New Generations


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"And what did she say?"

"She wanted to know if I'd sucked your cock and if I did it because you'd asked me or because I'd wanted to."

"And what did you say to that?"

"I told her you'd never had to ask, that when the time was right, it just seemed like the thing to do and I did it because I'd wanted to, and I'd have never done it if I didn't want to." She pushed the sheet aside that had been covering us, and without saying anything else, bent down and took me in her mouth.


We'd had a great time all day long, completely naked for most of the time. Sara had never gotten nude, although the tiny bikini top and thong bottom had barely covered anything. Now she had disappeared, presumably to her room, probably not to be seen until morning. We'd all been in and out of the pool all day but with the cooler evening air we'd gradually gravitated to the warmer water of the spa. And now that Danny and Annika had left it was just the four of us. We were still in and out of the water as we either got too hot and needed to cool off or got too cool and got back in to warm up. We'd allowed the jets to lapse, just enjoying the quiet and ability to talk. I'd noticed Debs flirting with Bill, and knew the situation had changed from earlier; a sexual charge had invaded the air.

I went in to take a pee, and just as I finished, Debs came into the bathroom.

"Here you go," she said, holding out her hand.

"What's that?" I questioned, opening my palm where she placed a blue pill.

"It's play time," she grinned, "and once won't be enough tonight." Leaning in she gave me a kiss while giving my cock a quick squeeze. "You know I love you?"

"Always," I responded, kissing her in return while sliding my hand under her breast and running my thumb over her nipple.

She held up her hand showing another blue pill. "Bill's."

I went to the kitchen to get some water and heading back out to the spa I met Debs and Bill just coming in.

"We're mixing more drinks," Debs said. "You ready?"

"You bet," I answered, "I'll help carry," turning to start back to the kitchen with them.

"We've got it," she answered. "Keep Jen company in the spa."

"You sure?" I asked.

"Of course. We'll call for help if we need it."

I headed back to the spa where I found Jen floating on her back, eyes closed, her breasts and shoulders the only parts of her body out of the water. She was lying back with her head on the rim of the spa, arms outstretched onto the sides. I sat on the edge and when I put my feet in the water she opened her eyes.

"There you are," she said rolling over onto her knees facing me. She put out her hands and when I took them she urged me down into the spa, down to her level. Leaning forward, she slid her arms around me and pulling me tight, kissed me. It was a lover's kiss, a 'promise of things to come' kiss. That was all it took. My sexual thoughts, which had been suppressed all day, came boiling out. My cock began to rise, my hands stroked her flesh; her back, her bottom, her breasts. Her rock-like nipples rolled easily between my fingers, my cock rising to its ultimate grandeur from the touch of her hand.

"Umm," she gurgled in the back of her throat. When we parted lips her hand was on my now hard cock in front of her. "You're going to be especially good tonight, aren't you?" she said, actually more of a statement than a question.

"Uh-huh," I answered.

Just then Debs called from the house. "Jen, can you come help me for a sec?"

I groaned. "Just what is it that can't wait for a little while?" I asked Jen while sliding my hand from one breast to the other. "Can't she see we're getting busy?"

"Um-hmm. Good and busy." Her hand, playing with my cock and balls under the water, pulled away. "I'll see what she wants," she said, standing in the spa and stepping onto the side and out all in one motion. "Stay here, it'll be just a sec I'm sure."

I did as she'd been doing and leaned back against the side of the spa, neck deep with my head on the edge and closed my eyes. I'd had just enough alcohol to have a bit of a buzz without being drunk or sleepy and, with the combination of drink and hot water and slowing down for the first time all day, I began to really relax.

I didn't hear her approach, but when I sensed someone stepping down into the spa and onto the seat across from me I opened my eyes expecting to see Jen. Instead I saw tanned legs that ended in a green vee of cloth between shapely legs. My eyes continued up her body noticing the golden chain still around her waist before they settled on the single pearl nestled between two perfect breasts, hard nipples visible through the thin green cloth of her bikini bra. It could have been Jen - twenty years ago.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked as she slid down into the water. I immediately sat up, the lower part of my body sinking deeper into the water, as I felt a flush of internal heat escape through my face. I'd been expecting Jen thinking we were going to play around again. I'd been floating face up with my cock, pleasingly erect from Jen's kissing and fondling of moments before, totally on display for Jen to come back and play with. Despite saying nothing as she slid into the water in front of me I knew that Sara had just seen me erect for the first time.


I had tried slipping my hand into Jen's crotch, but she wasn't interested in me pleasuring her. She wanted to suck my cock, which she did, exquisitely. Teasing, licking, sucking; gradually working me into a frenzy until she took me over the edge, sucking me into her mouth and savoring every drop of my juice until I quit throbbing.

Holding my cock with one hand she leaned forward and kissed the head and then looked up at my face. "Well, Teacher? Am I still a pretty good little cocksucker?"

I reached down and stroked her hair and touched her nose. She raised her face a bit and kissed my finger. "Did I ever thank you for being such a good teacher?"

"Why no; I can't say as I remember that, you ungrateful wench," I smiled, teasing her in return. "I do enjoy being the beneficiary of your fine education, though." She climbed up into the bed, snuggling into the crook of my arm, and kissed me. Her lips were still warm and moist from her cock sucking.

"You know you saved our marriage, don't you? You and Debs?"

I nodded. "Debs and I talked about it."

"Before or after?" she asked.


"How did you convince her?" she asked. "What did you tell her? Did you tell her we needed lessons or what?"

"Actually you've got it all wrong. As I remember it she told me that we needed to help you two or you were going to end in divorce." Jen raised her head and looked at me.

"Really?" she looked puzzled. "What did she say?"

"She said that she just knew that what we had was a good thing and what you had wasn't such a good thing, and that she remembered how bad it had been for her until I taught her, and that maybe if we taught the two of you, that you could have a great thing too. Or, at least, something like that."

"And that's all it took?"

"Well, not quite. We talked about it over a couple of days. She told me all about what you two had been doing together and how you'd never had an orgasm and how she knew that Bill didn't know what he was doing. It took a bit for me to believe she really meant it - after all, Debs had been a prude herself for so long. Bringing you and Bill into our relationship seemed like a huge step for her. But she convinced me she was serious and she loved you, and me; so much so she thought we could do it and survive." Jen was lying on my arm, like she'd been doing earlier before our lovemaking, idly running her finger through my chest hair. She said nothing for a moment.

"How old were you when your friend Jennie taught you how to make love?"


"Did you ever thank her?"

I thought back remembering the experience, the naughtiness and the thrill of being seduced by an older woman.

"Not at first." I glanced down at Jen. "I didn't know enough to thank her at first. God, I was so embarrassed. That first time when she let me touch her... and we went into the shower and all she did was touch me before I shot off all over the place. I was so embarrassed, but she let me know it was OK, that it was what she expected to happen. I wanted to run away, but she wasn't letting me do that."

"But later you thanked her?"

"It was a long time before I recognized what she was doing for me. Hell, I was a walking hard-on in those days -- all I wanted to do was cum. Every time we got together she'd have to quiet me down with a first orgasm, then she'd show me how to pleasure her, showing me it wasn't all about me. I'd get mine, but at the same time I realized that giving was as good or better than receiving, and even later I found I got a bigger kick out of getting her off without her having to tell me how, than I did in getting off myself."

"But you did thank her eventually?"

"Did I thank her in a "thank you for teaching me to fuck" way? Not really. I mean, you know, I'd do something for her that she'd really enjoy and she'd say thank you, or she'd do something to me and I would too, but really saying thank you? As in for everything she taught me? Only once, the last time I saw her."

"What happened?"

"I was about to leave for boot camp. I went by to say goodbye." I paused and then corrected myself. "Actually I went by to say goodbye, but really I was thinking I might get laid once more, but her husband was in town and she said no. That's when I thanked her for all she'd done for me, told her I'd never forget her, what a wonderful experience that was for a young, inexperienced kid. But even if I hadn't said thank you... she knew."


"Because, she knew. She taught me to understand her, her needs, her wants. Along with that you learn to understand everything else. I think that's why we -- the four of us -- have always gotten along so well -- we all understand the body language, the non-verbal language of each other, so well."

Jen's hand had strayed down my body and was now playing with my pubic hair. She occasionally bumped my cock, still soft after her blow job, with her fingers. She took hold of me and squeezed gently. "You've got a nice cock."

"Thank you. He likes you, too." I answered. She didn't say anything for a moment.

"Jim?" she asked, with a tone that was suddenly more serious. Considering that lying in bed, making pillow talk, playing with your lover's cock is just about as serious as a woman can get; to hear her just say my name in the tone that she did roused my curiosity.

"What, Jen?"

"I've got a favor I want you to do for me while we're here."

I paused just for an instant, the thoughts of "what could this be?" running through my head, but nothing came to mind that untoward. "What's that, Jen? You know I'd do anything for you."

She rolled onto her stomach, looking me in the face, pulling my hand under her, holding it with her hands.

"I want you to do for Sara what you did for me. I want you to teach her to make love."

I've got to admit, I was stunned. For the first time in a long time, I didn't see it coming. Jen was asking me, her lover; her lover who also happened to be several years older than herself, to teach her 18 year old daughter how to make love? Was she kidding?

At first I didn't know what to say. You'd have thought my cock would have lurched to attention, but the opposite happened. More like a drunken soldier who'd had one too many and suddenly found it was morning, he shriveled away from the light. What little strength and warmth he'd retained from his loving just a few minutes before disappeared. Thoughts about what she could possibly mean went through my head. What mother tries to pawn her lovely, nubile, young daughter off on some old fogey who's older than she, the Mom, is?" And then, the few things I already knew about Sara started coming into my mind.

Sara's sexually active.

Sara's eighteen.

Sara has known for four years - or maybe longer - that I'm her mother's occasional lover.

Sara's just barely eighteen -- she's practically jailbait! (But man, what a little cutie -- and those nipples -- Oh My...STOP THAT.")

Sara said her boyfriend wanted her to blow him and Jen told her to 'never give a blow job because he wants it, give a blow job because you want it.'

Jen had told Sara that she, Jen, had sucked my cock and liked it.

Jen had told Sara that I'd taught her everything she knew.

"Sara's Just Fucking Eighteen, you Pervert."

Yeah, but it's her mother that suggested it, you've just been dreaming what she'd be like for the last several days.

And there it was. My thoughts finally caught up to what had had me in a whirlwind, a frenzy, of thoughts. IF I was one of those guys that took advantage of naïve young ladies. IF I was one of those old timers that couldn't get ladies his own age -- any age. IF I weren't married. IF I didn't have a reputation, a social status, IF I weren't a leader of the community, IF, IF, IF. IF I didn't have all those things holding me back -- I'd have already boned her. Fuck, just a few nights before when I was sucking on her mother's nipples, I'd been wondering what Sara's were like. No, actually I'd been imagining they WERE Sara's nipples, and my cock had been rock hard because of it. I didn't admit it to Jen, I didn't admit it to Debs, but I lusted after Sara. I hadn't admitted it to myself, but I lusted after Sara. I'd love to bed her, have her kneel between my knees and pray to the GOD of Jim's Manhood. I'd love to tongue her pussy, to suck her clit, to hear and feel her, to have her beg for mercy -- and beg for more. I'd love to teach her everything I'd taught Debs and Jenny, everything I had learned from Jennie, my own tutor of so many years ago.

And because of all this, I couldn't. Although Jen and I were lovers, Debs and I were soul mates -- and I couldn't cheat on her. Jen and me, Debs and Bill, that wasn't cheating - that was sharing. We were a foursome; not an affair, but a relationship. But Sara, that would be just me, my fantasies, and her. It wouldn't be right.

"Jen," I began after saying nothing for what must have been minutes as I lay there, stunned, collecting my thoughts. "I... I don't think I can do that."

She said nothing. She just lay there looking at me. Finally she began talking, softly, rolling against my side as she did.

"I was raised to believe that sex was bad. I was taught that my body was bad. I had my hang-ups, and they almost ruined my marriage. I've tried not to do that with Sara. One time when she was maybe eleven, I saw her masturbating. She'd gone in to take a bath; she had the radio on, and didn't hear me. I'd opened the door to put clean towels away, and she was lying in the tub, her eyes closed, touching herself. I had to almost clamp my hand over my mouth to stop myself from saying "Sara! Stop that!" At first I didn't know why and then I remembered my grandmother's voice as she walked in on me while I was touching myself. I suddenly remembered her jerking me up and out of the tub and paddling my bare behind, my grandmother's voice scolding me, telling me how I was being naughty and dirty and a bad girl and good girls didn't do such things. And I caught myself. I didn't do that to Sara. I just backed out of the bathroom and closed the door. I've never did told her that." She paused and raised up looking me right in the eyes. "I don't want Sara to be where I was. And I know she's had some bad experiences so far. Not as bad as what I had, but still not good. And if I could change, if I could become the woman I am because of you, why can't she?"

"I understand the reasoning," I answered, "and believe me when I say every man in the world looks at a pretty teen like Sara and wonders what it would be like to be with her, but she's barely a legal adult. Why just a few months ago she'd have been just plain illegal in 49 states and probably 6 of the 7 continents, it just doesn't feel right. I take your daughter to bed... and I may regret it for the rest of my life." I paused for a moment; she said nothing, so I continued, "And besides, what would I do, walk up to her and say, "Hey Sara, let's go to the bedroom, your mom wants me to seduce you?" I didn't even realize in saying this I was negating everything that I'd just argued and was making an excuse as to why I could bed Sara.

Jen shook her head no. "It's not like that, Jim."

"Just how is it, then?" I questioned, "Is she going to proposition me?"

"Give it enough time, she just might. It's why she came with us on this trip."

I'm sure my mouth fell open as I stammered out a "What?"

"It's why she came with us on this trip. She wants you to teach her how to make love the way you taught me." I just looked at her in disbelief.

"Really," she continued. "It's actually her idea. At least, sort of."

"Sort of?" I repeated. She nodded. "What do you mean by "sort of."

"You know she's always had a crush on you?" Jen asked.

Thoughts of the previous 18 years rushed through my head, really just the first 12 -- except for talking on the phone and Christmas letters I really hadn't seen her in almost 7. All the hints came flooding back to me; Sara snuggling on my lap when they visited; Sara choosing to sit next to me if she had the chance; all those little things that don't mean a thing -- right up until they suddenly mean something. I'd always ignored the signs that she had a crush on me knowing that someday she would grow up and it would go away. "Oh, come on, don't all girls have a crush on some older male figure when they're growing up? A school teacher or an uncle or someone?"

"I suppose," she answered, "And you've been hers."

"So how does that get to be her coming up with the idea that I sleep with her?"

"Well, it's been quite some time coming to this point. I admit it took Debs and me a while to accept it ourselves. At first we..."

"WHAT?" I interrupted. "Debs knows about this too?"

"Of course. You know we have no secrets, don't you Jim?" She looked slightly perplexed for a second, "Actually, you know when I think about it, it was actually Debs that suggested she needed a lover to teach her. A lover like you, a lover just like we'd had. So I guess it was actually Debs that suggested it first."

"I don't get it. You and Debs and Sara were talking? When was this, sometime this week?"

"Oh no, it's been quite some time. Probably close to a year now. You know sometimes Sara calls and talks with Debs? I mean we get along really well, as well as any mother and daughter do, but I am still her mother and sometimes what I tell her isn't what she wants to hear..."

I knew that occasionally Sara would call and talk with Debs, what I always considered "girl stuff" as that's what Debs always told me she'd called about.

"So when she started becoming sexually active," she continued, "at first she didn't really want to tell me what was happening so she began by telling Debs. Maybe it's the distance or that it wasn't her mother or whatever, but she was telling Debs everything and asking Debs everything about what she was doing and thinking of doing and everything. Eventually Debs told her they needed to include me in our conversations and they sort of became a three way. And then one day, Sara said "I wish Uncle Jim could teach me."


"Where have you been?" I asked, realizing that I hadn't seen Sara in a while.

"Just in my room." She wiggled a little under the water, her hands out of sight, her legs moving. Suddenly her hand came out of the water placing her green thong on the deck beside the spa. Leaning forward, her hands went behind her back and in a flash she'd removed her bra and it went in the pile with the rest of her bikini.