On The Road

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Temptations on the road for married businesswoman.
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Chapter 1

I was sent on a short business trip as one of my last duties in my old job. I was being promoted into corporate management and they wanted me to give one last product presentation and training session before moving to my new job. My replacement had been traveling with me for several months but she had a long-standing vacation request that we had to honor and she couldn't do the show with me.

One of the things I like about traveling is the freedom it gives me. Except for my duties in my job I can pretty much do as I wish as long as I don't get arrested or get a bad rep with my coworkers.

I was sent to a convention type of business situation where my job was to present our new products to companies attending the show. I gave up to four, one-half hour presentations a day in a room set up like a small theater. The company reps that attended my pitches were there by invitation or appointment and after each presentation I would talk with them and arrange for them to meet with a sales rep from my company.

The first day I dressed in my usual business attire, a business suit with a white blouse and a kick-pleated skirt ending just above my knees. The convention center's technician assigned to my theater introduced himself as Bobby and then explained how to use the remote controlled projector and he said he would be there during all of my presentations to provide any help that he could. I was to wear a cordless microphone and he asked me to take my jacket off so he could hook me up. The transmitter clipped to my skirt's waist and the antenna was a foot-long wire that hung down over my butt and continued down under my skirt. The mic wire was fed up underneath my blouse and it could be hooked on to the lapel of my blouse or jacket depending on what I was wearing.

"Do you want to wear the transmitter and the antenna inside or outside of your skirt?" he asked.

I decided to wear in on the inside so it wouldn't show. I was wearing a half-slip under my skirt and my standard pantyhose. Bobby suggested I not wear a slip because the antenna tended to pick up the static electricity caused by the nylon slip and the noise would be transmitted to the room's speakers.

We stood there looking at each other as he waited for me to remove my slip. I considered going into the ladies room but that would take too much time. I decided to do it right there so I reached under my skirt and pulled my slip down and stepped out of it. He reached for it and I handed it to him to put on the table behind the screen. I noticed he passed it close by his face for a moment when he turned his back.

I had already felt a little bit of excitement when I reached up under my skirt to pull my slip down and my perception that he had smelled it turned up my excitement another notch. He was a good-looking young guy of about 25 or so.

"Please unhook your skirt and open the zipper so I can attach the transmitter and run the wire," he said.

I felt like I was undressing for him but I did as he asked. He was very professional and he quickly clipped the transmitter inside of the waistband of my skirt. He pulled my blouse out of the waist of my skirt and I could feel his hand across my back and around my side as he fed the mic and wire around me.

At his request I tucked my blouse back in and hooked up my skirt. The mic was dangling from my waist when he turned me around and knelt down in front of me. He asked me to reach down inside the front of my blouse and take the mic from his hand. Without even asking me he unbuttoned the two bottom buttons of my blouse and put his hand inside to hold the mic until I could reach it. He was operating in a very professional manner but I was reading sex into his every move and touch. He suggested I clip the mic to my bra since my silk blouse would not support it properly and if I got warm and I wanted to remove my jacket during a presentation, I would not have to change the mic's location.

I started to clip it to my bra when he offered the suggestion that I run the wire under my bra's band to hold it more securely in place. I pushed the mic up under the band of my bra between my breasts and clipped it to the top of my right bra cup on my standard, business-type bulletproof bra. He reached in to make sure it was secure and the backs of his fingers on the top of my breast turned me on even more. I felt my panties start to get wet under my pantyhose.

I buttoned my blouse and reached up under my skirt to pull the tails tightly down before I put my jacket back on. He showed me how to make sure that the transmitter was turned on by feeling the position of the buttons with my fingers. His hand felt dry and hot as he moved my fingers around the controls. We did a sound check and everything was fine so he left to get us a cup of coffee before the presentation started.

The presentations went well. He was in and out of the theatre during my talks but he stayed close by. I completed all of my presentations by late afternoon so I unclipped the mic from my bra cup and pulled it back out from under the band. When he pulled the transmitter and wire out from inside my skirt, his hand rested on my butt. I didn't think too much more about it except how silly this older gal was being in thinking that a young, good-looking hunk was interested in me.

Later that evening, I was sitting down to dinner with two business acquaintances when he walked by looking for a table. He had worked with one of the men who was sitting with us so we invited him over. We ate dinner and after sitting and chatting for a while we all went into the lounge for a drink.

After a few drinks, he asked me to dance and I danced a couple of fast dances and then a slow dance with him. He felt good and he smelled good. He was a little sweaty after his long day but he had a nice, young healthy smell to him. He was a good dancer and a good conversationalist. He pulled me in closer to him towards the end of a slow dance and his warm body felt good against mine.

A little while later he asked me to dance another slow dance. I protested that I had to wash my hair and get to bed because I had another long day tomorrow. He said just one more dance and I agreed. He pulled me close as soon as we got onto the dance floor and tightened his grip on me until I was flush against him. The alcohol and the long day got to me and I relaxed my head onto his shoulder.

His lips found my ear and neck towards the end of the dance and as he nuzzled me I could feel his erection stirring in his pants. After the dance I picked up my purse from my seat and he walked me up to my room and we said goodnight at the door.

He didn't try to kiss me or anything, he just said "Good-night, I'll see you tomorrow."

There was a message from my husband to call him if I did not get in too late.

I didn't call him!

Chapter 2

That night while taking my shower and washing my hair I kept thinking about Bobby and trying to decide what I was going to do. Between the alcohol and the long day, I fell asleep as soon as I crawled under the covers.

The next morning the phone woke me up. It was my husband asking me how I was doing. As soon as I heard his voice the previous night's temptations and guilt came flooding back into me. We chatted for a few minutes and then hung up since we both had to get to work.

As I laid out my clothes for the day, I decided not to wear my usual work blouse. I switched to my black silk, over-blouse. With that blouse, the only bra I could wear was a low cut evening one that had sheer cups and a front clasp. In the back of my mind, I knew exactly what I was doing but I wouldn't admit it to myself. A dark-blue, business suit jacket with a matching straight, kick-pleated skirt, and black, sheer to the waist pantyhose completed my outfit. After a short argument with myself, I opted not to wear any panties under my pantyhose.

I was a slut looking for it!

After a quick breakfast in the hotel grill I hurried to my theater. He was waiting for me when I got there and as soon as I walked in he whistled his appreciation and told me that I looked gorgeous.

I ate it up!

Instead of standing on the little stage to fit me with the mic, he steered me around to the side of the stage and behind the screen where there was a little table and a desk chair. After helping me off with my jacket he sat down on the chair while I stood in front of him.

His hands on my hips moved me so that I turned around and allowed him to unhook my skirt and slide the zipper down. I held my skirt up while he fumbled with the transmitter. He was holding the back of my blouse up above my waist and I knew he could see the top of my pantyhose. He suggested clipping it onto my pantyhose rather than my skirt and I agreed. I was already wet before he pulled my pantyhose waist elastic away from my back to fasten the clip onto them. By now, I was sure he could tell I wasn't wearing panties.

We were speaking in breathless whispers!

I wondered if he could smell me as I waited with anticipation to see if he would do anything.

He turned me back around and his face was only inches away from my belly as he ran his hand around my side and pushed the mic cord down inside of my waistband with his fingers. When he got to my belly, he asked me to hold it for him. I held the mic through the material of my blouse while he finished adjusting the cord and pulled me towards him so he could zip my skirt up with me still facing him. This caused his face to press against my belly.

Now I was really wet!

After he hooked the waist fastener, he put his hands on my hips and pushed me back a little away from him. Sliding his hand up under my blouse, he took the mic from my fingers and he asked me to unbutton the top few buttons of my blouse. My fingers were shaking so much that I had trouble getting the buttons undone. I was undressing myself in front of this young guy.

My belly quivered when the back of his hand touched it while he was sliding the mic up under my blouse. He stopped at the band of my bra and looked up at me. I smiled at him and he took that as a sign of approval to feed the mic up under the band of my bra.

His fingers went under the band and the clasp popped open. The cups didn't fall off but my breasts sagged down as they pulled back exposing their inner sides. I could hear myself breathing and I could see sweat beading on his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he blushed and whispered as I refastened my bra.

With the mic in place, I buttoned my blouse and he helped me put my jacket back on. All went well and I finished the morning schedule by lunch. We ate lunch together and at the lunch break he asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him.

I agreed!

After the day's presentations, we took a taxi to a restaurant where we had dinner and talked. He told me he was single and traveled all over the world setting up the audio/visual equipment at shows. He kept complimenting me on my beauty, brains, and career successes.

He said all of the things I wanted to hear!

He kissed me in the taxi on the way back to the hotel. I returned his kiss and he slid his hand under my blouse and caressed my breast through my bra. Back at the hotel we didn't stop in the lounge, we went straight to the elevator and rode up in silence. I don't think we even looked at each other. We stopped at his floor and as soon as the door to his room closed behind us he had me in his arms and we kissed again.

After removing my jacket he gently pulled me towards the window in the darkened room and stood behind me as we looked out at the city lights. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I waited for his next move. I was ready and I already knew where this was going to end up.

His arms were around my waist and I could feel his hardness against my back. Running his hands up under my blouse, he cupped my breasts in his hands while gently pulling on my nipples through my bra.

His cheek was touching my hair and I tilted my head to give him access as he ran his lips up and down the side of my neck. He touched me behind my earlobe with his tongue and I started to tremble. No one had ever done that to me before.

It only took a moment for him to figure out the front clip on my bra since he had already watched it come open once that morning. My breasts felt full in his warm hands and he gently fondled me while lifting and weighing them. The constant, gentle tugging of my nipples between his fingers was sending me off of the deep end. My nipples felt as if they would burst.

Pulling me a step back from the window he placed one of his hands on my back and urged me to bend over at my waist. I rested my hands on the windowsill to balance myself as he pulled the hem of my skirt up to my waist. His hands pulled my pantyhose down over my legs and then he wasn't touching me anymore.

I realized that he was releasing himself from his pants and I pushed back a little to make myself available to him. The next thing that I felt was his hard cock as he pushed himself between my thighs from the rear.

This was what I was waiting for!

I was already soaking wet and the head of his cock spread my pussy lips as he slid himself in and out between my legs. I couldn't help much because my legs were held tightly together by the pantyhose around my thighs. It was erotic, naughty, and exciting. I pushed him back a little and bent forward until my head was almost down to my knees. Separating my ass cheeks with his hands he eased against me and popped himself into my pussy.

Now he had both hands on my hips and he was gently fucking me. The pressure in my pussy and on his cock was tremendous since my legs were squashed together. It took only a few minutes for me to cum and he came with me.

As we moved towards the bed I pulled my blouse and bra off and sat down to remove my pantyhose. He was already undressed by that time and he pushed me back onto the bed. Lifting my legs, he pulled my skirt down and off of me and then rolled my pantyhose down and off of my feet.

Lowering himself down between my upraised thighs his tongue and his cock moved inside of my mouth and my pussy at the same time. I came three more times that night and I went to my room with a sore pussy and tender breasts. The red light on my telephone was blinking. I knew who it was but I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't even take a shower but I just stripped off my clothes and crawled under the sheets and fell asleep.

Chapter 3

My wake-up call startled me out of a sound sleep. I was groggy and I had a little headache. My nose and mouth were dry from the hotel air and I felt gritty and dirty. When I sat on the toilet to pee, I could see that my pubic hair was all matted and crusty. A combination of his saliva and our mingled juices was all over my crotch area.

I was running too late to wash my hair so it was a quick shower and some waterless hair wash spray I carry with me on trips. I looked presentable after I put on my makeup. My lower lip was a little swollen on one side but no one would notice.

I felt like a whore!

The red light on the telephone was still blinking, reminding me of what was most probably last night's call from my husband. I had never done anything like this before and I felt guilty about it. In spite of my guilt I could feel the excitement rising in me again. This would be my last day here. I had only two presentations to give and then an early evening flight back home.

I debated with myself on whether I was going to go to bed with him again. I admitted to myself that I had encouraged him to go beyond the original flirting when I intentionally dressed in an outfit that showed him I was interested. I was responsible for demonstrating my willingness to carry the game beyond the initial flirty seduction phase.

The message was from my husband and I knew he was angry with me for not returning his call. He would have called me this morning if he weren't. It was too late to catch him at home since he was already on his way to work but I called and left a message on our voice mail telling him that I would be home on schedule. I told him that I had fallen asleep early last night and I didn't wake up in time to call him. It was a lie, but I knew that I would have to lie some more before this was all over.

I was too excited at the moment to dwell on my lies!

The little coffeepot in my room was a lifesaver and I drank coffee while I dressed. I had decided not to pursue this affair any more but I couldn't get it out of my mind. I put my regular bra, panties, and pantyhose and I was stepping into my heels when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I didn't look too bad for an older gal and I appreciated Bobby's recognition of that fact.

Off came my clothes and I tore through the closet and drawers as I assembled a new outfit. Instead of a business suit, I wore a calf length dress, rayon dress. My black bra, from the day before, went back on and I pulled a pair of thigh high stockings onto my legs.

High heels and no panties, I was a slut looking to get fucked!

Bobby and I faced each other behind the screen in the theater. We said formal good mornings but we didn't kiss or touch or give any indication of what had happened between us the night before. He looked at my dress and asked me were I was going to clip the transmitter. There was no belt on the dress. He wanted to know if I wanted to put it on my pantyhose and I told him I wasn't wearing pantyhose. His eyes widened and a little smile formed on his lips. He had a solution. He carried a belt with a Velcro end on it for situations such as this. He slipped the narrow strap through the clip of the transmitter and asked me if I wanted to wear it inside or outside of my dress.

I was anticipating his question while he was assembling the belt and my breathing was turning into short pants. I sounded like the bitch in heat that I was. I told him I wanted it under my dress and I walked over to the chair where he was sitting and stood in front of him with my arms outstretched on either side of me.

Touch me, I thought to myself!

He held the strap and transmitter in one hand and reached under my dress with his other. His open hand touched my leg and moved slowly up until it reached the band at the top of my stocking. He hesitated for a moment, before gently squeezing my thigh and then his hand continued moving upward. He now knew I was not wearing any panties.

Without any indication of what he was thinking or what, if anything, he was planning on doing, he placed the transmitter against the small of my back and pulled the strap around me and hooked the Velcro in place low on my belly.

He looked up at me and asked, "Is the strap too tight."

"It's fine I whispered."

"I'll check the antenna," he said in a matter-of-fact voice as one hand went around and up over my ass and the other hand slid up between my legs.

His wrist was against my wet pussy and I leaned forward and held onto his shoulders. I thought I was going to pass out. I could feel him pulling the antenna wire down between my ass cheeks and I bent my knees and spread my legs a little more to give him room.

Still holding my ass with one hand, he pressed his face into the dress covering my belly and with his other hand he pinched my clit between his thumb and fingers. I let out a loud sound but no one had yet come into the theater and it went unnoticed. He continued massaging my clitoris and I came in a great rush of sensations with my legs trembling and my head falling to my chest.

I clasped his head to my belly and held him while I rode out the end of my climax, moving gently back and forth on his hand.

He looked up at me and said, "You are really something for an older woman, do you know that?"

It was anti-climatic when he caressed my breast from under my skirt while feeding the mic up the neckline of my dress.