OMG! I'm Naked in School! Ch. 02: Carolyn


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Carolyn saw the change of attention as it passed over the face of the manager. He obviously subscribed to a hierarchy of laws, and kids sneaking into the wrong theater ranked significantly higher on his list of offenses against theater rules than a naked girl.

He held out his hand. "Come on. I want to see your stubs?"

With a deputy right there, the boys didn't have a chance, and they knew it. Grudgingly, they began heading down the steps, though each and everyone did look back over his shoulder before disappearing down the side exit.

Theatre manager Stephens obviously was a guy who had to get in the last word. He addressed both Carolyn and Ryan. "I don't want to see either one of you two in here again. Young lady, your making an inappropriate and vulgar scene may not be against the law, but on Monday I'm going to check with our lawyers. And I don't think we have to admit nudists."

The manager had gone down two steps when Ryan spoke up. "Hey! Why don't you just put up a sign out front?"

Manager Stephens stopped and turned back questioningly.

Ryan grinned. "No Shirt! No Shoes! No Service!"

Ramirez broke out in a laugh, as manager Stephens stormed down the aisle. It was obvious though, the deputy wasn't ready to leave just yet. Standing out in the aisle he addressed Carolyn. "Where's you little friend Sarah?"

Carolyn kept her purse where it was as she could follow Deputy Ramirez's eyes. "She couldn't make it tonight."

Ramirez still had his hand on his gun and was still fingering his moustache with the other hand. "You two out on a date, or something?"

Ryan nodded.

Ramirez let go of his moustache, and his teeth shown bright white in the gloom. "Now that's a first. I thought I was pretty slick with the ladies. But I haven't ever had one naked while we were still at the movies. Wait 'til I tell Roscoe about this." With that, he tipped his hat to Carolyn, then sauntered down the steps and disappeared.

Carolyn exhaled. "Do you think it's over?"

Everyone in the theatre was still looking back towards the corner and not at the movie trivia slides flashing up on the screen. Ryan looked around then said, "I get a feeling the evening's only just begun."

Their timing in arriving when they had and choice of movies though was rather fortunate. This movie had been out a few weeks, and was nearing the end of its run, so the theatre remained mostly empty by the time the trailers for the coming attractions began to run. The new arrivals had no idea a naked girl was sitting up in the back corner, and in but a few minutes after Deputy Ramirez had left, even most of the people who still continued to crane their necks and look back had begun to watch the screen.

Once the movie had started, Ryan whispered, "Carolyn? Are you thirsty?"

To tell the truth, her throat was terribly dry. Yet, she wasn't about to go down into the lobby, and she definitely didn't want to be left here all alone. She shook her head. Still, though, after the movie had started, and she could see everyone below was concentrating on the screen she whispered to Ryan, asking him if he would please make a trip to the concession stand. All the while he was gone, she slunk down low in the seat, terrified that someone might come in late and decide to come sit in the back. It was such a relief to see Ryan come back up the steps with a couple of drinks and a bag of popcorn.

Around half way through the movie, Carolyn realized how cold it had become in the theater. Maybe she partially had the drink to blame, as it had tasted so cold, and sweet, and wet, and she'd been so thirsty she'd drank more than half of the enormous cup within a few minutes of Ryan having sat back down. Yet now she was cold and her teeth were chattering.

Ryan had been a complete gentleman. He had made sure to keep to the other side of his seat so as to not encroach on Carolyn's personal space, and had not even put his arm on the arm rest.

Carolyn was aware he had occasionally cast furtive glances at her breasts. In the cafeteria at school she had caught him with his eyes on her with a great deal more frequency than he had here in the theatre. As with the heightening of all her senses, Carolyn had grown extremely adept at knowing when someone was staring outright. Yet, she was even more aware when a person was too embarrassed, or whatever, and so only snuck these fleeting little glimpses and quickly guarded glances hoping she wouldn't know. But she was cold. Probably, that asshole manager had taken a page from Coach Carl's playbook and had turned up the AC to freeze her out.

Carolyn had her arms wrapped up and her legs clenched together, but it was getting to the point where she becoming so uncomfortable she was no longer able to enjoy the movie, and was about to ask Ryan if they could leave. Ryan though, must have noticed her shivering as he leaned over and whispered are you okay? It's gotten kind of chilly in her."

Carolyn's teeth chattered. "It's terrible. I'm freezing."

In the illumination of a bright scene on the screen, she could see Ryan give her a quick once over, and she could also see the goose bumps populating her arms and legs.

He whispered, again, "Do you want to go?"

She shook her head. She had been enjoying the movie before the blizzard set in. "Could you?" She chattered. "Could you maybe put your arm around me?" It was a desperate move, but she was cold. She clearly saw Ryan's shocked expression

He leaned back in. "You sure?"

She nodded, then actually left the wall where she'd had her shoulder pinned and leaned in next to him. Ryan brought his arm over and placed his hand in a most gentlemanly fashion on Carolyn's arm, just above her elbow. For Carolyn, the change was almost immediate. Her legs were still cold, but she turned slightly and whispered into Ryan's ear, "thanks!"

For Carolyn, completely naked and in such a public place she was immersed in a flood of thoughts and emotions. As always, when she finally had to time to consider her plight, the knowledge of and associated physical sensations because of her nudity were a source of trepidation and thrill. The blend of these two competing emotions swung back and forth as she would go from being so ultra self--conscious about even having Ryan's arm around her to secretly hoping he might be so bold as to let his hand slide up her arm to let a finger graze the side of her breast. The electric flash of titillation she'd experience every time she'd look down during a bright scene on the screen to see her own naked breasts and his hand but a few inched away was as intensely frightening as it was alluring.

During one of the hotter romance scenes involving Drew necking with her hoped--for boyfriend out on an open park bench, Carolyn found watching her kissing and the parallel to her own present public situation very compelling, even exciting. She became so conscious of Ryan next to her, and her thoughts ran wild. What if he slides his hand over and he cups my breast? This thought was so pervasive. What if I let him? And what if he even began to trace his thumb back and forth over my nipple? Would you let him? What would you do? She shivered, and it wasn't from the cold. Ryan looked over to her, and she managed a smile, though she was afraid he might somehow see what she was thinking in her eyes.

She looked back to the screen, but her thoughts weren't on the plot. Even without the occasional glance she'd steal down to see herself, Carolyn was intensely aware both her nipples were straining and taut, as hard as little rocks.

With that sensation so strong she found it difficult to quit thinking about her "what ifs." After all, it wasn't like this was their first date, and Ryan had already kissed her once before. She knew if Ryan were to touch her, the first contact of his fingers to her naked breast would cause her such an electric sensation she couldn't even imagine the impact of the reality until it was upon her, and perhaps, not even then. The feel of his fingers, if they were to graze her would be one thing, but if he was to just move over and cup her breast completely she could vividly recall how much she had enjoyed it when Austin had first done that with her. Of course, when they had gone from just light kissing to actually making out, and things had begun to get hot and heavy, she had waited a bit, but asked him to take his hand off of her breast after letting him have himself a little feel. But, after a few of those getting to know one another sessions, that night out on the lake, on the platform, when she'd decided to let him go all the way, once he'd definitely cupped her breast, she'd never told him to take his hands off of her; quite the contrary she had very willingly pressed herself to him, actually offering herself to his hands. And there was something so powerful in doing so, a crossing of a threshold and an ensuing sense of passion unleashed maybe? And that powerfully passionate sensation was so pronounced in how Austin's hands had almost felt hungry in the way his fingers pressed against her soft flesh, and in the way she responded to his obvious thrill as he discovered her own excitement through the stiffness of her nipples.

It was only when she realized how wound up she was becoming, Carolyn forced herself to pay attention to the movie. But in a few minutes as she watched Drew Barrymore fall into another very romantic kissing scene, Carolyn realized she'd begun to recall the details of what it had been like when Ryan had last kissed her goodnight, dwelling on the feel of his lips against hers, the taste of his breath, and that delicate tremble she'd felt from his arms and how surely this big, strong guy had been scared just to kiss her. Suddenly conscious of the feel of the seat against the bare skin of her bottom didn't have a towelette, and would have been horrified if when they got up to leave he had seen she'd left a spot on the seat.

Yet, despite all of Carolyn's recollections and associated angst and aspirations, Ryan didn't take advantage of the situation. He kept his arm around her, and his hand always on her elbow. Occasionally, as they sat together, she would know he was looking at her, and she would turn, and he would smile and whisper, "Are you okay?" And when she would nod or whisper back, "yes" he would give her elbow a little squeeze and momentarily hug her the slightest bit closer.

By the time the movie was over, Carolyn had drained the forty--four ounce drink, and, of course, all that fluid had taken a heavy toll on her bladder. For the most part, the people filing out as the credits began to roll, looked back once, or twice, but left the theatre without making a scene. Carolyn had been worried about that, and so was happy it appeared she was going to be left alone. Yet now, she had a more pressing problem.

Just after the credits had started, Ryan had removed his arm, but surprisingly didn't seem all so eager to leave. By the time the names of the cast had passed, she nudged Ryan. "You ready to go?"

He had a strained look on his face. "Just give me a minute. I want to see what the name of one of the songs was."

Carolyn hazarded a quick glance of her own to see that her suspicions over why Ryan wasn't in such a hurry to leave were confirmed. He definitely, had a very pronounced bulge he was attempting to hide in the lap of his khakis. For Carolyn, she found the effect of this realization was so flattering. To tell the truth, she had been slightly uncomfortable when he'd first put his arm around her. But he had remained a true gentleman, and never once attempted to cop a feel in any way. For her part, she had begun to become so comfortable she had settled right in. Now though, that she was aware of the effect she'd had on him, she felt a new wave of admiration for the big guy, and was only too willing to wait until he felt he was ready. It must have been quite a powerful effect, as the full credits had rolled, and the house lights had come up before he finally got up and offered her his hand to leave.

She was dreading the lobby, but actually contemplating using the ladies room. Ryan though, stopped at the aisle break between the upper and lower levels and pointed toward the emergency exit. "Carolyn, if we go out through the exit we'll come out at the side back door near the front of the theatre. We're parked only a few rows away. Do you want to just head out through there, or the lobby?

She took but a few seconds to decide. She needed to pee, but she definitely wanted to avoid another scene with the crowd out at the concession stand. Holding hands as she followed Ryan, they came outside just as he'd said, and with only startling a minimum of people in the parking lot, they made it to the safety of Ryan's car.

Once she had her seat belt on, Ryan hesitated in turning on the ignition, instead turning to ask, "How'd you like the movie?"

Carolyn really did have to pee. In fact, since she'd gotten up out of her seat it was only worse, and with each step she'd felt as if her bladder was going to burst. "It was good, just fine. Hey, do you think we could go now?"

It was obvious he felt taken aback by her being so short. "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no." She decided to be honest and fess up. "Ryan, it's just I drank that entire drink." She tossed her hair back. "You know what I'm getting at?"

His grin slipped out before he could suppress it. "Well, you said you were thirsty, so I got you a big one."

Carolyn tugged at the shoulder strap as it was cutting across her breasts. "So could we go? I'm not even sure if I'll even make it home, so try not to hit any big bumps, okay?"

Ryan twisted the key, but stopped. "If it's really bad we could go back in the theater?

Carolyn wasn't about to repeat that lobby scene again. She shook her head. "I'll be okay, but the sooner you get me home the better."

They rode for a while in silence, only listening to the radio. Carolyn kept replaying scenes from the movie in her mind, as well as various scenes from the lobby and the confrontation with the manager. She realized, once again, Ryan had saved her, as he had in the hall that first Monday, which now seemed eons ago. It also hit her she'd been rude in being so adamant that he rush her home. The sooner you get me home, the better. She had only had a couple of dates she'd call bad, but that was the first time she'd said anything like that to any guy.

Ryan, though, again was nothing but a gentleman. He'd definitely registered a hurt look to Carolyn's request, but as he drove, he was the one who tried to engage Carolyn in conversation, and it was she who was only coming back in single, monotone syllables. Not too long after he'd all but given up, Carolyn looked over to watch him as the sweeping patterns of light and shadows streamed over them through the windows. He had dark eyes, as kind as they were strong. She liked his lashes, too; they curled more than any macho football player would ever admit to himself; but she saw it. And in his entire countenance, especially when he smiled, there was a sense of something she could only call tenderness. She wanted to say something, but couldn't think of a thing she didn't think would sound dumb or shallow considering how cold she'd been behaving and how nice he'd been all evening.

Back to looking out the window, Marcie's admonition over Carolyn being a conservative, stick--in--the--mud was playing in her mind, along with her last complete sentence to Ryan, The sooner you get me home, the better. It was then she saw it and had an idea. There was Fuzzy's Pizza just a couple of blocks ahead and on the right. Amazingly for a Saturday evening, the parking lot appeared almost empty, with only one car out front. Thinking quickly, she decided to just go for it, clearing her throat and speaking up. "Ryan, how about if we stop in at Fuzzy's for a pizza? I could use the ladies room, and then we wouldn't have to just hurry home?"

He looked over to her.

Carolyn quickly added, "I've been having fun, and you've been really cool about everything. I mean, I'm up for it if you are?"

Ryan didn't even have time to reply they'd come up on the entry into the parking lot so quickly. He did hang a quick right and pulled up in front, now only two cars in the parking lot.

He moved to switch off the ignition but kept his hand on the key. "This is weird. This place is usually packed."

Right about now Carolyn was seriously considering getting out and just squatting down in the shadow of the car right there in the parking lot. Obviously, this would be one time when being naked would prove to be a huge advantage. "The lights are on," she offered. "And it looks open."

Ryan switched off the ignition, and his grin was back. "You sure you're up for this?'

He had his hand on the dash, and Carolyn actually reached over to touch him, and grinned herself. "I'm game if you are. Besides," she winced as she unbuckled, "I really don't think I can make it all the way home."

Once inside they did find that the place appeared deserted. No one was even to be seen behind the counter. Still, Carolyn was in dire need, and she hurried back to the restrooms while Ryan went up to the counter. When she came back out, feeling entirely so relieved, Ryan was standing by a booth.

He waved a ticket, as if she hadn't seen him. "I ordered us a medium special."

The girl behind the counter momentarily registered shock at Carolyn's appearance, but the immediate alarm vanished when they both realized they recognized one another. The counter girl, Belinda Villareal, had played the role of Mayor Shinn's daughter, Zaneeta, in the school's musical production of, The Music Man. Zaneeta was the flighty and over--excitable teen--aged girl who had the hots for River City's bad boy, Tommy Djilas. Throughout the play, Belinda, as Zaneeta, whenever she was exicted, she would impale the audience almost as if she were dragging her fingernails over a blackboard with her tin--whistle shriek of, "Ye--Gods!" And demonstrating surely why Belinda had won the part, when she called out revealing her surprise at seeing her naked classmate, it sounded just like Zaneeta's squeaky, "Ye--Gods," but in the form of, "Carolyn! Is that you?"

Carolyn stepped over hesitantly to stand near to Ryan. "Hi, Belinda. Yes, it's me." Carolyn let go of her purse, leaving it to dangle at her hip and swept her arms out from her sides. "In the flesh!"

Belinda, who'd finished writing on the order pad, tucked her pencil behind her ear and from her obvious expression was extremely pleased to see to Carolyn. She actually leaned eagerly forward over the counter, bracing herself with both hands. "Carolyn, I know this may sound weird, but it just blows me away to see you actually standing there. I mean, I know everyone in the study has to be ... na ... nake ... uh, like that, twenty--four seven. And I've seen you and everyone else out in the halls, and I've even got a naked guy in my Calculus class, but I just didn't really imagine actually running into you out in public somewhere." It was shades of Zaneeta again when she squealed, "Are you two like ... like... On a date?"

Ryan spoke up. "A movie and a pizza on a Saturday night." He looked to Carolyn and then nodded to Belinda. "Yeah, I'd call this a date."

As if Zaneeta's, "Ye--Gods!" had been her only line in the play, Belinda laid another high--pitched exclamation on them. "How cool!"

At this moment, Carolyn didn't feel 'cool.' In fact, after Belinda's admission about seeing her 'na ... na ... like that' out in public, she felt almost as self--conscious as she had in the theater lobby. Again, it was one of those stark and sudden realizations, which just blind--sided Carolyn out of nowhere. Following a pattern she was hit with a visualized dose of reality; Carolyn could see a mental picture of herself. She was naked with only her sandals, necklace, bracelet and a pretty little bow in her hair, and she was standing out amid the neon beer signs and plush--red booths and tables of a pizza parlor. And when Belinda finally turned on her heel and disappeared through the kitchen's double doors it didn't help Carolyn to hear "Zaneeta's tin--whistle squeal when she called out to whoever must have been back there manning the pizza oven. "You won't believe this!"