My Only Talent Ch. 12


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I was glad for the distraction when a really great looking woman with dark hair, dark skin, and flashing brown eyes walked in, and I recognized her as Vaya Perez, one of the hottest looking local TV newscasters who had done a remote report from the front lawn of the AG house recently. She looked even better in person than on camera, and I found myself thinking I could certainly go for her. She was fascinating. She noticed me looking, swept her eyes over my sex suit and smiled at me. I smiled back, and her Suzie signal spoke to me encouragingly. She stepped beside me to move into the house toward the dining room, and glanced over her shoulder at me again, just noticing through the holes in my costume the red streaks on my back and ass from someone's fingernails. She looked at Millie, who blushed bright red, then back at me and smiled even more warmly.

The next woman off the bus looked exactly like the old school porn star Seka complete with platinum blonde hair like Nora's. I remembered my older cousin was obsessed with Seka, and scanned the internet constantly for information on her and especially 'bit bucket' bootleg downloads of her videos. I think he had them all, and he had shown a lot of them to me last summer before I left for ESU. She was disturbingly hot for reasons I could not explicitly state, and so was this woman dressed as her. The hair did not look like a wig, and she had little makeup on, and a wondrous seat of jugs barely restrained by her low cut dress. She appeared to be about 30 years old. I suddenly wondered if my attraction to Nora had any subliminal component of my memory of cousin Brucie's fascination with Seka's films. I almost did not notice the man with her: a wild and pugnacious looking guy with protruding eyes in a beret with long, curly grey-blonde hair coming out from under it on all sides, and a wild Hawaiian shirt with a clerical collar, holding a microphone. I didn't recognize him, or his character, but he was certainly the most unlikely looking preacher I had ever seen.

When I revived myself from my little nostalgia session, I noticed Seka was looking right at me and smiling. Her companion was smiling, too, and looking back and forth from her to me with interest. I tried to read her Suzie signals, but I realized that even though there were only 70 people or so here, far fewer than the first party, there were so many intense signals that I was having trouble resolving them. It was a far cry from my high school days when I could only sense the very strongest signals without really being able to tell what they meant. If the criterion for getting to this party was being clever enough to figure out some puzzle clues, does that mean that all these people also have really intense sexual drives and thus strong Suzie signals? What does that say about me? What exactly did the other folks figure out to get here?

The next woman to come through was absolutely stunning. She looked like the super hot dark eyed Italian model in the new Fiat commercials, except this woman was about 50, and still hot as hell. She was with a much older man, perhaps in his eighties, with long grey hair in a very expensive looking suit, with a dark blue shirt with starched white cuffs and collar. He had on expensive designer glasses that came apart in the middle with a magnetic clasp, a huge diamond studded watch, and a garish paisley tie that looked weird with the grey pinstripe suit, and I half expected a cape and walking stick. I did not recognize his character, but if I had to I would guess he was one of the old mobsters on the Soprano reruns that my dad liked to watch sometimes. Virtually every one noticed how hot his date was, but he did not seem to mind them looking. I was certainly staring right at her, and when her eyes met mine I sensed an amazing Suzie signal, like a directional beam aimed right at me, cutting through all the interfering signals and noise in the room. It was clear and pure and loud, but somehow inhibited, with a slightly fuzzy tone, and it made me get hard as a rock in about two seconds. Luckily, the silver colored armadillo armor penis shield of my costume hid that fact from notice.

Except from Suzanne, who knew to look at the semi transparent end of the cock piece and noticed the tell tale flesh color that revealed that it was in intimate contact with a warm and stiff Robbie cock that had grown to fill it completely. She reached between my legs and gently stroked the gold colored testicle protectors, whispering in my ear, "I thought it was golden oldies night the way you reacted to Penelope and then the platinum blonde that walked in a moment ago. But this woman has hair as dark as mine, so your dick must just be in the mood for some senior citizen loving, eh Master? I've heard of a MILF, but I guess this is a GILF thing, huh?"

I detected a little crafty Suzie signal from her, and nervously sensed the beginning of a horse trader's negotiation, but tried to stay in a light mood. "Some women, like you, are just classic hot beauties, so they are 'ILFs' meaning I don't care how old she is' I still want to do her! She laughed, and then put her tongue up against her upper teeth again. Damn but that makes me crazy!

The next bus unloaded with a set of younger and slightly more inebriated guests, paired off in couples, and only a few in costumes. The men were speaking Italian, Spanish and French, and most of the women English. I leaned over to Suzanne and whispered, "Why don't you keep your language skills under wraps for a while and see what you can pick up?" She laughed and spoke in Lara and Millie's ears, too, and they nodded. I realized I did not really know how many languages these girls knew. Everyone on the second bus looked very fit and attractive, and they were certainly in a mood to party.

The third bus could have been described as the keeping it weird crew. Slightly less attractive, more casually dressed, lots of Patchouli oil perfume, and more than half in almost predictable costumes: Eeyore with Pooh, Jimmy Hendrix escorting Janice Joplin, Mork and Mindy, and John Shaft with Angie Dickinson. There were some other getups that must be costumes but I could not recognize who they were. Millie, always a source of unexpected information, pointed out the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Whiteman, apparently underground comic characters from the sixties.

As the guest's coats were taken and the empty buses trundled off, our host made an announcement. "Welcome to my little Halloween Overnight Party and Intimate Gathering and congratulations on 'breaking the code' so to speak!" He made little quote marks in the air with his hands. "We will have our costume competition first, and the winners will get a perks that will be to their advantage for the rest of this soirée. If you came in costume, it is definitely worth the effort to compete. After that, you may choose among three alternative ways to pass the rest of the night until our 11 AM attendance required brunch on the pool patio down by the river." He paused and the anticipation built. He knew how to work a crowd pretty well.

"First, you may spend the night thinking naughty thoughts and watching classic horror and/or erotic films in our clothing optional Plato's Theatre and Retreat area. Your second choice, if you are cleared by your cardiologist to handle being thoroughly terrified, is to go through a Halloween Haunted House show that is several levels of intensity above what you have ever experienced anywhere else on Earth. Third and finally, if your heart and lungs are sound and if you are truly a brave and adventurous soul, you may play our Exquisitely Personal Multi-Player Role Playing Game, set in the alternative and fantastical world of Planet X where you may have the opportunity to actually do some naughty things if you play the game well enough to have that choice. You may do the Haunted House first and then relax in Plato's, but choosing the EPMPRPG will be a complete commitment for the rest of the night, and it may also change you for the rest of your life, so do not choose it lightly!"

There was a buzz of conversation and wild eyed looks all around, and some Muttering Suzies in evidence too, wondering how naughty was naughty and how much choice was involved. I was wondering that too. I looked at my girls and suddenly knew what they would choose, so I would most likely be doing the same. Suzanne and Lara were as keyed up as maniacs on speed already, eyes flashing and legs vibrating. Millie looked excited but somewhat nervous. Our host continued, "Please follow me into the great hall and take your seats for the costume competition!" We filed into a nicely appointed room that might hold 300 people if it were full, complete with theatre seats and a curtained and well lit stage, and some steps up to a door to the right of the stage.

Penelope mounted those steps, and announced, "Contestants please queue up here to enter the competition." About a dozen people lined up, with our group bringing up the rear. It went much the same as it had at the UDP party, with more entrants, but nothing really special, and no slip and slide show in tribute to the AGs. But when it was time for us, the last entrant, Penelope made a remark about something really special and then introduced Suzanne.

Suzanne strutted boldly to center stage, complete with following spotlight, slapping her riding crop against her boots. There was an even greater reaction than at UDP, and she did look spectacular in the spotlights. There were exclamations in several languages. I could understand English, Spanish, and German, and I think I recognized Italian, Russian, and French, but could not fully understand their comments, plus at least two languages that I had no clue about. The general theme was obviously to look at her and I understood the sentiment. There was a widespread sparking of Suzie signals, much stronger and more vociferous than before. Then Lara strode out and stood next to her, greeted by another chorus of raucous comments and Suzies. Suzanne used her surprising strong speaking voice, as before saying, "Ladies and Gentleman, you will now be privileged to witness the initial submission training ritual of a novice servant to The Master!" I strutted onstage, perhaps more convincingly than I had at UDP, at least I hoped so, thinking that the red marks on my back and ass would show up very well in the spotlights. There was an even stronger outcry and a whole new layer of Suzie signals cranked up, including every manner of desire signals, and both male and female envy.

When I spanked both girls one pale guy in the front row shouted out something like, "chort vaz may!" and, "zay bis!" and tried to jump up on stage, but his buddies stopped him. Things almost got completely out of hand when the girls turned toward the audience, showed their wonderful reddening asses, and smiled haughtily at the crowd and shook them a little. The same guy shouted something unintelligible and almost made it up to the stage again, but his friends prevailed once more.

When Millie crawled out on the stage the crowd exploded, with a much stronger reaction that at the UDP party. When she presented her backside to each girl, you could suddenly hear a pin drop, and the first five strokes resounded so loudly that everyone in the little hall heard them clearly. The next five were accompanied by five synchronized whooshing intakes of breath by most members of the audience. The Suzie signals were all over the map, such that even a few weeks ago I could not have resolved them. But now I sensed, outrage, envy, excitement, and an almost universal desire to reach out and see how warm Millie's lovely little butt was. I surprised her by walking to her and reaching around to gently caress her ass while I kissed her. The envy signal was now almost universal from the audience. I dispensed with my additional lashes, even though I knew Millie would enjoy them.

Suzanne took up the narration again, saying, "Trainee, kneel and perform the ritual!" All eyes were on Millicent as she slowly knelt before me and took the large silver metal penis shield into her mouth. The audience gasped as she steadily took it almost all the way down. Lara hit the remote control, and the strobe light at the tip of the bejeweled cock cover flashed. The hot white light traveled through Millicent's throat and mouth and again lit up the stage in an eerie pink and red x-ray like glow as the light passed through her blood and cartilage. The crowd involuntarily cried out in several languages and Penelope, who had left her microphone on, was heard to loudly say, "Oh, baby, get it!" When the blinking stopped, Millicent released the metal cock piece, turned her face toward the audience, and smiled widely. A huge cheer went up, and Penelope's lusty breathing against her microphone could be heard clearly through the speakers as she walked over to me and kneeled and imitated Millie's performance, if anything taking it deeper and sucking so hard it even created a little pressure on my cock through the metal cover. Even Suzanne and Lara were taken aback by Penelope's fervor. Then Suzanne improvised and began whipping Penelope's ass, and whoever was running the lights decided this would be a good time to turn then down. Penelope's Suzie slapped me in the face, and I realized she would come with one more lash. She was even more into it than Millie.

Our host took up the slack, cleared his throat and said nervously, "We'll declare the Master and his slaves the winners by acclimation, or prostration, or depressurization, or whatever that was!"

When we left the costume competition, our host reiterated the three choices we had for the rest of the evening, as we passed by them on our way. The 'Plato's Retreat' area looked like a combination of an expensive strip club and a porno theatre, albeit with very expensive furnishings. There were lots of nude statues, but not the cheap plaster or concrete variety; these looked like the real deal. There was nothing by Michelangelo or de Chirico evident, but they looked to be done by some very talented sculptors. There were two big people pit style seating areas, and eight or ten huge leather couches with ottomans and side chairs arranged in groupings around them. Several huge plasma screens had the titles of movies on pause on them, and a smaller screen near each showed the planned lineup of two or three subsequent titles to be shown on each screen. I spotted Friday the 13th, Bride of Chucky, Behind the Green Door, Alice in Wonderland, and Deep Throat; and I could already hear Kevin debating the choices in his affected film critic voice. A group of the older guests began choosing seats and settling in to spend the evening there, and some super hot looking topless waitresses began taking their drink orders.

We passed by the entrance to the haunted house, and another group of people lined up to enter. This seemed to include most of the rest of the older guests, the vast majority of the keep it weird set, and the more inebriated of the fit and rowdy crowd. From their comments, several had been here before and were interested in the changes and improvements since last year's version. We passed on through a portico that had another stained glass window depicting those three moons, and I wondered again at their significance.

An apparently small subset of the party goers that had chosen the Game and they were an interesting collection. A few of the keep it weird set, a few of the older guests, but a lot of the fit and rowdy crowd from the second bus, specifically those that had stayed sober, perhaps in anticipation of playing this game. Suzanne was literally quivering with excitement, eyes sparkling and movements highly animated. I knew she was highly competitive on the soccer field, and that she loved parties and was very erotically inclined, especially lately, and the combination of all three with rewards for puzzle solving really got her fired up. Our host began to explain that we stood in a rotunda just inside what her called the 'game space' that was filled with challenge rooms where the game was actually played. He directed us to queue up to the two tables where two women waited with laptop computers and what looked like a pile of IPods on the desks they sat behind.

I saw the people at the front of the line being issued the little IPods, which upon closer examination looked like a combination smart phone, heart rate monitor, and gaming joystick. As the line move forward, our host continued, "The wrist units serve as your primary input and output device for the game. Before the game play actually begins, you will be given a series of puzzles to solve, scenarios to analyze and trivia questions to answer. Your answers and the time it took you to answer will be stored in the game database, and as you enter a challenge room and choose what challenges to attempt, whether or not you win or lose the challenge will depends primarily on how well your answers compared with your opponents, much like a calculated result in a war game. But there will be some randomness in the outcomes, too. There will also be impromptu questions to be answered on the fly while playing, which may also determine challenge results. The challenges may range from simply taking the opponent's weapons or clothes, to suffering humiliations, or performing sexual acts, or possibly losing all your garments, to finally becoming a slave to your opponent for the remainder of the game, unless the opponent chooses to free you or you can find a way to free yourself. You may also suffer a defeat so crushing that your character dies and you will spend the rest of the game time as a spectator. I should say that although this game is 'exquisitely personal' and highly eroticized, actual sexual penetration is forbidden by the rules. The acts within the game are limited to kissing, caressing, and what we used to call heavy petting. Twenty years ago they might have called it a soft swing party."

He paused a moment for this to sink in. Suzanne quivered against me, and he continued, "When they game begins, you will be randomly assigned a set of skills, assets, and weapons to begin the game. There is also a risk and return weighting to the results. If you enter a challenge room as a naked, free person with no gold, weapons or skills, and challenge a master warrior to direct combat, you are highly likely to lose, and you may either become a slave or be killed and sit out the rest of the game back here in the rotunda. If you are an experienced warrior and you challenge a master warrior, you may lose the challenge but are not likely to be killed or enslaved. In fact, you may gain experience and become a stronger warrior. In each challenge room, you may gain gold, weapons, skills and insight into the other players that will aid you in the next room. And different players may have different goals. Some want to conquer all the other warriors and own all the slaves, directing them to perform for them. Some want to take a given weapon or slave away from another player. And some hope to become enslaved by another player, and fervently wish to be forced to perform for them. So you have to take into account your opponent's skills, how good their stored answers are likely to be, and what their real desires and goals are. "

He then cleared his throat, and waited for us to quiet down again, then said, "Two other special rules are in effect for tonight's game. As I mentioned, the winners of the costume competition will be allowed to compete in their costumes, and will also be issued a little better than the average set of skills and assets. Also, for purposes of the game, the exceedingly lovely red and white clad female slaves of the contest winning Master are defined as Free Companions meaning they cannot play as a team with Master, but must play the game on their own. If he encounters them during game play, he may enslave them, or, ironically, be enslaved to them." Both Lara and Suzanne looked surprised, and then two crafty little Suzies fired up and began to sing, loud and proud. This game may be creating two monsters for me. Our host finished by saying, "The already unclothed trainee slave, however, is considered bonded to the Master and will start the game with him, but he might lose her to another player within the game. Good luck to you all!"