Neuro Submission Transmitter Ch. 03


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"Well, you know, one thing led to another." She says, running her fingers through my hair as I suck on her hard, thick nipple. "Consoling turned to passion and I was over there nearly everyday while Frank was at work and Nicole was at school." She says, as I switch to her other tit and run my hand across her stomach. She scoots down on the couch a little, spreading her legs as my hand reaches her thick patch of black hair.

"Mmmmm." She says, as I nibble on her tit and comb my fingers through her curly, pubic hair. "This was all before Harry had developed the transmitter. Harry was a marvelous lover and always wanted to try new things." She says, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "He told me all about his work and what he thought the transmitter could do. I naturally, volunteered to be his first subject."

"And you didn't know about anyone else?" I ask, disbelievingly, as I very lightly touch the edges of her pussy lips, barely parting them with my finger.

"Ohhhhh!" She gasps, spreading her legs wider, before she answers. "I really didn't Nick. That son of a bitch, if I had known what he was doing with Nicole, I'd have probably cut off his balls! I actually fantasized about leaving Frank and us becoming a decent family; Harry, Nicole and I. What a laugh!" She sits up, her anger having spoiled the mood.

"I'm sorry." I tell her, honestly. "I should have kept to more erotic topics."

"It's okay." She says, standing up and dropping her robe to the floor. "I understand why you had to ask and besides, you can refresh my mood instantly with the transmitter." She smiles, straddling me on the couch and pressing her lips to mine. "You are going to keep your promise, aren't you, Nick?"

"Thunderous and explosive." I say, cupping my hands around her firm, round ass cheeks and slipping my tongue into her mouth. Sitting on my thighs, her wet pussy is rubbing against my soft cock, while her tits are pressed firmly against my chest. Her thick, hard nipples feel incredible rubbing against my skin as she rocks back and forth

"Are you ready?" I ask, breaking the kiss and reaching for the transmitter.

"Yes." She says, moving off of me. "Let's go into the bedroom, Nick." She says, pulling me to my feet. "Do you mind if I video tape what happens while you have the transmitter on?" She asks.

"Don't you trust me?" I ask, smiling.

"It's not just that, but the thought had crossed my mind." She laughs. "But I also want to see how you use it." She says, as we enter her room. A digital camcorder is sitting on a tripod, in the corner.

"You make movies often?" I ask, teasingly.

"I set this up just for us." She snaps before realizing that I'm teasing her. "Sorry, I'm just so nervous about doing this again... and excited, of course."

"Maggie." I say, turning her towards me, our naked bodies only inches apart. "It's possible that you knew more or did more than you are allowed to remember." I say, my eyes searching hers for understanding. "I've found, using the transmitter with Nicole and mom, that they remember things they were told not to remember. I want to ask you some questions while we're doing this, okay?"

"Okay." She says, putting her hands on my hips and resting her head against my shoulder. "I'm not sure I want to know it all, Nick." She says, as I pull her into a full embrace, my cock responding to her naked flesh pressing into mine.

"I know." I say, gently rubbing her back, while my hard cock tries to create more room for itself between our bodies. "Whatever happened, you couldn't have done anything about it." I reassure her. "And don't forget thunderous and explosive is waiting for you on the other side." I laugh.

"How could I forget that?" She says, moving back to give my cock more room to expand. "It's been a long time!" She says, emphatically. "Let's get started, shall we?" She enthuses, climbing onto the bed, while I put the ear buds in my ears and tune in her frequency.

"Maggie." I say, pressing the button on the transmitter.

"Yes." She says in that irksome, monotone voice produced by the transmitter.

"Please answer all my questions in your regular voice with normal voice intonations, okay?" I ask her knowing that everything I say will be okay, because she's submissive right now.

"Okay, Nick." She says, cheerily.

"Let's start by you telling me everything Harry told you not to remember." I know this is broad, but I figure I can narrow down the questioning as we go.

"Well, he told me not to remember the suggestions he gave me about orgasms." She says, and then, after some thought she continues. "And he told me that I will believe Nicole was going to his house everyday to do homework and would not be suspicious." She stops and thinks for a while. "He told me not to remember a bunch of questions he asked me."

"What kind of questions?" I ask, lying on the bed next to Maggie, taking the opportunity to check out her body, while she's oblivious to my scrutinizing gaze. Lying on her back, her massive tits pull to the side, causing her thick nipples and surrounding areolas to point in the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock positions on her right and left breast, respectively.

"Questions like, 'Have I ever cheated on Frank? Have I ever had sex with a woman? Do I masturbate? What are my wildest fantasies? Would I ever do a threesome with Nicole?' Questions like that." She says, as I brush her bushy hair away from her pussy lips, to get a better look.

"Bend your knees and spread your legs, Maggie." I say, as I continue my inspection of her body. "What are the answers to those questions, Maggie?" I ask her, while positioning myself between her legs.

"I never cheated on Frank, except with Harry. I never had sex with a woman, although it sounds intriguing, I used to masturbate a lot, before Harry and I got together, but I don't now. My wildest fantasy is to be fucked by a well-hung black guy. And I think a threesome with Nicole would be a sick, perverted thing to do." She says, surprising me only with the fantasy. My thoughts turn immediately to Carl, Carolyn's husband and his huge, black cock.

"Let's go back to his suggestions about orgasms, Maggie." I say, as I peer into her slippery pussy, which I'm holding open with my fingers. "What suggestions did Harry give you?"

"Harry said that sex would be less and less satisfying with Frank, while it would become progressively more fulfilling with him. Eventually, my only orgasms would be when I had sex with him and they would get progressively more intense every time we fucked. He also told me that I would never have an orgasm while I was fucking him in the ass. I would only have them when he ate my pussy or fucked me in my pussy or my ass." Wow! Uncle Harry really was a bastard. I wonder if this means Maggie hasn't had an orgasm since he died.

"Maggie, have you had an orgasm since Harry died?" I ask her.

"No." She says, quietly. That explains her behavior and why she's so intent on me using the transmitter on her. As I run my fingers through her unruly, thick pubic hair, I imagine what an impassioned lover she must have been for Uncle Harry, with her orgasms increasing in intensity every time they fucked. That's a great suggestion; I'm going to have to remember it.

"Maggie." I say, changing the direction of our questioning. "What was your reaction when I told you I'm fucking my mother and my sister?" She takes a little time before answering.

"I think incest is sick and perverted." She says, thoughtfully. "But the way you explained it made it seem so erotic, that it made me wet."

"Does it affect your answer about a threesome with Nicole?" I ask, not really interested in doing one, just wanting to know her answer.

"No." She says, abruptly. "That doesn't interest me at all."

"How about a threesome with me and my mom?" I ask, remembering that I haven't asked her about the dressing room incident.

"That might be interesting." She says, slowly. "Although I think my first time with a woman should be just the two of us." She answers, more confidently.

"Does my mom interest you in that way?" I ask, imagining her pumping her strap-on into my mom's hot pussy.

"More than any woman I've met, your mom exudes a sexual energy that I think would be contagious in a situation like that." She says. "But I could never initiate that." Interesting. Mom would, of course, have no trouble at all initiating sex with a woman.

I decide to stop the transmitter session, and discuss what I've learned with Maggie, before I give her any post transmission suggestions. My exploration of her body has gotten my cock rock hard, and I'd like nothing better than to give her an explosive orgasm, but I think she needs to know about the suggestion that Uncle Harry gave her about Frank first. I turn off the transmitter.

"Did you do it?" She asks, looking at her watch. "Oh, wow! You did." She says, surprised by how much time has passed. Jumping off the bed, she grabs the video camera and, still completely naked, heads into the living room. "Let's watch it!" She calls back over her shoulder.

"Let's talk first, Maggie." I say, watching her hook the camera to the TV, as I enter the living room.

"Why?" She asks, turning to me. "What's wrong?" She asks, panic creeping into her voice. "I knew about Nicole, didn't I? We did stuff together, didn't we? Oh God! What kind of perverted mother am I?" She cries, burying her head in her hands, leaving wires dangling from the video camera.

"No! Maggie! Look at me!" I say, pulling her hands away from her face and lifting her chin. "Nothing like that!" I tell her. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just want to talk about some of the questions I asked you while you were under."

"Really?" she asks sheepishly. "I guess I feel a little more guilt from my relationship with Harry than I thought." She says, trying to smile as she wipes away the tears. "Look at me! Standing here, bare ass naked in my living room with my daughter's ex-boyfriend..." She runs out of steam, before continuing and I enfold her in a comforting embrace.

"Maggie." I say, kissing the top of her head. "You're a wonderful mother, who held her family together, while surviving an abusive relationship. You have every right to satisfy your sexual urges and I think after you see the tape, you'll realize how little of it you could control."

"Okay." She says, as she resumes connecting video cables. "I thought I'd wake up to raw sex and an explosive orgasm." She says, sniffling. "You promised!" She says and I can't tell if she's seriously accusing me or just trying to shift gears.

"I'll keep my promise." I say, sincerely. "But I think there are a couple of things you need to know first. You might change your mind."

"I doubt it." She says, emphatically. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for it."

"Maggie, on the video, you'll also see me checking out your naked body. I hope you're not offended. I forgot you were videoing us." I add, just before she starts the video.

"Hopefully, I'll be flattered." She says, hitting the play button and sitting down on the couch, staring intently at the TV. I sit beside and we watch the three-minute video in silence. When it's over, I wait for her to speak first.

"Did you see everything you wanted to?" She asks, smiling at my hard cock. Watching myself explore her body was even more erotic than doing it the first time.

"Pretty much." I say. "I love your body." I assure her. "Your tits are amazing, I love your thick nipples and I've never seen so much pubic hair." I tell her.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I should trim it." She says, looking down at her unruly, black curls. "Harry liked it like this." She says, quietly. "Maybe that's reason enough to cut it. Is your mom's trimmed?" She asks.

"It was trimmed into a neat triangle." I answer, knowing that we're purposely avoiding the main content of the video. "But my sister waxes it for her now and it's completely hairless."

"Really?" She says, sitting up. "Now, I really do want to see it." She says. "You were concerned about how Harry set me up to have pleasure only with him, weren't you?" She asks.

"Yeah." I answer. "I thought you'd want to know that and why sex with Frank was so unsatisfying before we took this any farther." I tell her.

"You're a good kid, Nick!" She says, wrapping her hand around my still rigid cock. "Maybe too good for me, because I still want you to give me a thunderous and explosive fuck!" She says, absently stroking her hand up and down my cock.

"Hey, a promise is a promise." I say. "I just wanted you to know, and help me figure out the right post transmission suggestion to give you." I tell her, leaning back so she has better access to my cock. "I mean, I could undo Harry's suggestion and suggest that all your orgasms are thunderous and explosive. Who knows, maybe if I just undo Harry's suggestion, you'll have thunderous and explosive orgasms all the time."

"Just get me one, right now." She says, pulling me up by my hand and leading me into the bedroom. "You heard me on the video... six fucking months, Nick! No orgasm for half a fucking year!" She laughs, not because it's funny, but because she knows the draught is about to end.

In the bedroom, Maggie lies down on the bed, while I put the ear buds in my ears and push the button.

"Maggie." I begin. "You will have completely normal, natural reaction to all sexual stimulation, regardless of the source. You will achieve orgasms just as natural as you did before you ever met Harry. Just for tonight, you will react naturally and normally to my oral stimulation of your pussy including achieving orgasm. When I'm fucking you, you will achieve the most thunderous and explosive orgasm you have ever experienced." I'm about ready to turn off the transmitter, when I remember one more thing. "You will also be receptive if my mom makes any sexual advances." I turn off the transmitter and lay it on the dresser.

"I don't feel any different." Maggie says, smiling at me as I crawl up between her legs.

"You will." I promise. Beginning with the inside of her ankle, I begin planting kisses up the inside of her leg. I move my lips slowly, using my hands to gently caress her flesh around where I'm kissing. When I get to her knee, I shift to the other leg, starting back at the ankle.

"I'm getting a little anxious up here, Nick." Maggie says. "I'm already wet, I don't need a lot of foreplay."

"You've waited six months, Maggie." I tell her, continuing to kiss the inside of her knee. "Relax and enjoy the attention. I promise it'll be worth it." I answer, as I start to kiss and lick the inside of her left thigh. When I get almost to the top of her thigh, I again switch to the other leg and start over on the inside of her knee.

"Mmmmmm. Yeah." Maggie sighs, as my lips get close to the top of her thigh. As I lick the crevice between her leg and her torso, I comb my hand through her long, curly pubic hair, caressing her mound. Finally, I lightly touch the edge of her pussy lips with my tongue. She is moist and I savor my first taste of her juices, as I run my tongue along the outside of her labia.

"Okay!" Maggie sighs. "Now we're getting somewhere." Licking all around her pussy, while still caressing her hairy mound, I finally suck one of her pussy lips into my mouth. Breathing through my nose, as I suck on her pussy, her sexual aroma intoxicates me, and my cock reacts accordingly.

"Ohhhhhh!" Maggie moans, spreading her legs wider and trying to get my tongue into her gaping hole. After sucking her other lip into my mouth and nibbling it for a few minutes, I spread my tongue as wide as possible and lick from the bottom of her pussy lips to the top, flattening her lips open as I go.

"Fuck yes!" Maggie cries, as I stiffen my tongue and plunge it into her slippery hole. Her hips push off the bed, sucking more of my tongue into her enflamed pussy. I tongue fuck her as long as I can, and then replace my tongue with two fingers, as I move my mouth up to her clit.

"Oh my God!" Maggie screams, as I wrap my mouth around her clit and lightly flick my tongue against it. Still massaging the inside of her pussy with my fingers, I turn my hand palm upward and stroke the inside of her pussy walls with my fingers. Sucking her clit and massaging her inner pussy walls, has her thrashing around on the bed, bucking her pussy against my mouth and my fingers.

I keep at it until her body stiffens and she thrusts up one last time, clamping her legs tightly around my head.

"Oh Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Maggie yells, over and over as her orgasm jerks her body wildly around on the bed. Her legs loosen their grip on my head and I remove my fingers, while I lap up Maggie's sweet juice. It's as thick as cream and I could eat it all night, never tiring of the taste or the aroma.

Maggie has collapsed back on the bed; her legs relaxed and splayed open, giving me unimpaired access to her steamy pussy. I continue to lap up her thick cream, licking her ass cheeks where her juice is running down. I lick all around her soggy pussy, before coming back to her sensitive lips. Brushing my tongue lightly across them, I pull a few stray hairs from my mouth, as I await her reaction. She opens her legs wider and bends her knees, welcoming my tongue back in for a second helping. I don't disappoint her, eating her saturated pussy, sucking her clit and finger fucking her through another powerful orgasm.

"Oh! Oh! God!" Maggie pants. "Oh! Oh! Fuck! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She screams, as she pulls my face more tightly against her pussy and squeezes her legs around my head. Her body is clenched in a spasmodic fit, as her second orgasm of the night, hell, of the fucking year, assaults her senses and she gushes her sweet juice all over my face.

This time when she relaxes her legs, I only lap at her delicious nectar for a minute or two before kissing my way up her body. I stop at her breasts, licking around the sides, sucking her nipples into my mouth, while I maneuver my cock into position. When my kisses reach her neck, my cock is poised at the entrance to her pleasure center. Raising myself up, I lock eyes with her, watching her reaction, as I glide my shaft inside her slick, velvety chasm.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" Maggie moans, as my hard cock easily penetrates her slippery pussy.

Holy fuck! Her pussy is on fire, and it engulfs my throbbing cock, as I plunge deeper into her sizzling tunnel. When I bottom out, with my balls slapping her ass cheeks and my pelvic bone crushing her clit, I close my eyes and lower my mouth to hers. Without preamble, we start moving as one, grinding and pumping, pistoning in and out. My steel rod crushes her velvety walls, displacing her frothy cream and forcing it around my shaft, lubricating its next descent. The friction builds against her slick, hot pussy walls, as she arches her back and grinds her clit against my pelvic bone. Faster and faster, I keep pounding. Her nails dig into my ass cheeks, urging me to pummel her harder, and break through the intangible barrier that holds back her release.

"Oh fuck, Nick!" Maggie yells. "I'm getting... so fucking... close! You feel... so goddamn... good!" Her breath is coming in gasps, as her hips buck wildly off the bed. She's clawing at my ass and my lower back, pulling her shoulders up off the bed, as she starts to jerk and spasm uncontrollably.

"Aarrrrrrrrrghh!" Maggie bellows, as she clenches her pussy muscles around my hard cock and sinks her teeth into my shoulder. Shaking and quivering, she rides out the explosive orgasm, taking me along with her, as I shoot my heavy load deep within her pulsating pussy. She continues to quiver through the aftershocks of her orgasm, as we gasp for breath and our sweat soaked chests heave against each other. Finally, our bodies are motionless, depleted for the moment, but still connected, with the promise of more to come.