My Little Gem

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My date wasn't available, but her sister was.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 09/28/2023
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The sun was way off to the west by the time I pulled into Vicky's gravel drive. I'd stopped at my apartment and showered on the way out after a hot day working in the quarry. I parked and sat for a moment, just letting tired muscles relax. Gloria, (Vicky's little sister) was out on the screen porch, watering the hanging baskets. She waved and stepped out, catching the screen door before it slammed.

Her hair was up in a beach towel and she was wearing a T-shirt with a line of butterflies across it. Her coltish young thighs showed from beneath, all the way down to her green flip flops. She picked her way around the azaleas to lean against the door with her hands.

"Hey Theron, you doin' alright?"

"Howdy. You going out tonight too?"

She regarded me, looking in the window. "Hmm. Nice haircut. No, I was just hanging. Vicky and Mama argued this morning. She went off with those Boylan boys that live up the street? Mama took to the bed with a migraine. I got home from the dollar store and she was still dozing." Gloria looked back at the doublewide.

I nodded. Vicky was high maintenance, always was. You make a plan, just like today, then she's off with someone else. The disadvantages of party girls. Lots of fun, until they ain't. Either way, I wasn't mad, just hated wasting the gas and time. Plus, cell phones have become a proven form of communication.

Gloria touched my arm. "You can come up on the porch and wait if you want. She might show up."

A quick fill in is in order. Gloria, her mom and older sister, (who I attempted to date when the fates were smiling) had moved into a semi decent trailer park a couple of years ago when I was still in high school. Vicky and I got along first thing but she also got along with lots of guys besides. Vicky was shaped like a woman, the kind you want to see in lingerie, full figured, blonde. Gloria, not so much. Think winsome, lean, shorter, smaller everywhere but cute as a button. She was as reserved as Gloria was outgoing.

I regarded the wisp of a girl. She looked at me straight on. Deep dark brown eyes, calmly watchful, talking done. It came to me. She was waiting.

I cleared my throat. "You like pizza?"

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. "Lemme get my shorts out of the dryer and leave Mama a note, so she won't worry."


She used detangler on her hair and brushed it out on the way into town. It was long, chestnut brown and it shone in the slanting sunlight. Finally, "You can roll your window back down now. I wouldn't have washed it had I known different." She pulled down the visor, applied some lip balm. "You just took me by surprise, is all."

I smiled. "Hell, I like surprises, don't you?"

"Depends. Vicky bein' gone bother you?"

I stopped for the light, looked over at her. "Half expected, glad you're along. You don't seem at all boisterous, kinda like a ghost compared to your sister."

She giggled, an honest to God giggle, "Oh, that's good!" She scooted across the seat. I could smell the jasmine in her hair. She stretched up, whispering in my ear. "Ever dated a ghost before?"

Ok, so maybe the little sis was slightly unpredictable too.

I hadn't planned squat, other than pizza with Vicky. Depending on her mood, we'd go back to my place, she'd get high, (I couldn't. Random drug tests) and we'd be farm animals until go home time. Not really complicated, leastwise to me.

Gloria seemed totally different, not quite brooding. I'd never even had a complete conversation with her, to be honest. Life doesn't have to be led at a hundred miles per hour and so far it didn't look like this girl was a meteor. I asked her about her nickname. "Everyone calls you Gem, right?"

She was playing with the gear shift knob, tracing the little numbers. She nodded, "Yep. Those are my initials. Gem's just easier for most folks, since I was maybe three years old."

"You want me to be most folks or call you by your given?"

She considered while I slowed for the city limit sign. "Theron, I didn't really know you in school like Sis, (voice dropping) but I never considered you 'most folks'." She paused, "But call me Gem so I know I'm bein' spoken to."

How sweet. I couldn't help but grin. Then, "I need to get to the gearshift, please?"

"I'll do it. I helped Daddy when I was little."


We had to wait out on the porch for a table. The pizza place was doing land office business, so we went down the way to the barbecue joint. At least we could park.

Gem took my hand and we found a swing, settled in. "That was forward of me."

I was caught off guard. "Huh? What'd you do?"

Her eyes sparkled in the halides just coming on and snippets of Travis Tritt wafted from the speakers. "I was acting like your date when I'm just kinda filling in. It just came over me and I got foolish."

I eased my arm around her petite shoulders. "You're not a fill in, Lil Ghost. It's all you tonight. We'll have a good time. You like Brunswick stew?"

Later, we drove out onto the four lane, Gem searching in her purse, finding Juicy Fruit to share. Dinner was, in a word, comfortable. We knew a lot of the same crowd. She asked about my night school and talked about her daddy not coming back from Afghanistan. She had stepped back from the world after that, kinda riding out her loss.

I had my arm across the back of the seat, lightly touching her shoulder. She was scooted against me again and shifted the truck with aplomb. She tucked her legs up on the seat. "Tell me if you're gonna stomp the brakes, Ok?"

"I see ghosts don't wear seatbelts. Least use the lap belt so your ectoplasm doesn't go everywhere if I do."

Soft giggle and a wiggle, against my chest as she searched for the clasp. She looked up at me. "You don't really think I'm made of that ecto stuff?"

It was out of my mouth before my brain engaged. "We could try and find out."

She stretched up, whispered in my ear again. "Gotta be home in a little while." Then she bit my earlobe.

It was what I would term a confusing communication. But it was a thrill, making me catch my breath.

"You like that, hmm?" Still In my ear, breathing ever so softly, distracting my driving.

"Wanna swing by the ramp?" My heart rate had elevated. Just a bit thumpy. Maybe more.

Gem pointed, "Better slow down, it's the next road."


The tide was in and we could hear the frogs moaning even before I cut the engine. There was a serviceable wooden pier next to the boat ramp. She grabbed her hair towel and we dangled our bare feet in the water, the current cool and slow. Fireflies blinked in the middle distance against the darker gloom of the overhanging trees. We had the place to ourselves, fishermen gone for the night. An old Zebco reel and a shank of rod lay next to me, forgotten.

I think Gem's earlier bravado might have deserted her, faced with the fact that here we were, alone. She glanced over nervously, picking at her shorts.

"Uh. I hadn't thought any further than this, you know. I just.."

I hugged her up close. "Hey, hey you can just relax while I fish." For emphasis, I retrieved the busted fishing rig.

I could feel her giggle before I heard it. She had a great giggle, the kind that makes you laugh too, which I did. It seemed like her nervousness dissipated in our laughter.

We looked out across the water, listening as a cicada whirred. We didn't say much for a while, just desultory conversation here and there. It just didn't seem important to fill the silent spaces. Gem lifted her legs, "Water's making my feet cold."

"Mine too. You Ok?"

She dug her phone out to check the time, the light spectral in her face. "I'm gonna turn into a pumpkin soon."

"I'll want a video to show the guys at work."

"You're silly."

I layed back across the planks and winked back at the stars and felt the breeze pick up. Way back in the canopy, an owl hooted once, twice, and a fish broke the surface nearby.

She reached over and unbuttoned my shirt, not all the way. She gave me a tickle.

I thought she wanted me to get up, but she spread her hand out across my chest, stilling my hand.

"Lay back down and I'll give you a kiss." (Eyes lilting in the starlight)

A bullfrog moaned under the pier, then jumped into the water. I eased back down. "You sure?"

She smiled as she climbed over me, her thighs on each side of my chest, jockey on a stallion. "I've been wanting to kiss you all night. You couldn't tell?"

"I'm usually not this easy."

Her fingers to my lips, "Shhh. Now here." She bent forward.

The fingers left and the first feathery brush of her lips meant mine. Her hair shrouded the meeting, making it immediate and intimate, blocking the outside world. She brought her hands up to my face, holding it as her lips gently, softly, slowly pushed mine open with her tongue, just a little.

I felt a shiver in my spine and my devil mind thought of those lips so gentle, somewhere else, somewhere south of where they were now. I felt myself growing and thickening.

It was easy to get my hands under her shirt and hold her tiny waist. I could feel downy fuzz on her backbone as our kiss became deeper and bolder.

Her hair was its own small canopy, making it harder and harder to breathe until we pulled apart, gasping. She sat astride, looking down at me as she unbuttoned my shirt the rest of the way. "Don't look at me."


"I'm blushing."

"Am I?"

She giggled, "I can't tell!"

"But I can see you?"

She broke our gaze, looking off across the water, dragging her fingernails through my chest hair.

My hands left her waist, trending north. Gem leaned forward, hastening my discovery of her youthful unbound femininity, small, firm, pointed. She stayed my hands, leaned back and doffed her shirt, pulling it past her hair. Her small pelvis was now directly atop my burgeoning maleness. She gave just the tiniest of wiggles and grinned.

"There. Now we both have bare chests."

I traced the crease of her belly, my fingers slowly ascending until my fingertips just barely grazed her breasts.

She shivered, and her nails scratched my chest before she ran her palms across me, breathing deeply. "Whew! Theron!"

I lightly pinched her ends, making her jump. "You like?"

Gem shifted her hips, suddenly stopping. She felt below her, finding the hardness in my jeans. "Umm, that kind of 'whew'. Yes, I like, uh huh!"

I raised up, moving her back on my thighs. "Let's see what else you like, girl." I leaned her back enough with my hand supporting her and took a puffy nipple into my mouth, gently sucking and licking.

A minute passed, crickets fiddled in the bushes. I heard a low hum, kind of like 'Mmm'. I nibbled her now distended tips and heard her breath catch. (Gasp) "Oh there. That's... Oh that's so good, Theron! Just. Like. That."

She whispered something.

"How's that?"

Breathlessly, "I want.. I want to take him out."


Her small hands flew down. She worked the button, but the zipper wouldn't budge. "Help me.."

Between us, success! Suddenly there I was, between her soft downy thighs in the cool night air. Tentatively, she felt me, touching, pulling just a little.

"That would never fit in me"

I couldn't help but laugh. Gem joined in.

"Do you want me to take your shorts off?" My thumb slid inside the leg of her shorts, just feeling the elastic band of her panties.

"Ummm, nooo, no, uh-uh." She took a deep breath and grabbed my member harder.

I resumed my task,sucking, licking while my thumb rubbed on her panties just so just where her sailor was standing proud

She jerked, gasping. "Theron, what are you doing?"

"Teasing. Terrible things."

She spit on her hand and rubbed my glans with her palm, making me jerk in turn. She slid her hand down my shaft, returning, squeezing on the upstroke. "Two can play!"

It was my turn to gasp. "Where'd you learn that trick?"

"I'll tell you..later, oh God!"

I had gotten my thumb under the elastic. Beneath, I felt slick soft fur. There was goo on her panties. I could feel it on the back of my thumb. She bucked her hips, conscious control slipping. The pad of my thumb spread her anxious inner lips, trending to the underside of her small swollen distension.

She stilled my hand, pulling my wrist. "Uh-uh, Theron, no."

I left her taut nipple momentarily to kiss her. She kissed back, sucking my tongue in with abandon, moaning, releasing my wrist. My thumb glided over her clit, eliciting a jerk and a shriek into my throat. I flicked it again, her spongy, upright, rubbery womanhood, back and forth.

She still held my cock, but motionless, so rapt was her attention to her body's betrayal. As we kissed, I began pushing the lycra waistband of her shorts down in the back.

She seemed unaware at first, then rose slightly, still kissing me, but affording me an opportunity.

Now she sat on my legs in her panties, the shorts just past her crotch.

We broke for air.

"Rise up a sec."

"Theron, why?"

(Getting my breath) "To get your shorts off."

"Ummm, no, no. I can't."

"We'll leave your panties on, it's Okay.." I gave her another flick.

I could hear her thinking. Then, "Be good, promise?" She rose and in one quick motion, dropped her shorts. Her panties were rumpled and she adjusted them. "We're gonna have to go in just a minute."

All I could do was nod as she took her place. My hands meant to resume their quest, but she pushed them away, coming forward until her panty clad crotch was against my manhood.

"Play with my titties. They like you!" She giggled. Then, her hands found me, rubbing it back and forth across her wetted cotton. "Mmm! Mmm Hmm! Oh, I've wanted to do this! It's my favorite fantasy! And now I'm, (Ahhh!) I'm doing it. Your cock is so..hard." Gem began jacking it at the base, thrusting it against her labia swiftly and rubbing more and more firmly.

I needed release so bad! I couldn't help but groan, as my hands tugged the back of her panties down and found her soft girl ass, holding and squeezing it as she flexed against my hardness. I drew them down and forward on her thighs before she noticed.

"Theron, Theron, you said.."

"I just wanted to feel your ass. It's beautiful!"

"You're being bad."

I shifted her around on me, kissing her once again. Now my cock sprung behind her panties. I could feel the hot wetness against it and I hunched, ever so slightly. Her arms stayed on my shoulders, but imperceptibly, I felt her hunch back. I didn't dare break the kiss, for fear she'd..I thrust up again, while holding her ass. She rolled her hips, up, down, slickness bathing my member. I could feel my cock sliding between her inner lips and breaking over her proud clit.

Now with each thrust, I heard her yelp, just a tiny noise at first, but gaining in volume each time.

"Oh yes, Oh yes, yesyesyes, Oh now, Oh sweet Christ, yes, FINALLY, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmy", trailing off..

Gem swayed the hair from her face and in so doing, her hips rode up higher on me, higher than before, and for a second her soaked entrance and my cock were perfectly aligned.

She reached between us, rubbing her hole with me. "Theron. I've never, ever."

I blinked. Now I understood. My cock was in her entrance, just the least bit, but I felt the resistance. She was telling the truth. And as much as I wanted to spend inside her soft femininity, I hadn't planned on deflowering this delightful young slip of a girl. Not even from the get-go. Everything that had happened since dinner had been uncharted and to my mind, highly enjoyable.

I wasn't about to ruin it. I set her back away from me and grinned. "I sure like fishing with you!"

"Oh, Theron, that was sooo good!" (Womanly laugh, the first I'd heard from her) "Lemme catch my breath and.."

The phone in her shorts buzzed.


I had a friend I named Harvey. Lots of mornings he'd be waiting on the windowsill for his peanut butter cracker. Today was no different. Squirrels got up with the sun and Harvey wanted me up too. I fed him and pulled the screen back in. The phone hummed where I'd left it on the kitchen counter. It was Gem.

"Hi. Are you up?"

"Yep. I'm on squirrel time." I'd told her about my 'friend' at dinner.

"That's so cute! Anyway, Mama's got me cleaning house. She and Sis went off to Walmart, so I thought I'd call."

The coffee was ready. I poured a cup and sat down, watching the squirrel eat his breakfast. Down below, the mail truck pulled up and an unseen mockingbird burst into song . "Yeah, just got up, you doing alright?"

"Umm...well yeah, yeah. I've just never had a night like that one and hope you understand.."

I could feel her collecting more words so I stayed hush. I hadn't had a night quite like that one either. But I knew I wanted another. The way she lit me up just from a kiss, dear God!

The mail truck left, dust swirling behind.

"Sooo, I'd like to do that again, well not just like that, I mean you know.." The words came out in a rush, the dam bursting. "I hope you don't think I'm a tease, because I'm really.."

"New at this?" I chuckled, "We were just getting acquainted is all. I didn't see a tease anywhere last night!"

Gem giggled, "Aww! You're so sweet! Oops! There's Vicky calling, let me call you back."

Not much later, peppers and onions sizzled in the pan, awaiting whisked eggs for the perfect breakfast. My hands tended their chores as my mind recollected more of the night before.


After her mom had called, playtime abruptly ended, well almost. We dressed unhurriedly. She bent down to put on her shorts, showing me a sweet dimpled bottom. Her thighs curved perfectly to outline her sex. I wanted so badly to just walk over and mount her, to burst into her newness, wet tightness surrounding me as my belly rubbed against that choice, chubby ass.

In real life, I spurted goo into my underwear, my balls tight, hurting, needful as we walked through the dark back to my truck.

We parked on the street. The trailer was dark and I couldn't tell if anyone was out on the screen porch. I set the brake and looked over at her. "I'll walk you up. Got your keys?"

Gem nodded, suddenly demure, knowing we were L.A.T.E. We climbed up to the porch and she let herself in.

"I'll be back in a sec." She went in, quietly closing the door.

I looked back over the trailer park. I could see the blue flickers of TVs intermittently in otherwise dark abodes and a window AC next door powered up. Bugs flitted around the streetlight and I could hear a siren far off.

Gem stepped back onto the porch wearing a nightshirt, leaving the door ajar. "Sorry, I took so long, I had to pee. You need to go?"

I nodded. "Who's in there?"

Just Mamma. I told her I was home. She's in her room but she looked pretty sleepy.

I could have just waited, but I went in after pulling my boots off. They had a parakeet, but luckily, the cage was covered. I sidled past it on the way to the hall bath. Vicky's door was partly open, but no one was in the bed.

In the warmer darkness outside, we sat on the glider. She gave me a hug.

"It's late. Are you awake enough to drive?"

"Yeah, but another kiss might help."

Sparkle in her eye. "Where do you want to be kissed, Hmm?"

Even writing this, the memory...

"Have you ever?" My heart was quickening.

"Mmm, maybe not, but. Stand up, right there. That's good."

Small hands, nimble fingers tugged my belt, unbuttoning, unzipping, pulling down the waistband, my boxers down to reveal my excitement just from talking about it.

She smiled up at me, eyes shining in the dim light. She licked her lips, leaning forward to grab and guide it to her soft waiting mouth. She opened just a little, pulling just the head in, the tiniest flicks of her tongue while she eased me in just a little, out a little. I contracted hard as her fingernails lightly scratched my swollen sac and thrilling my shaft. "Mmm. You're VERY horny, aren't you?" A whispery hiss.