My Sister's a Werewolf!

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His sister has got more than a little secret...
20.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/15/2024
Created 11/25/2022
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Author's Note: Incest. Werewolves. Magic.

Whilst not 100% required, you'll probably enjoy this one more if you've read "My Sister's a Vampire!"

Ta to AverageRed for asking for this one.

All the stories in my "My Sister's a...!" series are standalone, but have common threads. A suggested reading order is on my profile page, too.

This one is a two-parter.


The wooden shaft of the stick arced around, straining against the air, before the end crashed down. The blade hitting the grass, as the toe picked up and flicked the ball absolutely flying.

Blake watched in wonder as the woman's face was fixed in brutal concentration, dashing across the grass, driving herself forward and her shoulder through anyone who thought that they had a chance to try and take control of the field.

Field hockey brought out the vicious side in his sister.

She also brought out a serious crowd, which Blake was far less enthuisiastic about. Cheering her on from the sidelines got a little bit harder when the guy on your left was drooling over your sister's knee-high black and white socks, and the guy on the right had a big-lens camera and was doing everything he could to snap a picture of her panties.

"Kick her ass, Lils!" The guy behind him screamed.

That was someone that Blake also had mixed feelings about. Ryker never missed a single one of his own sister's games. Lily provided more than enough agression, on field, to match Wynne. The white-haired woman was skilled.

However, Blake had noticed a few things that were just plain weird, about both of those two.

He'd felt overly superstitious the first time that it had niggled at him. Every single time that Wynne won a game, against Lily, then something would go wrong on the way home.

Every. Time.

They'd get stuck in traffic, or there would be a car accident, or some asshole would run them off the road. Did it really count as irrational and groundless when it was an absolute guarantee? They'd even had a brand new electric car's battery go bust and burst into flames, in front of them, at the lights, once.

The other thing that made Blake uncomfortable, was that Wynne found Ryker to be a touch... Attractive.

He couldn't fault his sister for that. The man was a little broad-shouldered, and seemed to often have a day or two of scruff hanging around on his jawline.

Lily, on the other hand, did fault Wynne for that. Hatred burned in those eyes, every time Blake's little sister so much as talked to the guy. Lily never spoke up, and had never actually spoken to his sister off-field as far as he knew. But she certainly gave a look like death.

The hatred was also accompanied by other weird coincidences. Things like the shower breaking, after a game. Every single time Wynne flirted with Ryker, she was guaranteed to have a cold one. If she waited and used the shower of another girl, that one would break as well.

The one time Wynne had grabbed two cans of soft drink after a match, and gave one to Ryker, with a transparent lie that the machine had accidentally spat out two instead of one, was the same time that a feral dog had come charging into the park, and straight for Wynne.

Blake had managed to tackle it before it got near his sister, but he really wished that she'd learn to step off the guy. Things being weird and irrational, though, meant that Blake could never actually bring it up with her.

Wynne sprinted up the line, and her teammate passed the ball back her way.

As it moved through the air between them, the infamous witch moved in. Hip and shoulder shoved Wynne sideways with a grunt, as the white-haired woman spun on a dime and ripped her stick through the ground with a blow of grass and mud.

The ball vanished back down the other way, but Wynne wasn't seeing it.

"Oh, shit." Blake managed to get out, as he saw the disaster about to unfold.

Wynne hadn't noticed Lily coming up on her inside edge, and the rough brush had knocked her off balance. She had lost her footing, which usually would just mean she'd eat some mud, and get up and keep going.

However, the girl who had shot her the ball back, also hadn't expected Lily's steal. That girl was stomping down hard, in an attempt to stop and spin, to catch up to the woman who was already long gone.

Stomping right on down onto his sister. Wynne was lucky that the shoe only had studs and not spikes, but it was still a blind fumble that had the full force and weight of her teammate behind it.

Blake heard the crack, even as he grabbed his bag and sprinted out onto the field.

He skidded down beside his sister as the scream left her throat, and confusion started to hit the field. "I got you, I got you."

Wynne hissed between her teeth, "Ah, fuck."

"It's a break." Blake said confidently, feeling her leg delicately, right as the teammate noticed what she had done, and him.

The girl dropped her hockey stick, falling beside her, "Oh, shit! Wynne, I am so sorry! Uh... Blake? What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm a doctor." He explained, as he splinted and immobilised his sister's leg. Fitting the bandage in place with a practiced hand. "Probably tibia. Easy break, under force. How's the pain?"

"Fuck you." Wynne muttered, clearly still protected by the adrenaline of her match. She'd start feeling it properly in a minute, and he doubted that she'd be so annoyed to be getting his help, then.

Ryker appeared, dropping beside Wynne, "Bandage, oh geeze. Anything I can do?"

"Call for an ambulance? We need to get this under an x-ray." Blake replied, only to suddenly get a disorienting thunk to the head.

He flipped his head sideways in time to see Wynne scrunching up another fistful of mud. Opening his mouth to tell her not to, was a bad idea. Her aim was perfect.

"Just go to the hospital." Lily said, crossing her arms as she approached, "Let him find out he was overreacting, and you're nothing but a bitch. Or you could tell him everything. Actually, why don't I do it?"

Wynne flicked a glare towards the woman, as her hockey captain suddenly grabbed Lily's shirt and picked the short woman off the ground. The captain growled, "Don't. Just... Don't. Not in the mood for your shit, today."

"Wanna see your territory disappear, overnight?" Lily raised an eyebrow, as she dangled there.

"Everyone chill!" Ryker yelled, and stood up, "Blake, should we move her to the carpark or something?"

"Best not. The ambulance will have a board to move her." He shook his head.


"You're lucky. It's just a mild sprain." The doctor said, as he pushed a couple x-rays into position on a board, and lit up the backing light.

Blake stood up instantly, walking over and staring at the diagrams in disbelief. It was clear as day, with not a hint of doubt to it. It really was nothing more than a sprain, and so mild most people would miss it.

However, on the field, he had been absolutely certain that it was a complete break. Bone clean in half, it had been a miracle that it hadn't ripped out of the skin and into the cold air.

"See. You overreacted." Wynne rolled her eyes.

The other doctor crossed his arms, "Actually, he didn't. Whilst the sprain isn't the break we were expecting, I'm afraid it's actually not quite as simple as it could be. We're being cautious, but we'd like you to stay overnight, for observation."

"Huh?" Blake was as confused as Wynne.

She rubbed her face tiredly, "Uh... Why?"

"There were a few... Anomalies with your bloodwork. We just want to make sure that there's no infection." The man replied, "We emphasise that we're being cautious. It could just be a mild cold, or it could be something that could go south if it spreads deeper. We haven't managed to pin down exactly what it is. Until we do, we would like you to stay."

"Oh." Wynne went a little quiet, fidgeting with her hands and looking at the floor. She took a couple deep breaths, "Um... There's a doctor who works here. Uhm... Doctor Hanson? I know it sounds weird, but could you use him for a second opinion?"

"He's our doctor for infectious disease." The man said in surprise.

She nodded, and gave a nervous smile, "Please? I don't know him personally, or anything. Not a patient. But I'm fairly certain that he'll be able to tell you what the weirdness is, without blinking. Five minute consult."

"I... I'll see if he's available." The doctor said with a hint of confusion, turned out the backlight and took down the x-rays, before heading out of the room.

Blake walked in front of her, leaned on his knees, and looked at his sister.

She blushed, and turned her head away from him.




"Still, no." She mumbled, and then scratched at her head in irritation, "It's... It's something I can't talk about, okay? Look... Gah. I know I was a bitch. You saw me get hurt and I was still revved up and... I know what's wrong. It's nothing to worry about, so I just wanna go home."

Blake winced, "Wynne, you know I'm a doctor. If there's something wrong, why wouldn't you tell me? I can't really see you hiding it, even if it's huge. Cancer...?"

"It's not cancer." She gave a small giggle.

He shrugged, "And? Why... Don't you trust me? If it's not big, I'm not going to panic. We've got a good hospital, here. I'm more than happy just to play big brother, if you're in their care. So... Infectious disease?"

"It's... An..." She took a deep breath, and gave a heavy sigh, "I never wanted to have this conversation. Like, ever. I didn't do the right thing, this one time and so... I've got... An STD."

"Oh." He stood up.

She scratched at her head some more, flinching, "It's under control and stuff. That's why it's kinda hard to test. But you get it, why I wouldn't tell you? I... I don't even want to tell anyone. It's not you."

"But you do tell... Dates and stuff, right?"

"Doctor. Asshole." She shot a glare at him and then shrugged, "Right now? No. I'm not dating anyone, because of it. Because I can't have that conversation. So can you drop it, already?"

Blake put a hand to his heart, "Secret's safe. For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Yeah." She whispered, and looked back at the floor, kicking one of her feet idly, "Me, too."

He frowned, "So... How do you think you're going to go at home, with a sprain? You're probably still going to end up with that moonboot for a couple of weeks."

The blonde rolled her eyes, "No, I don't need your help around the house, Blake. I'm fine."

"I know my sister is amazing and could do everything herself, even if she was stuck immobile in bed." He replied, "However, I thought she might not mind it if her brother was to turn up with a couple hot meals."

"Ooh. Blake-cooked dinner." Wynne lit up, grinning at him, "I haven't had one of those since my last set of uni exams. Are you sure you've got the time?"

"I'm on mandatory vacation for another week." Blake shrugged, "Nobody wants to pay the overtime I'm owed. You can steal as much of it as you want, I'm bored. No one else is off work, at the moment."

Wynne giggled, "How much did you have sitting, that they forced you to actually take some?"

"More than six weeks." He shrugged, trying to downplay it.

His sister gave a little stretch of her back, and seemed to be tossing something up in her head. Then she pulled out her phone and looked at her calendar. "One, two... Four days. Shit. It's a super. Ehm... I don't like the look of my schedule. But I do really want your cooking."

"So, I'll drop it off." Blake said reasonably.

Wynne shook her head, "Mmm... Tempting, but no. Better luck, next time, I guess. I need a bit of space for the next week. Nobody even ringing the doorbell, type space."

"You're meant to be at home, recovering, for the next week." Blake pointed out, "You don't need complete isolation. Unless it's for treatment, and the thing I know nothing about. And won't bring up, again."

Wynne winced, "Kinda is. So... Yeah."

"Shit, well that was an even suckier joke than I intended." Blake rubbed his cheek, "Well... I guess we can't do anything then. Not that I get it, at all."

The blonde looked conflicted, and scratched at the back of one of her hands, anxiously. "I want to. You know that, right? I do still love hanging out with my older brother. I don't hate you, or anything. It's nice that our family is still in one or six pieces, instead of a dozen."

The family had almost completely fallen apart, a long time ago. Their parents had divorced, and tried their damndest to make Wynne and Blake take sides. So the two of them had - they'd chosen each other and to told both their parents to shove off.

You don't manipulate your kids like that.

It had taken more than a couple of years for that one to settle enough that they felt comfortable to make a joke about it. Though it would be the only one for a few months.

"I make it to all your games. I don't mind the kid sister."

"Call me that, again." Wynne's eyes blazed instantly to fury, as he grinned at her.


Her fist hit him in the gut, causing Blake to wheeze through his laughter, as Wynne just shook her head back and forth. Cheek twitching as she struggled not to smile, and maintain her angry look.

She was still trying not to laugh, and he was still smiling, when a nurse came by. She had a written note in hand, which took her more than a moment to try and interpret. "Doctor Hanson took a look at your blood results, and he has a couple concerns. The doctor... Moo... Mon... Oh. He worded it like a man, and with a doctor's writing, but he's concerned that your period will make your immune system misbehave, a little. We get sicker, easier."

"Yup. Twenty three. Don't have to beat around the bush. We all bleed." Wynne nodded, without so much as a flicker of a glance in Blake's direction. "I know I get worse, around then."

The nurse smiled apologetically and continued, "Doctor Hanson is worried that with both your period, and the sprain, that it might cause the infection to spread. Something... About... Control? I guess the medication won't work as well, as normal?"

"Makes sense to me." Wynne gave a small smile, "So... What's he want to do about it? Make me stay here, under observation? Because I kinda hate that idea. I hate hospitals, no offense."

"Countryside escape. Those are his exact words." The nurse said, making a very confused face.

"Oooh. Right." Wynne nodded, and sighed heavily, "Wish I could. Don't know anyone with a farm."

"There's... My cabin." Blake said slowly.

His sister looked over at him, "Your cabin? What are... Wait. You still own that piece of shit? Wasn't it right in the middle of that huge bushfire, a couple years ago? You were saying you hoped it'd burn, because the insurance was worth more than it was. It didn't even have plumbing."

"Didn't burn. Didn't sell, either. Been on the market for three years." He shrugged, "I'd be worried if you went up, on your own. Because it's nowhere near anything else. But it sounds like that's what Hanson wants. Something near... No people? Because people are a problem?"

Wynne took a deep and calming breath, "Yeah. He'd probably like it. My usual doctor has been trying to get me to find a holiday home, for a while. Zero stress, exactly fuck-all to do, and lots of outdoors."

"I'll run the cabin by the doctor?" The nurse asked, looking as confused by the instruction as Blake was feeling. He could get a low stress environment, but not the emphasis on the outdoors. He wasn't aware of anything that might be pollution sensitive, that could be easily handled by low stress.

It didn't exactly feel scientific, beyond outdoors being good.

It sounded like '40s era medical advice.

"With a sprain, you won't be able to do the cabin." Blake shook his head, "No power. No running water. You need someone else to help. I don't mind being that, and I don't mind you taking a friend instead, but we're not even thinking about it, unless someone else goes with."

Wynne's jaw tightened, and she looked at the ground, "I'd be fine. Drop it."

"I agree with him, honey." The nurse shook her head, "I'm not taking this to the doctor, without. You should either stay here, under observation. Or have someone to do all the heavy lifting for you, at the least."

"Fine. Him." Wynne kicked a foot glumly.


"This is not four days of clothes." Blake said pointedly, "For one, you still haven't added any underwear. You can try and stop with being embarassed, I'm a doctor. Seen it all. You could not imagine the number of people I've seen who have lost butt plugs."

"Gross!" Wynne complained, and then winced, "Fine, fine... Uhm... How the fuck do I explain this? Bras are going to... Itch. Hurt? Something. I don't wear them, leading up to stuff."

"Aha." He nodded, "Pads work better with panties, though. I can look away, if you want. But if this is your -"

"It's not my period." Wynne stated flatly, and then winced, "Eugh. It's... It's a monthly thing to do with me being sick. I don't bleed, but I do... Things! I don't want to explain this shit! Can't you just nod and say yes, instead of trying to think stuff through like you're my doctor?"

Blake frowned, looking at his sister sitting on the edge of her bed, with her foot in a black moonboot. He knelt down beside the bag that they had been packing, "Biting my tongue is hard. I'm sorry. Everything I say or do seems to be poking at... Whatever you want to handle on your own."

"I don't. I just... Forget it. Forget the whole fucking thing." She flopped backwards onto the bed, and smacked her head straight into the wall.

He jumped up as she hissed through her teeth, holding the back of her head, before Wynne punched the wall in irritation. Blake stared in surprise at the dent in the plaster. He'd never seen her act out, not like that.

Wynne sat up, rubbing her head, "Everything. Everything always happens to... Oh, who the fuck is calling?"

She waved at her sports bag that had been dumped on the other side of the room. Blake opened it up, gagged at the sweaty smell, mixed with deoderants, and grabbed the phone. As he did, he noticed that it was Lily calling.

He seriously considered not handing her the phone, not right now.

Wynne slid a thumb across the screen, "What do you want?"

His sister's face instantly changed, looking terrified. She cringed, curling inwards, "Please don't. Pleaseplease. Look, I know I'm mean and... Aha. Aha. Fine, fine! I'll stay the fuck away from him! Just... Don't. Please."

Blake knew it was none of his business, but it sorta sounded like Lily was blackmailing his sister to stay away from Ryker. Which was all kinds of fucked up. Not something anybody should have to tolerate.

Wynne swallowed, looking directly at him, "Of course, you know he is. Why?"

He blinked in surprise and cocked his head. His sister shook her head and winced even more, before nodding silently, "Uh... S-sure. Blake? Lily wants to talk."

She proferred the phone, but looked like she was thinking about yanking it back. He took it in absolute confusion, "Uh... Hi?"

"This trip is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard of." The hockey player announced with a barrel of scorn, "But if you're really doing it, then there's rules. Wynne's already agreed. Which means either you follow them, or you send her team captain instead of you."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Blake said in shock, "You're not her doctor, you're not even friends, as far as I know. So what we do, and where we do it is -"

"Irrelevant." Lily cut him off, "Already told you. Wynne agreed to this. Sorry, but I'm already dealing with a bloody haunted house. I promised Wynne I wouldn't explain, but you should bug her about it. Her monthlies are... Screwed up."

"I'm going to hang up in about three seconds, unless you give me a decent reason not."

"You don't want a rundown of symptoms to look out for, Mr. Doctor?" Lily said sarcastically. "Fine by me. Go and get both of you killed. It's less work on my plate."