agreed that you are to wear a special schoolgirl outfit that I'll be purchasing for you!"

"Let me guess... does this outfit include an extremely short plaid schoolgirl skirt with matching thong underwear?"

"Very good," she laughingly replied. "But seriously, Kenzi, keep Mrs. Shimatsu happy! I had to pull a lot of strings to get her to agree to this, and all you need do in return is to obey her and allow her to occasionally enjoy herself, capice?"

I understood. Mrs. Shimatsu turned out being an extremely intelligent Japanese woman, about the same age as Mrs. Morgenstern, and she kept me ahead in all of my classes. And yes, she enjoyed seeing me dressed up in one of those ridiculously short schoolgirl skirts that completely exposed my long legs. Often following our study sessions she'd run her hand up my bare leg as we conversed, caressing my thigh, and occasionally she'd even undress me down to my underwear while planting soft kisses all over my body. And once, after she discovered that I'd neglected to turn in a homework assignment, she even punished me with an over-the-knee spanking, whacking at my bottom with a ruler, before then opting instead to sensually slap my ass with her bare hand. I think she really enjoyed spanking me. She also enjoyed planting kisses on my reddened bottom after it was all over! She pretty much always ended our study-time together kissing & caressing me, and referring to me her "little blonde slave/goddess."

The other person with whom Mrs. Morgenstern put me in touch was a female gym instructor who owned & managed a very popular work-out facility just off campus. Her name was Lucille, and she had once played on State's women's basketball team. Lucille was a black woman in her mid-thirties, and she was still in excellent physical shape. Apparently, Mrs. Morgenstern & her husband had lent Lucille the money to open her health & fitness center way back when, and now she was going to keep me trim & toned at her benefactor's request.

"A lot of young women go off to college and quickly gain ten-to-fifteen pounds in their freshman year alone," Mrs. Morgenstern lamented. "But that's NOT going to happen to you! I've arranged a membership of sorts for you at Lucille's facility, allowing you to participate in her Tuesday & Thursday aerobics classes. She knows all about you, and how important it is to me that your beautiful young body keep it's gorgeous shape!"

"And is there anything special that I'll be needing to do for Lucille?" I inquired.

"Of course."

I rolled my eyes. "Let me guess... nude aerobics?"

"Don't be silly. You'll be a part of her bi-weekly classes, every Tuesday & Thursday evening at five o'clock, and she'll put you through the paces as only she can. Hers is a very popular class with students & faculty alike!"

"Is that all?" I continued, suspecting that it wasn't.

"No," Mrs. Morgenstern continued, smiling. "Lucille also likes being with pretty young women, especially pretty, young, & submissive BLONDE girls like yourself. You are to remain after class and help her clean up. I hope that's not too much to ask?"

It wasn't, but then I never expected it to be otherwise. Lucille turned out to be a very athletic young black woman who was an excellent aerobics instructor & dancer, who always had myself and the other girls sweating profusely by the time her sessions were over. I alone didn't have my own locker. Lucille informed me that I would change & shower in her own private office. And so, after helping her pick-up towels and clean up after the other girls had left, she'd motion for me to join her in her office. And yes, she'd often have what I can only describe as a somewhat lecherous smile on her face as I scampered inside ahead of her.

"Get undressed," she'd order, sitting down behind her desk while I then slowly removed my leotard for her, using some of the stripper moves that Camile had taught me. I'd slowly peel out of my aerobics outfit, emerging completely naked. "Your ass looked especially beautiful tonight," she'd comment, motioning with her finger for me to approach her, often having me sit down on her lap while she then caressed & kissed my nude body. Lucille especially seemed to enjoy licking & biting at my ass after having me bend over her desktop. Afterward, we'd shower together in her office's private shower, with her donning a black strap-on to take me standing-up, right there, from behind. She was an excellent lover with a definite dominant streak!


Of course, on weekends Mrs. Morgenstern would arrive, usually every Friday evening at seven o'clock. I'd have bathed at six, oiling & perfuming my body immediately afterward, so as to be ready for her arrival. She liked for me to be completely nude when I answered the door. Sometimes Camile came with her, but usually she was alone. She'd always greet me with a passionate kiss, and often she'd want to start her visit with my putting on music and performing a sexy nude lap dance for her (which, as I mentioned earlier, I'd learned how to do from Camile!)

Afterwards, she'd often lead me by the hand into the bedroom where she'd sit down on the bed and begin lovingly kissing me all over, sucking/licking my bare breasts while I stood patiently before her with my hands behind my back. At one point she'd look me in the eye and say "let me see that ass," as which point I'd slowly turn for her, bending over at the waist so that she could then cover my perfumed derriere with wet passionate kisses! In fact, she'd leave her lipstick marks all over my butt, which she seemed to find vastly amusing. I remember her once taking a selfie on her phone of her smiling face right next to my nude bottom, covered with at least a dozen of her lipstick "kiss marks," which she then forwarded to Camile, who enjoyed it immensely.

Often she'd take me out for dinner. If we were going to a pizza joint I'd wear bluejeans and a tank top, but if it was somewhere fancy she'd dress me in something nicer. Oh, I almost forgot. Mrs. Morgenstern had also bought me several frilly, very feminine, and ever-so-short dresses to wear when I was out on the town with her. One of them in particular was a special favorite of hers. It was expensive, made entirely of white silk, and excessively TINY! I mean, my shoulders were completely bare, and it showed off ALL of my legs, all the way up to the edge of my butt! I loved it, but despaired of ever wearing it in public because it was so ridiculously skimpy! In fact, the only place I wore it was to this high-class lesbian bar that Mrs. Morgenstern took me to about twenty minute's drive from campus.

Needless to say, I was a hit with the patrons of that particular establishment. It was a private club catering primarily to older women, a place where they were able to drink, dance, and socialize together. The music was laid back & easy-going, which was perfect for intimate slow-dancing. I could feel a lot of female eyes on my legs & butt as Mrs. Morgenstern & I danced together in eachother's arms, her hands possessively gripping & fondling my butt through the thin fabric of that sexy little white dress! It was a lot of fun! We visited that club on several occasions.

On one occasion, we ran into Mrs. Shimatsu while there, with Mrs. Morgenstern taking a moment to discuss my academic progress with her, meanwhile sending me to the bar to bring back Brandy Alexanders for the two of them. I had on my sexy little white dress and received a lot of compliments from several of the older ladies there (including one woman who boldly patted me on my behind!) While waiting for my order I was approached by a policewoman who asked to see my ID. I naturally assumed that she was checking my age, but it turns out she was looking up my address. I later learned that this policewoman was another lesbian who regularly frequented the place, and she apparently decided that I was worth checking out.

It was the very next day - Monday morning - shortly after Mrs. Morgenstern had left to return to Latrelle, that Officer Bailey (that was the policewoman's name) showed up at my door in her full uniform. She was a muscular, buff young woman in her late twenties, and she eyed me appreciatively as I answered the door in my bathrobe.

"Remember me?" she asked, staring through my open robe, which I quickly pulled closed, causing her to smile. "May I come in?"

Of course I let her in. She explained that a beautiful young woman like myself living alone in a college town like this needed to be extra careful, as she then casually looked around, checking out the locks on my door and making sure that all of my windows were secure.

"Can I offer you a cup of coffee?" I asked.

"Sure," she responded. "But shouldn't you be getting ready for class?"

"Not today," I answered. "The professors are in meetings all day, so I actually got to sleep in for a change!"

She smiled & nodded and then sat down as I poured her a cup of coffee. I stared at her badge, her radio, her gun, and finally at the handcuffs she wore on her belt.

"Do you use those very often?" I asked innocently, looking at the cuffs.

"Why do you ask?" she replied, sipping at her coffee, before then inquiring: "Have YOU ever been handcuffed by a police officer?"

No, of course I hadn't, but the way she was now staring at me made me blush.

"Maybe you'd LIKE to be?"

"Well... I don't know," I responded. "I suppose in the right moment it could be a memorable experience."

"Like maybe right now?"

I knew she was flirting with me, although I didn't know what to say next, so I just kind of just continued to blush as she smiled a somewhat wicked smile my way.

"I have a fun idea," she then announced, before calling in on her police radio some unintelligible jargon that I didn't understand. After the squawking on her radio ceased, she explained: "I've just told them that I'm taking an hour off for lunch." She then arose from where she sat and took me by the hand into my bathroom. "I think you'll enjoy this."

Officer Bailey then turned me around and forcibly removed my robe, leaving me clad in only the sexy little teddy that I'd worn to bed. I was too surprised to resist. Here was a policewoman inside my residence, undressing me, and I had no idea what was going to happen next!

She then handcuffed my left wrist around a bathroom fixture over my tub, and then clicked it shut around my right wrist, leaving me secured and helpless, wearing only my skimpy sleepwear. She then swiftly removed my top before then pulling down my panties, leaving me standing there in my bathtub completely naked! She then leered at my nude body before continuing.

"I'm now going to bathe you," she casually explained, removing her own uniform shirt and belt, saying: "I don't want to get these wet. You see, I used to work at the jail, and there was nothing I enjoyed more than bathing beautiful handcuffed young girls like yourself in the showers. I think you'll enjoy this! I KNOW I will!"

And, just like that, she turned on the water, getting the temperature just right before activating the shower and wetting me down, before then picking up my bar of beauty soap, and proceeding to slowly wash my manacled nude body with her firm hands! She certainly appeared turned-on, running her wet soapy hands up my legs, over my ass, my stomach, back, & breasts while I stood helpless before her. I gasped aloud when her fingers suddenly entered my pussy, and again when her thumb made its way into my ass crack. She then laughed, and the next thing I knew her mouth, lips, & tongue were making their way all over my wet soapy skin. She clearly knew her way around a woman's naked body!

"Do you do this very often?" I dared ask. "Coming into a girl's apartment and forcibly bathing her?"

"Sadly, no... not nearly enough... although I wish I could say otherwise."

My breathing picked-up as she continued washing and kissing my ass, which she nuzzled with her face the entire time. "You're butt is amazing," she informed me. "What I'd really like to do is spank it."

"Please don't," I begged, somewhat half-heartedly.

She laughed and slapped it anyway, and somewhat harder than I expected. It stung, but I must admit that I enjoyed it. After she finished playfully spanking my wiggling butt, she then unlocked the handcuffs and gently dried me off, before then slapping my butt once again and ordering me to go lie face-down on my bed, at which point she again handcuffed my wrists, this time to my bedpost. She then began slowly kissing her way up my bare legs, starting at my feet, and eventually finishing at my butt. which she contentedly kissed, licked, and even playfully bit down on. I, of course, squealed and tried halfheartedly to buck her off of me, but she was way too strong. In the end my surrender was complete.

Let me just say that it was an enjoyable way to begin my week. Officer Bailey afterwards gave me her card before leaving, with her cell-number on it, telling me to call her if I ever needed anything whatsoever. When I later told Mrs. Morgenstern about this incident she laughed and said I shouldn't have any trouble getting police protection after that! She then assured me that she was well aware that I was an especially beautiful young woman, and that she really didn't mind occasionally sharing me with those other lesbian women who could help me when I needed help. Yes, she insisted that SHE ALONE was my 'sugar mama,' but she certainly wasn't going to be selfish about it, just so long as I knew that I ultimately belonged to her. And yes, I most certainly knew that. I was hers and hers alone!

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kbone1kbone18 months ago

This is the kind of story I could get used to. lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love this series. We need more of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story. Top tier.

kaleonanikaleonaniover 2 years ago

Sugar mamas are by far are more delectably suitable sexually for all women than their counterpart the asshole sugar daddy's. It definitely pays to have wealth as Mrs. Morgenstern is endowed with and Kenzi had the benefit and pleasure to gracefully grant the wishes of her mistress and friends. Kenzi by far was born the right time to be in the right place and damn fortunate in being very beautiful.

moimeme68moimeme68over 2 years ago

Superbe! Great story, nicely written. I hope a lot more will happen to them.

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