No Limits


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Back in her hotel room she went into the bathroom to change as Mike got dressed in main room. After he got dressed he glanced over at the drawer were the remains of her costume were and felt his stomach fill with butterflies. He went over and pulled the drawer open again staring inside and feeling his cock stir. Immediately he flashed back to Halloween night and how hot and sexy she had looked. He remembered the way her skin looked and felt the previous night and had to quickly shut the drawer and force those thoughts out of his mind to keep his cock under control.

He had just about regained his composure when she stepped out of the bathroom and said, "Ready? We should get going or else we might be late." Her dress was neither revealing nor overtly sexy but she still looked like a million bucks and Mike's cock began to stir again as if it had a mind of its own.

He tried to play it cool and whistled appreciatively just as he had done for her hundreds of times before. However, after the previous night it seemed the whistle took on a new and different meaning that Jim wasn't sure he fully intended. She blushed slightly and told him to get moving.

Her long blue dress went all the way to her ankles and had one small slit that crept up to just under her knee. Over the dress she wore a tan jacket. Combined with her perfect hairdo, her beautiful jewelry, and her shoes with the medium height, chunky heels, she looked dynamite. Jim tried not to be too obvious as he looked at her in the elevator when they rode down to the level of the restaurant. He wondered how he could never have noticed these same things about her that he suddenly found so intoxicating.

When the waiter arrived both Mike and Cindy ordered drinks. Somehow, things had seemed to return to normal between them and they sat talking and laughing through several courses of dinner and several more rounds of drinks.

They switched to after dinner drinks when all the food was cleared and Mike was surprised to realize his mom was matching his pace drinking. He had really been enjoying the strong drinks and was feeling pretty buzzed. With her being smaller and, he guessed, with her not having quite his tolerance he figured she was pretty well drunk.

Upon standing from the table his suspicions were confirmed as she seemed to feel the effects of her drinking immediately upon getting to her feet. She reached for him and he took her arm helping to steady her as they walked out of the restaurant and toward the elevator. They stayed like this until they were back inside her hotel room with the door closed behind them.

"There you go," Mike said easing her down until she was sitting on the edge of one of the beds.

"Thanks son," she said. "You've always been so good to me." She wrapped her arms around his arm and pulled him down beside her before embracing him in a long, genuine hug. Seemingly by accident her hand landed on the back of his head and one of his hands stopped on her side just above her hip. They parted the hug soon afterward but Jim had been very aware of what had just happened and how it felt.

He knew his mom was drunk when she suggested they raid the mini-bar in the room. "That will cost a fortune," he warned even as she already pulled out some drinks.

"I don't care," she replied. "You're only going to turn 21 once and I want to celebrate." They opened their drinks and talked for a while longer.

Mike was surprised when his mom said, "You know, that is about the tenth time I've caught you looking at that drawer." She motioned toward the drawer where the small bag was hidden with her costume. He hadn't even realized he had been looking at it at all and felt himself blush a deep red at having been caught.

"Michael," Cindy began with as serious a tone as she could muster given her drunken state, "I want to thank you for not thinking less of me because of that night. It means a lot to me. If something were to ever happen to come between us I don't know what I would do." He could see her eyes welling up with emotion as she spoke.

"Everyone's entitled to have some fun, right?" he said. "Besides, what are the chances of us meeting up like that? We should start buying lottery tickets with that kind of luck."

"Which reminds me, young man," Cindy said in a slightly scolding tone, "what the hell were you doing at a party like that?"

Mike stammered in surprise and repeated that Dan had surprised him with the tickets. He told her how Dan knew someone who knew someone and that is how it happened. "What did you think?" she asked.

"Pretty wild," Mike said making a drastic understatement.

"Frankly," she said, "I think the worst part for me is that you know what happened, what I did, after the party. That is so embarrassing it almost makes me sick."

Mike's next words popped out before he could stop himself. "Don't be. Hell, when Dan told the story we were all jealous as hell. That is like every guy's fantasy..." he let his voice trail off.

"So tell me," she said drunkenly, "did you get to live out every man's fantasy?"

"Not quite," Mike laughed as he let down his guard for a moment. He hadn't told anyone the true story of what had happened yet and didn't really intend to.

"Why, what happened?" she asked seemingly curious by his response.

"Nothing," he answered.

"Don't tell me that," she scolded drunkenly. "You know the nastiest thing I have ever done and apparently in some great detail. I think it is only fair that you return the favor and share what happened to you."

Mike's mind reeled. Rationally, he knew that telling his mom what happened or even having this conversation was insanity, but he couldn't deny that something in her voice and about having her so drunk like this was causing him to think maybe the whole scene wasn't as insane as it appeared.

He briefly told her about all that happened right up until about halfway through the orgy room, and then he stopped. He had decided to continue his lie and make up a story about a hot woman who sucked him off and let him suck her pussy but just as he was about to start he looked at her face and, before he could stop himself, he heard the true story being told.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she listened to him tell about how the guy had sucked him off and then how he had eagerly and excitedly sucked the other guy's cock. Before he was done he noticed that he could now see her nipples straining against the fabric of her dress. The thought that he was turning her on made his head spin in lust and confusion.

When he was done she asked, "You really did that?"

"Yes," Mike replied. He could see the desire and excitement behind her eyes and that combined with his being drunk and inexplicably horny caused him to simply start talking.

Before he could stop himself he admitted to her how he had thought and dreamed about her in the hours after the party before he knew who was under the costume. He told her about how exciting it had been to hear Dan telling him about what had happened in the hotel room after the party and about how much he was jealous and wished it had been him instead of Evan. All of this came pouring out of him almost breathlessly as if he knew that if he stopped for any reason he might not be able to finish.

The room filled with a heavy silence when he finally finished talking. What the fuck had he just done? What the fuck had he just said? Why the hell was he so excited?

These were just a few of the thousands of questions that swirled through his brain. His mom sat in a stunned silence without moving a muscle. It hardly looked like she had even blinked since he finished talking but Mike was very aware that her nipples had grown very hard and were poking out very noticeably against her dress.

"Oh my," she whispered. She looked up into his face and asked, "And what about now that you know it was me?"

Mike felt his stomach knot. He knew this was his escape hatch. He could say that it changed everything and they could perhaps still laugh this off as a silly game of true confessions. However, he knew that ultimately he didn't want to get out of this. Instead, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "It didn't change anything."

Cindy moaned excitedly and Mike quickly moved over closer to her so they were sitting with the outsides of their thighs pressed closely together. He brought his hand to her face and softly brushed his fingertips against her cheek. He couldn't believe what was happening but all he knew was that in this one moment there was nothing more he wanted than the woman who he had seen painted as a leopard two nights earlier. The fact that she was his mom was irrelevant at the moment.

He began to very slowly move toward her as if to kiss. "All you have to do is say stop," he whispered as his lips drew ever closer to hers. She didn't say anything and their lips met in a slow, tender kiss. Mike kept his hand on her cheek and she kept hers in her lap as their lips slowly played and brushed against each other. Despite the fact that neither of them used their tongue it was, without a doubt, the most erotic and exciting kiss Mike had ever known.

They parted the kiss tentatively as if they were both waiting for the other to react. Neither had moved to stop the kiss but neither had moved to advance the kiss once it started. They sat with their lips still just inches apart before Cindy stood up and simply said, "Excuse me."

She disappeared into the bathroom without another word. Mike sat in a stunned silence staring at the closed door. Part of him wanted to rip the door open and take her, but he knew he couldn't unless she was completely committed to this. She was gone just long enough for Mike to decide that surely she must be getting cold feet and have changed her mind. "Mom?" he called through the closed door.

There was still no answer but moments later the knob rattled and the door swung open. He looked up as his breath caught in his throat. His mom stood, completely naked, staring back at him. She took a half step into the room and he, for some reason, rushed over toward her. They met and wrapped their arms around each other. "Take me now," she urged. "Don't give me time to change my mind."

Mike didn't hesitate and immediately pulled her into a hungry kiss. This time he parted his lips and pushed his tongue into her mouth. She reacted quickly and opened her mouth before searching for and finding his tongue with hers. They remained locked in this deep, hungry kiss for several more long minutes as they stood just outside the bathroom door.

Mike reluctantly pulled away from her kiss and began to tear off his own clothes. Cindy merely stood and watched him with a wildly excited, but partially dumbstruck look on her face. He was naked in no time and stood up again looking deeply into her eyes. This time when they met in a long, deep kiss their naked bodies pressed and rubbed together and Mike knew that he had never felt anything so exciting before. The mere idea of being inside her pussy made his cock ache.

"Take me, take me now!" she moaned between kisses. Mike immediately reached down and picked her up with his hands under her soft ass. She wrapped her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted and carried her over toward the bed. "Yessss," she hissed just before he reached the edge of the bed.

They fell onto the bed together and in almost the same movement Mike's hard cock found her waiting pussy. It seemed like they went from standing together to fucking in a heartbeat and Cindy made a long series of excited gasps and moans as Mike starting moving inside her.

There was very little that was tender or slow about the remainder of their fuck. Mike's primal urges were now in control and he excitedly thrust his cock back and forth inside the one place he never thought he would even want to be. Both of them moaned wildly and loudly as they continued their frenzied fuck.

Mike resisted the temptation of cumming for as long as he could, but eventually he knew he couldn't wait any longer. He drove into her several more times seemingly with each thrust getting faster and a little harder. When he finally did erupt into his orgasm he groaned loudly and pushed himself as deeply inside her as he could. His cum flowed with an intensity he hadn't known before.

As he shot jet after heavy jet of his cum inside her he became aware of his mom shifting and rocking her hips from side to side under him. He was still pushed deeply inside her and he could sense her lust building as she ground her hips against him. He pushed even harder into her as the last streams of his cum entered her.

They stayed like that for perhaps a couple of minutes. Mike remained as deeply inside her as possible as Cindy shifted her hips erotically under him as she began obviously building toward her own orgasm. When she finally did start to cum her eyes flew wide open and she looked up at her son with a frantic intensity. Her mouth formed a large O initially in a silent cry that soon became very vocal as she began a long, lusty cry.

Her pussy exploded into a series of spasms and it wildly began clutching at his cock seemingly trying to draw him even further inside her. She pulled him tightly against her as she groaned and her body trembled under him.

She kept him firmly wrapped in her arms and wrapped her legs around his ass as her orgasm peaked and finally began to subside. They remained like this without moving even a couple of minutes after she finished cumming. Finally she lowered her legs unwrapping them from around him. For a long time the only sound in the room was their labored breathing as they both regained themselves.

The first other sound that Mike heard was, inexplicably, his mom's soft giggling. He pushed himself up on his hands and looked down at her trying to figure out what she was doing. It was clear in that moment that she was probably even more drunk than he had realized. For some reason, in the warm afterglow of their forbidden fuck, she had started to giggle nearly uncontrollably in that way that Mike had seen drunken sorority girls begin giggling uncontrollably at seemingly nothing.

When she finally calmed herself down she giggled a bit more as she said, "I can't believe we just did that." Mike was very aware that his soft cock was still inside her wet pussy and he smiled down at her as he too started to laugh. It was strange, he knew that he should be feeling a world of different emotions, but in this intimate moment all he could do was laugh about what they had just done.

After sharing this laugh and readjusting their position so he was now lying next to her she said, "That felt so good." Mike agreed eagerly and they softly kissed and held each other for a while before she parted their kiss. She looked up at him with renewed lust in her eyes and stared at him deeply before she said, "I can't stop thinking about you sucking on that guy's cock."

They shared a deep, intense kiss. It was obvious that she was excited by this idea and he could practically feel her raw lust in their kiss. When the kiss finally parted it was Mike's turn and he told her that he couldn't stop thinking about her and the other women together. He described how he would think about her touching and sucking the other women's tits and how he wished he could see them licking and sucking hers.

This was the final straw and they met in another deep kiss that soon melted into wild foreplay. He teased and sucked at her soft tits and then spent long minutes licking and sucking at her nipples until they were drawn into hard points. He was wildly excited to be able to explore and caress the same tits that he had been fantasizing about since Halloween night.

Her tits felt unlike any others he had ever experienced. They were soft and seemed to sag a little in the most tantalizing, perfect way. He knew that his mom was just a few months shy of turning 45 and her tits and chest had the small wrinkles and other signs of aging that anyone her age would have. It wasn't until he had been licking and teasing them for a long while and had her moaning and writhing excitedly under him that he realized he was finally living out his fantasy of being with an older woman.

The reality of the moment far exceeded even his wildest fantasies. Spurred on by his realization he slowly moved down from her tits, kissing and licking his way across her stomach until his chin was getting lightly tickled by her curly pussy hair. To draw out her anticipation he let his nose and lips simply slide back and forth over her pussy hair. She moaned and twisted under him seemingly trying to lure him toward her pussy.

Only after he had teased her mercilessly did he finally lower his mouth to her wet, waiting pussy. At the first touch of his tongue on her excited pussy lips she groaned deeply and spread her legs even wider for him. Her reaction only caused Mike to grow more excited and he decided to prolong his teasing before giving her what she wanted. He moved his lips and tongue slowly over and around her pussy lips without ever touching her clit or her wet, excited hole.

"Please Mike," she finally moaned. She didn't say anything else and she didn't need to as the pleading tone in her voice was enough to let Mike know she had had enough teasing.

He pushed his tongue deeply inside her with one quick movement. She let out a long groan and her back arched in excitement. Her physical reaction to the rest of his teasing was stronger than anything he had ever seen before. She was very vocal and wriggled all over the bed in her lust as he first concentrated on fucking and licking her wet pussy hole.

When he moved up and let his tongue find her excited clit she practically screamed and immediately exploded into an orgasm. She bucked her hips and wildly pushed them into his face as she put her hands behind his head and seemingly tried to push his whole head inside her pussy.

By the time she released his head Mike's face was completely soaked with her juices. He slowly kissed and licked his way back up her body until he was lying over her with their tongues wildly dancing together once again.

What happened next was literally straight out of his dreams. She rolled him over and, starting at his face, began to slowly kiss and lick her way down his body. Watching and feeling her soft, experienced body hovering over him as she deliberately and teasingly excited him was driving Mike out of his mind.

In that moment Mike was suddenly no longer with his mom. Instead he gazed down wildly into the eyes of the woman he had seen at the Halloween party. There was no mistaking the gleam of lust and desire in her eyes or the pure sexuality that she seemed to exude from her pores. This was definitely the woman he had wanted to fuck so badly on Halloween night. This was the woman he could envision living out the wild scene that his friends had described.

He groaned deeply as she flicked her tongue over his bare skin. Her hands glided smoothly and teasingly over his body sending electric thrills through him. It seemed impossible to him that this wanton, sexy creature so perfectly teasing him in the most intense foreplay he had ever known was his mom. Had she always been this beautiful, this erotic and he just never noticed before?

Her teasing touches and sensual kissing and licking continued for what felt like hours. She clearly decided to give Mike a taste of his own medicine and prolonged touching his cock for as long as she could.

Mike felt like he might either explode from his own desire or simply start cumming. He couldn't believe it was possible to be this excited without having his cock touched.

Her next move caused him to arch his back and groan wildly in intense lust. She very slowly sucked his balls gently into her mouth, one at a time, and as she held them she licked them wantonly. Never before had a lover done this with this degree of desire or confidence. Mike never dreamed this could feel so hot, so exciting, and so magnificent.