No Way Back


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He stood panting, looking down at her, his dangling manhood glistening with his and her cum, then sat beside her, gently caressing her quivering flanks. After some moments he went into the bathroom and returned with a facecloth. Urging her on to her back he parted her legs, watching the results of their exertions oozing from her well fucked hole, then carefully wiped the insides of her thighs, and finally her pussy. She had always been self conscious, perhaps even a little embarrassed, at the copious amount of fluids she secreted when she was being fucked, but the expression on Clarence's face told her that he couldn't be more pleased. Having cleaned her up to his satisfaction, he lay back and handed her the cloth. Smiling, she tenderly washed his limp member, then almost as an afterthought she lowered her head to take it deep into her mouth, not from need or lust, simply because it appealed to her. She had always enjoyed the feel of a cock in her mouth, but she was still not ready to swallow cum as a matter of course, although after last night she wasn't prepared to dismiss the possibility if the mood called for it. Withdrawing her lips before he could start to stiffen, she rolled onto her back and for the rest of the afternoon they lay side by side, chatting comfortably.

It was nearing five o'clock when he sat up and looked at her. "I suppose I'd better get home and get out of my work clothes."

She giggled and looked at his naked body. "I thought these were your work clothes. It certainly works for me."

He pulled her legs apart and kissed her firmly on her pussy. "I like your work outfit too. How about you get yourself prettied up and I'll be back in a couple of hours to take you to dinner?"

His suggestion took her by surprise, because she had been about to offer to cook a meal for them both, but she readily accepted. As he reached for his clothes, she returned his teasing by seizing his tool and planting a lingering kiss on the tip. She was showered and dressed in plenty of time, and when he returned she locked the door behind her and met him at his car, which was a typical tradesman's station wagon loaded with tools and junk. Dinner was a low key affair at a small restaurant, where the food was moderately priced but good. As they ate they chatted about mostly trivia, almost as though neither appeared willing to disclose too much personal information, other than that they had both had failed marriages.

He did mention however that he had been married twice, although the first had lasted less than six months. With a rueful smile he told Diane that despite his wife seeming to be almost insatiable, enthusiastically taking his prick anywhere he wanted to put it, the reason she gave for leaving was that he was too big. He believed that the truth was she had only married him to defy her parents, who had been opposed to their rebellious daughter marrying a black man. When the novelty had worn off she simply made up an excuse to leave.

When they had finished their meal they made their way to his car, and started the return drive to Diane's home. During the trip she thought over what he had said about his first wife. It seemed ludicrous that the cock a woman had been enjoying for six months should suddenly be too big. As she herself knew only too well, Clarence's cock may be big but it was certainly not big enough to be uncomfortable, except perhaps for one place, although undeniably there were plenty of women who enjoyed it there too. Diane just wasn't one of them. In the early days of her marriage she had let her husband fuck her ass once, and that had been more than enough. Then again, she hadn't been as obsessed with his cock as she was with her new lover's ebony stick, so if Clarence wanted to she doubted if she would have the will power to refuse to let him at least try. There was no way she would suggest it, and she fervently hoped he wouldn't either, but if he did she would have to deal with it.

By the time they arrived home her thoughts had had the inevitable effect, and without pausing to do more than strip off her wet panties she led him to the bedroom and urged him to fuck her.

Her orgasm was brief but intense, and as she lay catching her breath she reflected on how her life had changed. With her husband it had always taken prolonged foreplay to get her in the mood to want sex, but with Clarence - and she didn't know if it was because he was new, or he was black, or even because he had a big dick - the only foreplay she needed was the thought of him sticking it in her pussy.

He had sex with her one more time, slowly and tenderly, and with a gentle drawn out orgasm for her before he had to leave. She refused to think of it as love making, because she certainly didn't love him, and she was sure he didn't love her, but they did have an amazing sexual compatibility, and that was all they needed, at least for now. There was no knowing how long their relationship would endure, but even if it ended soon she couldn't envisage a time in the future when she wouldn't be eager to let him fuck her, should their paths cross.

Before he left, they made arrangements to meet in a couple of days for dinner and a movie, but as she was dressing for their date he rang, suggesting instead that she meet him at his place, and he would cook a meal, and afterwards they could watch a DVD or whatever.

It was the 'whatever' that occupied her thoughts as she rode a cab to the address he gave. After a year and a half without sex, and not particularly missing it, she had been suddenly drawn into a whirlpool of sensuality, and now after only one night without she could think of nothing else. The cab dropped her off at a house that was being renovated, and Clarence met her at the gate and guided her through the rubble. A delicious aroma of cooking greeted her as he ushered her through the door, and he wasted no time in seating her at a table. She felt an unreasoning pang of disappointment that there were no candles, but this was quickly dispersed when he served her a plate piled high with some sort of meat dish, on a bed of fragrant rice. Impressed, she tasted it tentatively, finding it at first a little spicy for her liking, but the more she ate the more she began to enjoy it. Knowing what was to follow, neither saw any need to hurry the meal, nonetheless by the time it was finished the crotch of her panties was soaked. Settling on the couch he thumbed the remote control to play a DVD, and reached to fondle her breasts. His lips met hers as his fingers worked on the buttons of her dress, and she parted her thighs in anticipation.

No sooner had he exposed her bra than there was a loud knocking on the door. Cursing at the interruption, he went to answer, and when she heard voices she hastily covered herself. She barely had time to fasten the last button before he returned, followed by the couple she had seen with him in the bar. Although they were not drunk they had obviously been drinking, and the woman was leering at Clarence as she said loudly.

"We just came round to see if you fancy a threesome..... Oh...." She tailed off as she spotted Diane. "Sorry, we didn't know you had company."

To fill the sudden awkward silence, Clarence laughed. "These are the friends who dropped me off at the bar the other night. I'd tell them to piss off, but if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have met you." With mock seriousness he added "The ugly one is Edina, and the uglier one is Gavin."

Gavin was taller and slimmer than Clarence, and had an open friendly face. Edina was about the same age as Diane, and although she wasn't as heavily built she was still well padded. The most striking thing about her was that with her natural poise and elegance, if she had been more slender, Diane would have taken her for a fashion model but for one thing. Two things actually, and she couldn't help staring at them enviously. 'If only my boobs were as good as hers,' she thought, as she realised that for the first time in her life she was seeing another woman the way a man would. She had always been pleased when she knew a man was sexually attracted to her, but she had never really understood why he was. Now she was beginning to understand. It wasn't that she was attracted to Edina, but now she could appreciate another woman's figure, the way her hips flared and how her breasts jiggled when she moved.

She glanced at Clarence, and saw that he was looking at the newcomer with obvious interest, and remembering what Edina had said when she came in, she suddenly wished she were somewhere else. Jealousy wasn't a part of her make-up, so it didn't matter to her who he fucked, she just didn't particularly want to be there when he did it. The pattern of her thoughts set her juices flowing again, and she felt a strange satisfaction when she realised that Gavin was looking at her the same way Clarence was looking at his wife.

Edina's voice broke into her thoughts, and she looked up. "Hey Clarence, I think Gavin fancies your lady friend. What do you reckon on his chances?"

"Diane is her own woman. She's nobody's property, so if she wants him to fuck her who am I to say no?"

The woman being discussed shifted uncomfortably. She was a little disturbed that her new lover should be so casual about what she did, but then again he was quite right. What she did with her own body was her business, and nobody had the right to object. With all three looking at her, she was finding being the centre of attention quite pleasant, despite the subject, or maybe even because of it. She wasn't accustomed to being discussed as a sex object, but now that she was it was amusing and also more than a little stimulating.

Edina took a seat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. "You're right. It's for her to make up her own mind." She looked at Diane thoughtfully. "Actually I think you'd like Gavin. Take it from me, he's every bit as good as Clarence. He may not be as big downstairs but he's definitely as good. And I know he'd just love these" she added, cupping Diane's boobs.

Diane's eyes widened. It was the first time she'd ever been touched by a woman, and whilst she was uncertain she didn't protest when Edina's hands went from holding to openly stroking. Momentarily forgetting the presence of the men, she reached out a hand, suddenly wanting to feel the other woman's nipples pressing into her palms. With a smile of understanding, Edina pulled up her tee shirt to allow access to her generously proportioned dark brown tits with their hard, almost coal black tips. So intent was she on exploring the splendid globes, that it took a moment or two to register that Gavin was sitting on the other side of her unbuttoning the top of her dress. Too excited to be embarrassed, or to care who was watching, she leaned back so he could free her breasts, pleased at his unspoken appreciation as he took her stiffened nipple between his lips. A quick sideways look told her that Clarence was similarly engaged with Edina, and she returned her attention to Gavin and the pleasure he was giving her.

By now she was so worked up that she could think of only one thing, and she readily allowed him to help her to her feet and out of her clothes. She had already experienced one hard black cock, and now she was eager to discover for herself if Gavin was as good as his wife had claimed. His finger worked her clit from side to side, and she pushed her hips forward as she watched Clarence undress Edina. With her large proud tits and voluptuous hips, she looked like an exotic African fertility goddess, smiling as his fingers slid in and out of her neatly trimmed vagina.

Vaguely aware of the wetness trickling down the insides of her legs, Diane almost forgot what was happening between her own thighs as the erotic scenario unfolded. Clarence divested himself of his clothing, and Edina perched her bottom on the edge of the couch, leaning forward to take his rigid cock into her mouth, sucking momentarily before slumping back, thighs wide. Her fingers eased apart the dark lips, revealing the glistening pale inner folds and the pink tongue of her engorged clitoris.

To Diane, time seemed to wind back to more primitive times, as the two superb black bodies came together in a ritual as old as man. As the immense ebony phallus drove into its natural receptacle, she became conscious of her own mounting orgasm, and tearing at Gavin's clothes in a frenzy of lust she threw herself backwards onto the cushions, guiding his cock into her dripping crack.

Just as Edina had said, Gavin wasn't as well endowed as Clarence, but even so he was still bigger than Diane's husband, and she sighed with pleasure as he pushed in and out of her wet slit. Although she knew she shouldn't, as she was being fucked she couldn't help comparing. Where Clarence relied on sheer size, Gavin was all about technique. He varied the angle of penetration with each thrust so that the head of his cock explored different areas in turn. The erotic sounds emanating from the couple beside her acted directly on her own senses, and she writhed her hips, fucking him as fiercely as he was fucking her, wanting to feel him everywhere inside her, wanting the fiery fingers of passion to touch every cell of her being. Her orgasm crashed over her like a giant wave, blotting out all awareness of everything but the plundering tool sending her to the pinnacle of ecstasy. Seconds later his cock erupted, adding his steaming juice to the already liquid depths of her hole.

He continued to thrust gently, slowly easing her down from the heights as her sated pussy coaxed out the last of his cum, and she opened her eyes to see Edina with Clarence's spent cock in her hand, looking at her and shaking her head in wonderment.

"Damn, I never thought a white woman could fuck like that! Us girls had better guard our menfolk if there are many like her around, or we'll never get any."

Diane smiled to herself at the mental image of frustrated black women, cursing outside bedroom doors and weeping because their menfolk were inside fucking white women instead of them. Of course that was too unlikely, because if most women of her own race were like the friends she had grown up with, they were far too inhibited to really let themselves go. In fact it had taken the unconstrained sexuality of her present companions to release her own animal instincts.

As the men moved to sit in the armchairs facing the couch, Edina reached for Diane's breast. "It will be a while before the boys are fit for action again." she murmured, taking a nipple between her lips and sucking briefly before continuing. "God I love these tits." Diane's lust was totally satisfied, at least for a while, but she was pleased that she was appreciated, so she leaned back with her eyes closed and gave her new friend free rein with her boobs. A comfortable warmth spread through her, and she felt a hard nipple nudging insistently against her lips. "Suck my tits baby." Her mouth opened and she sucked the puckered bud urgently as the black woman threw a leg across her, rubbing her slit up and down her meaty thigh, and smearing Clarence's cock cream over the pale skin before she tensed, and with a long sigh she resumed her place.

Diane had never seen herself as particularly alluring, but the fact that her three companions considered her to be excited her. She had never until now been the centre of attention, and she made the most of it by spreading her legs wide so the men facing her could have a clear view of her pussy. With a malicious smile and her eyes fixed on the men's faces, she lifted one breast, taking the nipple into her mouth then moved her hand down and began to slowly and deliberately manipulate her clit. Clarence was first to react, his cock stiffening and lengthening until it was again magnificently rampant. With his gaze firmly on her slit she rose from her seat and crossed the small space between them. With Edina and Gavin looking on, she parted her plump pussy lips and sank down until his immense weapon was completely engulfed. She gasped as she felt him stretching her, then sighed with pleasure.

A week earlier she would have died with embarrassment at the thought of anyone seeing her in her underwear, but now she wanted them to watch her having sex, wanted them to see this huge tool plundering her wet twat. She rose and fell steadily, moaning with passion as Edina and Gavin took up positions on each side of her, and began kneading and sucking her enormous tits. Clarence thrust up into her and put out his hand to finger her clit, sending tremors through her whole body, and as her cum ran down his shaft she fucked him furiously, silently begging him to match her orgasm with his own. His tool finally stopped pumping his juices into her, and she slowly disengaged and slumped to her knees.

As she sat back on her heels looking at his still hard prick glistening with their secretions, Edina gently urged her aside and bent to take it in her mouth, at the same time signalling to her husband, who immediately moved behind her and thrust his cock into his wife's snatch.

Over the next several months Diane started to wonder if perhaps it had been some form of initiation, because although they often got together with Edina and Gavin socially, there was no mention of what had happened, and no suggestion that the experience should be repeated. Inevitably there had been the odd occasion when she and Gavin had fucked, just as there had been times Clarence had fucked Edina, but that was more a comfortable one on one friendship thing, rather than the uncontrolled group lust of the first occasion. She had not attained the same intensity of course, but it had nonetheless been immensely satisfying. The option of the extra cock had also contributed greatly to her contentment. There was no disputing Edina's claim that Gavin was as good as Clarence in as much as having an orgasm was concerned, but when it came down to it she preferred they way Clarence's huge organ filled her completely. Her relationship with Clarence had progressed to a point where much of their time together was spent just enjoying each other's company. Neither wanted their sex life to be reduced to a predictable routine, so for the most part their fucking was spontaneous. He was not demanding, but she was always willing and it only took the slightest hint for her to get wet.

They had been seeing each other for about five months, when one Saturday evening their friends arrived unannounced. Edina was dressed to kill, with her obviously braless boobs threatening to pop the buttons of her blouse. Diane was feeling hornier than usual, and looked at her hopefully, but Gavin announced they were on their way to a party, and thought they'd see if she and Clarence wanted to join them. They way he stressed the word 'party' caught Diane's curiosity, and she looked at Clarence questioningly.

"Sounds good to me," he said, "but I'm not sure if it would be Diane's kind of party."

"Why shouldn't it be?" she asked, "What kind of party is it?"

Clarence looked her in the eye. "Remember when Gavin and Edina first came here? It's like that only more so."

She thought back to that incredible experience. "How do you mean, more so?"

"It's a swingers party. Everyone fucks anyone they want, except their own partners."

"Oh, I see. I'm not sure I could do that. I mean it's different with Gavin and Edina, they're friends, but I don't think I could have sex in front of strangers. Especially with a body like mine. But don't let me stop you going if you want to."

He took her hand. "They're friends now, but that first time you didn't know them at all did you? It didn't bother you then so why should it bother you now? And there'll be plenty of others there in far worse shape than you, so don't worry about it. Look, it's just a party. You don't have to screw if you don't want to. No one will mind if you just want to sit and talk. There's no pressure on anyone to do anything they're not comfortable with. Besides, not everyone likes an audience. There are those who do of course, but for those who prefer privacy there are rooms where they can have all the privacy they want."