My Summer at Camp Chestlake Ch. 02


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Stanley eyed her curvy rear as she stood a few feet in front of him. She was unaware that her hands were causing her hips to flare her ass out; making it appear bigger and more prominent than it actually was. Stanley had never considered himself an ass guy, but Lacey was challenging his thought process on the subject.

"Look, Stanley..." Lacey said, turning to face him. "I've been rescuing you since we were little kids...but I don't think I can rescue you from this one."

"What...what do you mean, Lace?" Stanley asked.

Lacey had to turn away from him; he was looking up at her with puppy dog eyes, and she wasn't sure if she could continue without falling apart.

"I'm need to find a way out of this on your own."

Stanley didn't say a word as he slumped his shoulders. He bent forward from his seated position and hung his head; resting his elbows on his inner thighs.

"Why not stay here?"

Both Lacey and Stanley turned to the door and saw Rebecca and Ramona peering through the doorway with their heads turned sideways. The rest of their bodies were hidden from view.

"Dammit, Becca! I thought I told you two to get the hell out of here!" Lacey yelled at them.

"Don't you guys think you're coming on a little strong?"

Stanley's eyes looked for the source of that voice, and as he gazed over to the doorway where the twins were hiding he saw another girl enter from behind them. Her wavy, brown hair bounced on her shoulders as she approached, and Stanley was in complete shock as he took in the rest of her.

Her legs were the longest he had ever seen on a girl; but it might have been that her shorts were just a little shorter than the other girls. Stanley gulped as the girl apparently didn't have an affection for modesty; her shorts were practically panties with a different material. Like the other girls, her midriff was completely exposed due to the size of her enormous tits. Stanley found it difficult to decipher just how big they were, but he could tell from her current distance that they were huge.

Like the twins she had green eyes, and as she approached Stanley and stood next to the dark-haired Lacey Stanley had trouble looking anywhere else but her deep emerald pools.

"Hey, Fawn." Lacey, said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I was just telling Stanley that he has to find his own way out of this."

"She's right, Stanley." The brunette said. "You need to figure something out."

"Uhhh...uhhh..." Stanley stuttered as he had finally mustered the will to pull his eyes away from her smooth face. He was now ogling the brunette's chest as if she had given him permission. What he was staring at was impossible for him to put into words.

Fawn's chest was even bigger than Lacey's.

Stanley didn't think it was possible, but now that Fawn and Lacey were standing side by side he was able to finally compare the two sets of giant hooters. Fawn was not shy in displaying her rack as prominently as she could, and Lacey must have felt slightly self-conscious standing next to her because she had opted to try and cover her chest with her arms - an admirable feat that had little effect.

But while Lacey had trouble containing her massive breasts with her skinny and dainty arms, Fawn had simply opted to not even try. Her tits stood out high and proud, and her entire demeanor screamed, "Look at me; I don't give a fuck."

Stanley couldn't believe Lacey's tits could be dwarfed by another girl, but here was this busty brunette standing right in front of him. Torn between wanting to ogle the new girl and staying loyal to Lacey it was all he could do to keep from stammering like an idiot.

" mean...uh...fuck...!" he stuttered, prompting both girls to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well, Stanley?" Lacey asked. "Have you decided?"


"Yeah, Stanley..." Fawn added. "What's your choice?"

Stanley froze as Fawn's massive jugs filled his vision. Her tee shirt had small creases just under the neckline where her garment refused to remain outstretched. As it stood, the bottom of her breasts were barely covered; and Stanley figured she had tried to get the shirt to cover part of her midriff but just couldn't bring it down that far over her chest. His scientific mind noted that because of the added movement from walking and other miscellaneous actions Fawn's melons had caused the shirt to bunch up slightly.

He turned his gaze to the right and took in the sight of Lacey's awesome rack. Like Fawn, her shirt also had difficulty covering her midriff; but unlike her friend her shirt had no creases. This gave the illusion that her breasts were silky smooth; like two soft pillows Stanley could rest his face on.

Turning back to Fawn he realized that he wanted nothing more than to grab hers...

But gazing back at Lacey he just wanted to have them in his face.





"Well which is it Stanley?" Lacey asked.

"Huh?" Stanley said, apparently Lacey and Fawn had been having a conversation while he had been eye-humping their chests. Even as he spoke now his focus was entirely on Fawn's big beauties.

"Um, Stanley?" she said, gesturing to his face with her index finger. "My face is up here?"

"! Right, right...God, I'm sorry!" Stanley stammered, struggling to apologize.

He turned to Lacey, and the busty raven-haired beauty simply rolled her eyes.

"Well, have you decided?" Fawn said. "Are you going to stay or go?"

Stanley felt he was at a loss for a moment. He clearly had thrown himself out of the loop. The girls had obviously had some sort of exchange in which they thought he was involved, but Stanley had missed every word of it. But despite not knowing what had been said he went with his gut, and his lust, and told the two chesty babes the answer to her question before he himself even knew what the answer was.

"Yes!" He said, excitedly. "I'm going to stay!"

Both girls now put their arms to their sides and stood upright; staring down at Stanley as if surveying him.

"Wow, Stanley. I didn't think you had it in you." Lacey said.

"What do you mean?" the scrawny nerd asked.

"Not many people are willing to stay the night in the isolation cabin, let alone the whole summer!" Fawn said.

"Isolation cabin? The whole summer??" Stanley stuttered.

"Or however long you'll be staying." Fawn added.

Stanley looked over at the twins standing in the doorway. They were giggling the same way he had heard when he had been hiding from them under Lacey's blanket. And with Lacey now on his mind he decided to turn to her for an explanation or any sort of help, but she was remaining oddly silent. No doubt upset that he had 'decided' to stay at Camp Chestlake.

"Come with me, Stanley." Lacey said, startling him and turning to leave.

"I! Wait up!" Stanley called after her.

He was slow to get up; Fawn's fantastic funbags were teasing him with a slight jiggle as the busty brunette gently crunched her fingers into her palm in a light wave.

"Byeeee, Stanley..." She said, mocking him with a smile.

Rebecca and Ramona continued to giggle as he ran passed them in the doorway. They were busily taunting him with their laughter, and so he didn't receive a farewell from them like Fawn had given.

"Lacey! Wait!" Stanley yelled after his big-breasted friend. She was already stepping on to a trail some distance away.

"What is it, Stanley?" Lacey said with an annoyed tone as her nerdy friend caught up to her. "You can't possibly believe I would just leave you here."

"I was just wondering if you could tell me more about this isolation cabin?"

"What's to tell?" Lacey spat, as she guided Stanley away from the main trail. "It's a cabin. And it's isolated. End of story."

"Oh." Stanley said as he carefully stepped over some rocks behind Lacey. Once again he found himself admiring Lacey's well-toned ass. It was so close to him he could reach out and grab it.

"Are you mad at me or something, Lace?" Stanley asked.

The pair of campers were now heading up a hill, and Stanley now found Lacey's beautiful posterior just inches away from his face. He could hear Lacey grunting under her breath as they climbed to the top; that combined with the beautiful swell of her buns, the stretching of her shorts, and the way her shorts creased inward to accommodate for her lusty ass crack was giving him a rager.

"Why would I be mad?" Lacey asked, still with that annoyed tone. Stanley noticed that there was a hint of frustration in it as well.

"I don't know..." He said. "But I kind of feel like you think this is my fault."

The two of them stopped as the ground reached a plateau. Ahead of them was nothing but flat ground.

"Look, I know it's not your fault that you got thrown into the river." Lacey said. "But you didn't have to stay."

"What do you-"

"Stanley, did it ever occur to you that we could get in trouble for this? What if the counselors find out? We'll be sent home!"

"I'm sorry!" Stanley said, chasing after Lacey as she had turned and abruptly started to walk. "That's not my intention!"

"I know it's not your intention, Stanley!" Lacey snapped without turning around. "This is a camp for girls. Why the hell would you want to stay?"

Stanley paused as the two finally reached a cabin. It really was quite a way from the main campsite, indeed Stanley could see why they called it the isolation cabin.

"This is your cabin." Lacey said, pointing to the door as Stanley finally caught up to her and stood at her side. "It's just like all the others, only no one ever uses it."

"When you guys said isolation cabin, I guess I just kind of assumed it was used as some kind of punishment."

"It is." Lacey said. "But the girls and I will make sure to let you know if something happens. God, Stanley...if word gets out that there's a boy at Camp Chestlake..."

"It won't." Stanley said, stepping up to the cabin along with his friend. Lacey opened the door for him and Stanley stepped inside.

"There's only two beds." Lacey said gesturing to the bare room Stanley was standing in. "Pick one."

Stanley walked over to one of the beds, and then realized he didn't have any clothes or belongings. At some point he was going to have to figure something else out.

As his mind started to wander he became vaguely aware that Lacey was leaving as he caught the door starting to shut through his peripheral vision.

"Lacey!" he said.

Startled, the busty raven-haired beauty turned to her friend.


"About earlier, when you were mention...err, the reason I wanted to stay?"

Lacey wasn't responding as Stanley met her gaze.

"It's just...I have questions."

Lacey groaned.

"Ugh, Stanley. We'll answer all your questions tomorrow, okay?" she said.

"No, I know." Stanley said, trying his best to make the best out of their awkward exchange. "It's just...I want to stay because, well...from a scientific standpoint, I have questions."

"Questions that we can't answer for you?" she said.

"I don't know." Stanley answered. "Maybe, maybe not. You guys have gone through some pretty, changes. I'd kind of like to know why."

"There's an explanation for that, you know." Lacey said, the frustration in her voice growing. "Which we'll tell you about tomorrow."

"Yeah, but, you know me Lace. Even once I have an explanation I still like to experiment."

For the first time in what seemed like forever Lacey let her guard down and giggled a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, you're right, Stanley. I do know you." She said as she started shutting the door again. "You slept through most of the day, and you'll need to sleep through most of the night today. Most of the activities start around 5AM, so the girls and I will be turning in in a few hours too."

"Thanks, Lacey." Stanley said, throwing himself on a bed.

"Goodnight, Stanley." Lacey replied, even though it was still light out.

Stanley shut his eyes as Lacey closed the door, and a few moments later his mind went blank.

* * * * * * * *

"Stanley! Stanley, wake up!"

Underneath his sheets Stanley could feel he had a huge erection. He didn't know if he'd been dreaming or not, but as he opened his eyes he saw a figure standing over his bed.

"Oh, shit!" Stanley said, sitting up straight and causing the figure to step back some.

"Stanley, it's me!" the figure said, in a girlish voice.

Stanley rubbed his eyes as his vision started to focus in the dark moonlight. The hourglass silhouette of a girl came into view.

"Lacey?" he asked.

The figure darted down right next to him and Stanley felt a rush of red hair in his face before she brushed it away.

"Lacey? No! I'm Ramona, you jerk! Why are you thinking about Lacey?"

Stanley blinked as Ramona flung her hair back; putting her face to face with him.

"I...I wasn't..." Stanley said, Ramona glaring at him with her emerald green eyes. "It's just...she was the last one here and -"

"Save it." The redhead interrupted as she placed a hand on his chest. "I know why you were thinking about her."

Stanley started to protest but then felt Ramona pushing him back. He barely had time to breathe in and exhale as he felt the back of his head hit the edge of his bed. He tilted his neck up to look at Ramona.

"I said I wasn't thinking about her..." he said.

But Ramona wasn't going to have that. She gripped his legs and sensually slid her palms up to his waist underneath the blanket. In what seemed like one quick motion she pulled the blanket off him and exposed his boxer shorts, and a very large tent emanating from them.

"Really?" Ramona said, raising an eyebrow at the nerdy boy below her as she got on her knees at his bedside. "Do you want to rethink your answer, Stanley?"

"'s not what it looks like. You know about anatomy more than anyone at school so you should know that -"

"Blahh. Blahh. Bleh!" Ramona said, her fingers curling into his shorts through the hem. "Stanley I don't want to talk about the sciences right now. All I want to do is experiment."

"Experiment?" Stanley asked, his body starting to shiver as he felt Ramona's hands on his bare skin.

"Yes. So let's experiment." Ramona said as she pulled his shorts down to his ankles by the waistband.

"Ahhhh! Shit!" Stanley exclaimed as the cold night air hit his penis unforgivingly. His entire body stiffened up like a board as his nerves had suddenly sent him into shock. His legs started to shake as his bare dick stood upright and erect, right in front of Ramona's face. His shaking was causing it to wag back and forth with the slowest of movements; like the pendulum of a clock.

Ramona was staring at his cock as though she were studying it; paying attention to every movement, and every twitch. Her green eyes had a studious look in them, but just behind that was an overwhelming curiosity. Stanley couldn't see it at the time, but Ramona was just as nervous as he was.

"Doesn't that feel better, Stanley?" she asked as she looked passed his throbbing erection and into his eyes.

"Umm...uhhh...Ramona, what are you...I mean, what are we doing?"

"Relax, Stanley." She said as her hands started to caress his inner thighs. Stanley felt a slight spasm as her touch jolted his blood with an electric sensation, but soon Ramona had him calming down as her smooth hands worked their magic on him. "I know you want this, what guy wouldn't? And besides..."

She trailed off as her hands made their way to his groin. Stanley breathed in deep and held it as Ramona's fingers worked her way around the base of his cock.

"...I could tell you wanted it earlier. Remember? When I was in bed with you and my sister was talking to Lacey?"

Stanley only nodded as he focused his gaze on Ramona's hands around his cock. She had both hands' fingers intertwined around him, but she now took her left hand away and gripped it solely with her right. The scrawny nerd felt his groin twitch as Ramona jerked his cock up and down slowly.

"Ohhhh...uhhhh..." Stanley moaned, his eyes shut tight. This was the first time a girl had ever touched his cock, and even though it wasn't exactly like he had pictured it he had to admit that it felt pretty freaking awesome.

Porno had led him to believe his first time would have him being flanked by three or four busty virgin teens all begging him to take them, and although Stanley knew that that was probably never going to happen he had made peace with the fact that his first time would probably be with someone he found less than desirable - like that fat girl in his history class that always seemed to blush when he glanced her way.

He had even thought that either of the redheaded sisters would make good candidates for his first time. Both girls were too engrossed in their quest for knowledge that they rarely paid attention to anything else; namely their appearances. But Stanley had also realized that they were human as well, and he figured that at some point he would have gone to a party where one of them was drunk and it will have finally happened.

While that last scenario had never occurred he was more than satisfied with this one. Ramona had gone through some dangerously physical changes, and shallow as it sounded Stanley was grateful that she no longer looked like a troll doll. Gone was her frizzy, carrot-colored hair - replaced by wavy, lustrous, scarlet locks. Gone was her ironing board body - replaced by a curvy posterior and jutting chest; both accentuated by the thinness of her waist so that her body was explosive. Gone were the freckles that dotted her face and arms and other parts of her body - replaced by the silkiest skin he had ever seen on a girl. Her eyes sparkled with a luster that knew no bounds, even in the nighttime air. Her face was one of the softest he had ever seen; topped by a small, girlish nose that Stanley found just as erotic as the rest of her.

Last but not least were her upgraded boobs. Stanley wasn't sure if she and the other girls had undergone some sort of mutual surgery at Camp Chestlake, but he was certain of the fact that they had increased their bust sizes in a VERY short period of time. Stanley was eager to see just how big Ramona's knockers had transformed, but his brain got in the way of his desire and told him she was probably still riddled with medical scars.

But whatever the case Stanley was enjoying himself. Ramona's hand was gently gliding up and down his cock with a gracefulness he himself had never known, and he wasn't about to let his brain stop him from enjoying that.

"Does it feel good, Stanley?" Ramona asked, looking up at the expressions he was making with a serious look on her face. "Am I doing a good job?"

"Uhhh...uhhhh...yes, MONA!" Stanley said, vaguely unaware that he had screamed her name. He was trying his best not to focus on her too much for fear of cumming too soon, but with her talking to him and coaxing him to be aware of her presence he was finding that to be a difficult task.

"Good." Ramona said, enticing Stanley to look at her. "I want you to feel good, Stanley. Just relax..."

Now that she obviously had his attention she took his hand off his wanting prick and leaned back. Stanley's gaze was fixated on her jutting chest as she arched her back. Ramona reached to the bottom of her cotton shirt and lifted it up and over her head, revealing the first and only pair of twin globes Stanley had ever seen. His eyes went wide and his cock twitched as Ramona showed him exactly what he'd been wanting to see.

Ramona took her left hand and guided it to her right melon. She made a fist and propped her big tits on top of her arm as she brought it across her body. She held her boobs out for him and gauged his reaction.

"What do you think, Stanley? They're D cups."

"Whoa! Ramona!" he said, his mouth agape; much to the busty redhead's teasing pleasure. "They're huge! They're bigger mean..."