My Secret Life Ch. 03


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Even before I actually touched it, I knew the skin felt cleaner and tauter than I had ever felt it, and when I let my fingers stroke my cheek and chin, it felt amazing; like warm, milky ice!

‘Wonderful!’ I exclaimed.

‘Good, so would you like the rest of you to feel at least a little like that?’

‘Oh God yes!’

‘I thought so.’ she said with a satisfied smile. ‘So slip those things off, I’ll just adjust the chair for you, then freshen the blade, and then we can get started.’ And having switched on the motors that quickly turned the chair into a long, padded bench, she took a leather strop from one of the drawers, hooked it over some part of it and began honing the razor.

Unlike what Vida usually did, Joanna began with the area around my cock and balls. ‘There is much less risk of accidentally nicking something if you do this part before he starts reacting to you.’ she explained to Vida. ‘Then when he has, you can always come back and give the stiffened shaft a final few strokes, just to remove those very tiny hairs you often find around the lower part of it.’

Certainly the thought of having a naked blade being wielded around that area had kept my cock in a totally uninflated state, but once Joanna had finished that part, then shaved the front of both legs, she had me roll over and began shaving the back of them, then the rest of me - and the next half hour or so became more like some fantastic dream!

I was being lovingly attended to by two quite beautiful women - one spreading warm, soapy lather over a particular part of me, then the other, skilfully wielding the faintly hissing blade, removing both it and all the underlying hairs, and then the first carefully wiping that part of my body with more of those cleansing towels. And of course, all that time I would also have one or the other of them pressing their long, slender fingers against me, stretching or smoothing the flesh so the razor could more easily move closely against it.

I would challenge any man to resist becoming aroused from such treatment - and I certainly wasn’t such a man. Even as I felt the keen edge of the blade making the first, long swoop down the back of one leg, I felt my heart beating just a little faster - at the next, a little stronger - and by the time I felt it moving slowly and carefully up and over my buttocks I had felt the first distinct pulse of blood coursing into my cock.

Then as Joanna worked her way across and up over the rest of me, I felt that pulse quickening and if it hadn’t been for the fact that my cock was trapped between the weight of my body above and the pretty unyielding padding below, the rising pressure inside me may well have made it respond even more dramatically.

But even so, when she was finally satisfied she had finished with my back, and told me to roll over again, they could both obviously see exactly how I had already reacted to being shaved. ‘Well at least that part of him seems to be liking what we’re doing Vida.’ Joanna said.

‘I assure you that all of me loves all of it!’ I huskily replied.

‘I knew you would. Now, before I finish the rest of you I’ll just get something you can slip on - it’s easier to do that before you get too much more excited. I’ll just get you to sit up and swing yourself around side-ways please.’ she added before going across to a bank of drawers.

As I did so I glanced down at myself, at my cock - and even though still nowhere near fully engorged, my reaction to the feel of the razor skimming over my skin, plus the two pairs of female hands intimately handling me, had certainly made it grow both long and thick. I looked up, and saw Vida gazing almost longingly down at it.

Of course I had known from quite soon after we had met, all those many years ago, that Vida, unlike so many other women, was perfectly happy to admit to finding the sight of me with an erection, was sexually arousing for her. ‘Apart from the thought of what you might soon be actually doing with it - which always gives me a lovely squirmy feeling inside.’ she had admitted with a guilty giggle. ‘It’s nice to know that either just looking at me, or from what I have been doing for you, has got you really, really excited - and that’s quite apart from the fact that I happen to think that a really strong erection is, in its own way, quite beautiful.’ she had said, before adding as an afterthought. ‘And because female underwear and stuff is often made to actually show off what’s underneath it, seeing you get one while wearing your ‘special’ things just makes it even more of a visual turn-on for me.’

So from then on I never had the slightest hesitation in displaying myself for her - and, as virtually all men would understand, was even further aroused by the sight of her wide-eyed admiration, which often resulted in my cock becoming even more throbbingly distended than it already had been.

‘You know mon cher, sometimes seeing it like that, I mean while it is still actually growing, is in some strange way even more exciting than seeing it in all its full, rampant glory.’ she said in no more than a low, breathy whisper. ‘Perhaps that’s because my mind can then play with the image of just how fiercesomely huge it might get to be.’ she added with an almost girlishly naughty grin.

‘As the Chinese say my dear - be careful what you wish for, I’m not sure your darling pussy could stand an assault from something as big as your imagination is probably capable of!’

Just then Joanna returned with what at first glance appeared to be a pair of pale, flesh-coloured pantyhose. ‘I presume you sometimes wear nylons or pantyhose Alan?’

‘Occasionally I do.’ I acknowledged.

‘And do you try to always buy the pure nylon, not the nylon and lycra blend that most commercial brands are manufactured from?’

‘When I can, but they can sometimes be hard to find, so we often make do with the regular variety.’

‘Well at least you will know just how much nicer the pure nylon feel.’

‘Oh yes!’

‘And how much more care you need to take in putting them on.’ she said as she began to roll the pantyhose down.

‘Yes they are much easier to snag or ladder.’

‘Excellent. Well these are the pure nylon, and having just been shaved, the feel of them should be a real treat for you.’ she said as she knelt down and slipped the toes of the pantyhose up over my feet.

I admit that having Joanna slowly roll and smooth the pantyhose up over my legs was very nearly as thrilling as the feeling of having the razor skim over me had been. And because it felt so amazingly good it was only when she asked me stand up and complete the fitting for myself, that I noticed the odd looking gathering of material hanging from the front of the crotch.

‘What’s that?’ I asked as I reached down to finger it.

‘Ah, that’s a special modification. You will only be able to find pantyhose like these in a few, very specialised places Alan. That’s called a cod-piece, though most of my clients prefer to call it their cock-piece - for obvious reasons.’ she added with a mischievous grin. ‘It’s not only designed to cater for the wearer’s balls, but to also accommodate the fully erect penis. But,‘ - she continued - ‘it does rather more than that. Included inside it is a fine layer of a fabric somewhat similar to what is used in women’s panty-liners - designed to cope with any unexpected flow of liquids. But it is very much thinner than the material used in those hygiene products, so it makes these pantyhose a rather a pricey item to buy. But many of my clients absolutely swear by them.’ she declared. ‘And although the layer is ultra-thin, it does of course add a fraction to the apparent size of the penis inside it - and nobody seems to mind about that!’ she added with a knowing smile.

As she had been explaining the function of the additional part of the pantyhose I had been easing them higher, then reaching down inside them to adjust the position of my cock and balls within it. And, even as I reached around to make the final adjustment to the fit of the seam into the crack between my buttocks, I heard Vida gasp.

‘Mon Dieu, it already looks huge!’ she muttered.

And turning to look at myself in one of the mirrors on the wall, I saw exactly what she meant - it did look huge. Although I hadn’t fully realised it, just the act of Joanna easing the pantyhose up over my legs, coupled with the additional strength of the sensations I had been getting from my closely shaved skin, had brought my cock up to very nearly full size. And then, in just the few moments it had taken me to fit the cod-piece and make the final adjustments to the pantyhose, both the feel of the nylon itself, and its additional tightness around me, had clearly been more than enough to fully harden it.

With the pantyhose providing an unbrokenly smooth line that stretched from my waist to my feet, I almost looked like some surrealistic fantasy figure, the grossly distended, semi-vertically rearing thing my cock had become, merely adding to its sheer unreality.

‘Yes, very nice.’ Joanna murmured. ‘And I must say, you are put together rather magnificently Alan. Isn’t he Vida - you’re a lucky girl! It would seem you have not only got yourself a man who is obviously a creatively sensitive lover, but one who is also built like a stallion!’

‘Yes I have - and this time I intend to make sure he stays where I can hang on to him!’ Vida answered.

‘Well, enough of that - at least for now, we still have a bit more to do, so let’s finish the shaving, then the pair of you can go off and try on a few of my things. This girl has a living to make!’

So with my erection rearing proudly above me, I lay back and enjoyed the feel of the pair of them shaving the top half of the front of me, and the deliciously exciting sensations that gave me was more than enough to keep it at full stretch for the time it took for them to complete that final section.

Once done, and while Joanna cleared away the various things she had been using I had a chance to stand and properly investigate what the cod-piece actually allowed me to do, finding there was sufficient give in the nylon to press my rigidly hard cock upwards and pull the shorts I had originally been wearing, up over it. So, I thought, if I were to wear the pantyhose underneath my normal trousers, I could go out in public with Vida, and still enjoy the thrill of the nylon pressing tightly against my skin. And if the moisture-proof lining did all that Joanna had said it would, if I should ever have a situation similar to that time I had first seen the white nightdress and peignoir, I wouldn’t end up with another hard to explain, dark stain on my trousers.

‘Are the pantyhose for sale Joanna?’ I asked.

‘Of course Alan - you like them then?’

‘Oh yes, very much - would you mind setting aside three or four pairs for me please.’

‘Certainly, we can sort out the charges when you come back downstairs, after you have had a chance to look around in the display room. Just make sure you come to me, I’ll make sure they are charged at a special price. So, are you both ready now?’

Having slipped back into the white coat I said I was, and Joanna took us back out into the corridor. ‘I’ll just quickly explain how the display room facilities work.’ she said as she opened a door on the opposite side. ‘Come in, you’re the only ones in this section - although there is another couple in another room adjacent to this.’

The room she took us into was actually more like another, narrow corridor; on one side was yet another door. But on the other was a large, well-lit display case; running from the floor to the ceiling the full length of the space, and containing a wide array that seemed to include almost every imaginable kind of underwear and lingerie.

‘As you will see.’ Joanna said. ‘Each of the items displayed has two numbers. The first is the size fitting of this particular garment, if it matches your size, just take it out and try it on. The second is our internal code number, if you see something you like, but the one on display is not in your size, just pick up that phone over there and the girl will be happy to bring your size up to you, as long as we have it in stock, that is. And you can use the same phone for anything else you might want - and please don’t be hesitant to call.’ she added.

‘Then, once you have found one or two things you fancy, pop in there.’ she continued, indicating the door on the opposite wall. ’You’ll find you are able to see yourself rather more than adequately!’ she concluded with a knowingly roguish smile.

And with that, she left us alone.

I can only suppose that Vida and I both fell into a pretty standard size-fitting because we found that most of the items that first attracted our attention were suitable for us, but there were still so many things to choose from; things that were either so sweetly adorable or so simply stunningly erotic, that it still took us some time to decide on just two or three each. Having made our selection we took the things across and opened the door, only to find that beyond it there were actually three more! However, two of them were ajar, and obviously merely gave access to two small changing cubicles, and we assumed it was the third that led into what Joanna had called the display room.

So, as I think we both had similar thoughts - ‘I’d rather he/she sees me when I’m finally dressed, or should that be undressed.’ - we each took our chosen garments into a cubicle, and closed the door.

In actual fact the various items I had chosen went to make up one single, multi-layered outfit. The outer garment was a full length gown; made from what appeared to be a very fine, turquoise coloured silk, with edging made from a narrow band of lace in a precisely matching shade. Beneath that, in a slightly paler tone of the same colour, was a just-below-knee-length nightie, which was all but completely transparent. And beneath that again; a pair of pure white, square-legged, and lacily see-through panties.

Because my just-shaved body was so super-sensitive, just slipping into them was of course even more exciting than doing so would have normally been - and so I probably made the process last a little longer than I might otherwise have done. Then, when I just looked down at myself I could tell that the pantyhose both detracted from and yet added to the image I made. Although a pale flesh-colour, the legs appearing from beneath the nightie did look a little odd, but the grossly swelling bulge my cock made in the panties more than made up for that - or at least so I thought.

So, loosely tying the belt around the outer gown, I stepped out from the cubicle, opened the door into the display room, and moved inside - then gasped in sheer, totally unexpected amazement!

I’m not sure what I really expected, maybe a mirror or two - but nothing could have prepared me for what I actually saw - looking back at me from virtually every possible angle, was myself! And even more than that - a seemingly infinite number of reflections of reflections of myself!

The room; made up of six angled walls, was more like one of those ‘Hall of Mirrors’ sets we used to visit when I was a child. But, unlike those, these were no distorting mirrors. So I could stand there, and by just turning my head, I could see myself from just about every angle. It was brilliant!

Then, it seemed I had no sooner taken in the cleverness of the design, than the door opened and Vida came in to join me - and the moment she did I saw her face reflecting the same emotion mine must have done when I first stepped inside - absolutely stunned astonishment!

But having registered that look, I had no more time to either think about her emotional reaction or the look on her face - what she was wearing, and what it did for her body had my full and utterly undivided attention!

She had chosen black as her predominant colour - and of course her opalescently white skin always looked absolutely fabulous in that particular colour. But it was black with plenty of crimson satin flourishes. And the garments that were made in those colours were even more spectacular than the effect of the colours against her skin as a background.

As I had, she had chosen a long, outer gown - but in her case the gown itself was no more than a wispy nothingness of gauzy lace-work, displaying far more than it hid -its edges; around her shoulders, down the front and at each hem, finished with a narrow ribbon of that crimson satin.

Beneath it she was wearing a black, short-waisted, half-cup corselet; which was also decorated with highlights made from the same crimson ribbon. And which, in addition to lifting her already high-set breasts even higher, and allowing the upper tip of each aureole to show themselves, narrowed her already narrow waist, and also gave me a clear and unobstructed view of the ribbon-like suspender belt and the mouth-wateringly, gorgeously skimpy lacy panties beneath it. Panties that grabbed and held my attention not only because of what I knew they contained, but also by the two, tiny crimson bows that decorated a spot on either hip.

Completing the fantasy-girl display was a pair of glossy-black stockings that reached two thirds of the way up her thighs, with broad, figured lace-patterned welts that only highlighted the contrast between them and the milky whiteness of the flesh above.

As I had the night before, when I saw her in her white, shortie nightdress, I couldn’t do anything but stare open-mouthed at her, and I’m convinced that my heart actually skipped several beats - she really was, well at least for me she was, the most utterly beautiful woman imaginable!

But what made the image affect me even more powerfully than the one I had seen that night was the fact that the perfect copies of it totally surrounded me, wherever I looked I saw slightly changing aspects of her all-too perfect body, the image of those images in turn reflected off into the infinity, along with that of my own. It was headily super-charging and although at least partially constrained by the tight-fitting nylon I felt my cock responding in that ages old fashion; throbbing and jerking uncontrollably powerfully.

She said something, but I was simply too lost in my dizzying enjoyment of the sight of her multiple bodies to hear it - she spoke again, and that time the words actually broke through. ‘I said, undo your gown Alan - I want to see you.’

That time I heard and I happily did as she’d asked, unloosening the belt and holding back the edges of the gown. I watched as she stared; her eyes widening, her mouth dropping open, then heard her gasp. ‘You look utterly fantastic mon cher! The size of the bulge showing through your panties is enormous! I’m sure you’ve never got as big as that before.’

‘It might just be the pantyhose darling - though the shaving and then having the nylon pressing against me has probably made a difference - but if it is any bigger, it’s how you look that’s really doing it. I have never seen you look so desirable - or, to be brutally honest, so fuckable!’ I added in a suddenly croakier voice.

‘Well watching you for the last half hour or so hasn’t been easy for me - seeing you get excited from having us shave you wasn’t exactly conducive to thinking about much else other than where I’d really like to feel you putting that magnificent cock of yours.’

‘Do you think Joanna would mind?’ I asked.

‘Mind what?’

‘If we did it here, right now!’

Vida grinned, happily. ‘Great minds obviously think alike - right now I couldn’t care less what she thinks.’ She added as she shrugged off the outer, lacy robe.

I did likewise with mine, and we went into each others arms, pressing ourselves as tightly together as two bodies could; my fingers gripping the cheeks of her arse as tightly as possible, Vida rolling her thigh back and forth against the rigidly throbbing length of my super-engorged cock.