Neighborhood Thrills Ch. 04


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Paula put on a martyred air, "Being the only responsible adult in this family is a truly thankless chore."

We all giggled again, and Alyssa looked at me, "Wow, how about that shit, Claire? You're the wife! I think that's really sexy. And I guess I can forgive you for not licking my Mom's pretty butt yet, because you really did teach her to eat pussy so well!" she slid a hand down to run through my pubic hair, "Do you think I could get you to squirt in my mouth again? That's the first time anyone's done that for me, and I didn't appreciate how sexy it is."

"Oh, it's very sexy," Paula assured her, "Claire's so greedy she made me share some of yours with her."

"I saw that," giggled Alyssa, "And I don't think I've ever seen anything sexier than you two sharing my pussy juice mouth to mouth like that." I saw Paula shiver at Alyssa's words, no doubt thrilling at them, but I also suspected she was shivering with need.

Alyssa's hand was still playing in my pussy hair, but I tried to ignore it as I cupped one of her breasts in my hand and kissed her mouth tenderly, making sure her mother got a good look at our kissing. A glance in her direction showed Paula breathing through her mouth as she watched me, and one of her hands was sneaking down between her legs. I knew instinctively what she wanted. She wanted me to make love to her daughter while she beat off, but I had other plans. "Alyssa, both you and I have had some beautiful orgasms today, but your lovely mother hasn't."

"Oh no, Alyssa," sputtered Paula, looking shock and skipping pink and going right to red in the face, "I couldn't ask that of you, dear. Claire will take care of me just fine, if I don't just do myself. Actually I was enjoying watching the two of you kissing, and I was enjoying it a very great deal!"

Predictably, Alyssa pushed me back and turned to her mother and pulled her into an embrace, giving Paula a deep, soul kiss that got Paula to put her arms around her daughter and start kissing back almost feverishly. When Alyssa slid down a little to begin kissing and sucking on Paula's breasts, I could see clearly what Alyssa intended, which is what I wanted her to do. I got up off the bed and walked around to the other side, and began kissing Paula's upper back. Then as Alyssa moved down her mother's body, I moved down now kissing Paula's lower back.

Paula made another attempt, "Alyssa, please dear, you don't need to do this to your mother! And Claire? What are you doing?" What I was doing was kissing Paula's lovely bottom cheeks. I thought that obvious enough that a reply from me wasn't needed. Alyssa sat up to turn her body around, so that her hips would be available to her mother's head. I thought that was a good idea, so I turned my body around, too, so that my hips were behind Paula's neck.

It was Alyssa who answered her mother and quite calmly, "You may be the head of the family at least at our house, and Claire may be the boss of hers, but where you, Claire and Holly are concerned, I am the master of sexual ceremony, and believe me, Mom, I always get my way in the end. I'm not doing you a favor, Mom. I'm satisfying a sexual desire to eat your pussy while Claire tongues your butt, then Claire and I are going to lick each other's tongues inside your vagina. And then I'm going to lick your clit and massage your g-spot while Claire licks and kisses your bottom some more. Meanwhile, if you just want something to do, Mom, you can nuzzle and kiss my pussy while Claire and I bring you the best orgasm you ever had."

I glanced over Paula's hip to peek and sure enough Alyssa had returned to kissing and nuzzling her mother's dark triangle of pubic hair, and she had cocked her knee to give Paula access to her blondish pussy. Paula had embraced her daughter's irresistible hips and was indeed rubbing her face between Alyssa's legs when I heard Paula's pussy muffled voice say, "Yes dear." Satisfied that everything was proceeding well, I returned to licking and kissing Paula's bottom cheeks, then I gave her a long slow lick all the way down her crack until I slid into the base of her pussy's crevice and did indeed engage in tongue licking with Alyssa at and slightly inside the mouth of her vagina. Paula let out a muffled whoop that made Alyssa giggle, which made me giggle and Paula added another smaller whoop over her now giggling pussy.

Alyssa and I then set about the more serious business of wringing the most powerful orgasm out of Paula that we could. Alyssa slipped two fingers inside of her mother's vagina and I was sure the g-spot was correctly engaged, while her daughter launched a slow but increasingly furious licking assault on Paula's little light tan hood. Meanwhile I rimmed Paula's cute little pale tan pucker with many little licks and kisses, and Paula's former whoops were transformed into first low muffled moans and soon into more guttural grunts.

While I kept up my pleasuring Paul's delightful bottom, I did wait until her orgasm was well underway before I slipped my tongue as deep into her bottom as I could go. Paula's cry was immediate and accompanied by much thrashing of the hips - which as constrained as she was between her daughter and me hugging her from both sides, we both had a hard time being where we wanted to be because of Paula's wiggling, pumping and heaving around. But we managed, and were quite satisfied in the length of time it took Paula to ride it out.

By the time Holly came back, we were all three of us cuddling and chatting in the bed. Holly stripped right away and wormed her way into our midst while we all complimented her on her new hairstyle, which incidentally did look a lot like mine. It was then that I came up with what I thought was a great idea. "You know the thing I like about this group sex or even a threesome, is the amount of eye candy," I explained earnestly to the others, "There is just always something so beautiful and sexy to look at, so I'm thinking of those mirror squares you panel a room with - for nearly all the available wall space, and even the ceiling too - our kind of group sex room, if you will. I have a spare bedroom I could set up that way, and even find me the biggest bed I can for it - like maybe a custom Ultra King or something with a rubber mattress cover and custom satin sheets, and ooo, satin pillow cases!"

"That would be so great," said Holly dreamily.

"Wow, I would love mirrors like that in my room, too," said Alyssa wistfully.

"I wouldn't mind it in here, even," contributed Paula. "But it sounds expensive."

I waved that away. "I have more money than I know what to do with," I said, not exaggerating by much, "I'll do my spare bedroom like I said, and I'll mirror Paula's and Alyssa's rooms. I draw the line at yours though, Holly. I'm not sure your mother would appreciate the idea."

"That's fine, and very true, I'm sure," grinned Holly, "But you three are the people that I spend most of my time with anyway." Then she looked around at all of us, "Hey is anyone going to give me some sex, or not?" We gave it to her.

I made arrangements for the work to be done the following Saturday and had to pay extra to make sure my Ultra King bed was made, delivered and installed by then. I figured we'd just stay in a hotel for the weekend and check up on the workmen periodically.

ENTRY TWO (From Claire's Journal)

It's been six weeks from that first fateful weekend that I documented pretty thoroughly under Entry One. And I have just experienced another quite singular weekend and wished to add it to the growing journal of my bisexual blossoming. Uhm, okay diary may as well be straight with you. I haven't had a penis in a couple of years and don't currently feel the need for one, so maybe we might as well call it my lesbian blossoming. I am making this entry on Monday morning, but I have to go back to last Friday night to start my current story.

Life has been very good to me lately, especially in the sex department. My three new lovers; Holly, Alicia, and especially Paula have filled my recent times with much love and sex and I have rarely slept alone these last six weeks, and a single day hasn't passed without my experiencing a minimum of at least two orgasms at the hands of these delightful women. Unexpectedly, I have developed quite a fondness for threesomes and foursomes, especially when such things occurred in one of our mirrored rooms - which would be my spare bedroom, Alyssa's bedroom, or Paula's bedroom. I am thinking about mirroring my own bedroom as well - after all, I want to be ready for wherever the panties drop, so to speak. Since Holly couldn't have a mirrored bedroom of her own, I bought her an extensive array of lingerie, including camisoles, bustiers, nighties, and all sorts of designer French panties. It's high quality stuff, and she shares it with Alyssa since she stores it in Alyssa's closet.

The foursomes tended to get pretty wild at times with everybody doing something to everybody else, and switching around often. Paula and Alyssa had shed what ever inhibitions either might have had about incest, and it wasn't unusual for me to walk into the kitchen or the bathroom and find one of them licking between the other's legs. Holly and I just thrilled at seeing them together, and it made for some very intense and deeply sexual experiences. Any way one looks at it, group sex was great because it felt as good as sex with one person and there was so much more eye candy available! And sometimes it so much was not just sex with one person. It is really quite exotically wonderful to have one girl lick your pussy while another tongues your ass. The very thought of it makes me shiver!

And then there were a quite a few very active threesomes. Often it was Paula, Holly and I. But I also welcomed opportunities to be with both Holly and Alyssa, and on one of those occasions, Paula was present but only masturbated. I think Paula came more than any of the rest of us. I must say that about my favorite threesome was with Paula and Alyssa because the mother and daughter combination was always intense to the point of being fierce. But to say my sex life was rich and varied was definitely an understatement! Then the high school senior class campout for girls came up, and Paula was volunteered by her daughter Alyssa and her friend Holly, to be a chaperone. At the last minute, Paula had some thing at work come up and she had to decline.

Since the campout couldn't proceed without a certain number of chaperones, the girls cajoled me into taking Paula's place and managed to get that change approved by Ms. Sinclair the gym coach who was in charge of the outing. On Friday at nine in the morning, our vehicles mustered at the high school, and we sat off in a great caravan of cars for hour destination, a camping ground in the mountains by a lake about two hours away. Sounds like fun, right? It could have been, I suppose, but Ms Hilda Sinclair turned out to be something of a martinet with an unfortunate talent for micro-management and a loud voice. Within minutes of our arrival at the lake, it became clear that she had organized and charted out every minute of the weekend, including who was going to sleep with whom in the tents.

Us chaperones were assigned two to a tent, and we each were also assigned a tent of four girls that we had to check up on at least twice during each night. Except for one poor woman, a chemistry teacher, who had to share a tent with four teenage girls. My tent mate turned out to be middle-aged woman (a history teacher) named Ms Tolbert who either had no first name or refused to give it. She was humorless and unpleasant company. So Friday night was definitely no party. Although, I did enjoy sitting around one of the campfires with a bunch of teenage girls, gossiping and giggling, at least until Hilda Sinclair came over to our fire and made us sing "Cum Ba Ya". That was embarrassing.

I didn't know any of the girls in the tent I had to check, so I went over there at lights out - 10:00 o' clock for the school girls and stuck my head in. "Okay, ladies, you can consider yourselves checked. If Hilda asks I came by again later, say I did, but I won't. So as far as I'm concerned, you can gamble, have sex or tell ghost stories all night long. But do try to get a little sleep, I'm sure Hilda means to kill you with hikes or something tomorrow." They all had a good giggle and one shy girl told me that she wished any of their teachers had the sense of humor that I do. I didn't doubt her one bit from what I'd seen so far.

The next morning, Ms Tolbert lost her temper at breakfast, cursed out Hilda Sinclair, then jumped into her car and drove away. Ms Tolbert suddenly became my hero - and a lot of the girls felt the same way. Being the rapid and highly detailed organizer she was, Hilda immediately assigned the poor chemistry teacher to my tent and assigned her Ms Tolbert's tent of girls, assuming I suppose that the chemistry teacher would be so slobberingly grateful for being moved up to a grown-up tent, that she wouldn't mind the extra charges. I had finally gotten a chance at breakfast to visit with Holly and Alyssa, and they took turns apologizing for the outing being such a dud. Finally, Hilda came over and pointed out that we couldn't be listening to her schedule of the day's events if we were wagging our tongues.

I looked up levelly at her and told her, "Lady, I know karate, and if I can't kick your ass, my boyfriend can. He's an enforcer for the mob. So never talk down to me again, or the next thing you'll hear will be the sound of your teeth breaking."

Holly looked up at the gym teacher with a dead serious face, "Oh God, Ms Sinclair, he really is. Please be careful." She really put a lot of pleading into the word please. Hilda gave me a nasty squint, and then Holly, but she turned and walked away and didn't speak directly to me for the remainder of the trip. It turns out that Holly and Alyssa's chaperone was someone neither they nor I knew. And as I had no intention of participating in the grueling hike that Hilda had actually planned, I retired to my tent after breakfast to gather materials to take with me to the bathhouse now that I wouldn't have to stand in line to take a shower.

The chemistry teacher was in my tent unrolling her sleeping bag. She was about my height and weight with a somewhat slimmer build. She was dressed in shorts and a short-sleeved sweatshirt that had the name of a college on it. She was a brunette with hair gathered into a ponytail that stretched a good six inches down her back. And she was as covered in freckles as I was. Having recently acquired a taste for large calves, since Holly, Alyssa, Polly and I all shared that strange trait; I couldn't help noticing her unusually large calves - thicker than mine. Also a little strangely, while they had a pleasing shape, they didn't ripple and move with muscle unless she like stood on her toes, which she did once, hanging a lantern on the apex of the tent and thus taking my breath away. Yet her thick calves were obviously very firm because they didn't wobble or jiggle when she moved.

Her face wasn't too remarkable except for her soulful brown eyes. Her nose was a little rounded on the end, her lips seemed a little puffy above and below the actual lips, but the lips themselves were not quite thin, but close. Her face was oval and her features were regular, but somehow looking at her face caught at me, like I couldn't decide if she was pretty or plain although her freckled face was certainly pleasant. "Hi," I held out my hand to shake, "My name's Claire Madison."

She had given me a similar once over and shook my hand warmly, "I'm Amber Evening. Sorry about the name. My parents were crystal healing, incense snorting new-age raving hippies." She gave me a sly look and added, "The girls are all talking about you and how you threatened to sic your mob enforcer boyfriend on Hilda Sinclair. If you ran for President, you'd get all the female votes in the senior class." Then she smiled. Her face cracked into lovely dimples and a crazy-beautiful grin, "You don't really have that dangerous of a boyfriend do you?"

I chuckled, "I don't even have a boyfriend, Amber. But you know you just made my heart skip a beat when you smiled. I believe that's the loveliest smile I've ever seen! It just transforms your face into rock-star beautiful!"

She blushed a little bit but kept the grin, "Yeah, well, you have the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. Are those contacts?"

I held my hands up as if to ward her off, "Nope, so please don't try to steal them!"

"Oh, I won't now that I know that they'll just come out as soggy bits of bloody flesh." She noticed I was grabbing a towel, "Oh right, no lines in the bathhouse! Hope you don't mind if I join you?" She grabbed her own towel and bathing kit, "And hey, don't you try to steal my smile, either. But you can see it anytime you say something funny or anything really, really sweet. Calling me rock-star beautiful was a nice start, by the way."

As we set off from the tent, I said, "Deal! And you can look into my eyes for hours if you like. You know you have some pretty lovely eyes yourself. Maybe tonight we'll stay up half the night trying to hypnotize each other."

"So if you hypnotize me, what are you going to make me do?" she asked idly as we stripped in the bathhouse and hung our clothes on pegs.

"Oh," I said whimsically, "I guess I'll have you strip and perform the dance of the seven veils."

She gave me that lovely smile, "Then I guess I'll have to hypnotize you into seeing veils, because - and I know you'll never believe this - but I left all my veils at home!"

We chuckled and turned on two showers. There were eight showers but we just took the two on the end, and I couldn't help thinking that Amber was a friendly lady. After all she could have chosen a shower farther away from mine. She also had some very pretty breasts, somewhat smaller than mine but firm and up-thrust with large and very light tan nipples and aureoles, in fact they were much lighter than her surrounding skin which was evenly freckled. Which indicated, I guess, that she either sunbathed in the nude, or that the freckles were there anyway whether she got in the sun or not. She didn't have any trace of bikini marks and the skin between the freckles was very fair. I finally had to ask, "So Amber no bikini marks?"

"Nope," she said, holding her face under the water, "I almost never go out in the sun. I'm a cave dweller." She glanced at me, "So where do you wear a bikini?"

"When I garden in the backyard." I answered. As I turned toward her, I caught her looking at my flaming orange bush pretty intensely.

She blushed and said, "Sorry, to stare, its just that your pubic hair has such a pretty color."

I sighed and put my hands on my hips and looked her over quite obviously, "Great! So that's one more thing I have to let you look at anytime you want, what have you got?"

She spread her arms standing naked in front of me and grinned, "Sorry, I got nothing." She had those lovely breasts, sexy dimpled hips, a dark delta that looked inviting and mysterious, and those extremely sexy calves. And that's not counting her sexy belly button and her nicely rounded, thick, freckled thighs that tapered to her pretty knees.

I was pretending to count, and after I reached fifteen I said, "Ha, nothing you say! You have too many lovely parts that are nice to look at; I'm going to have to give up. Guess we'll have to keep our clothes on and keep it to the eyes. I really do like it that you find my pubic hair pretty, though. I think yours is lovely too. It looked soft instead of crinkly when it was dry." She turned a little pink at that and shut off her water and put her towel around her. I did the same. And as we walked back to the bench to dress, I asked, "Not even one veil? You're not very prepared!"