Neighborhood Thrills Ch. 03


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It was the sweetest most exciting kiss I'd ever had, her tongue dancing lightly with mine, holding each other tightly, and our breathing getting more excited. Too excited, we were breathing too hard to kiss, so the wonderful kiss ended. But we hadn't released each other and just laid our heads on each other's shoulders. "God!" she whispered, "I just had no idea it could be like this."

I pulled away from her and reached for my glass of wine. I was trembling so hard that I nearly spilled the wine. I could feel her eyes on me, and then I felt her stretching for her glass. I gave her a sideways glance and saw she was trembling, too. Finally we both steadied enough to sip our wine. Without looking at each other, Paula asked softly, "What just happened?"

"I'm not sure," I shook my head, "I understand some of it, but I think you understand that much too. Maybe you should tell me what you think. You're more intuitive than me, and I suspect you're a little smarter."

"I agree that we both understand the sexual attraction," she said slowly, "And I've thought about that a lot more than you have, I expect. I mean you were straight this morning and until just a minute ago, I was too, but I've been thinking about it a lot for quite some time. Where to begin?"

"At the beginning?" I turned my head and so did she, and we smiled.

"I'm thirty-four," she said, "And in a couple of months, I'll be thirty-five. Randy and I conceived Alyssa when I was sixteen and he was seventeen. I've never had sex with anyone else. So, you see, I have no sexual experience to draw upon but what I've imagined, or been exposed to in books and movies. When Alyssa was born, I was seventeen. And she has been my rock. I have been aware that she and Holly have been having sex for years. So, I have spent a lot of time wondering what it was like to be with a woman, simply because I wanted to understand and accept who she was. I know she likes men, too, but I suspect she likes women more. It was why I was always bringing you ice tea or lemonade, not just to look at your legs, but to imagine how it would be for us to get together. I was trying to understand my daughter."

"Did you know that the girls actually think you don't know about them?"

Paula turned slowly with pure amazement on her face. "How could they not? I mean sure, we've never discussed it directly. But she should know that I know what she is up to by the questions I don't ask. I don't want to make her lie to me. And how could I not know? I walk into Alyssa's room and it almost always has that women's sex smell so strong it stinks." She paused and blinked, "It used to stink. I'm not sure when I started kind of liking the smell, but I do, now."

She looked embarrassed at her admission about the smell, then she took a deep breath, "And that doesn't count the number of times I've heard them. Several times they've ridden in the back seat of my car, and oh, they think they are controlling their faces so well, and their little moans and their trembling during orgasms, but my god, even if I was deaf and blind, my nose is not dead! What their doing fills the car with that... perfume. That's how I've come to think of it - as perfume. Several times I've come so close to saying, 'You can do that if you want to, but for my sake, open a window! Your sex smell interferes with my driving!'"

I chuckled with her at the tribulations she had endured. We were silent a moment, and I said softly, "But I don't know what to do about us and the other part besides the sex. I mean, I know it's romantic in nature, but that just doesn't make any sense. I mean, its not like we can get married, and unfortunately I doubt if I can even remain faithful. What's more, you aren't going to be able to remain faithful to me, either, and you don't even know it, yet. And I don't even know if I can allow it to go any further - it feels like I'm playing with fire! There're some strong emotions going on here."

"What in the world are you talking about? Why can't we be faithful to each other?" Paula looked perplexed, "We haven't even had sex yet, and may still not, after all, I may not let you seduce me, you know?"

I turned my head slowly and looked at her. She looked at me, and we both busted out laughing. "Okay," Paula admitted, "Let's skip over that and say I'm helpless in your arms, because well, I am. But seriously, you might think I'm easy but I don't know about going any farther than kissing. But you're right, part of it is a romantic thing, and you're right still again that romance between us doesn't make any sense. But would you care to explain to a dimwitted old broad just why we can't be faithful even if we want to be?"

I shrugged, "For one thing, I'm fucking your daughter, and even though I may feel stronger about you in time, probably even a very short time, it won't take away my love for Alyssa and I will still want her. For the second thing, even if I decided to be with only you, she could still seduce me again in a blink. I'm as helpless with her, as you are with me, and you might as well know, I'm helpless with you, too. Do you think I could stop you if you wanted to have sex with me?"

She looked at me very seriously and said, "No. You felt the same things as I did in that kiss. I could feel you feeling it. If I wanted to, I could make you squeal like a pig."

We laughed again, "So you see, I'm so helpless, I'm hopeless!" I managed to squeeze that in between chuckles, and then as they died down, I added, "I'm even helpless with Holly, and that's pretty much just raw sex. Well, it was just raw sex. Once I learned a bit more about her, well... I feel a real affection for her now, and I can easily see that turning into love, too. And there is a darker side, and that is, that this is all new to me. I have to tell you, that right now, I feel like I want to have sex with every woman I see. That may change with time, but at the moment, I'd fuck any woman or girl I could get my hands on. You'll probably go through that stage, too."

I looked earnestly into her eyes, hoping she could feel the depths of my confusion. I shook my head, "But back to Holly. I mean sure, she had to work harder than Alyssa, but we're only talking fifteen or twenty minutes longer, and you aren't going to do any better against her, either. Did you know she wants you?"

Paula nodded, "I see what you mean about the faithfulness problem. I don't think I will even want to fight Holly about it. If she asks, I'll just ask how she wants me. It started three years ago when she walked in on me when I was stepping out of the shower. At first, I was worried I'd traumatized the child - she was only fifteen then, so I kept apologizing and telling her that there was nothing wrong with her seeing me like this. And she kept staring, and staring and saying she was sorry. By the time I figured out that lust was the emotion behind her looking at me, well I was pretty horrified, but I didn't know what to do, so I kept saying it's okay until mercifully, she just went away. But we are talking about nearly ten minutes that she stood there, looking at me."

Paula looked at me soberly, "I had a really hard time about that for a while. Because I realized, that I had enjoyed her looking at me that way, and that made me a dyed in the wool pervert, because she was underage. I would masturbate about how good it felt to be looked at that way by a young girl, then cry afterwards from the guilt. I mean, I was a married woman with a child her age and was getting turned on by the way she looked at me naked, and I just stood there, letting her look, and enjoying it. Do you think I'm a pervert?"

"Holly told me about that incident. I even told her you might have enjoyed the way she looked at you, but I don't think she believed me. Did you know that she has masturbated hundreds of times thinking about seeing you naked that time? So, no, I don't think you're a pervert. How long had it been since anyone else looked at you that way?" I was willing to guess that no one had ever looked at her like that since she was sixteen when Randy was getting her pregnant, but she needed to find that answer for herself.

Paula just looked surprised and nodded slowly, "You have given me a very great gift, Claire. I think I can stop thinking I'm a pervert now." She looked at me, "I may still feel a little dirty about it, but dirty in a purely sexual way, and that's a very nice kind of dirty. In that sense I am definitely a pervert because I love feeling dirty, naughty and especially nasty. Did she also tell you about the incident about a month ago?"

"No, but I forgive her for that omission, since I interrupted that train of thought by telling her she could take her clothes off now. I refused, you see, the first time she asked if she could take her clothes off. I guess I got pretty excited at the idea of her standing there looking at you naked. I saw it in my own mind, and it's burned an indelible picture there." I looked into her eyes, hoping she could feel the desperate power of my lust for her.

Paula put a hand on her chest, her sweet mouth open in surprise, "You have the most beautiful green eyes... and right now, I feel like you are looking right into my libido and your lust is washing over me like a wave!" She closed her eyes, "Never mind my nonsense."

"No, you're just incredibly sensitive and intuitive and I guess I was at least trying to let you see into my libido. Did you know that I've come to admire you?" I might have lust, and even romance in my heart for this woman, but damn! "I'm starting to admire you so much that I'm starting to worry that I might not be good enough for you!"

She opened her eyes and looked again into mine, "Would it sound stupid if I said I think I'm falling in love with you?"

I put my hand on her cheek, "Yes, it would sound stupid. But I think I'm falling in love with you, too. So, now we both sound stupid." I grinned, "But you were going to tell me about you and Holly a month ago."

Paula swallowed, fanned her face with her hand and took a deep breath, "Yes. 'Holly a month ago.' Well, since that first incident three years ago, I started locking the bathroom whenever I took a shower, or even went to pee. I can't count the times that she tried to open the door. I knew it was Holly, because Alyssa would have just knocked. But always I would see a shadow at the bottom of the door, and I would see the knob try to turn then stop." She smiled, "Funny thing is, I took a very real comfort from her efforts. It made me feel... sexy. Do you think that's silly?"

"No, a lonely widow like me? I'd have been flattered, too." I wasn't even sure that Holly would have to make the first move with Paula now. I tried to find jealousy inside me over either of them, but I couldn't. I just wanted them to be happy. Of course, I drew considerable comfort from the fact that they'd both still want me, and a threesome was definitely not out of the question - hell, it was practically inevitable. That thought echoed strangely in my mind, since I'd never in my entire life had, imagined or wanted a threesome of any kind.

"Then for quite some time, she stopped and I thought she had given up. But I still locked the bathroom door," Paula dropped her voice to a hushed tone, "Then a month ago, I must have forgotten to lock the door, or Holly figured out a way past the lock. I'm not sure which. But I stepped out of the shower and she was sitting on the toilet, with her panties and shorts about her ankles like she'd been peeing, and who knows, maybe she had. But when I stepped out, my towel just out of reach on the rack, Holly stood up, not bothering with her shorts or panties. And she said, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, Mrs. Brand. This is so embarrassing!' only she didn't look embarrassed at all and she was looking at me all over, and she still wasn't pulling up her panties."

I laughed, "Does she call you Mrs. Brand very often?"

"No, she calls me Paula. She hasn't called me Mrs. Brand since that time she walked in on me when she was fifteen." Paula looked at me curiously.

Still chuckling, I explained, "Oh, some of her fantasies include playing a roll where she is totally innocent around an older adult who is out to exploit her sexually. I role played one of her fantasies with her and enjoyed it thoroughly. Oh, it was a little weird at first, calling her dirty names and ordering her around, but I finally got into it. I was Mrs. Madison in that fantasy." I giggled, "So what else happened?"

"Well it was the closest thing to sex that I've had since my husband left me, although nothing really happened. She just stood there looking at me in that lustful way, and saying that she was sorry, that she'd just had to pee. Then after I had gotten a good eyeful of her pubic hair - after all, what else could I see - and I mean she must have waited a full minute, then she covered herself with her hand, or rather, that's what it looked like, but she still didn't pull up her panties or her shorts. I finally took the towel off the rack and began patting myself dry, but I also tried not to block her view of anything but what I was patting dry - I was enjoying myself enormously, you know."

I shifted a little on the loveseat, "This is a very erotic story, Paula. If it had happened to me, I think I would have masturbated about it every night since it happened." Paula turned distinctly pink and gave me a quick sideways glance but said nothing. "Ah," I said knowingly, "so you have been."

"Not every night, no," responded Paula in a mildly austere manner, then she added in a still sharp but milder tone, "Just a few times, if you must know. For God's sake, woman, I've never even admitted to anyone before that I masturbate at all. I don't know why I tell you everything!"

"Sure you do," I said equably, "We're being as honest as we can because we both know we're playing with fire, and we don't want to make a mistake, and we are both foolish enough to hope the best way to avoid mistakes is through honesty. So, since we are talking about fun stuff like sex, why don't we masturbate right now? Just for the fun of it, and it should be pretty safe, don't you think? We can reach under our own skirts without even showing anything." I glanced at her wall clock. It was ten minutes after eight o'clock. "Besides we have some time to kill and it might be a good idea to reduce our sexual tension a little because challenges may lay ahead."

"But..." Paula looked at me a little shocked. Her mouth made more of an 'o' than it normally did, "You mean there are still things you haven't told me." It was a statement, not a question. She gazed at me searchingly again, "I think this time, I'll just trust you, but this is sure going to be embarrassing!"

I reached under my dress with my left hand, "It can also be very erotic, and intimate, don't you think? Now, about you and Holly in the bathroom..."

Paula turned pink when she saw me put my hand under my dress and spread my legs a little, and turned about two shades pinker as I watched her put her hand under hers. She spread her thighs slightly and let her out her breath in an abrupt sigh, "So there I was, showing off for Holly and really enjoying it, when I glanced at the hand she was covering herself with, and I saw she was slowly squeezing herself. As you can well imagine from what a nerd I am, this shocked me. I don't know as she was masturbating exactly, but she was certainly comforting herself at my expense..." Paula paused and looked at me, "Oh, you were so right about doing this." She rested her cheek on my shoulder, "And it is sweetly intimate... I can feel you moving..."

"And I can feel you," I said softly, and a little breathlessly. After all, our hips and shoulders were touching, and we could easily feel the other vibrating, "So you were feeling shocked that Holly was touching herself and watching you. Let me guess, it tempted you to put on more of a show?"

"Darn, Claire!" she breathed, "Do you really know me that well? Or is it just what anyone would do?"

I giggled, "Neither, but it's what I would have done. What did you do?"

Paula giggled too, "I arched my leg and rested my toes on the bathroom sink while I dried my foot and calf with the towel, and I really took my time. It wasn't quite as bad as if I had used my fingers to do it, but I could feel cool air on my inner parts, and I knew she was getting a fantastic view. She was also looking at my nipples a lot, and they were so hard and sticking out so far that she must have known how aroused I was by her standing there with her panties around her ankles and squeezing herself and looking me over. Then I even looked straight into her eyes and squeezed myself in front of her, just like she was doing in front of me. Then suddenly, I felt really ashamed of my lewd and obvious behavior, so I bundled myself into the towel and hurried to my bedroom." She released a tense sigh that I interpreted as an indication of a high degree of arousal.

I was sure aroused by masturbating with this dark-haired beauty, and was getting pretty close myself, but we just quietly rubbed our clits for another minute. I was trying to think of something to say but my sexual state was interfering terrifically with my ability to concentrate my thoughts. I was a little surprised when Paula voiced what I'd like to have thought of to say, "Claire? I'm getting... close. Do you think we could be just a little more... intimate?"

I turned toward her and she was already turned toward me and looking at me. I moved my right hand over to her belly and slowly raised it until I was cupping her left breast, and once again she mirrored my actions. It was hard to say which gave me greater pleasure, the warmth of her hand lightly squeezing my breast, or the lovely feel of her nipple pressing firmly into my right palm as I squeezed her warm and lovely breast. Her hooded eyes caressed me as she breathed through her parted lips and licked at her lips, watching me. And we came that way, touching each other's breasts and watching each other's faces. It was almost frighteningly intimate. Seeing the anguish of her orgasm on her face while knowing that my own visage was just as nakedly revealing - it was like baring each other's souls for the other to see.

Orgasms are such a conundrum to describe anyway, but suffice to say this was a very rich and good one for me, and greatly intensified by the sense of intimacy with Paula. I knew from the emotions running across her face as the trembling undulations of pleasure slowly subsided, that she was feeling pretty much the same things I was. I saw shyness, lust, bashfulness, pleasure, love and a sweet, naive curiosity, all going back and forth and running together in her eyes and her expressions, and I was feeling those things, too.

Finally, I smiled as we removed our hands from under our dresses, "Paula, I think we've made the room smell like the girls had been in here."

"Yes," she smiled back with some pride in her smile. We were still holding each other's breasts, and I don't think either of us had the inclination or desire to remove our hands. She regarded me seriously and said, "I know that the definition might be tricky, but I think we just made love."

"I wouldn't know what else to call it," I murmured just before our lips met in a sweet, tender kiss that didn't last long but was a potent balm for our hearts. I pulled back to glance at the clock on the wall, and it was just 8:30.

She followed my glance, and slowly drew her hand down from my breast, but I just moved mine from her left breast to her right breast and gave it a playful squeeze. She clearly didn't mind and smiled at me before saying, "So what happens at eight-thirty?"

I grinned back at her and answered, "At the moment, if they're doing it as a strictly as a military operation, and I expect they are; Alyssa and Holly are crawling through Alyssa's bedroom window. So we should give them at least another ten minutes to take off their clothes and get into the swing of wild sexual acts of abandon."