Nia Ch. 01


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"That was...amazing, Jamie, absolutely fabulous, oh my God it was good!" she grinned. "I hope you're ready for more, there's something I want to do, and I've been saving it for now!"

I pulled her closer to me, kissing her as I fondled her taut little backside, squeezing and massaging her cheeks, marvelling at the soft firmness and springy roundness of them, my cock already hard and limbered-up.

"Jamie, I want you to make love to me, be my first, OK?" She whispered. I must have looked surprised, given how well she'd blown me earlier, because she smiled. "Yes, Jamie, I'm a virgin, and I want you to be the one to make me not be a virgin anymore, please? It's OK, I'm on the pill, mum put me on the pill years ago, just in case!"

I was conflicted now. She wanted to do this, with me, and God, did I want to do this with her, but again, it seemed like an awfully wide line to cross. Nia must have sensed what I was thinking, as she reached up to pull my head down to kiss me.

"It's OK, Jamie, all bets are off now, we've broken the taboo, this is just another part of what we've already done, and maybe it's the best part! I want this, I so want this with you, it was always only ever going to be you; if I had to wait a thousand years for you, I would, but I don't; you're here, now, with me, and I love you. Love me back, and make me yours this way, to go with all the other ways I've always been yours!"

Her appeal hit me at an emotional level, one where the real me lurked, the one that didn't care she was my sister, only that she was desirable, and willing. I knew that what she'd said was true, had somehow always known it, and, I suppose, I'd also known that someday this day would come, and that I could choose; take what she offered, be what she wanted, admit what I felt for her and try and make a life with her; or refuse, turn away, walk away from her, and live a life of what if, try and forget what had already happened, try and be only her older brother, watch her become everything to someone else, and hope and pray that one day my decision to refuse would never come back to haunt me.

As I looked into her eyes, I knew that I wanted her, had never wanted anything or anyone like I wanted her; and it wasn't only a need of the flesh. Nia had been a part of my life for so long, I knew in the bone, and the blood, and the depths of me that I couldn't have a complete life without her in it. There had always been a part of me that I had never shown to anyone, given to anyone, shared with anyone; now I knew why. It had always been for Nia only.

My acceptance must have shown in my eyes, and two big tears welled up in her eyes as she saw me choose her. My head dipped down to kiss her once, a betrothal kiss, a seal, if you like, linking us together like a puzzle ring, and then I was moving between her outstretched thighs, holding myself up on outstretched arms as she held me and positioned me at her flushed, swollen entrance. When she was ready she smiled and nodded, and I slowly pushed into her. She gasped and murmured as I slowly slid into her, and I stopped, only for her to ask me to keep going, not to stop, she wanted me all the way inside her. There was a moment of constriction, almost obstruction, and Nia asked me to go really slow, so I eased myself into her until she relaxed, urging me on until I was buried all the way inside her. I stopped, letting her get her breath back, and waited again for her signal before I began to withdraw from her tight sheath, the sensation indescribable. Nia was pushing her hips up as I pulled almost all the way out of her, then sliding back in again, the way easier this time, Nia gasping and squirming beneath me as she began to enjoy the feeling of being pumped full of my cock. As I sped up my pumping, she began to hump back against me, meeting me stroke for stroke, squeezing me with her inner muscles, delicious friction against my engorged cock. We pumped and pummelled at each other, our breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh as we gave ourselves to each other the only sounds in the room, excitement building as our mutual climax approached, all thoughts of restraint now moot, only the moment and the impending satisfaction needing our attention.

Nia came with a piercing scream as her orgasm bolted through her, crashing waves of pleasure pounding her senses, rollers crashing on her as she sobbed and shuddered, muscles spasming as she gave in to her pleasure. The feel of her climax set me off, my cock convulsing as jets of spunk blasted out of me into the depths of her body, her pussy massaging and milking my cock as her cervix convulsed, fluttering against my deeply embedded cock, emptying me out, draining my body of my seed, my offering to her.

We both fell back, shattered, the emotional and physical drain almost overpowering us. As we lay in our sweat, I examined every feature of this beautiful girl I had finally chosen for myself, who had chosen me so long ago, remembering how I had helped bring her up, fought with her, played with her, held her when she cried, comforted her when she was frightened, and loved her when she needed me, a whole lifetime of connection, thinking how our lives had intertwined inexorably just so we could be together now. Yes, I loved her; I always had; now I could finally admit that I loved her the way she wanted me to.

Nia rolled into my arms, huddling up against me, looking for my protection. I wrapped my arm around her, spooning her to me, and pulled the bedclothes up around us, keeping her warm and secure against me. Listening to her soft breathing, inhaling the fragrance of her hair, I fell asleep.

I awoke as twilight was sifting into the room, checked my watch; we'd been asleep almost 2 hours. Nia moved against me, murmuring, and pulled herself in close to me again.

I contemplated getting something to eat, looking for a change of clothes, and froze. Nia clothes, that she'd carelessly kicked off and thrown across the room, were neatly folded across my study chair, her slippers tucked under the same chair, and my laundry hamper was empty; Oh Shit!

I shook her awake. "Nia, NIA! Wake up, we got trouble!" She sat bolt upright, delectably dishevelled, and I wondered that, even in this crisis moment, my first thought had been how truly gorgeous she was. "Whassup Jamie?" she slurred, still not fully awake.

"Mum's been in, she's seen everything, seen us sleeping together! Shit!"

Nia's eyes snapped open, her mouth a rosy 'O' of shock. She jumped out of bed, started tumbling into her clothes, throwing me jeans and a shirt from my wardrobe as I hunted for my shorts.

We went looking for mum, found her in the kitchen, calmly drinking tea and reading a magazine. She looked up when we sidled in, smiled.

"I was wondering when you get up! You eat dinner now, both of you, it getting late!" She got up and began bustling around. Nia and I looked at each other. This was not the reaction we'd braced for...

"Mum..." I began, and she looked at me, smiled brightly, carried on getting dinner ready. I stepped in front of her, took the plates she was holding, put them on the table, and sat her down.

"Mum, you came into my room, yes?" She nodded. "And you have nothing to say?" Mum looked at me, looked at Nia, and beckoned her to sit down.

"Jamie, Nguye't, I saw you, both of you. I will say nothing, to you, or to your daddy. Jamie, you love my daughter?" I nodded. "And Nguye't, I know you love Jamie, otherwise why you cry for him every day for three year!"

Nia finally broke the silence. "Why, mama?"

Mum looked sad for a moment, then started to speak in a low voice.

"My father was in army, killed in border with Cambodia, Khmer Rouge bandits, mother die when I very young, so I brought up by brother, Vienh. He do everything for me, teach me read and write. When I was young, I fall in love, get married, have baby girl. Police Captain, he want to keep me for himself, as Ti'nh Nhan, it is like, like mistress, but worse. He arrest my husband, take baby away while I at market, many day later husband body found, police say traffic accident, but traffic accident not leave bullet hole. Never find baby. My husband was Vienh, I love him very much, he the only family I have left until he killed. Wife of neighbour hide me, send me to Vientiane, Laos, to stay with sister, and I meet missionary family, your granddaddy, Jamie. His daughter become my friend, they bring me to England, I live with them, be there when your mummy get married. She was like my sister, when she get ill, I look after you, and be with you when mummy died, still look after you, fall in love with your daddy. What you do is what I did, I not think it wrong then, I not think it wrong now. I love you both, you will always be my children, so I not lose anyone again!"

We were both in tears, aghast at this dreadful story; mum had lost so much, and yet she was always so serene, so at peace. Nia sat with a stunned expression on her face, horrified at what we'd just learned of mum's traumatic past.

Eventually I was able to speak. "Mum, is there no way to find your baby? No-one who can help?"

Mum shook her head, shrugged. "Baby probably sold on baby market, rich family in America or Canada want to adopt, baby sold to them, that is where stolen children from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos go. If that true, then she having a good life. I will meet her again in next life, and she will know me again."

Nia hugged her, crying softly, and I seemed to have an enormous lump in my throat. Eventually Nia stopped crying, but stayed close to mum. "What was her name, mama, your baby, what was my sister's name?"

Mum smiled gently. "Her name Hu'e, mean Lily-Flower. Maybe she called Brittany or Kerry now! She be 25 now, I think, maybe married. I hope she having good life, meet good man, maybe have children of her own!"

She pushed away from the table, and stood up. "And now, eat! It been a long time since lunch, eat something. You not worry, I deal with your father, he may be your daddy, but he my husband! You not worry, I see this end OK for you!"

We ate in silence, far too much to think about, a sombre pall cast over the evening. Nia felt it first, and, after doing the dishes with me, said her goodnights and went off to bed. I sat with my arm around mum for a while, happy to be home with her again; but now she had to lean on me, I was far too big and heavy to lean against her, although right now I felt I could do with a little mothering. I'd never guessed mum had known so much heartbreak, such awful loss; her whole life before us was a closed book. I'd never even known she was my mother's friend, although that was hardly surprising; other than a picture in my desk drawer, I knew nothing about my mother or her family; my grandparents had died before I was born, and dad had never met them. Mum was my mother, end of story.

Mum was pragmatic about what we would do next.

"Your daddy need to know, I tell him first, then you tell him, both of you; he a good man, strange sense of humour, but he OK! Once I tell him what happen, he will need time to understand, I help him do that. He love you both, he will understand. You will know when to tell him. I trust you with my daughter, Huyn'h, I know you love her, always knew, even when you did not! You go to bed now. I think Nguye't come to you tonight, she need you to make her be herself again, you let her stay, be her big brother tonight. I should not have told her about the past, it gone and finished, but I want her to know I not think she wrong, or choose wrong man. Your mummy like my sister, I love her, and she give you to me, so I love you too! Now go to bed, little boy!"

I returned to my room, lay down on my bed thinking about what mum had told us, wondering how someone could carry all that around and yet be so normal, ordinary, calm, sane. Mum had had a horrifying experience, loss no woman should have to bear, and yet here she was, being mum, dealing with our lives, getting on with her own.

I was just dozing off when my door edged open, and there was Nia, dressed in pyjama pants and T-shirt.

"I want to stay with you tonight; not know, I just don't want to be alone, not tonight." I made room, and Nia slid in next to me, hugging me tight. After a while, I realised she was crying, mum's story obviously still resonating in her, and I tried to comfort her, but she cried so long, and so hard, eventually she got me doing it as well.

The next morning, when I woke, the first thing I saw was Nia, smiling at me, the best thing I'd seen in the morning in a long time. Obviously she'd recovered from her emotional wringing last night, and burrowed down against me when she saw I was awake, hugging me tight as she showered kisses on me.

"Hi there, big boy!" she leered at me, giving my protruding erection a tweak. "Looks like you're ready for fun and games!"

"Don't you believe it!" I retorted, slipping out of bed to head for the toilet; I really needed to pee, and having a chin-prodder of an erection wasn't helping matters any...

Quickly brushing my teeth, I jumped back into bed; I had had no plans for the day; today was my first day with no lectures, assignments, reports, mentoring or work in 3 years, and I intended to do a large amount of bugger-all, or at least that had been the plan yesterday afternoon; since then a distraction in the form of the most beautiful girl in the world had somehow fallen into my life (and my bed!), and she was still there!

As soon as I hit the bed, I turned my attention back to Nia. She was still wearing her T-shirt and pyjama bottoms but I had a cunning plan for getting them off her – it went like this; "Could you please take all your clothes off?" Worked like a charm! As she stripped-off, I wondered again at her body; so lithe, elegant, sleek, her flanks smooth and flawless, her skin fresh and clear, young and alive. It was impossible to resist touching and caressing, feeling her silky smoothness, her warmth, her vibrancy.

Nia slid into my arms, kissing me seriously, making all sorts of nice things happen at once. My erection, flagging once I'd had a pee, stiffened back to fighting trim, and, as I kissed, fondled and squeezed her lovely body, her own arousal started to show, her face and neck blushing, her nipples popping out like two little fingertips. Her hand encircled my cock, pumping me slowly as we kissed and explored, and when my roaming fingers found her tight little snatch she sighed and pumped faster. I rolled onto my back and slid her on top of me, pulling her buttocks open to rub her slit and caress her little pucker, making her gasp into my mouth, her lips curving against mine as she grinned. She reached back and took hold of me, rubbing the head of my penis against her rapidly moistening lips, lubricating me, then began slowly backing into my cock, taking me in gradually, pushing herself onto me until I was fully embedded in her, her eyes shut tight in concentration as her vagina stretched to accommodate me again.

She began rising and falling, pumping herself on me, the friction on my cock utterly delightful. Her own arousal was climbing, a flush spreading down her neck and across her upper chest as she pumped, and I began humping back up to meet her thrusts, taking hold of her delectable little breasts and lightly pinching and rubbing her nipples as she rode me. Her thrusting sped up, and I sped up to match her, both of us approaching orgasm as we slammed into each other, sighs and groans escaping both of us as the sensations quickened, intensified. I slid my hands down to hold and squeeze her lovely taut little buttocks, pulling them apart as I slid my finger into her tight little anus, pumping in time to her thrusting down against me.

She came with a loud, guttural groan, her vaginal walls contracting around me, clamping and releasing me, milking me, and I came with a groan to equal hers, shooting long, satisfying jets of sperm deep into her, the convulsions of her vagina drawing out my climax, keeping pace with hers. At last the constrictions around me eased, and Nia slumped forward against my chest, holding me tight as she quivered in reaction, her muscles shuddering and chest heaving, her heart thudding against me as she rode out the aftershocks of her climax.

She raised her head to kiss me lightly. "Thank you, brother-mine!" she grinned, "the perfect wake-up call, we must do this more often!"

I laughed delightedly; she was obviously fully recovered from last night!

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juanviejojuanviejo21 days ago


kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

This was really nice and lovely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is great imagination and detail; it really makes you feel the power of the attraction. As with all incest stories, it's escapism not reality. I get pleasure from imagining this was happening to me. But in real life it's not something that I would ever have done, or something that would ever have happened to me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
My 2 cents

I read the first installment of this series. I liked it as far as the characters and premise. I read the other comments and I feel sorry for the mother as she has suffered so much. I couldn't imagine what a person like that would live through. The son and daughter are growing up and responded to their raising and environment. I'm glad they have discovered the love they share. I know this story was written some time ago, but thanks for your time and imagination. On to the the next chapter.

beachbum1958beachbum1958almost 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you, Anon 06/15/19

Thank you, anon 06/15/19

This guy is going through everything I've written here, trolling literally everything I've written, one by one, telling me what my motivations were for such and such plot element, why they're so wrong, dissecting everything with pseudo-insightful psychological claptrap, as someone else commented so succinctly, and rewriting them to fit his own limited perceptions and uninformed, narrow-minded view, and basically telling me what and how to write, and how I should express myself to his standards.

My usual response to trolling like this is to tell the offender either write the story they want to read, or shove off, and I'm getting to that point with this guy; valid, negative criticism is expected and welcomed, it all helps, but endless dissertations about why such-and-such story doesn't work because it doesn't fit his world-view is neither criticism or insight, it's just pompous bullshit.

if, after this, he wants to 1-star me, so what, I don't care, have at it, I don't write to score points, I write because it's fun and I like to share, no-one pays me, and what's here is what you get; that others like and enjoy the wildly improbable smutty fairy stories I tell is a real bonus for me, and if you don't like or don't approve, exercise your right to choose and buzz off and troll someone else.

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