Nicholas Ichabous & The CVS Girl


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When we walked through the front door, the charming cottage became something entirely different. The door opened up into a expansively open, tastefully decorated space with a gourmet kitchen over to one side and several sliding glass doors opening up onto a elevated deck. Lights on the deck illuminated a breathtaking view of the river. I had no idea we were close to the water, the woods in front of the house had hidden it. I couldn't help but wonder what the rent on a place like this was, and how she could afford it.

"Wow," was all I could think to say. I know my mouth was hanging open. "I hope you'll excuse me for prying, but does the CVS pay well enough to afford this rent?" I asked.

She gave me a smile that seemed to have changed in my mind from warm to mysterious. "I have other sources of income," she said.

She walked over to the kitchen and poured us two glasses of wine. "Come over here, I want to show you my favorite room," she said, walking towards a door near the back of the living area.

Suddenly I felt giddy. She was going to show me her bedroom. She didn't think I was some dirty old man, she was going to have sex with me. A thousand visions popped up at once.

None of the visions that had popped up matched the room on the other side of the door. It was not a bedroom, it was more like a large closet, with wood paneling on the walls, ceiling, even floors. The only furniture in the room was a small couch facing a large window looking out on the river. She closed the door behind her and guided me over to the couch, were we sat down.

"This is my quiet room," she said. "This is where I collect my thoughts."

She reached behind her and flipped a switch, and all the lights in the room and on the deck went dark. In an instant the room was pitch black and quiet. Dark, as in I could not see my hand in front of my face. Quiet, as in no sound, period.

I immediately began to develop some very bad thoughts. I was an out of towner. No one knew I was here. I was in the dark in an unfamiliar area. The bottom line, I had been lured to a remote home by a beautiful young girl, and now I was about to be robbed and killed. I was a sucker. All because I was a nice guy.

I remembered snippets of comments from earlier in the night — "I'll have to kill you," she had said. "I have other sources of income," she had said. "You can pay next time," she had said. Oh wow, when she said next time, I thought it would be another date, not later the same night. I was going to be a source of income.

I was thinking all this sitting there in the dark, my stomach in a tight knot waiting for something bad to happen. But nothing did happen. I could feel the CVS girl sitting beside me, not moving, softly breathing. There were no other sounds or movements. Impulsively I sipped the wine, then realized it was probably drugged. In the darkness, I began to feel dizzy.

Then she spoke, soothing and low. "This room is why I bought this house," she said. "I can come in here and turn out the lights and escape the world."

"You own this house?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"Yes." She anticipated my next question. "I am actually a writer, I make my money writing books."

I let this sink in. "So why do you work at the CVS?" I asked.

"I work at the CVS for life experience," she replied. "Research, interaction with the world, meeting people."

Now I was starting to feel like an experiment. I wasn't sure what to say or think, sitting there in the pitch black darkness. The lapses of conversation felt awkward, made me tense up, but it didn't seem to bother her at all. After a long silence she spoke again.

"I usually come out here to think about stories to write, but tonight I have a story I'd like to tell you," she said.

I nodded in the darkness, then realized how inane that was and said ok. I felt the CVS girl stand up from the couch and she began her story, walking back and forth in front of me as she told it. Her voice was steady and strong.

"This is the story of a boy, a young teenager named Albert, growing up in Mississippi back in the 70s. He was a black boy, from a poor family that moved around a lot. He moved around so much he always had a hard time fitting in, and got in trouble a lot because of it. One day when he was at school he got into a scuffle with another boy, a white kid, over something silly.

Well later that day, after school, that white boy and four of his friends cornered Albert in a hallway at the school and told him they were going to lynch him. They probably weren't going to do that, they were just scaring him, but he tried to run and they tackled him and started hitting him."

She paused a minute for effect. I wasn't sure what to think, I was half listening to the story and half thinking about how to get out of there.

"Just when it was getting bad for Albert, he saw another boy, another white boy, walking by in overalls. The boy watched Albert getting beat up for a minute, then he kept going. Albert thought he was going to die. Then he saw that boy come back into the hall, and he pulled the fire alarm."

In a flash, I felt all the blood run out of my face. She was telling a story about ME. I was that kid in overalls that pulled the fire alarm. All I could think was holy shit, what is going on?

She continued. "All those boys got up and ran off, and the principal came running down the hall and caught Albert and the other boy standing near the fire alarm, and they got detention for a week. Funny thing was, all that time in detention hall together, they figured out they had a lot in common. They were both kind of loners, so they got along. Turns out they became best friends, were practically inseparable for a whole year."

As anxious as I was to find out where this was going, I couldn't help but smile to remember that. Albert and I were an odd couple, but we were great friends. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a better friend.

The CVS girl started again. "The best thing for Albert was, this other boy being his friend made a big difference in his life. For the next four years, Albert stayed out of trouble, did well in school, ended up getting an academic scholarship to college. He also did well in college, and eventually, Albert became a very successful businessman."

I had never heard what had become of my old friend Albert, so it was nice to hear that he had turned out well. But my overwhelming focus was trying to figure out why she was telling me this story about my own life, and better yet, how she could've known about it? I barely remembered the story myself, it had happened over 30 years ago. I was at a total loss to think of anything to say.

She spoke again. "On the night before Albert went off to college, he and his friend were hanging out talking about their crazy times together, and they started talking about the time they first met each other, in the hall when his friend pulled the fire alarm. Albert asked him, 'what made you decide to come back and pull that fire alarm?'"

I closed my eyes and took myself back to that moment, tried to remember the words but couldn't. Amazingly, she did know the words.

"He said I....He said you... came back to pull the fire alarm because it was the right thing to do. He said you said your father had always told you to always be nice, and if you need a reminder, just remember your name, that's why he gave you your name. Nicholas. Ichabous. Crane. Evanston."

The room was quiet and dark for a moment as the words sunk in and the memories came back. My father had told him from an early age that he had given me the name with a memorable acronym so that I would always remember to be NICE.

"How do you know all of this?" I finally asked.

"I know all of this because Albert Ellison was my father," she said.

Once again, I was emotionally floored.

"My whole life, I thought that story was just something he made up, until you walked into the CVS and told me your name," she said.

I had relaxed some, deciding that she probably wasn't going to kill me. I took a long sip of wine and listened to the silence. "How did you remember that crazy name all these years?" I asked.

She let out a long sigh that sounded like she was smiling. "Because he did something so I would never forget, never forget the name, and never forget to be nice," she said. "He named me Nikki. Ichobee. Crane. Ellison."

I felt a flood of emotion, an odd combination of shock and pride. Albert had named his daughter after me, after a moment that changed his life, and suddenly I felt an incredible bond with this young girl I really hardly knew. "Wow," was all I could think to say.

"Yes, wow," she said, still standing in front of me in the dark. She struck a match that illuminated the room and lit a pair of candles that were sitting beside the couch. My eyes followed the match as she brought it back to her mouth to blow it out, and as the candles took hold and brought light into the room, I became aware that Nikki had removed her skirt and unbuttoned her blouse. She stood there in front of me, strong, silent, beautifully confident. Her white blouse hung open, showing elegantly simple white silk panties and a matching bra. Absolutely stunning in the candlelight, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. And for some reason I was hesitant to stand and take her in my arms.

"Are you going to have sex with me because I helped your father 30 years ago?" I asked.

"No I am not," she said, as she stepped forward and began unbuttoning my shirt. "That was a wonderful thing you did, and it made a world of difference for my father and for me."

She knelt down in front of me and looked up into my eyes as she unfastened my belt and ran her hands slowly and lightly over my stomach and down my thighs.

"I'm going to have sex with you because you are a very nice guy," she said smiling up at me. "Plus, I think you're kinda hot."

The compliment was still sinking in by the time I realized my pants were all the way off and Nikki was gently kissing and licking my cock, which was quickly rising to the occasion. Her honey colored eyes never left mine as she took me in past her lips and deep into her mouth. Her oral style was soft and sweet, with lots of slow sucking and gentle licks and kisses. My fingers found their way into her silky curly hair and I stroked the sides of her face as she slid my cock in and out of her soft wet mouth. Her eyes were so warm and sincere that it felt like we had been lovers forever.

She kissed the top of my cock one more time and then stood up in front of me, showing off her magnificent body as she wiggled out of her panties. Then she stepped forward into my waiting arms, straddling me on the couch, carefully positioning herself above my cock. Slowly, she lowered herself onto me, taking one warm inch at a time until she came to rest in my lap, my cock buried inside her as far as it would go. She moaned and then sighed as we came fully together. The whole time, our eyes never broke contact. Then she leaned in and kissed me, and for the next ten minutes, we stayed in exactly the same position, my arms around her waist, her hands in my hair, our lips in constant contact. I didn't want to move, it felt so right and I wanted it to last, and I could sense she felt the same.

Then she leaned away, shrugged off her blouse and slipped out of her bra, showcasing her small but perfectly shaped breasts. They were mouth-wateringly beautiful and I immediately gave them the attention they deserved, and she arched her back to allow my mouth easy access. Nikki began to make very gradual movements up and down on my cock. My hands were on her waist, and we began to move slowly together in a comfortable rhythm. We seemed to be somehow completely in tune, neither of us in a hurry. I was amazed at how comfortable I was making love to a much younger woman who I barely knew. It felt so right I didn't have time to think about it. There was a beautiful, intelligent woman in my arms, glowing in the candlelight. What more could I want?

Our pace gradually became faster and more passionate. I was lifting her up off my waist until she was just at the top of my cock, before letting her slide down the full hard length and filling her up to appreciative sighs. Her eyes met mine and we both seemed to realize that our time was close, and almost simultaneously, we nodded slightly to each other and then she leaned in and kissed me. Our pace quickened even more, staying in a fervent but gentle rhythm. I felt her body tense up and she cried out loudly as I felt my cock explode into her. It seemed like my orgasm lasted for ten minutes, but it was another 20 minutes until my cock finally subsided, and we held each other close for the entire time without uttering a single word.

Finally she leaned back and our eyes met once again. She looked at me with such warmth I really couldn't think of anything to say.

"Thank you," I said. "I haven't had sex since my divorce five years ago."

Nikki smiled and stroked my chest. "It would certainly appear that you haven't forgotten how," she said.

I felt like the luckiest guy on earth, but all I could think about was that this moment had to be a one time thing, just a very warm thank you for something I had done many years ago.

"This night has been incredible," I said. "Not just the part out here, but I just really enjoyed your company all night."

I felt myself getting nervous, like the kid in junior high school again. "I...I'd really... I really hope that we .. might .. see other ...again....sometime," I managed to stammer.

Her eyes looked down for a minute, and I could feel my hopes sinking and my embarrassment rising. I should've left well enough alone, I thought.

Then she looked back into my eyes and smiled. "I'm counting on it," she said softly. "You owe me a dinner. Something besides caramels."

I went from the depths of despair to cloud nine in a flash, and I expect she could sense it. She stood up in front of me, and just looking at her glorious body had me getting aroused again.

"I was really hoping that tonight wasn't over," she said. "I'd love it if you'd spend the night in my bed."

I stood up and in a flourish, I put one arm under her knees and lifted her into my arms.

"Show me the way, CVS girl," I said. "I think it's time for some rewards."

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chytownchytownalmost 5 years ago
Very Nice And Different*****

Very enjoyable and entertaining read. Thanks for sharing.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 8 years ago
A quaint story

I liked the story, but if you are going to make up a unique and unusual name, at least keep the spelling consistent. Nick's middle name kept switching from Ichabous to Ichabus and back again.

Saddled with names like those, I can just hear both of them going through childhood saying, "You can call me 'Nicky'/'Nikki', just don't call me 'Icky'"

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
More than NICE

Revealing. Sweet. Tender. Warm. More like this, please... Five Stars.

BetterEndingBetterEndingabout 9 years ago
Five Stars

Wonderful story. Thank you!

HansTrimbleHansTrimbleabout 11 years ago
How perfect!

A simple, sweet story, remarkably well told. I hope they stay together forever; they certainly seem to be made (and even named) for each other.

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