On My Sister's Head


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“All the more reason to stay turned this way,” I said smoothly. “I’ve seen flashes anyway, when you teased me.”

“I never have,” she said, chuckling indignantly. “I’ve let you look down my top, but just a bit. And maybe shown a bit of leg. But never panties.”

“Then you’ll have to learn to sit more modest, sis. You flash them quite a lot,” I snickered.

“You little rat,” she snorted. “You ought not be looking anyway.”

“A beautiful girl like you, sis?” I snorted. “The Pope would look.”

“Ha!” she snorted back.

As the quiet settled, I threw out a comment just to fill the dead air.

“Dad looks,” I said nonchalantly.

“No way,” Devon said, finally getting up her gumption and raising to her feet and quickly turning away.

She had on gray fleece colored panties. They were a bikini cut, skimpier than Devon had let on. Because she had turned around, I got a nice, quick look of them stretched out as though they had been painted on her beautiful posterior. Instant erection! Swing!

“And Dad doesn’t look,” she said, stomping her feet as she snapped up the waistband of her shorts.

“He loves you just as much as me, maybe more,” I conceded. “But he’s also a man. Believe me, he looks. I’ve seen him. He’d do more too, if he thought he could get away with it.”

“You’re nuts,” she said, a little miffed at me. “Dad’s never been anything but a gentleman.”

“That’s because he probably thinks Mom would have his nuts. Catch him when they’re not together and flirt with him the way you do me and see how he responds. That’s the only way to prove your theory,” I told her.

“Yeah! I’ll do that when you get the guts to hit on Mom the way you hit on me,” she laughed, the bitterness leeching out of her voice.

“OK, you have a deal. I’ll flirt with Mom and then you have to flirt at least as much with Dad. Agreed?”

“No, I didn’t! Oh, you sure know how to twist things up. You ought to be a lawyer, little brother.”

“Or a psychologist, I’m thinking,” I said smartly. “Specializing in family counseling.”

“More like abnormal adolescent behavior,” she said snidely. Then she smiled at me, assuring herself that her wit had made us even.

“Nice panties you have on, sis,” I said, warmly complementary.

“It’s not nice to force women into awkward situations, brother dear,” Devon said pedantically.

She was right, of course. I nodded, acknowledging her point.

“So instruct me on a better way,” I suggested. “I want to convince you of my sincerity and true affection. Show me the better way.”

Devon’s eyes got warm and her look softened. She stepped forward and raised one hand to lightly stroke my cheek.

“How about just being my nice, little brother again?” she asked earnestly.

“Did you ever once consider sleeping with your nice little brother?” I asked, equally as earnestly.

“No, that’s not what brothers are for,” she said, exasperated.

I took her hand, again with no ulterior motive, and began walking back toward the trail.

“Why can’t that be what brothers are for?” I asked Devon reasonably. “No one you’ve ever dated or slept with has loved you as much as me. Did any of them treat you better than you think I would?”

“Not really,” she conceded. “Mostly they just lost interest after they got what they wanted. Or they got territorial and thought that just because we had some fun that I was THEIR woman.”

“See, there you go,” I stated gently. “I’m not going to lose interest. I think you know how persistent I can be. And I know you don’t belong to me. This would last just until one of us meets the spouse of our dreams.”

“Unless you wanted to fool around with me even after,” I chuckled.

“You are so bad, little brother,” Devon laughed at me.

We started walking again uphill, away from the car. After about half a mile, I took a moment and retrieved another water bottle, this time from Devon’s rucksack.

“Aw, come on,” Devon laughed unbelieving. “Haven’t you had your fun?”

“Mom said plenty of fluids,” I said seriously. “If you’re nice to me, and don’t treat me like I’m a freak for having normal, masculine desires, I may turn my back and let you have some space next time.”

We shared a drink out of the same water bottle. First her, then me, the way that I preferred. I know it’s crazy, but drinking after her was almost like sharing a kiss.

“I don’t think you’re a freak, Denni,” my sister said softly as we stood in a wooded glade sharing water together. “Sometime I talk that way because…”

I waited for her to finish until finally she said, “Just because. Let’s leave it at that.”

“Let me finish then, at the risk of putting words in your mouth,” I said. “You protest because you think that if you don’t, we will.”

Devon nodded. I took her hand again, and we started up the path.

“And would that really be so bad?” I asked softly as we walked slowly along. “That I should be allowed to hold you and make love to you like I’ve always dreamed of doing. That we should be able to learn from each other what physical love can really be?”

“No, that doesn’t sound bad at all. But it’s just not supposed to be like that,” Devon said flatly.

“Yeah, and a girl’s first time isn’t supposed to be with someone that doesn’t love her,” I said, perhaps a little bitterly.

We were quiet for a time. I knew I’d overstepped my bounds. I didn’t know enough about Devon’s first time to really make that assessment.

“You’re right about that one,” my sister said, bitterness coming to her voice, too. The she mumbled very low, “I wish it had been you instead of the guy I chose.”

“I wish it had been me, too,” I said sympathetically. “But hey, one of us is still a virgin.”

Devon laughed wearily. Perhaps she was finally being worn down by my persistence.

“So, you want me to save you from making my mistakes?” she asked, chuckling with irony as she said it. “What’s the equivalent of a guy with a three inch dick that shoots off before he can barely get it in? In female terms?”

“I guess the tease that gets a guy all worked up, tells him goodnight, and then tells her girlfriends the next day what a dork he was.”

We walked silently for a while before Devon said, “Sorry I asked.”

We walked without talking for another ten minutes. I saw the look in her eye when she glanced my way - a look of pity. That wasn’t what I was after.

“Look, Devon,” I told her, forcing my voice to be cheery, which wasn’t all that hard to do holding hands and walking along with a gorgeous girl. “I know I’m a bit of a dork. No wait, let me finish. I’m not a jock or real popular like you were. But I also know I have a lot to offer. Even though I’m not a brain, I’m smarter than most of the guys in my class. More importantly, I know I can make the right girl happy. I know I’d make a damn good boyfriend for the right girl. I just haven’t found one yet that I wanted to spend as much time with as I want to spend with you. I guess growing up with you has spoiled me. I have high standards.”

“There’s a lot of great girls out there, little brother,” Devon encouraged me. “You just have to look around.”

“You mean I have to settle,” I said darker than I intended. “That’s what nice guys do. Right?”

“I didn’t say that, Denni,” she groaned, frustrated by my attitude.

“I know you didn’t, Dev,” I murmured. No wonder I didn’t have a girlfriend. I can’t even keep a conversation with my sister on track without getting morose occasionally.

We walked quietly for a while and the mood slowly lifted. Devon put her arm around my shoulders for a bit, giving me the big sister cheer-up-routine. It was a nice day to be out with her. I think we both enjoyed it, too. My big sister’s naturally breezy attitude began to affect my own and soon I was appreciating the exercise and the view around me more again.

Stopping briefly, I pulled Devon into a brotherly hug to let her know I appreciated her. Even after I let her go, though, my sister didn’t pull back. Her hand reached up, caressing my cheek with her palm and the lobe of my ear with her fingertips.

“You would make some girl a great boyfriend, you know,” she said intently. Then she leaned forward gently and Devon’s incredibly soft lips brushed against mine for just a fraction of a second.

Her eyes sparkled for a moment, then she gave me her own quick, teasing wink.

“Come on, little bro,” she squealed, taking my hand and rushing up the path at a lope. “Let’s get to the top of this hill and take a break.”

I followed her quick, frenetic pace and soon we had reached some spot that Devon was apparently heading for. She walked off the path for several minutes and soon we reached an outcropping with a flat rock on the hillside that overlooked a wide vista. We could see the green valley laid out before us. My sister shucked her pack off as I looked around, for once overcome by the scenery around me instead of just the natural beauty of the company I was with.

“Great spot, sis.” I told her, returning her ear-to-ear grin. “I never knew you could see so far up here.”

“Not many people do,” she said, ecstatic to be sharing something wonderful. “I like to sit up here whenever I come and I’ve never seen anyone else, even on crowded days.”

I wondered why she had emphasized that, but shrugged it off as I sat down on the outcropping next to her. Devon scooted in a little closer and her arm slipped around my waist briefly.

“Grab one of those water bottles,” she said with mischief in her eyes. “Mom said we had to drink plenty of fluids, remember?”

I laughed aloud. My sister always did have a knack of turning the tables on me. Most of the time, she was so nice about it, I didn’t even end up minding.

She made a show of drinking a lot of fluids again, then smoothly challenged me to follow her lead. She brought out a snack of trail mix for us to munch on too, which only seemed to make us thirstier. We leaned back on the rock outcropping, shoulder to shoulder.

“Before, when we kissed on the trail,” I said softly. “That was real nice.”

“Yes, it was,” Devon said just as softly, looking off into the distance, avoiding eye contact.

“It wasn’t out of pity or anything, was it?” I asked hopefully.

“No, it wasn’t,” she whispered as she turned to me. Then she leaned over once more and softly kissed me again.

I tried to return the kiss even deeper, but every ounce of pressure seemed to make Devon back away. Finally, I just relaxed and accepted my sister’s gentle intimacy for however much she was willing to give.

Which ended up being more than I expected. As soon as I relaxed, Devon’s small, moist tongue crept into my mouth until just the very tips of our tongues danced lightly against one another.

It was the most incredibly erotic moment of my life. My gorgeous, wonderful sister was actually initiating intimacy. It was as if I was on the top of the world, ready to ascend into heaven.

Too soon, Devon’s long, tenderly smoldering kiss ended. She leaned back on her arms again, smiling smugly as her nimble tongue flicked out as if to tease me as she moistened her lips.

“Wow!” was about the wittiest reaction I could manage.

My big sister leaned back more and raised her face to the sun, smiling.

“I’ll go with that,” she whispered so low I could barely hear her. “Wow!”

I knew better than to pressure her for anything else. As far as I was concerned, the day was a wild success right now. Not that I wouldn’t jump for joy if she wanted to do anything else. As I was thinking that, Devon snickered, amused at some thought that crossed her mind. When she did it again, I knew she really wanted me to ask, so I did.

“OK. What’s so funny,” I said, smiling broadly, feeling wonderful.

“I can’t tell you,” she teased, looking over at me with one eye closed, ostensibly to keep out the glare.

Damn, she was beautiful. So beautiful she made my heart ache, sometimes. Like just then.

“You’ll just think it’s weird,” she said, chuckling to herself. “It’ll ruin your whole image of me as your pure, devoted sister.”

“Now I know you’re messing with me,” I chided her, laughingly. “Fess up now, or I’ll have to tickle it out of you.”

“I was just thinking,” she continued, ignoring my hollow threat. “I’ve always wondered what you guys look like when you do it.”

“What? Masturbate?” I asked, incredulous.

Devon broke out laughing loudly. Her amusement was so infectious that I joined in too, even though I knew she was laughing at me.

Finally, when she finished chuckling, she turned to me with a huge grin and said intriguingly, “No, I know how that’s done, little bother. I’ve always wondered what you guys look like doing it. Standing up.”

I still know what she was talking about, so she flushed with embarrassment and finally spelled it out.

“Peeing,” she explained, turning as red as I’d ever seen her.

“Oh! That!” I said, grinning back at her. “Well, I can help you there, sis. If you really want.”

“That’s part of it,” she said, then flushing again, turned away briefly. When she looked back, she had another impish look, even under her embarrassment. “At school this winter, a group of us girls saw these guys. They were writing their names in the snow, if you know what I mean. Typical adolescent males! But I’ve thought about it since. Kind of a quirky fantasy. Holding a guys … penis … and doing that while he peed.”

I grinned, amazed at my fun-loving sister. It was just the sort of goofy thing she’d want to do.

Standing up, I patted my lower stomach with a huge grin and told her, “I think I might have enough for you to get to ‘N’.”

She howled, almost choking as she laughed.

“I didn’t mean literally, you goof,” she giggled. “I just want to wave it around while you go.”

“Whatever floats your boat,” I said wittily. Well, not too witty, but it was the only illusion to water I could think of at the moment.

Devon walked up behind me and put her head against my back, her cheek between my shoulder blades.

With her hands on my hips, she said jauntily, “Let me know when to grab ahold.”

I didn’t know how this was going to work! As I unzipped and hauled out my penis, I mentally sighed with relief that the sexy talk and situation had left me partially erect. That would make it harder to actually piss, though.

“OK, I guess,” I said, unsure of myself. “I just thought I had stage fright before, though.”

“Just relax, little brother,” Devon said softy, her mouth getting closer to my ear.

Her hands reached around in front of my body and fumbled around momentary until she took my cock tentatively in her grasp.

“Hmm, can’t call you little brother any more,” she whispered sensually in my ear, causing my dick to jump in her hands.

“If you really do want me to pee, you’ll have to stop talking like that,” I warned her, chuckling nervously. “I can’t go with a boner and it’s hard enough to keep from having one with you touching me.”

“Think about puppies,” my big sister giggled, hugging herself to me as she kept her hand still wrapped around my penis. “Anything that’s not sexy like that. Or waterfalls - that’s it! A big gushing waterfall flowing millions and millions of gallons.”

Whether it was the image of waterfalls she put in my mind or just the desire to please her, I was able to relax enough to start urinating. I had enough pressure built up to produce a big stream, arching down the hillside proudly before me. Devon hooted and peered over my shoulder. She began waving the stream from side to side, making a game of a simple biological function.

It was fun to please her, and I enjoyed the sexual undertones of what we were doing immensely. I wanted her to keep my cock in her hands, to jack me erect and hold me against her all day out here in the open air and the sun.

It didn’t last too long though, especially since I was trying to showboat and put a lot of pressure and arc behind it. Soon enough, my flow started to peter out, so to speak.

“You have to finish it off right, you know,” I said, grinning back at her. “After it stops, give it a shake before you tuck it in. Not too hard, though! It’s not a sausage!”

“Kinda feels like one,” she said giggling. Jiggling her hand tentatively, she asked, “How many shakes is enough?”

“About ten minutes worth,” I told her.

“You rat!” she chuckled, withdrawing her hand to slap me gently about my shoulders.

I tucked myself in before turning around to face her. We stood around a moment, both of us unsure about what the next step might be or how far to take it.

“What do we do for an encore?” I finally asked, more to put my thoughts into words than anything else.

“Well, I still have to go,” Devon whispered, her eyes flashing impishly.

She reached for the zipper of her shorts and slowly drug it down.

“Stand right over there,” she said, indicating a place. “I didn’t really ‘see’ you, so I only think that’s fair.”

She dropped her shorts to her feet and, with a nimble flick of her ankle, they flew up into the air and she caught then easily. That left her standing in front of me, a mere ten feet or so, with just those tiny gray panties below her waist.

Devon sat down on the outcropping, sitting canted to the side so I couldn’t see between her legs. Then, biting her lower lip and with her hands between her thighs, she breathed deeply and concentrated.

Soon enough, a wet stream arched away from her as well; not as far or as high as mine had been, but amazing nonetheless!

It was a very erotic sight, playful and imaginatively done. I couldn’t really see a thing except the stream of urine. Even though I’d never have thought I’d be turned on by such a thing, I found myself getting harder and harder.

Devon didn’t last very long either. I guess she was showing off, too. She had a look of relief in her eyes and perhaps a touch of excitement as well.

“Well, what do you think, brother dear?” she said proudly.

I couldn’t praise her ingenuity and daring nearly enough. And also, I was very turned on. So I found myself saying what I really wanted to say. Probably what I wouldn’t have said if I had thought about it.

“I think I’d like to clean you up.”

Devon threw her head back and shivered slightly before returning her gaze to me.

“We really shouldn’t,” she whispered hoarsely.

“But I’d really love to,” I told her. “And I wouldn’t ask for anything else.”

“I know,” she said, sighing sensually.

I could see her hand. Her arm really, because her hands were still between her thighs. Her arm looked like her hand was moving in little circles.

So I kept quiet and just watched her, wondering if she realized she was toying with herself in front of me.

“Oh, come on then,” she said in frustration as she turned her legs toward me. “But don’t you ever make me regret this. Not if you ever want to speak to me again.”

“I swear I won’t sis,” kneeling down between her legs.

Devon had her hands still covering herself up. When I moved closer, she moved her hands out slightly, allowing me to glimpse the thin gray fabric that still blocked her from my view. Leaning further, I breathed in deeply, taking the scent of my sister deep into my lungs.

“Can I move it aside?” I pleaded softly. “The crotch of your panties?”

“Let me do it,” she said quickly. “Just keep your hands away. I’m nervous enough as it is.”

“It’s OK, baby,” I moaned and whispered as she drew the curtains back on her glory. “I love you, Devon. I always will.”

Her pubic hair was black and had a silky look, just like her normal hair did. She was just showing me the top of her mound really, but as I leaned in and began to lick, she drew the side of her panties back even more, dragging it out of the way.

She tasted salty and a little acrid at first, probably more from her perspiration than anything else. As my tongue delved lower and deeper, the taste got better and better. She was damp and the smell wafting up from her was heady.