New Boss

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She wanted a baby.
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I've gone from being a big wheel in a small company to being a much smaller wheel in a big, foreign owned conglomerate. The transition hasn't been easy for me. Especially since my new boss is quite a bit younger than I am. It's especially annoying that he's nice and I like him. The new parent company is French and they shipped him over from Paris. So not only is he young, good looking and smart, but he has this disgusting accent. He even pronounces my name like Jacque. My name is Jack. Every girl/woman in the office is in love with him. It's just disgusting, that's what it is.


"Can I get you something to drink? All I have cold is beer, but if you'd like wine I have a nice merlot," I asked Henri, my new boss.

"A beer sounds wonderful Jacque."

We'd come over to my house to pick up the paperwork in my briefcase that I'd forgotten at home. He needed it for an early morning meeting. Fortunately he wasn't upset with me since I hadn't known that he would need it.

It was a hot day and I wasn't sure where my wife, Janice, was. When we came in the front door, I'd called her name and gotten no response.

Henri gratefully took the beer. "Sorry I missed your wife. I've seen the picture you have of her in your office. You are a very lucky man."

I smiled at the thought of that picture. My wife is almost fifteen years younger than I am and besides being pretty; she has a body to kill for. "I'm not sure I want you to meet her," I joked.

I already told you that Henri was younger than I and better looking to boot. I'm really jealous of all of the attention he gets from the women at the office. Even the married ones make comments about him in front of me. I have to admit that it's understandable. He has those boyish good looks that make woman wanted to mother him; in a carnal way I was sure. They swoon over his black, wavy hair and those dimples when he smiles; Jesus, no one should be that handsome.

He looked at me quizzically. "Just joking," I said. "Let me go get the file from my briefcase. I'll be right back."

"No problem Jacque, take your time."

I left Henri in the living room and went back to my office to get the file. Unfortunately it wasn't in my briefcase as I expected. My desk was a mess and it took me several minutes to find the file.

I returned to the living room, but saw Henri standing by the window in the dining room looking out at our backyard while he drank his beer. "Here's the file," I said. When he turned and looked at me I thought he looked startled.

As I walked toward him he looked out the window one more time and then turned toward me looking flustered. "Jacque I'm sorry." He looked out the window. "I guess that's your wife out by the pool. I did not mean to stare at her."

I looked out the window and felt my face getting red. Yes, it was my wife. She was lying on her stomach on the lounger, stark naked. Her cute, round little buttocks glistened with suntan lotion. Her head was away from us and she had her legs spread immodestly with her toes pointed toward the house. I could just make out her dark pubic hair showing under the crack of her cute ass. Her jet black hair made her skin look even whiter and with her complexion, I've often told her that she shouldn't lie out in the sun, but she does it anyhow.

I looked back at Henri and saw that he was looking at her again. I thought that the proper thing for him to do would be to go back into the living room, but I'm not sure that I wouldn't have done the same thing in his shoes.

"Uh, I'd better let her know that we have company," I said. I was sort of half embarrassed and half proud of my lovely wife. I walked over to the slider; noticing that Henri stayed by the window; watching Janice.

I opened the slider and leaned out. Janice heard the slider and lifted up on her elbows and looked at me. Before I could say a word, she got up facing me and said, "Hi Jack, why don't you come out and join me?" She stood there, seeing no reason to cover her pert little breasts; or for that matter, anything.

"Uh Hon, we have company. My boss is here."

"Your boss, your boss is here?"

"Uh yeah."

She turned around and looked down at the chaise lounge. "Do you see my robe?" She sounded a little rattled.

"Uh no."

She turned back to me and put one hand over a breast while she looked at the house. I glanced at the dining room window and saw Henri still standing there, taking in the view.

I'm sure that Janice saw him and wasn't sure what to do, but after a moments indecision she splayed her hand in front of her pubis and sort of half ran toward me causing the breast she wasn't holding to bounce seductively. Going right by me, she turned and ran down the hall to our bedroom.

I turned and looked at Henri. He took a sip of beer while he watched her naked derriere disappear down the hall.

"Uh sorry Henri."

"You do not have to apologize to me. I guess that I should apologize to you. But your wife is so beautiful I could not take my eyes off of her."

"Uh thanks," I said lamely. I shrugged; what happened, happened. I noticed that his beer was empty. "Can I get you another beer?"

"No, I should get going."

But then, the bedroom door opened and Janice emerged. She'd thrown on a tank top and shorts. Since I could see her nipples poking the fabric I assumed that she hadn't put on any underwear.

"I'm so sorry. You must be Mr. Armaund," she said advancing on my boss with her hand out.

Please call me Henri," he said, pronouncing it with a silent h. As he smiled the dimples on his cheeks looked boyishly handsome. "I am sorry; I did not mean to intrude."

He took her hand, bent his head and lightly brushed his lips against the back. Enchanté Mrs. Regan."

"It's Janice, she said blushing. "Jack didn't tell me he was bringing home guests." She turned, clearly flustered and said, "Here, let me get you another beer," and without waiting for a reply, went into the kitchen.

I smiled at Henri; unsure how to handle the situation. We heard the refrigerator open, bottles clinking, followed by three pops. Seconds later she returned with three beers and handed one to each of us.

"Why don't we go out and sit by the pool," she suggested.

Janice led the way. I motioned Henri through the slider and closed it after we'd exited. When I turned back I saw Henri holding a lawn chair for her to sit on. It looked like he looked down her tank top as she sat. Men can't get enough, I thought. As he sat, I walked by her and couldn't resist looking down her top also. It was billowed out from her chest and I had a perfect view of a breast and a hard nipple.

Henri was charming and now seemed in no hurry to leave as we chatted about the weather, or whatever.

"You have a beautiful home Mrs. Regan."

"Thank you," she replied. "But please call me Janice."

"Janice, that is a beautiful name," he replied; rewarding her with his dimpled smile. She smiled back, clearly pleased with the compliment.

We sat there and drank beer. Once I went in and filled a bucket with ice and beer and we were working our way through it. I was actually enjoying myself, despite what I took to be Henri's occasional flirtatious remark to my wife. He IS married, but that wasn't stopping him. It was probably the Frenchman in him. Janice was soaking it all up, high on the attention.

"You know it's really hot out here tonight," I exclaimed. "Maybe we should go inside."

"Or we could just jump in the pool," said Janice. I suddenly realized that she was obviously drunk.

"I don't have a suit," said Henri.

"You could borrow one of Jack's," she said, but then she looked at me and we realized that wouldn't work. I have a couple of extra inches around the waist compared with Henri.

"Hell, you've already seen me naked and the French aren't so uptight about nudity are they Henri?" she stated.

"No, not so," he replied.

Without waiting for us to comment, she stood and pulled her tank top over her head giving us a delicious glimpse of her chest. Then she turned toward the pool, bent over and stepped out of her shorts to uncover her cute little butt.

"Jesus Janice," I said, sort of laughing as she dove into the pool. I looked over at Henri.

He watched her swim away, her nakedness just visible under the water. "Will it bother you Jacque?"

What could I say? "Uh, no," I stammered.

He turned and watched Janice swimming to the other end of the pool while he pulled off his clothes then dove in. He wasn't a very good swimmer, mostly splashing; but Janice glided through the water.

I could either join them or be left out. I watched Janice laugh and splash water in his face before diving away from him. This could easily get out of hand and I only saw one solution. I took off my clothes and dove into the pool.

Henri couldn't catch Janice; however hard he tried and he was getting winded, trying.

After about ten minutes, Janice climbed out of the pool laughing. Both Henri and I swam to the end of the pool, ready to climb out. Janice bent over to pick up her clothes, giving Henri, who was closest, another great view of her ass. She ran into the house.

Treading water, Henri turned to me. "Your wife is an excellent swimmer is she not?"

I swam up next to him. "Yes she is. She swims every day."

Janice came out of the house with three towels. She was wrapped in a fluffy white terrycloth robe. Henri swam to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. His cock was sticking straight up. He seemed nonplused by his nudity or his obvious erection.

"Now I see why you couldn't catch me," she giggled. "It looks like your rudder slowed you down." She handed a towel to Henri, grinning at him. I climbed out of the pool as well. My cock hung limp. When she handed me a towel she said, "You don't seem to have enjoyed your swim as much as Henri did, dear." I smiled and shook my head as I began drying off.

Janice toweled her hair and asked Henri, "I don't have anything fancy, but you're welcome to stay for dinner."

Henri took his eyes off of her for a minute and looked at the sun; which was getting lower on the horizon. "I would love to, but I have to get home to my family."

"Oh, do you have children?" she asked.

"Yes, two girls."

"You're very lucky. We've been trying for a year."

"Oh that is too bad." He turned to me grinning. "I guess that you just have to keep trying huh Jacque?"

"Uh well, the doctor says I have a low sperm count." I don't know why I had to tell him that.

"We've been thinking about going to a clinic and using donated sperm," said my wife. "I just feel uncomfortable getting sperm from some stranger, you know?"

"I imagine," he replied. He began pulling on his clothes. His erection had almost subsided, but I noticed that Janice glanced down at his groin anyway. "Well I had better get going. Thank you so much for the beer and the swim."

"We'll have to give you a rain check," I said as I pulled on my clothes. "Maybe your wife and kids would enjoy using the pool?"

"Uh well, maybe. Uh Jacque, I would appreciate it if you would not mention this afternoon to anyone at work or, well, to anyone."

"Don't worry about that."

We escorted him to the front door and he kissed Janice on the cheek before departing. After I closed the door, Janice said, "I think he would have liked to stick his rudder in me."

"Gee," I said mockingly, "what made you think that?"

"Oh I don't know. I sure seemed to have his attention."

"That seemed pretty obvious."

"Are you angry with me?"

"No, but I was a little surprised when you stripped. You were only teasing him right?"

"Gee, I don't know. Should I have let him catch me?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

I smiled and then laughed, shaking my head.

"You never told me that he was so handsome," she teased me. "I'll bet the all of the women at the office swoon every time he walks by."

"Yes they do and it's disgusting," I smiled.

"Come on my handsome husband; let's go get dinner." She walked up and kissed me.

"Hmmm, I feel my rudder stiffening," I said reaching for her.

She danced away out of my reach. "We'll see after dinner," she laughed.


After dinner, Janice acted like she'd forgotten about the promise of sex. I was really disappointed when she went to her computer to check her e-mails. She typed away busily, ignoring me. So I reacted like a normal male; I got drunk.

That night I climbed into bed next to my wife. She kissed me goodnight and I lay there thinking about her having sex with Henri; no kissing or anything, just sex. I felt my cock getting hard thinking about it so I turned on my side so Janice wouldn't notice. I felt kind of guilty thinking about her having sex with another man, but that didn't keep me from getting hard.

Then she turned onto her side and cuddled up to my back. Both of us slept naked and I could feel her breasts pressing against my back. She kissed my back and brought her hand around to my groin. She discovered my erection and squeezed it. "Would you like to stick your rudder in me?" She stroked my cock.

I quickly forgot my earlier feelings and rolled over to kiss her. She rolled onto her back while we kissed. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," she replied.

I leaned my head down and kissed her left breast and sucked her nipple between my lips. She put her hand on the back of my head and said, "Mmmmm."

I moved down, kissing her flat stomach as I went. I moved my tongue around her belly button and into its recess. Her skin smelled like chlorine from the pool.

"You should have shaved," she commented.

"Do you want me to?" I asked, lifting my head.

"Not now. Keep going."

I did. I slid farther down until I was lying between her legs and I buried my face in her short black pubic hair. I loved the feel of it on my face. Her pubic hair was soft like a baby's. I reached up with my right hand and spread her labia. Before I began licking I stared for a moment at her pink insides; so soft, so inviting. I kissed her and then began licking. She always got wet quickly and I quickly licked away the taste of chorine and began tasting her.

She arched her buttocks and I slid my left hand under her and grasped one. Then while I continued to lick I moved a finger to her anus and pushed gently against the opening. She gave out a deep sexual moan. I love eating her out. While I continued I pressed my hard cock up against her leg and she pressed against it.

When I sucked her clitoris between my lips she groaned and pushed down on my head with her hand. "Oh yes," she moaned. I slid the tip of my finger into her anus and she pressed down harder on my head.

I kept sucking her clitoris in and out of my mouth and was rewarded with her almost screaming. "Oh yes, oh God, oh, oh Jack oooooohhhhhh!" And then she did scream, "OOOHHHH!" Pressing her groin into my face, I slid my finger farther up her butt to my knuckle. Her body jumped several times while she came against my face; her sphincter muscles tightening and loosening on my finger.

When she'd finished I lifted my wet face and looked up at her. Her eyes were closed tight and her lips were parted. What a beautiful woman, I thought.

I crawled up her body and my hard pole slid easily into her wet pussy. We kissed while my hips lifted and lowered as I moved in and out of her. We continued in the missionary position for about five minutes and then she indicated that she wanted to get on top.

I held her ass and we rolled over without me slipping out. Janice slid her legs up until they were astride my hips and she began riding me.

This was my favorite position. Not only did it feel great, but I could look up at her pert breasts and oval face. Occasionally I would lift my head and kiss a breast and let my lips surround the areola before closing them on a hard nipple. Occasionally she would lean her head down and kiss me on the lips, all the while raising and lowering her hips on my cock. It felt fantastic.

I reached back and grasped her buttocks and she bounced up and down. I could hardly think straight; my breathing came in gasps. Again I slid my finger tip into her anus and felt the smooth walls grip me.

She rode me for ten minutes and I felt like I was going to explode. And then I did. I felt the cum explode out of my balls, up through my cock and into her pussy. "Oh GOD!" I groaned. I raised my hips as successive waves hit me until I was drained.

She let me rest for a minute and then began riding my cock again for her pleasure. The friction was so intense that it almost hurt, but when she closed her eyes and leaned her head back I slid my finger into her anus to heighten her pleasure.

I was mesmerized watching her breasts bouncing above me, but it didn't take long and she had a second wave of orgasms. Again I reveled in the feeling of her sphincters tightening around my finger and then when they relaxed I knew that she was finished.

She let out a heavy sigh and leaned her head forward until her black hair brushed against my face. "God I love you," I said, still breathing hard. She smiled and lowered her body onto mine, all the while keeping me inside of her. We went to sleep like that.


The next day at work, Paul, the new company president also from France, knocked on my office door. "Jacque do you have a minute?"

"Of course Jean Paul. Please come in."

"I just wanted you to know that our meeting went very well."

"Glad to hear it."

"Henri told me that your data gave him everything that he needed to convince the Centaur of our position. I just wanted you to know that he speaks very highly of you."

"Thank you Jean Paul, I appreciate it." Then he put his hand on my shoulder and shook my hand, gratefully, I felt myself almost blushing.

Later I stopped by Henri's office and thanked him for the good word. "No problem Jacque." We talked for several minutes about the meeting with Centaur. The topic of his visit to my house never came up.


That evening, Janice asked me how my day went.

"Great," I said.

"Did you talk to your boss?"

"Yes. He actually went out of his way to compliment me to Paul."

"Really? He seems like a really nice man." She paused for a while and began dishing our dinner onto plates. "I've been thinking again about having a baby."

I stopped setting the table and turned to her. "Well you know what the options are." I hated these conversations. Janice felt her biological clock ticking and there wasn't much I could do to fix it. I walked over to her and put my around her and she leaned her head against my chest and sobbed. "Don't cry hon. Maybe when I get my next bonus we can afford going back to the fertility clinic."

She sobbed again. "Listen, why don't you meet me for lunch tomorrow? Get dressed and come downtown and we'll have a nice lunch."

********** My phone rang. "Mr. Regan your wife is here."

"Thank you Kim. Please tell her that I'll be right out."

Nearing the reception area I heard Henri's melodious voice and I rounded the corner just in time to see Janice laughing at what he was saying. Every single male that walked by looked at Janice; their eyes moving from her face down to her legs. She did look stunning. She had on a short blue dress that came to mid-thigh, sheer black nylons that accentuated her athletic legs and open toed high heels. She'd gone to the hairdresser and as I got close I noticed that her toenails had little flowers painted on them.

They both turned and looked at me, smiling. "Hello dear." I walked up and kissed my wife lightly on the lips. "Mmmm, you smell good."

She smiled. "Henry was just telling me a story about his girls."

"Well, I'd better let you two get to lunch," he said.

"Why don't you come with us?" Janice asked.

"Oh no, I couldn't intrude."

Hoping that he would still refuse I added, "No come on. You can tell us all about your family."