New Business, Old Business Ch. 01


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"Did you ever think of telling me the truth?"

"Yes, of course I did, but by then it was all out of control. Billy, you have to believe me, I never wanted or enjoyed one second of it. At first I felt sorry for him then I realized I had gone too far. I didn't see the way out."

"I only have a few questions more, do you love him?"

"No, I have never loved him."

"Do you want to see him again?"

"No, hell no!"

"Would you like to go stay with him for a week or two to see if you might not rather be with him?"

"NO! NEVER! You can't make me do that. I can't do that. Please don't say that, you are making me sick."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want and need your sweet love, I can't live without it. I just don't want to live if I can't be your loving wife. There is not any other thing I want from life. I want to grow old and ugly with you."

"I do not think that will happen."

"Oh! NO! Please don't do that to me?" She started sobbing and wailing. Angel ran in the door. "What happened?"

'I think she misunderstood me. She said she wanted to grow old and ugly with me, I said I thought that would never happen. I meant I thought she would never be ugly. I think she will always be beautiful."

Sandy's head jerked up. She stared at me. The blind behind her eyes was gone and I saw the love there again.

I knew she loved me but I wasn't sure I believed her story completely.

A while later Sandy and Angel left to pick up the other girls to take then all to dance class. I retrieved four voice-activated recorders from my truck and placed one in the kitchen cabinet by the phone, I put one in a desk drawer in the den by the phone there. One more went in the back of the drawer of the nightstand beside the bed that held our phone. I saved the last one to put in Sandy's car.

I checked in with Mike and he assured me my presence was not needed yet. He said he had things started and would be interviewing some people tomorrow.

Things were pretty well back to normal that night. We had a nice dinner, watched TV in the den for a while until the girls had to go get on their homework. Sandy sat next to me on the couch and snuggled up to me as we sipped an after dinner drink. She looked up at me with a very serious expression on her lovely face. "Can you ever really forgive me. I want you to believe me when I say it was never because of something about you. You have always been as perfect a husband as any girl could have. It was a defect in me. It is now corrected. I love you Billy, I really do. Please give me ten minutes to get ready and come in to bed and I'll show you how much I love you."

She left and went to our room. I walked out side and slipped the last recorder under the seat of her car. They were very small wire recorders that were capable of recording twenty hours of voice. Music and other noises were filtered out. I locked everything up and headed for bed.

I entered the bedroom and saw the bathroom door was closed. I undressed and put on a terry robe and sat on the side of the bed. The door opened and I looked up to see my wife leaning against the doorframe wearing a very sexy negligee over a tiny wisp of a bra and panties. She had on thigh high stockings and very high heels. She was stunning. I felt my erection grow rapidly.

She strutted over in front of me and let the sheer negligee slip from her shoulders and pool on the floor. She grinned, "Rip my undies right off of me, Darling. Hurry, I need you right now."

I grabbed the bra and it popped right off. A tug on the panties accomplished the same thing. I later found out the panties and bra were called 'Rippies' and were only joined together by tiny snaps and were made to be ripped off. Damned sexy!

She smiled softly at me as she stood in front of me wearing only her stockings and high heels. I reached and pulled her towards me, my hands slipping behind her to pull her forward between my legs.

I closed my lips around a succulent nipple and suckled on it until she pulled it away and fed me the other one. Later she placed a warm hand on each side of my face and raised it up so she could kiss my lips. Our mouths opened and our tongues met to play.

There seemed to be a real passion in our loving that had been missing for a while. I moved a bit and she slipped around me and lay flat on her back, her legs slightly spread. Her eyes were locked on mine. I saw a tear run from the corner of each eye as she pulled me over her.

God, I had missed this. I had to make sure it never slipped away again. I should have made sure she was happy and not taken it for granted. I was aware that it takes two to tango and that she had been getting a measure of satisfaction on some level from dear old Frank. Hopefully he was now out of the picture. I would make sure of that.

My big hands spread her legs wider and I gently blew on her pussy. Her eyes grew wider as I softly blew air along her slit. I rubbed my wet lips up and down over her slit. I paused at the top and let my tongue tip flip over her clit. She jerked and mewed; her hands pulled me harder against her pussy. I pressed my tongue between her inner lips this time, and then stopped when I could insert my tongue inside her wet love hole.

"Yah! Billy, Billy; that is so good! You have me burning up, please fuck me now. Oh! Yes, yes, yes. Love me Billy, I love you."

My cock slipped in her vagina and my pubes slammed hard against her pelvis, my balls slapping her ass. I had wanted to go with the long slow strokes but I was too hot and horny to hold back. I fucked her fast and furious, feeling the cum well up inside me and the tingling that told me I was about to erupt inside my wife. I shuddered and stiffened as spurt after spurt of semen coated the inside of her vagina with my hot sticky load. Two more slow strokes were all I could manage after that.

I slipped down beside her and pulled her up over me. I pulled her up until she was sitting over my face and the mixture of my cum and her juices were running into my mouth. My tongue and lips slurped every speck into my mouth and cleaned her pussy out. She jerked and rubbed her pussy against my face; she quivered and moaned as she climaxed over and over again.

She slid back down over my body and kissed my wet face over and over. Tears ran from her eyes as she sobbed my name time and time again.

I thought to myself, how in the world did I almost let this get away from me. I reached down and pulled the covers up over us. She moved off my body and snuggled beside me. She whispered, "My God, Billy, I love you so damned much. Please never leave me again, I really wanted to die, I really did."

"Sush, girl, I love you too. I'll always be here for you as long as you want me."

The next morning I went to the office. I walked in and started for the back office. A very large young man stepped in front of me and asked if he could help me. "I would like to see Mike Burnowski, please."

Please wait here Sir; I'll see if he is available. What is your name Sir?"

"William Thompson."

"I'm sorry Sir, please go right in, I'm sure he will want to see you."

I walked in the office. Mike was on the phone but he terminated his call when he saw me. He jumped up and shook my hand grinning from ear to ear. "Bill, good to see you. I was hopeing you would stop by today. I guess you met our first new hire. Damned good man, he was with me in the Army. I've got a couple more coming too. Now! I took the liberty of ordering a portable building delivered day after tomorrow to use as spaces for the Security Division. We won't be able to operate like this for long; we are going to need storage space and desk space real soon. OK?"

"Right. I was going to suggest that but you beat me to it. We can see how things go; I think we will need a new building soon. I had this place built with expansion in mind. We have plenty of land here."

"Bill, I have a uniform company who assures me they can deliver a distinctly different uniform for the security guards within two days of our picking out a design. Here is their catalog and I have marked my choice. Please see how you like my idea."

"Looks good to me, I don't like the flashy stuff. Khaki for summer and OD for winter is fine. Light blue tabs and trim works well with both. Very nice on the badge design too. I think I would prefer the ranger style hat over the police cap."

"Right, I couldn't make up my mind on that. I think the ranger hat is sharper."

"Bill, how close are we to signing contracts for uniformed guards, how many do we need to have trained and ready by when?"

"Mike, a rough guess is that we will need thirty men ready in the next ninety days. Can we do it?"

"Hell yes we can. Not a problem. You get the contracts; I'll have the guys ready. How about the bodyguard types?"

"Well I have verbal commitments for four of the five day a week, eight hour day type contracts. I have six of the 24/7 type contracts ready to go when we are. We need a minimum of 26 guys. These guys have to be sharp and look sharp. The pay and clothing allowance will be commensurate with the job. It may be hard to find guys like that. Do you have ant ideas about where to find them?"

"I know just were to get them if we can pay enough."

"I have only talked rough figures with the prospective clients, but these are people wanting to protect themselves from a real threat. Money is not a real problem. Results are what they are interested in. It is a business expense."

"Then I think I know where to get the guys we need. Travel will cost extra of course. I even know a couple of travel experts"

"Mike I am going to take you at your word. Run with it. I'll talk to some people and set things up so we can phase our guys in as they come on line."

"I'll start putting the word out, I want only experienced men to start with."

"Good. Listen, I will get on my horse right now and talk to a couple of guys today. By the way, what does the young guy out front do?"

Mike grinned, "Anything we want done. He does it all and is the very best. Has ten years experience as a bodyguard. He is my son."

"OK, 25 to go!"

I talked to several of my prospective clients and was assured they would be ready to go when I was, they were not pleased with the service they now had. I went on home a little early. There was a note on the kitchen table from Sandy saying she was taking the kids to their karate lessons. They would be home at five thirty or six. I checked the recorders and found nothing.

I went out and got in the truck again and drove to the Karate school. I walked in and the kids were all gathered around the instructor. I saw Sandy off to one side with some other mothers and walked over. She grinned at me and gave me a kiss. She introduced me to the other ladies and I sat down and whispered to her that I had a yearning for Chinese food and told her if it were all right I would pick it up on the way home. She said she would love it. She said she had chicken thawing out but it would hold fine till tomorrow night.

The instructor looked over and saw me. He came over and bowed four times to me, he spoke to me in Japanese and I answered in the same language. He smiled and called the students over. "Boys and girls we have the great honor of having with us today Bill Thompson San. He is one of the true great masters of the art of Karate." My girls all stared at me. I thanked every one and said I had to go. I went out and got the recorder out of Sandy's car. I drove to the Chinese restaurant and place my order. I saw there was an hour or so of recording on the recorder. I would have to play it back when I got back home to the player. I sipped a beer while I waited inside for our order. I was home before the girls and went in my little office and played it back.

There was the chatter of Sandy taking the kids to the school bus. Then I heard one side of a phone conversation that scared me to death at the start.

"Hi, Frank. I need to talk to you. No. NO way. Never again ever."

"Frank, Bill knows about us. I told him a lot of what we did."

"Frank, he walked out on me and I thought I would die. I have never been so scared in my whole life. I thought I had lost him. I knew right then that it would kill me."

"Yes I really mean that. Here I had the most wonderful man in the whole world and I cheated on him."

"Frank dear, compared to him, you ARE dog shit. I don't want to hurt you feelings but you don't compare in any way. Most certainly not as a man or as a lover. I was totally crazy. I don't understand it at all."

"No, I never want to see or hear from you again."

"Frank, I wouldn't do that if I were you. I can't stress how foolish that would be."

"Frank, this is 225 pounds of muscle and bone, lightning fast and deadly. I doubt there are ten men in this country who could take him."

"Damned right I am proud of him, he can also be the sweetest, gentlest, and tenderest lover you have ever seen.

"If you want to talk to him tell me right now and I will set it up. Kiss your wife and kids goodbye before you try it. You have two chances of survival; slim and none."

"Frank, just forget it. Find another stupid housewife, I will never be available again."

"No. Never. Goodbye. Click"

I heard the garage door opening and shut everything down. I greeted them at the kitchen door.

"Daddy, Daddy, why didn't you tell us you were a famous karate fighter? Mom said it was your job to tell us, not hers."

"Yeah Dad, why the big secret?"

I looked at Sandy; she smiled gently and took my hand. "Do you want me to tell them?" I nodded.

"Girls, your Daddy was a famous black belt, tenth dan when I met him. He was really in emotional trouble and I wanted to help him, I like to think I did. He had hit a man in a match so hard the man never recovered. People convinced him it wasn't his fault. He entered another contest several months later and the same thing happened. He just hit so damned hard no one could stand up to it. He just smashed bones or what ever he hit. He never fought again. He has fought the guilt of that all his life. He is my hero and will always be my hero."

The four of them rushed to me and hugged and kissed me. Angel said, "Daddy, I love you, I KNOW you didn't set out to hurt anyone, that is just not you."

"Thank you girls, it is just something I am not proud of. I am getting over it, with your sweet Momma's help." The girl's were hungry and scrambled around serving up the take-out food. After dinner and the kids had studied and were ready for bed Anna and April came and kissed me Goodnight. Angel came a bit later. "Daddy, I love you. April is just like you. If she hits you it hurts for a long long time. She is the youngest but she is twice as good as I am. She is scary."

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No Dad, she knows now. Just love her."

"I love all of you. You know that don't you?"

"All of us know that. Good night Daddy."

I a few moments Sandy came in and sat in my lap and kissed me for a long time. She pulled back and looked in my eyes. "Billy, I need to talk to you. I know you told me not to talk to Frank again. I just had to talk to him. I needed to have full closure. I told him I never wanted to see or hear from him again. He knows I meant it."

"Thanks for telling me that, I have moments when I wonder if I will ever trust you completely again, that helps a bunch."

She started crying and I rubbed her back. She sniffled, "I don't blame you Dear. I destroyed that trust."

"Yes, now you have the opportunity to rebuild that trust, teach me to trust you again."

"Oh! I will, I promise I will. I will never even tell you a little white lie. Never."

"Am I the best lover you ever had?"

"Hell Yes."

"There you go again."

"What, that is God's truth. Way far the best." Then she giggled, "Let me think about that for a minute. Hmmmm, there was, hummm, and, hummm, and hummmm, and then, hummmm. Yep! I was right the first time, no contest. You are the best. Wait, I forgot.............., No I was right. You win."

"Girl I sure hope you are just teasing me."

"You know I am teasing you." She looked in my eyes, scared.

"I think, in light of recent revelations, it would be best if we don't tease about that anymore for a while. OK?"

"Right Dear. Let's go to bed and run another quick test."

"Damn, you just won't quit will you?"

"Honey, if I don't laugh about it I will have to cry about my stupidity. OK?"

"OK, maybe I can find out why you drive all the men crazy."

"I do?"

"Yep, all except me."

"What? Get your ass in our bed and we will see about that."

"Ho Hum, if I don't fall asleep first."

"We WILL see about that."

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26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

So she did cheat? He should go karate Frank’s slimey ass.

justbobkcjustbobkcabout 2 months ago

5 stars from me.

But as a former Shotokan student, being an "expert" in Karate does mean always being in control of one's punches and kicks. Not hurting people in sporting contests, e.g.

Now MMA is different, if that is what he was doing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Why is there trouble in paradise when there is such a solid foundation? Boredom, curiosity, a humdrum being taken for granted? What did spouse really desire?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Looked good for once, but after reading comments don't want to ruin what was written, I think writer needs to change from loving wives to loving husbands section if he was cuck endings, not sure if anyone else has noticed but writer struggles keeping what appears to be a good story and turns it in drivel

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very well written and erotic. Good chart introduction and development

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