My Uncle Comes on Sundays Pt. 04


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"Only the head Squirrel, you've only got the head so far."

"Oh no, is that all? My God, it feels like ... oh, I don't know what, but something huge, that's for sure."

"Are you ok with this?" he is thoughtful enough to check, "there's no way I'm taking it out until I cum, not now ... but I can stop for a minute or two if you want."

"No, do it, damn you! You've got this far."

"Oh, you are so goddamn tight, and hot ... it's even better than I expected."

"Remember to warn me when you're going to push again."

"Now squirrel, I want to have all of me inside your ass, but don't tense up, much better to relax your whole body."

"Easier said than done."

I do try to relax your ass and I feel that incredible pressure again as he slowly pushes what I guess is some or even hopefully all of his shaft inside my ass.

"Tell me how you feel about it at this moment," I hear his voice from behind me.

I have to gather my thoughts, assess the current state of my ass. The cheeks are still stinging from his slaps while the inside of my ass could feel this incredible degree of pressure, a fullness like nothing I have ever experienced before. "Oh, it's like ... well, it's not really pain, not acute pain, I just feel so full, much more so than having a cock in my pussy. It's more like uncomfortable to have something that feels that big up there." I draw a really long deep breath, "But strangely, I'm ok, give me a moment, I just need to adjust to feeling something that big going in there."

"Take as long as you like, I won't move a muscle until you're ready."

"Thank you ... ooh, what was that? I felt that, you must have moved a muscle, I felt you twitch inside me, you're not cumming already, are you?"

"No, my cock just reacted to how good it feels ... the tightness, the feeling of your ass gripping the head made my whole cock twitch in an uncontrollable spasm. It's a good thing!"

"I think I'm ready now Uncle Harry, better do it now if you're going to."

"Yeah, here goes. Don't tense Squirrel, I can feel you tensing. Just try to relax and when you're nice and relaxed, I'll just push forward gently ... like this, ok?"

"Ohhh! Oh yes, that's alright, I think I'm ok with it now."

It must have taken about 5 minutes for my uncle to sink his whole hard cock into my tiny virgin ass, but finally with one last short thrust, his loud sigh told me he was done, I had it all. I could feel his pubic hairs mashing against my ass cheeks. I was surprised at how gentle and considerate he had been in contrast to the cavalier way he had pushed up inside my sheath that first time.

"I must have it all now?" I check.

"Yes Squirrel, you've done well, you're a good girl."

"But that's not all there is to anal sex then?"

"Oh no, of course not. Now for the best part."

He places one hand on my back, I guess to hold my body steady and I can feel him slowly withdrawing his rampant cock from the warm glove of my anus, all the way back out until only his cock-head is clinging tenuously to the tight grip of my anal ring. He pauses there and then slowly begins a steady push back up inside, inch-by-inch, this time in one complete fluid motion.

I couldn't help but emit a long drawn out and expressive moan as his hard cock fills me anally once more.

I feel one of his hands sliding around under my body, his fingers foraging between my still moistened lower lips. He finds what he's searching for ... my wonderfully sensitive clitoris and his fingers circle it gently. I let out a gasp.

He has gradually increased the pace of his fucking strokes inside my tight ass as his fingers arouse my body into an anticipatory stage once more.

After my uncle almost raped me for normal sex, my first foray into anal is going surprisingly well, better than I could have expected when I first realised where he wanted to put his cock next. I can feel pulsing and throbbing around the stroking of his fingers - yes, those gnarly old fingers - on my clit, causing my whole lower body to respond. I've even begun to push my ass back on each of his inward strokes, actually attempting to swallow his erection deeper in my rectum. There's a lot of noise now, his wheezing loud grunts matching my own gasps and moans with every deep thrust that lifts us both closer to a climax.

I cum from his fingers rolling around my clit, my body pulsing and throbbing and spasming beneath his hard driving thrusts and then I both feel and hear him cumming too. Maybe it's the throbbing of my orgasm transmitting pulses to his erection that's wedging so tightly inside my ass that draws out his release. His cock jerks wildly within the tight dark recesses of my ass as he sprays jet after jet of his cum deep into my rectum.

We are both shaking weakly from our respective orgasms, my hands and knees struggle to keep us both upright as his upper body slumps onto my back. Gently and still joined at my ass, we ease our bodies forward, all the time testing to see if we can descend to the bed without cracking his erection inside me. I lay flat on my stomach with my uncle on my back, his deflating cock still embedded in the warmth of my ass. Supine on the bed and although we have only recently woken from a good night's sleep, we allow a sleepy haze to wash over our joined bodies.

I am ashamed to admit that we barely left my bed all day Saturday. I had survived the anal test. We showered when we woke after my anal initiation and because we had each played with the other in the shower, it just seemed natural to return to bed and do whatever occurred naturally ... again and again as it turned out. That tablet he takes sure does keep him hard.

Yes, I know I have made a complete 360 turnaround from the position I had always taken about my uncle. But he is good in bed. He's talking about moving in with me and my previous stance on that is mellowing. Well, he does pay the rent, so I guess that's his prerogative. Naturally, with my whole life stretching ahead of me, I don't see him as a long-term partner but we're actually having some fun together ... of course mainly sexually driven, but who cares? So what if this goes on for a couple of years, I'm still young and have lots of years ahead of me to move on and find a guy my own age.

Remember the danger of my uncle impregnating me when he refused to wear a condom and then later ripped one off midway through a wild session? I'm way too young to take on the responsibility of raising a child so I did go through a harrowing couple of weeks waiting for my next period to arrive. What's worse, it was late by two days, so you can imagine how worried I became.

But eventually my period arrived, confirming that I wasn't pregnant. I don't know how I dodged that bullet because I do keep a record of dates and I was certain that I was ovulating that weekend. Anyway, I called my uncle to tell him I had my period and that he may choose not to come down that weekend because I hate having messy sex.

He said he still intended to come stay and that we could do anal again while my regular shop was closed. Quaint expression, calling my pussy a regular shop. Would you believe that I actually agreed to that and he did me in my ass twice that weekend? And to think I was so worried about doing it that first time.

That weekend was quite a game-changing one because my uncle brought luggage, telling me he had moved out of his temporary home, staying in my room at my mom's house. He said that his wife was filing for divorce so he was giving up on ever reuniting with her and their child Ava. Uncle Harry said it was best to get away from that town altogether even though he appreciated his half-sister (my mom) taking him in when his marriage became irretrievable.

On the Tuesday of the following week, I had an unexpected visit from my mother. She didn't come to my apartment, just called out of the blue to tell me she was in town, asking to meet me for coffee between my lectures. Well, she sure dropped a bombshell when we sat down.

"So Jennifer, what's going on?" her face and voice stern with a trace of annoyance.

"What do you mean, mom?"

"What's going on between you and your uncle?"

"Don't you know?"

"No I don't, you never tell me anything. All I know is that Harry told me at the weekend that he was moving out and intended to move in with you. Do you think that's wise, having your old uncle as a flatmate? He's a horny guy, you'll have to watch out for yourself. I don't think you're mature enough to handle your uncle."

"You'd be surprised mom, very surprised. I don't think you know the half of it all. But don't worry, I can take care of myself, and have been."

"What does that mean, Jen don't tell me you've been having sex with him?"

The look on my face must have conveyed my answer ahead of my words, "Yes we are mom, I thought you knew."

"How could I know that? You're disgusting Jennifer."

"Why are you so upset mom? I know it's not ideal, he's way too old and he's my uncle, but he was there for me when I broke up with Jerry. And we do have some great sex ... I'd even go so far as to say that he's better than Jerry, more staying power at least."

"Well my daughter, it may surprise you to know that I know a thing or two about his staying power too."

"What does that mean mom?"

"Your uncle and I have been having sex since the day after he moved into your room. Actually, he only slept one night in your room and we've been sleeping together in my bed ever since. Oh Jen, I've been feeling like a new woman, it's been so refreshing to be getting sex regularly again ... like it's been every night. It's the first sex I've had since your father dumped us all those years ago ... and it's been so good, I've been so happy. But then on Friday, he packed all of his things and told me he was moving down here with you. I couldn't work out why he'd want to leave with all that we had going on and move down here with you. I never dreamed that you'd be putting out for him ... for your uncle. You know what that's called?"

"Yes, I know what it's called, and don't you think it's called the same thing between a brother and sister?"

"Yes, it would seem that we're both guilty of incest, but yours is much worse because of the age difference. Give him up Jennifer, you don't need an old man like him, you are such a pretty girl, you can have any guy around your own age."

"It's not up to me mom, it's Uncle Harry's call, his decision to have sex with who he chooses since we both seem happy to have him."

"You could tell him you're not interested in him anymore. Wouldn't you like to see your mom happy again?"

"It was nice to see a smile on your face as you told me he and you were having sex. But again mom, I say it's up to him to decide."

"You only want his money, don't you? I never expected you to be like that Jennifer."

"He does pay my rent, which is very handy. But that's all he pays." Whoops, a bit of a lie to my mother there as I recalled my uncle leaving me cash at the end of the weekend when I broke up with Jerry. He hasn't done it again since but I am sure he'd give me cash if I asked him for it. After all, I don't complain about accommodating his sexual urges these days, even if they are very frequent.

My mother stood up and stormed out of the café. I went home to Uncle Harry that night and told him of my mom's visit. His response was indifferent, taking me to bed and giving me three beautiful pounding orgasms. Three at a time seems to be his speciality.

My mom and I didn't talk the rest of that week, nor the following week. I tried calling her but each time the call went to her voicemail. In the meantime, my uncle and I had sex every night, I was getting to have sex even more frequently than Jerry and I did. It was mostly good sex and I was now completely over my prior repulsion towards my uncle.

But when two weeks had passed and I still hadn't got to talk to mom, I began to worry. We had never gone that long without communicating. Had I been too harsh on mom? What's more, was I being selfish in letting Uncle Harry move in with me, thus depriving my mother of her first sex in years?

As my uncle and I came down from mutual orgasms one evening, I turned to him, "You know Uncle Harry, as good as all of this is, I think you should move back in with my mom. She needs you more than me."

"Nonsense Squirrel, I won't hear of it. We are having such a good time together, I can't imagine not living here with you. Why would I want to go back to her?"

"Don't say it like that, I am sure she was a willing partner in bed with you. She said you made her feel really good and the sex drought had been years for her."

"Yeah, well she began to get a bit clingy, I don't like that."

"She is closer to your age, Uncle Harry."

"Yeah, but you've got such a wonderful young body, you're such a turn-on babe."

I didn't pursue my suggestion any further that night because I saw that his cock was still hard in spite of his cumming so I gathered all of my energy and climbed on top to ride him cowgirl to another big climax for me. As I drifted off to sleep after, I thought of how I would miss the surfeit of sex if I managed to push him back to mom.

On the following Friday evening, I met up with my college friends for drinks after lectures. There, I met this new guy, he's just moved to town. Boy, what a hunk and he seemed really interested in me. For the first time, I regretted that my uncle was expecting me home, particularly when this new guy suggested we should go out clubbing for the rest of the night.

There and then, I took a raincheck on the night of clubbing and over the weekend, I somehow found a way to tell - not ask or suggest - my uncle that he needed to move back in with my mom. "She needs you," I implored.

"So do you Squirrel."

"No, I'm afraid I don't Uncle Harry. It's been nice having you here and I have got to enjoy all of the sex. But you are actually holding me back. I met a great guy tonight and he wanted us to kick on at a club or two, but I felt obliged to come home to you. I shouldn't feel obliged, at my age I need to be free to date. Can you understand that Uncle Harry?"

He didn't agree immediately, but I worked on him over the weekend and by Sunday night, I had actually convinced him so I dialled my mom's phone. Naturally, since she had avoided my calls for two weeks, she would have looked at Caller ID and chosen not to take my call. So I handed the phone to my uncle and he left her a message to say he wanted to come back to live with her. Well, she was back on the phone in 5 minutes and my uncle moved out the next day.

How easy it became in the end for me to end the relationship with my uncle. I think that maybe he had got as much out of it as he wanted and may have been happy to reconnect with his half sister.

Within a week, and after two dates, the new guy and I began having sex and it has been so good. I guessed that I may by now even be better at it than I was with Jerry, thanks to my uncle's coaching.

I am pleased to say that my mom came to lunch last Saturday and I haven't seen her looking so happy in years. Obviously, my uncle is keeping her very content.

The End

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cckreadycckreadyover 2 years ago

Amazing series. Loved every word.

arch3rarch3ralmost 6 years ago

Excellent writing and very well plotted!!

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