New Teacher Bad Boy


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She kicked the dungarees to him asking him to put them in the washing machine while she headed smiling to the bedroom. She was careful to leave the door even more ajar than before.

She waited for the creak and was impressed when it came so quickly. He had certainly stuffed her clothes into the washing machine pretty fast. She slowly removed her tee shirt and bra. Covering her breasts with one arm she half turned to make sure he got a good view before putting on a lacy bra, blouse making sure she showed a good amount of cleavage and a short skirt.

He spent the day trying to think about something other than the sight of her lovely legs disappearing into her skirt and her beautiful breasts nestling inside her blouse. He found it hard to breathe every time he got a flash of her white bra and found himself trying to get more glimpses of a mole on her left breast. She spent the day watching his lust growing and feeling like her growing ache had to be acted on, but unsure how best to do it.

They also got lots of work done though. At the end of the day she told him he was ready for the exam tomorrow and that he should do well, but what ever happened he should be proud of his efforts. She also told him she was an adjudicator so would be able to get a rough mark for him after the exam. He gushed and thanked her and she promised to call Thursday evening with the results.

Sally's plan

The call came late Thursday evening as promised. She opened by saying congratulations that she was certain he had passed. Her suspicion was he had gotten two B's, but she played safe and said two passes. He seemed subdued on the phone, he had waited for the call all day, but although he was pleased and thanked her repeatedly he realized their days together were over.

"Are you busy tomorrow," she said breaking into his dark thoughts.

His heart leaped at hearing her ask, and quickly he said he wasn't.

"Do you fancy coming over and doing something for me," she said, "maybe about three. Also, I think you deserve a little reward for all your hard work."

The doorbell rang at exactly three, and there he stood in tee shirt and jeans smiling. Sally again saw that look of lust go across his face when he realized she stood there in a short dress. She watched him absorbing what she was wearing, imagining he had worked out her dress buttoned all the way down. She had carefully arranged herself to ensure there was enough cleavage to get his attention. Sally enjoyed the fact his eyes stayed on her legs for a long time.

As they walked down the hall David asked what she needed him to do and what his treat would be. He asked whether she needed some help with the decorating he had interrupted the other morning. The help I need is in the bedroom she said leading him into the room and inviting him to sit on her bed. He was thrilled to have made it into her bedroom. She positioned herself by the door keen to tease him a little and cut off any escape, knowing he was capable of marching off if embarrassed.

"Firstly let me say how proud I am of you for working so hard and how flattered I am that you went out of your way to help me this year," she said. "I think you are wonderful, and today I am no longer your teacher. So I was hoping you could help me and I could give you a little treat, but lets see what you think."

Completely bewildered he sat there, no idea what she was going on about.

"I think it could be quite educational for you," she grinned.

"Oh miss, no more please I have tried, but no more books please. I thought you were going to give me a treat," he moaned.

"OK let me try another track," she said laughing and then putting on a very serious face said. "Did you enjoy watching me undress on the three days you were here?"

He was struck dumb by the suddenness of this comment, and his face flushed red.

So she continued, "David I am not cross I just want to know if you liked it?"

"If I liked it?" He repeated slowly.

"Yes, if you liked watching me undress," she repeated, "you surely realized I noticed the first time, and decided to play a little game with you. Oh David your face when I undressed in front of you. Oh honey you did realize I was teasing you?" She stopped realising he hadn't.

"And you aren't cross?" He repeated even more slowly looking as if he expected a telling off any moment.

"No, I am not cross I just want to know," she said in the calmest most reassuring tone she could muster, trying to ignore her desire to rip his clothes off and fuck him right there. However, she was determined to take it slow, but also wanted to have some fun with him. The more she spoke; the more she realised she was dealing with a little boy in an eighteen-year old body.

"I just want to know whether you liked it," she said again.

"I loved it," he said quickly and then speaking even faster, "but I am sorry miss I shouldn't of but I couldn't resist. I think about you all the time." His voice trailed off and then with the silence hanging in the air. "Do you want me to go?" He asked.

"Not if you still want that treat," she replied. "I certainly want to give you a treat still. I want to know more, do you think about me at home, do you jerk off after our lessons, do you think about what it would be like to fuck me?" she asked now no longer disguising her excitement.

David sat there saying nothing not sure what to do and what this meant. He shifted in his seat feeling turned on, but embarrassed. His head dropped as she moved over to where he was sitting.

"I ask David," she said softly, gently lifting his head up with her hand so she could gaze into his brown eyes, "because since Monday and realizing you had watched me undress I have thought about you continually. I found it quite exciting to think of you hiding and seeing me naked. So if you have had horny thoughts like me, I'd like to know."

"He managed a small embarrassed smile, "have you really? About me?"

"Oh yes wanting something you can't have is frustrating isn't it? So tell me the truth, if you think I am frumpy and don't think about me then that's fine, I will know you won't want to help me or have my treat." She said airily.

He cut across her saying grimly, "I have jerked off every day for a whole year thinking about you. I even did it at lunchtime in the boy's toilet several times." He stuttered realizing what he had just told his teacher. "I am sorry," he said, "there now you know........... I should go."

As he went to get up she pushed him back down to a seating position.

She smiled. "Wow don't be sorry David I think that's lovely. David I want to fuck you, and I think you want to fuck me so." She let the word hang in the air.

He nodded slowly making her laugh, and she said. "Is that a yes?" But, before he could answer she continued. "One rule, you must never tell anyone ever. No boasting next year to your arty colleague mates about fucking the teacher."

"Promise me David"

"I promise Miss"

"Say it David"

"I promise Miss that I will never ever tell anyone."

"Good boy, but there is one other thing David," she said, "I want you to shower and shave. I like a smooth face when I kiss."

"Do you think you might like to kiss me David?" she grinned deciding to play with him a little more.

When he again nodded she continued, "and if I am going to make love with someone I really like that someone to be fresh and clean. Does that sound like something you might want to do with me, make love?"

Again, David nodded so she told him to go to the shower, shave and wrap himself in the white bath towel she had left in there.

David's best lesson ever

So there he was standing there clean, shaven and with only a towel wrapped around his waste.

"Are you excited?" David she asked

Again there was that nod.

"Since you have seen, me undress I think you should drop your towel for me. It only fair after all."

When he hesitated she encouraged him and finally he shrugged and let the towel fall, and she smiled as his cock sprang to attention as the towel fell.

"Oh David I love the fact you are hard already, you have been thinking about fucking me huh," she said. "Oh God I need to touch," she announced her ache hitting a new high point.

She moved to him dropping to her knees . She very gently stroked underneath his erect cock with just her forefinger, starting near his balls and moving outwards, applying slight pressure when she reached the tip before her finger retraced its stroke.

He tensed and let out a little moan.

"I have always thought you had a nice body David," she said looking up at him, "you are really quite muscular aren't you. I love that, and you have a beautiful penis. So big and hard. A girl could have a lot of fun with this" and she tapped the end of his cock twice with her finger.

"Please don't stop miss that's so nice." He finally found the strength to say. Sally looked up at him, and he found himself unable to breath as he looked deep into her blue eyes.

She laughed, "I think if you are going to make love to me David you should call me Sally not Miss. You haven't been with a girl before have you?"

He shook his head and blushed.

"Don't worry my darling, I thought this would be your first time and it's going to be very special I promise." She announced.

She stood up, taking a firmer grip of his cock with her right hand. Sally stroked his face relieved he hadn't cut himself shaving; she didn't like blood. She kissed him, finding his lips unresponsive at first before he relaxed and eventually he began to kiss her back as enthusiastically as she kissed him. Her hand stroked his cock as they kissed. Her eyes tried to take in his whole face searching for signs she was pleasing him.

"First lets try a little pressure release," she said as she noticed his breathing becoming faster. She dropped down to her knees again.

"Hello my new best friend," she casually said to his cock before kissing it gently on its tip and licking it with her tongue. It took only about three strokes of her mouth before he moaned, and she pulled away catching his cum in her hand. She wiped her hand on the towel still laying on the floor and gently kissed and licked his shrinking cock enjoying its salty taste.

He looked a little crest fallen.

"Don't worry young boys always bounce back quickly," she said. "Why don't you quickly clean yourself in the shower room and come back? I seem to remember watching me undress turned you on, so maybe you would like to have a little show from me."

Her comment put the smile back on his face, and he quickly returned from a quick clean up in the bathroom.

He scooped the towel up and wrapped it around his waste, and she smiled at him.

"So what would you like me to do?" She said, and he shrugged.

"What do you think about when you fantasise about me at home?" She asked.

"I undress you," he said flatly shrugging again.

She opened her arms to him, and he eagerly moved forward.

She smiled at him and said, "one thing."

Again that crestfallen look, but she laughed and said don't worry, "its just........... towel," and she suddenly pulled it off him. "I like to see how excited you get. Kiss me."

He reached forward, and they kissed passionately. She took the opportunity to open her mouth, whispering breathlessly for him to put his tongue in her mouth and using the opportunity when he withdrew his tongue to explore his lips.

"Now take my clothes off," she said.

He began to unbutton her dress starting at the top and when he had gotten down to the button sitting underneath her bra, she asked him to slow down and she gently pulled his head into her breasts and he began to kiss them.

"That's right baby," she whispered. "Nice and slow, explore me. My breasts love your kisses." He couldn't believe how soft her breasts were, he found she loved it when he pushed his tongue into her bra, finding her nipples and stroking them with his tongue and he couldn't believe how turned on he was by kissing slowly and gently up her breasts and neck. She again pulled his face up and kissed him on the lips with her mouth open and gently moved his face to the side so he kissed her cheeks and shoulders. She moved a bra strap off one shoulder to help him. His fingers began to work at her buttons again.

Her dress was now open all the way down, and he was pushed gently to his knees and guided to kiss and lick her stomach. She briefly leant down and guided his hands into the back of her knickers showing him how to caress her backside. Her hands going to caress his head as he kissed her.

She moaned softly and told him that it felt good and then lifted him back to his feet suggesting he took off her bra. Sally smiled that he found this a little difficult so ended up turning round so he could see the clasp.

"Don't worry," she smirked, "most men can't undo bras. That's it you got it. Now cup them," when he hesitated she told him to, "give me your hands," and picking his hands up in hers she showed him how to touch her breasts. Eventually, moaning and leaving him to it, she reached her hands up over her head. She gently pulled his head and body closer to her back.

She could feel his erection rubbing against her knickers so as he rubbed her breasts she moved her bottom up and down on his cock. They moaned together until eventually, she turned round and kissed him on the lips.

She again took control of his hands helping him to pull her knickers down over her hips and to the floor. She stepped out of them and led David to the bed, lying down and guiding him to lie beside her. Taking his hand she made him stroke between her legs which she opened wide and then she pulled him down for another kiss.

"Did you enjoy undressing me?" She whispered in his ear. "Don't stop rubbing me. Tell me darling I love to know I please you."

"Oh God yes," he moaned.

She smiled at him staring deeply into his eyes and continued to show him how to stroke her. He loved the fact this made her groan. Taking his hand she put his fingers in her mouth wetting them with her tongue and then helped him guide one then two fingers into her.

Gently, gently she said as he began to move a little too hard. Eventually, she relaxed putting her hands on her breasts and rubbing her nipples as her moans of delight grew to a fever pitch.

He finger fucked her for what felt like ages as she urged him to continue. He wasn't sure he liked the feeling, or the slurping sound the movement made, but he loved the way she moaned and groaned and told him loudly to do it. As she reached her orgasm she reached up to his face with her hand, telling him yes darling, and telling him it was lovely, finally she lay back quivering.

"Just, hold me tight David," she said.

He lay on top of her trying to cuddle her, but she gently manoeuvred him so in the end he lay on the bed, and she lay at his side. Her head on his chest, her lips occasionally kissing his stomach and her finger tips slowly tracing up and down his body from the edge of his pubic hair up to his nipples.

Eventually, her hand moved back to his cock which had begun to lose its erection whilst they lay together. It did not take long for him to become very hard and erect again.

"Are you ready?" She said. She would have loved to have moved on top of him and ridden him, but she thought it was better to start slowly so with her guidance he found himself on top, lying between her legs.

She took control, grabbing a condom from the drawer by the bed, unwrapping it and popping it on. She gently guiding his cock into her, lifting her legs as he entered to make it as gentle and easy as possible. He began to move inside her grunting as he did. He showed frustration as his cock slipped out, but she quietly told him not to worry and helped David to enter her again.

He came after eight or nine strokes, he had wanted to try to regain control at one point, but his desire to thrust overcame his desire to make it last and he reached that point of no return.

He lay on her breasts, and she played with her hair.

"So was that nice?" She asked. He looked up and nodded with a shy smile.

"Its was wonderful darling." She said.

He smile widened.

They chatted for a while, and then she put on just a shirt saying she would get them a drink. He watched as she disappeared out of the room, watching her bare bottom half-hidden by the shirt tails as she went out of sight. He stretched out enjoying the way his body glowed and the sense of excitement. He felt like a million dollars, he had been laid by his gorgeous teacher and even better she seemed to like it as much as he had.

She returned with water, some ice, and some grapes. He quickly drank his glass of water and took some grapes. Sally, bit into a grape and with it poking out of her mouth kissed him pushing the grape with her tongue into his mouth. They giggled as he coughed, the grape sticking in his throat. Laughing she bashed him on the back and shared her water with him so he could recover his composure.

She lay down, stretching out her arms and legs and rolling seductively. She reached up and guided his hands to undo the buttons of her shirt and showed him how she liked having the flesh of a grape rubbed over her nipple, and then having the juice licked off. They took turns doing this to each other and then in a similar way began to play with the ice, making their skins have goose bumps and their nipples very hard.

Eventually, she pushed him down so he lay on his back and began to stroke his cock with firm full length strokes, taking it deep into her mouth when he reached its full erection.

"I want you to fuck me again," she said, "lie still so I can ride you."

Another condom was popped on, and she lowered herself on to him using her hips to move gently up and down. He watched fascinated by her bouncing breasts as she slowly rode him more and more vigorously, her breathing speeding up the faster she went. She used her hands to scoop her hair onto the top of her head, screaming yes David, yes David until finally she came.

She rolled back over into a missionary position, pushing his bottom hard into her body as they rolled. She then wrapped her legs around his bottom and got him to slam into her harder and harder.

"That's right darling harder, you can't hurt me, harder, harder." He exploded inside her with a groan of ecstasy, and she rolled over bringing him down onto the bed beside her and kissed him once on the lips.

She asked what the time was and then with an eeekkkk announced, "I need a shower and then to get out of here." She disappeared into the shower emerging shortly afterwards in a towel.

"I don't know what to say," he said.

"Don't say anything then," she said, "I think I know you liked your treat and a wonderful fuck was just what I needed. I will ring you soon, but be a good boy and get dressed and go, because I may not be horny any more, but I am very late."

"You will ring?" He said.

"Oh yes I will ring, I will be horny again real soon," she said, and then with a smile and a kiss said, "I have a lot more to teach you."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

liked the story. I thought that David was going to force her or blackmail her. nice surprise that a teacher can desire a student as much as he desired her. I also enjoyed that David would protect her from all the students in the class. Thanks.

wendy53wendy53almost 3 years ago

nice i love older fem teachers doing yng guys :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I liked this very much... was not what I expected. At the beginning, I expected him to try to take control of her in repayment for him taking control of her students and making them behave for her. It sort of shocked (but pleased) me when she turned out to be the agressor in their relationship. And I am glad they could continue with each other without the constraints imposed on her by a teacher/student relationship. Although, judging from his tough-guy reputation, it DID rather surprise me to find out he's still was a virgin at his age.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
good but..

Nice story good build up. But more detail detail is everything. 7 out of 10

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Excellent Story, But...

Excellent story with a terrific build up in tyhe sexual tensions between the two individuals. But after all that build up, I felt a bit let down by the brevity and lack of detail in the sex scenes. so my score is 9 out 10.

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