New Directions Ch. 02


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Ultimately the three of us became extremely horny. Our touches and kisses to one another increased and became increasingly suggestive and erotic.

When we couldn't stand it anymore, I led a parade to the bedroom where we took turns stripping the clothing off of each other. When we were naked we took turns rubbing each other with the protuberances each of us had. This, of course, made us even hornier.

Robyn and I went down on Pam and in mere seconds had her writhing and moaning as her orgasms started to wash over her. She was multi-orgasmic and, further, often ejaculated her girl juice, sometimes in copious amounts, over whoever was sucking or fucking her. This time Robyn and I took it as a challenge to see if we could elicit that kind of a response from her.

I lapped on Pam's clitoris and fondled her breasts as Robyn thrust her fist in and out of her sister. With each thrust her fingers and then her hand got deeper and deeper into Pam's pussy, until it finally disappeared completely. Robyn then turned her hand so that her knuckles rubbed against Pam's G-spot.

Pam exploded with several jets of fluid from her cunt, one cascading into the air and landing all over Robyn and me. We lapped at each other as we allowed Pam to come down from her high. Pam went into some never-never land of pleasure and just lay there, almost inert with her eyes at half mast. She was sated with the sex we'd given her.

Robyn had kept her hand in Pam's pussy but after Pam had cooled slowly withdrew it and presented it to me. I sucked and lapped at the juices that surrounded her fist, savoring the musty taste I was increasingly growing used to.

When I'd had enough I pushed Robyn onto her back and went down on her. I liked the contrasting taste of the two sisters only seconds apart. As I licked and lapped at Robyn's cunt and started to maneuver my own fingers into her, I saw Pam watching us from her elated state; now she was gently stroking her clit as I worked on her sister.

Eventually I rose and thrust my cock into Robyn. This had become a familiar home, yet when there were three of us in the bed together the act seemed completely different -- different tastes, different sensations, and different feelings and emotions. I actually felt there was more love and pleasant emotions in the room than when it was just Robyn and I alone.

Robyn started to stroke her own clit as I rammed my stick into her. She orgasmed in splendid fashion, rising off the bed as her back arched into a semi-circle then collapsing beneath me. I held my cock deep in her as she spasmed in her bliss then let her come down and kissed her deeply.

"I love you," I told her tenderly as she again opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Now, please fuck my sister."

Pam and Robyn held hands as I extracted myself from Robyn and moved to my side to sink my still hard shaft into Pam. I was gentle yet I had a goal in mind that Pam was to help me with over the next few minutes.

We started to pump and thrust into each other. Pam was as aggressive about cuming with me as I was with her. Our bodies slammed together as I rose and thrust into her from above. Now Robyn was the one watching our union with an air of sexual satisfaction and her eyes at halfmast.

Pam and I jammed into each other at a rapidly increasing pace until my body must have been only a blur atop her prone form. Her legs wrapped around my buttocks, pulling me deep into her with each thrust.

Then we came -- together. Pam again jettisoned a significant amount of her juice into where our bodies merged. I ignored it. Instead I was arched, holding myself deep within her as my seed shot from my body in squirt after squirt of my own love fluid. Our breathing stopped for a few seconds and then, as we resumed, I fell atop Pam and we rolled into Robyn's waiting arms.

The three of us stayed cuddled there together, reeking of the gorgeous and exotic smell of sex. Eventually we drifted into sleep.


About a month later, Robyn had to go to the west coast for the week and Pam was still working in Buffalo. I decided I would take the week off, take a pile of books, tapes and DVDs and do a spiritual retreat by myself at the camp in Maine. I made sure the place was going to be empty with Melissa and then as I dropped Robyn off, I headed north to the camp.

Six days later I met Robyn at the luggage carousel at Logan Airport. She barely recognized me. I had lost eight pounds and had not shaved for the week.

"Oh, my God," she exclaimed as she hugged me, "what have you done -- or not done for the week?"

"I've been fasting and studying my butt off," I stated. "I've also been running ten to fifteen miles a day on the mountain roads. I've even befriended several moose up there and I've learned a lot about myself and spiritual journeys."

"Well, Pam's flying in to be with us too. Her flight arrives at Terminal D in ten minutes so hold it and you can share it with the two of us. OK?" she asked.

I nodded as we collected her bag and headed towards the car in central parking. We dropped her bag in the car and then headed towards "D". Pam showed up twenty minutes later with just a duffle bag over her shoulder and spring in her step.

"Wow, who's the new guy," she said to her sister as she kissed her on the cheek.

"Just some scruffy guy I picked up in the other terminal," Robyn told her.

I watched the two of them with a bemused expression on my face. Finally, Pam gave me the appropriate greeting but then complained about whisker burn and said that I certainly wasn't going to get that face between her legs until I shaved. I decided at that very instant that I really didn't want to have a beard.

I took the women to dinner at the Foundation Lounge on Commonweath Avenue. We were on the late side so there was no issue with seating. Robyn had told Pam I'd had a catharsis in Maine during the week and would share my findings with them.

I ordered us all a nice bottle of Pinot Noir, figuring this was a special occasion. We sat sipping and waiting for our sushi and salads to arrive.

"OK, big guy, what did you learn or experience?" Robyn asked with great interest. Pam leaned forward too so she wouldn't miss anything.

"Well, you're overstating this and perhaps expecting too much," I started. "I sought some state of nirvana and some enlightenment, not just in this week in Maine but also with the reading and studying I've doing. Yet I do feel better and calmer about myself and the world."

"Well, what did you discover ... or think about?" Pam asked.

I started again, "Well I guess it boils down to five basic points. First, I realized that I was looking for a 'silver bullet' -- some lightning bolt of enlightenment that would make me spiritual and allow me to feel good forever. I realized there's no such thing. This spiritual journey I've been on doesn't have an end; it is only the journey. The more I put into the journey, the more I'll get out of it -- but there is no end, no nirvana, no 'silver bullet' of truth."

"What else?" Robyn implored.

"Second, I've been upset about the end of my marriage. It was a past that was haunting my present and future. Somehow, I realized that the only way I can change the past is to change what I do today. I need to consciously rise above those bad and unhappy years and start to act, now, as though they didn't happen -- that today is a fresh start and I don't need to be weighed down by my past failures or emotions. Lord knows, I'm so happy with you both but I worry myself sometimes that I'll lose you too because I'll behave the same way. Now I can stop that."

Both Robyn and Pam nodded. Pam reached over and squeezed my arm in a show of love.

"Third, I've always had a feeling I want to help others -- give to others with a sense of service. Now I realize that this is a hallmark trait I have to nurture more. Some of the reasons I've been frustrated at work is the way our client projects are structured and how we treat people. I'm more a manger of what's going on that a front-line giver or server. I need to get back on the front line. To do that I might need to start my own business, but I know now that this is what I want on the career front. I know I've said I wanted to teach and this is part of that, particularly the mentoring I can do in teaching situations."

"Fourth, I started meditating - just getting quiet, opening my mind in a non-judgmental way, and listening. There's a whole other world out there that I tapped into a few times during the week. I plan to keep that up."

"Lastly, all this stuff I've been learning is for naught unless I startdoing something with it. The real result is in the doing not the knowing. So I plan to love more, give more, help more, relate more, serve more, and study more. It's a virtuous circle. The more I do the more 'aware' I'll be and the more I'll have to give, and so forth."

"Well, take us with you on this journey," Robyn said. Pam nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't want it any other way," I said.

"Neither would we," Pam said, "and that's why the three of us are together again this weekend. We -- Robyn and I -- have something special to propose to you. It actually is a proposal."

"Huh," I said, not quite following her line of reasoning.

Robyn jumped in, "Rob, we love you more than anything in the world. You know that, I hope?"

I nodded and reached for their hands.

"We've been going pretty steady now -- the two of us for nine months and the three of us for six months. Anyway, we've talked and we want to make more of a commitment of this arrangement the three of us have."

I was nodding slowly trying to figure out where they were taking this.

"What we'd like to have happen is for the three of us to move in together -- to become a real family unit," Robyn sat back and put both her hands on the table as though she'd completely explained the situation.

Pam jumped in, "You see, I have a new job -- here, in Boston. I start in two weeks." She grinned ear to ear.

I cheered, leaned in a kissed her and then toasted her with my wine. Robyn joined me.

I asked, "But how can the three of us live together? Robyn's place is OK for one, maybe two people, but with three we'll be tripping all over each other."

"Wellllllll," Robyn started, "tomorrow at nine o'clock we're meeting a real estate agent that's going to show us much larger condos. You're renting so I figured you could chip in at least that much and Pam would chip in too, so we can get a much larger and much nicer place." She looked at me expectantly.

I held my neutral look and stared into her eyes for as long as I could before I burst into a wide smile and said, "I can't think of anything I'd like more in the world ... except for enlightenment."

We all laughed. Later than night, the three of us made tender love to one another, and the next morning we met the real estate agent on time.


Two Years Later

I lay in our giant bed with two warm and naked bodies snuggled up against me. I turned to my right and kissed Robyn's light brown hair then to my left and nuzzled a kiss in behind Pam's right ear. I let my hands extend under the covers until I could stroke both their nude hips. Both women inched closer to me.

If I weren't so spent from the night before I'd have tried to make love to the two of them again. The spirit was willing but the body was weak. Instead I had to be content with kisses and hugs until I got home at the end of the day.

"Coffee," a sleepy voice from beside me mewed. "Coffee, coffee! Pleeeeeeeeease."

I slid from the bed and padded naked into the ultra-modern kitchen of our penthouse condo. I turned on the coffee maker and then headed for the master bath.

By the time I finished shaving, showering and dressing, the two nymphs I lived with had arisen and at least made it to the kitchen. Both were seated at the counter in their very short robes, their long shapely legs wrapped around the legs of the stools.

"Come kiss us both," Robyn said, as she nursed her first cup of coffee. I dutifully came and gave deep and passionate kisses to both women. Pam looked very pleased.

"What's your schedule today?" Pam asked.

"I have a ten o'clock class and a four-thirty class. I'll be at the University all day, but I am having lunch with a potential client. She rather likes that I'm connected to the University and running my own consulting services firm. I think we'll end up doing a lot of business together; the best part is she's right up the road in southern New Hampshire so I can be home every night."

I added, "I should be home about six-thirty or seven. Whose turn is it for dinner?"

"Mine," Robyn said. "There's a new restaurant over on Newbury Street, just a little further out than Charlie's. I think they're specializing in healthy meals for the food conscious. I thought we could all try it."

"What else you guys got on today?" I asked.

"Well, we both have our four month check ups with the baby doc at one o'clock," Pam said. She parted her robe so her entire nude body was exposed and rubbed the swelling bulge of her abdomen. I reached over and stroked her belly as well then extended my stroking to her dark breasts. I kissed her.

"It's amazing how we both got pregnant at the same time," Robyn said as she parted her robe and also invited my attentions. I turned and kissed her then ran my finger up her moist slit. I licked the lovely taste and looked towards heaven. "Thank you, God," I exclaimed.

"Well, much as I wish I had the stamina and wherewithal to stay and amuse you all day, I think I'd better go and make some money so this growing family can maintain its life style. I'll see you all tonight." I grabbed my briefcase and headed out the door.

As I drove out to the suburbs where the campus was, I marveled at how everything was working out so well. Everyone's parents had been very accepting of our living arrangement then ecstatic at the thought of additional grandchildren.

Julie and Christy, my daughters, were positively amazed that their Dad was fathering a second family. Further they were what I called 'tight' with Robyn and Pam, often calling and having long 'girl talk' conversations in the evening. I know there were also long e-mails that I was occasionally privy to.

Melissa, my ex-wife, was at first impressed that I'd formed a relationship with someone so much younger then she admitted to me she was overcome that it was really two someones so much younger. A day after I shared with Julie and Christy that they would have some half-brothers or sisters, Melissa called again just to tell me that she was truly awed that I was still in the fathering business. Somehow the communication with her was therapeutic.

We'd all talked a long time about what our threesome and family would be like as well as the various problems and issues we'd face over the next couple of decades before our children were fully launched. We acknowledged we were not the only unusual living arrangement in the Boston area. Further, we decided that no problem was insurmountable given the care and love the three of us had for each other and that we'd have for the children.

Thus, a new chapter in my life is about to begin. It really is about a journey without an end.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

How self centered and shortsighted can a guy get? I guess if you are some new-aged hippie type who enjoys refinding the lost self time and again, this story would appeal to you.

I'm just surprised the protagonist didn't end up turning tranny or finding the "sister" was actually the brother and learns his softer side. You have polygamy, Incest, possible pedophelia (since the younger sister was turned while in HS) and a growing menagerie of possible abortions to be concluded. What kind of leftist bunk is this story if they don't include some of the most popular current topics like transgenderism and abortion to go along with their incest? Please note at no time during the courtship did the protagonist gain verbal agreement to any of the moves he made on the susceptible females of the story. He forced himself upon them without positive approval. This would be grounds for a rape charge in California and Connecticut.

The use of the "g" term is forbidden. Please refrain from this word and the "n" word and the "j" word along with reference to the prophetess mohamma in future posts. Why were no black people involved in this adventure? I believe the author is a white supremacist in drag.

playfulpastplayfulpastover 10 years ago
Warm and fuzzy all over

A well-written story of self-renewal and loving relationships. I really enjoy good polyamory stories. Thanks!

chaswar40redchaswar40redalmost 13 years ago
Simply Amazing!

I've enjoyed your work in the past - which probably sayes as much about me as it does about you. But you are the ONLY author that I know who could stitch-together memories of kinky sex past, sister-sister incest, fisting AND the Council of Nicaea into a plausable, on-going three-some!!!

KEEP IT UP! . . . I know that you continue to keep ME "up"!!!

zebralightzebralightalmost 14 years ago
well written and hot too

only the second of your stories i've read [Ch 1 was first] but it won't be the last. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Thank you for your stories.

My friends and i receive a lot from your stories. They are satisfying in many deminsions.

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