On Impulse

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A casual meeting between two Litsters, or is it?
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Well, it's not so much a date as a.... what did he call it? A casual meeting.

Two people attracted to each other for very different reasons. His posts made me smile and laugh, although they were never for me or even directed towards me. Still, I was interested in the man, the mind.

By chance, a post he made had me thinking of a story. An erotic thriller, if you will. It stayed on my mind for a few days, before the basis of the story came to me. I sent him a private message. He responded in kind…although not with kindness. His reply was almost brutally short and direct. He was always that way in our private messages. Abrupt. It made me think perhaps the man disliked me, although he never said so. I told myself it's not a big deal, anyway. I figured our lives would never meet. That changed today.

I sent him the completed story via email, and he responded almost immediately. But not with his normal abruptness. He told me that the story was amazing.

"Perfectly written. Almost as though you knew what I was thinking, what I wanted." Those were his words. I was thrilled! I was astounded, I was excited...oh...I was really, really excited.

I clicked over, looked at his picture on the Forum and sighed. Gorgeous body. Sexually open and naughty to others...yet to me he had always been a real ass.

I responded as abruptly as possible. I didn't let the gushing little teenager that had emerged at his praise make it to the page. I just said, "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it."

His response surprised me.

"I want to meet you and talk. A casual meeting. I have friends in the business and I think this story could become something."

He gave me details of where to meet him. I was even more surprised, considering I never knew we were in the same state, let alone that he knew where I might be or a location close enough for us to "casually meet".

When the time for the meeting came, I wanted to do it right. So I made sure that my hair looked perfect and that my make-up wasn't over the top. I donned my cute little polka dot dress and strappy heels. I looked sexy, but casually so. Like I had done it without trying. But I did one thing to make sure I felt sexy. I didn't bother wearing panties. Smiling wide at my secret, I headed to the café.

I spot him immediately. Dark hair, dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt that accentuated his muscles. It's hard to miss him...he looks good enough to eat. Swallowing hard, I walk into the café. The little bell above the door rings, beckoning him to look towards me. He does. Something mysterious flickers across his face. He smiles, but it's not one of those big friendly ones. It seems forced.

Crap. I think. I know I'm not a beauty, but wow…if looks could kill.

I make my smile wider and walk to the table. He stands, holding out his hand. It's warm to my touch.

As we sit, I pull the manuscript out of my messenger bag and plop it on the table.

We both start to talk at the same time and dissolve into laughter. Wow. He is a handsome and such nice teeth!

"You first," we say in unison. I shake my head, willing myself not to giggle like a schoolgirl and lift a hand towards him.

"It's nice to meet you, Honey." He puts full emphasis on my forum name, smirking a bit as he watches my face.

"Same here." I smile softly. The silence is awkward, so I am more than happy when the waitress appears.

We order drinks and some food. I insist on two checks, but he insists on one and gets his way by smiling brightly and quite handsomely at the waitress. She blushes and I am quite sure even orgasms. I snort and he looks at me, arching an eyebrow.

"I think you made her day," I laugh cynically. He just nods, the smile disappearing from his face. He taps the cover of the manuscript.

Ahhh. I think to myself. Real life and Lit are the same. Abrupt here, too. I decide to become businesslike in my manner. Clearing my throat, I begin talking about the story and what he had suggested as the reason we meet.

He explains to me that his friend thought the story was very good. Saying how he was amazed that it could be visualized so clearly, as though this book had been a movie he almost remembered seeing.

"Are you saying you think I plagiarized?" I ask defensively and fight the impulse to walk out of the café. Of all of the rotten things to say or even suggest. I sit there fuming as he chuckles softly, assuring me that he wasn't and besides, his friend checked just to make sure. He sits back in his chair looking a bit smug, a smile lingering on his face as he watches the storm of emotions crossing mine. His arms folded against his chest almost as if he is challenging me, testing me. For one brief moment, I hate him. Smug bastard. Our story IS good and he knows it. Why would he act like this?

Biting the inside of my mouth to keep from saying something I would regret, I'm more than happy when the waitress brings us our drinks. Raising our glasses, we toast, mumbling something about our success.

As he continues his story, I raise my wine glass and am glad I have a moment to just examine him.

He is very articulate and as he speaks, I sip my wine, my gaze transfixed on his face. My eyes rest on full lips from which a deep voice resonates and wonder what they might feel like on my body. He pauses to take a sip of his wine and I snap out of my fantasy for a moment, realizing I didn't hear a word he said and nervously run a hand through my hair, praying he didn't ask me a question and was waiting for a response.

From over the rim of his glass, his eyes watch me intently and for a moment I ponder if he can read my thoughts. Anxiously, I pick my glass back up and glance at my reflection in the window. I am thankful the weather was nice to my hair and absently run my hand through it. Turning my attention back to him, I twirl a strand between my fingers and observe him studying my movements. His gaze following my movement and I am taken off guard. Does he find that sexy? Testing this, I rub my neck, hoping it looked casual, and then slowly move my hand down, across my breastbone, to lightly scratch my upper arm.

He is watching that. I consider about what it means. If I ply him with alcohol, might I be able to have my way with him?

I laugh involuntarily, my eyes wide when his eyes snap to mine, a furrow in his forehead.

"What?" He says, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing…" I respond, feeling the flush spreading along my cheekbones, lifting the wine glass in hopes that it will hide most of my face and feeling quite foolish.

"No. You laughed. Just as I was getting turned on by your hand movements."

He says this as I am in the middle of a sip of wine, and I almost spit it out onto him! Taking the napkin he hands to me, I wipe my mouth and the table in front of me.

"Just my hand movements can turn you on? What about this?"

I look him defiantly in the eyes, slip my strappy heel off and use my toes to slide up his pant leg. I pause when I get to his knee, looking for a reaction and almost stop when his expression doesn't change. I do see his jaw clench and a muscle movement on the side. I raise my eyebrow in suggestion. No response.

I continue its ascent, adjusting myself on the chair so I can reach my destination. A flickering in his eyes tells me I made a direct hit. I rest my foot there. Slowly moving it, pressing gently. I watch as his lips open, the tip of his tongue running across his top lip.

"So? About my hand movements?" I tease, a smile crossing my face in a flirtatious way. Could the wine already be getting to me? Or is it him?

"So, you wanna fuck?" He says abruptly, making me laugh out loud. Yes. This is him. Here and there… Right to the point. Which is sexy as hell.

I go to remove my foot, but his hand holds it in place. His fingers clasp around the arch, and then lightly stroke my calf. We sit there for a few moments, my foot caressing his crotch, his fingers making me very aware of the fact that they will be soft, yet rough on my skin. I feel a moist warmth spreading and move slightly in my chair.

"Waitress, the check please," he says as the petite little brunette passes by and reaches for his wallet.

"Please, don't pay for me. Tell me how much." I slip my foot off his thigh, step back into my shoe and pull a few bucks from my purse.

"Oh...don't worry. You'll pay." With that he throws a twenty on the table and motions for me to walk ahead of him.

"Did you drive?" I turn and catch him staring at my ass. I smile and laugh. "Did you drive?" I ask again, louder. He just shakes his head his gaze sweeping over my body. I feel my heart begin to rapidly beat in my chest.

"I did. My car's down there." I point across the street to the parking lot.

We walk in silence a pretty large space between us, although I can feel him. I realize that I really, really want to feel him. All of him. With a shaky hand, I push the elevator button. No words. Just tension. Fuck...lots of tension.

A few people pile out when the doors open, a few people pile out. He moves to the side allowing me entrance into the shaft first and for a fleeting moment, I have this crazy sensation he would not be there when I turn around. Turning my head to tell him that, and to make sure he was really there, the words never make it out of my open mouth.

Silently he drops his head and takes my mouth, his hand slowly making its way under my dress. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, I know he's discovered that I didn't bother wearing panties. His fingers lightly stroke the tip of my pussy, which is dripping wet with excitement. As his mouth parts mine our tongues find each other, teasing, tasting….His other hand moves up the side of my body, cupping my breast, massaging a moment before reaching around, entwining his fingers into my hair. Our kiss deepens. His tongue invading my mouth, the kiss is sizzling and sweet. With a deep groan, his lips burn a trail of kisses down my neck, licking and sucking the soft skin. Running my palms over his arms and along his shoulders, I am entranced by his hard body and his gentle kisses. Drawing back, he looks down at me. The pads of his thumbs run along my lips.

"Lean back," he whispers.

Pressing against the wall of the elevator, I close my eyes as his hands slip under my dress; his fingers continue to stroke me, caressing the lips of my slit before entering the wetness between them. Rubbing my clit gently at first, his mouth still moves against my neck. Then it's moving down, lower over the cloth of my dress. He lifts the hem, reaches his destination and attacks me feverishly with his tongue.

Spreading my legs further apart, I grab his head and pull him closer. I love the way his tongue feel as it touches my clit…the way he flicks it back and forth, pausing to suck it…The way he uses his tongue to plunge deep inside me. With my one hand holding his head steady, I use the other to grasp the ledge against the wall. I fear my legs will buckle as my hips thrash and buck, moving in rhythm with his tongue as he drives it in and out of me.

When the elevator slows to a stop, he stands, smoothing my dress down. He calmly turns, waiting for the doors to open. I blink a few times, trying to regain some composure. My body throbs. So close…so close…

Once again we walk the short distance to my car in silence. Wondering, as I pull the keys from my purse, what is going to happen next. As I hit the alarm and reach for the driver's side handle, I look up to ask him where we were going and watch in surprise as he opens the back door and gets in. I smile at this, opening the back driver's side door. My eyes widen, and I want to be annoyed that he is so confident in himself, that he has already undone his pants. Unfortunately, I can't be and instead am quite happy that his cock is engorged and waiting for me.

Settling inside, I touch my lips to his as I wrap my hands around his cock. Lowering my head, gently licking the tip. I nibble around the head before flattening my tongue and licking the shaft. I gently graze my teeth along the sides of his shaft, not wanting to take him deep in my throat, not just yet. I want him to enjoy this as much as I will.

My tongue circles around the ridge, sliding down where I gently suck on one of his balls. Working my tongue around so that my mouth is just below the sack, licking the tiny spot just beneath. My tongue caresses his shaft again, nibbling and sucking the skin. At the tip, I flick it with my tongue, tasting the precum, moaning at its taste. Enclosing the rim with my lips, I gently scrape the ridge with my teeth, my tongue constantly moving on the head. With one swift move, I bring him deep into my throat as my hands massage his balls, a finger sliding beneath, caressing him. He adjusting slightly and I am able to circle his asshole. When I hear him moan, I look up and see him watching me, a slight flush on his cheeks. Drawing back, I flick the head again, watching him, smiling softly as I hear him groan. Before I can take him in my mouth again, his hand brushes away a stray piece of hair that covers my face.

"Wait" He whispers.

I watch as he takes a condom out of his wallet and he covers his cock. As I straddle his legs, he grabs my hips and lifts me, both of us moaning as I descend upon him. He bends his head and kisses me while his hands skillfully move me up and down while thrusting his cock deeper into my body. I let out a groan as his fingers slide around my ass, finding my puckered hole and dipping in. I rock against him as he slides easily in and out of my wet pussy. I ride him hard, rubbing my clit against his shaft, feeling my orgasm begin to rise. He pushes himself into me with long, deep strokes.

"Oh…God!" I scream, my body flooding the area between us with my juices. His finger and cock, simultaneously moving in and out of my body, keep pushing me closer. His hips buck and thrust. My body tightens, clenching, squeezing him. With one last hard push, my orgasm rocks my body. I feel his body tightening with his climax, too. His mouth descends onto my neck, his breath warm and ragged against my skin. His fingers slack in their grip.

My body still shaking, I ease off and sit next to him, not really sure what to say. Thinking I could be flippant. I could be cute and say something that might make him laugh. But instead, I silently watch as he removes the condom and puts it into a tissue, using to quickly tidy himself up before adjusting his jeans. He quietly rubs his palms against his thighs, breathing deeply.

I wait. Not sure what he will say. Not sure if it will be positive or abrupt. A casual meeting. That was more than just casual. I smile a little, look up at him and find him smiling back at me. Something is different in his eyes. His fingers lift my chin as his face moves towards me… his lips kiss mine, gently. And not abruptly.


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Blue_shoes1980Blue_shoes1980over 15 years ago
why no red H on this yet?

Honey, this is as hot as any of your previous stories. You have a sensuous way of writing, that evokes a response from both men and women. I wanted to be there. That's a good as it gets! Keep it up.

TarakinTarakinalmost 16 years ago
Very good!

Good work! The feelings are totally believable, the I-perspective adds to it. I like it very much!

RossDanielsRossDanielsabout 16 years ago
Welcome back!

I hope your inspiration continues because I love reading your stories. More, please.

rgraham666rgraham666about 16 years ago
Nicely done

A short and hot little fantasy. Well done, Honey.

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