One Stupid Mistake


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"I don't need to know. It's like you said. It's all history now."

"OK, but there is something I do want you to know. When I left you at the airport that day, it was all I could do to hold it together. I wanted to turn around and hold you one more time, but I knew I couldn't. I knew you had to go and there was nothing I could do about it. I actually cried on the way back to my hotel. I left the next day. It took a while, but I had to resign myself to the fact that I would never see you again. I guess my reminders that we were just friends with benefits weren't strong enough. It took a while, but I managed to tuck the memories away in a special place in my heart. I knew I had to go on with my life. When you called, it all came rushing back."

"I'm glad you still have some feelings for me. I went through the same thing. We probably had more of an impact on each other than we wanted to admit. In fact, knowing you might be out there helped me get over my breakup with Sven."

"You had a big impact on Amy, too. I showed her your picture. She thought you could be a movie star."

"Yeah, in my dreams. Speaking of Amy, when do I get to meet her?"

"In person, probably over Easter. We could do a Skype hookup if you want."

"Skype. Is that a video chat thing?"

"Yeah, it's great. Like being in the same room."

"OK, let's do that. It's more personal than a phone call."

I turned down my street and pulled into the driveway. I clicked the remote and pulled into the garage.

"Here we are. You go in and look around while I unload your bags, OK?"

"I can't wait to see the inside. It looks so nice from the outside. It's so different from what I's used to. No elevator, no doorman and no parking garage. What's this city called?"

"It's Alpine. Sort of a bedroom community to the rest of the county."

We got out and I opened the door for her. As she stepped in I smacked her on the ass. She jumped, turned around and smiled.

"I remember you like my ass."

"You go look around. We'll get to your ass later."

Four trips later I looked and found her standing on the back deck."

"Well, what do you think?"

"Oh my god. Your home is beautiful. It feels so warm and comfortable."

"I assigned Amy the task of decorating. She did a great job."

"Yes, she did, I can't wait to try the pool and hot tub."

"The pool is heated so we can use it any time of the year. You just have to hurry back into the house in the winter. Oh, and bathing suits are optional."

I stepped behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She leaned her head back and rested it on my shoulder. I heard her take a deep breath and relax against me. A little shiver ran through her.

"We have a little catching up to do, Ingrid."

She turned in my arms and snuggled under my chin. I heard her whisper.

"We have a lot of catching up to do."

She lifted her head and our lips met. Slowly at first our tongues met. In no time at all we were going for each others tonsils. She pushed me back.

"I'm all stinky from traveling. I need a shower."

"I like that idea. You'll need some help with that and I'm the official shower helper around here."

Our clothes got lost somewhere on the way to the bathroom. I quickly adjusted the water and stepped in. I took her hand and gently pulled her in.

"I remember water sports with you from a long time ago. If I recall correctly we both won."

"Noting like everyone winning."

We both got wet and I turned the trickle valve. We shared the bottle of body wash. Gentle hands were caressing, enjoying the tactile sensations. There's nothing better than soapy breasts and I took my time making sure they were squeaky clean. Between each cleaning my hand went to her mound. Three times I brought her to the edge of an orgasm. She moaned and threatened bodily harm is I didn't stop teasing her. He pleas fell on deaf ears. The reason I didn't stop was because she was doing the same thing to me.

When we couldn't stand it any more we rinsed and toweled each other dry. She led me to the bedroom by my cock. At that point I would have followed her anywhere.

We fell to the bed together, our limbs entwining. She laid her head on my chest just under my chin. She sighed and quivered.

"I feel like I'm back where I belong, Don. It's like I was here just seconds ago."

"You are where you belong. Right next to me."

She gently rolled over and pulled me in her saddle. She kissed me, running her tongue over my lips. I opened my lips and let her in. I felt her legs hook behind my thighs and her hands grasp my ass cheeks.

"Take me, baby. Take me and make me your woman."

I groaned and moved just a little, my cock head touching her wet lips. She pulled and I pushed and I slowly slid in.

"Yessss. Your woman. Yesssss."

He muscles gently squeezed me as I bottomed out, gently touching her cervix.

We started a gentle, slow rhythm, both of us knowing we had nothing but time to enjoy. We slowly increased our thrusting as our passion rose. It seemed timeless and we reveled in our joining. For me it was like nothing I ever felt before.

I could feel her breathing increase and I knew she was almost there. He grasping muscles brought me with her. With a mutual thrust against each other our orgasm washed over us like a tsunami. With each pulse of my cock we tried to go deeper. Long after I was drained she kept milking me, her nails grasping my ass cheeks. Finally we had to stop and catch our breath. I could feel her hot breath on my neck as she nibbled and kissed me, little whimpers coming from her between gasps. I tried to roll off her but she held me in place, her legs hooked in mine and her arms around my back.

"I'm going to squish you. Let me roll over."

"NO. I holding you here forever. I'm not letting you go again. You're mine now."

"Silly girl. You think I would try to get away from you. Not a chance of that happening. I'm yours and you're mine."

She finally let me roll off and snuggled up against my chest.

"Hold me. Hold me close to your heart."

"I've got you, baby. I've got you."

We held each other for a while, getting our strength back.

"As soon as we can walk, let's get in the hot tub. It should bring us back to life."

Holding each other up we managed to get in the tub without breaking any bones. I had the jets on low and the water was gently swirling around us. I had one arm around her with my hand holding one breast My finger was gently circling her nipple. It was rock hard against my fingertip. She was snuggled up against me holding my cock.

"Oh my god. This is heaven. Whoever invented this was a genius."

"I know. I love sitting out here on a clear night looking up at the stars. They look so close that you can reach up and touch them."

"I could stay here forever."

We sat for a while, just enjoying the afterglow and I suddenly realized I was hungry.

"Let's go raid the kitchen. I'm starving."

She made up an snack tray and I poured two glasses of wine.

We finished eating and I topped off our wine glasses.

"Let's go see if Amy's around. Its time she met you, sorta in person. "

"OK, but we should get dressed."

"Yeah. It wouldn't do to do a naked Skype with her."

I gave Ingrid a t shirt of mine and I put on shorts and a t shirt.

"No panties for you."

She hit me on the arm.

We went in my office and I fired up my PC. Ingrid stood beside me watching. I got Skype up and adjusted my webcam. I sent Amy a text, "Skype". She answered with her usual, "K".

In just a few minutes her face popped up on my monitor. She adjusted her webcam and sat back.

"Hi, favorite Dad. What's going on."

"Hi, sweetheart. I have a little surprise for you."

"Oh goody. I like surprises."

"Remember when I was in Aruba and I told you I met a very special lady?"

"Yep. Her name was Ingrid."

I reached over and pulled Ingrid on my lap.

"Meet Ingrid."

I watched her mouth fall open. He mind was trying to grasp what she was seeing. Her hand went to her mouth.

"Hello, Amy. It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Dad! Ingrid! Oh my god! It's you two. Ingrid, you're here, I mean there. I don't know what I mean. Oh my god! I can't believe is. You're together."

She squealed, got up and ran around her chair. She sat back down.

"Oh my god. I'm so happy for you guys. I'm gonna to pee my pants. It really happened."

"Yep, it really happened. She got in this morning."

"Holy crap. I have a million questions. Tanya! Ash! Come and look. My Dad has a girlfriend. Come and look."

Two faces came into view.

'Hi, Don. Hi, Ingrid. Nice to meet you."

"Wow, Don. You really got lucky. Ingrid, you're so beautiful."

"I think I'm the one that got lucky."

"Hey. We both got lucky."

"I'm so happy for you two. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen."

"I didn't either, sweetheart. She just called out of the blue and here she is."

"Oh my god. I just realized, I'm gonna have a stepmom."

"Ahh. Wait a minute. Don't get ahead of yourself there. She just got here."

"Ha. I can tell by looking at you two. It will happen. I just know it."

Ingrid didn't say a word. She just leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Ha, Dad. You're toast. You don't have a chance. I can see the big hook in your mouth. I'm so happy. You two really got together. What a great day."

"I have to agree with you there.

"I can't wait till Easter. Ingrid. We're definitely going shopping. I know all the good stores to hit."

"That sounds like fun. Too much shopping isn't enough."

We gotta go now. I've introduced her to the hot tub, now it's time for the pool."

"Bye bye. Sweetheart."

"Bye, Dad. Bye Ingrid. See you at Easter."

I closed Skype and shut off my PC.

"She really got excited, didn't she."

"I knew she would. She's been here for me through all my bad time. She really wants to see me happy."

"I can tell she really loves you."

"She does, and I love her too. She's my little cheerleader."

"Everyone should have a cheerleader."

"How about we give the pool a try. You haven't been in it yet."

"Swim suits optional, right?"

"I'm thinking of making a new rule. Something like naked only."

"That sounds better. Let's do it."

We played around in the pool for a while. I could tell she really enjoyed it. We got out and rinsed off under the outdoor shower head and dried each other off. She grabbed me by the cock and led me to the bedroom.

Ah hour later she was laying on my chest looking in my eyes. She held my limp cock trapped between her legs, holding it against her cum soaked pussy lips. I could feel her gentle breath on my chest.

"Hi, Don. Whatcha doing?"

"Hello. I'm getting reacquainted with someone I knew a long time ago."

"Yeah? How's that going."

"Pretty well. She's blowing my mind."

"That isn't all that's gonna get blown."

I had to chuckle.

"I'm gonna spoil you so rotten you won't ever want me to leave."

"Oh yeah. How about if I do the same thing to you?"

"Challenge accepted."

For the rest of the week I took her all around like we were tourists. We went to Balboa Park and walked around. I envisioned us hiding in the bushes and fucking, but we couldn't find a good place. There were just too many people around. We toured the USS Midway, went to Lego Land and the Zoo. UCSD had a pretty good theater program so we saw some plays and of course we went to the beach too. She really liked the Gas lamp district. Some of the best restaurants are there. Dinner and dancing was high on our list of things to do.

I took her to the Mercedes dealer and leased a car for her. She was a little apprehensive about driving on the famous California freeways, so she just followed me back home. I took it easy in the right lane. The rest of the time I made her drive and I did the navigating. After a few times she got her confidence and did fine.

Unfortunately our little honeymoon had to end and I had to go back to work. I didn't want to abuse my relationship with Emily. She would do whatever I asked, but it wasn't fair for her to do her work and mine too. Monday I went to work.

Of course everything was fine. She had done her usual great job. She didn't ask a lot of questions about Ingrid and I. She could tell everything was great by the smile on my face.

Coming home to Ingrid every evening was easy to get used to. She met me with a kiss and a hug. Then she would undress me and give me a bath. Laying back in the tub while she gently washed me was an experience in itself. More often that not, I needed help getting out of the tub. When she said she was going to spoil me, she meant it. I was in heaven.


Amy came home for Easter vacation and she and Ingrid bonded in two minutes. I pretty much stayed out of their way. I hid at work and they did all the girl things they could think of. I don't know which one came up with the idea, but they colored some Easter eggs and I had to hunt for them. They had a good laugh at me wandering around in the back yard holding my little red and pink basket.

We flew up for Amy's graduation exercises. She got recognition, along with three others, for having the highest GPA in her business classes. Of course I did my proud papa stuff. I had to do the truck rental thing again and they rode back together in Amy's car. As soon as she got home, she found an apartment and they spent a week getting her moved in. Again, I stayed out of the way.

Amy stated back to work and within two weeks the word got out that she was my daughter. It went OK, because everyone remembered her from the summer before.

An interesting thing happened with Amy. One of our orders from Acme Metals got really screwed and the Vice President of sales showed up to fix the problem. He met Amy at one of our meetings. They disappeared after the meeting and went out to dinner the next evening. It turns out that his Dad was the owner of the company. I started kidding her about a merger. As it turns out, they dated for about six months and her proposed. She accepted and I put in an order for three grandchildren. Amy suggested a double wedding, but Ingrid and I passed. We did discuss it, but we both felt it was a little too soon. To get even for us turning her down, she started calling Ingrid, Mom.

Amy asked me if I would have a problem if Tina came to the wedding. I told her I would be disappointed if she didn't invite her. I even offered to put her up at a hotel. She showed up with a guy in tow. I didn't see any wedding rings on either on them. If Tina was having any trouble being around Ingrid and I, it didn't show. Just before the wedding Tina introduced him to me. I shook his hand and we had a short pleasant chat. He worked in medical supplies in some form or another. I didn't have any problem seeing Tina. It was all water that had gone under the bridge and was on it's way to the ocean.

I walked Amy down the isle and handed her off to Sam. He was looking a little pale when they said their vows, but he managed not to pass out.

Ingrid went all out for the reception. She had live music, a huge catered spread of food and an open bar. The newlyweds stayed a while, and we did all the dances. And, yes, I danced with Tina. We talked about how happy we were for Amy. No old wounds were opened. I got the feeling that she had moved on too. Ingrid and I, Sam's Mom and Dad, and Tina and her date all sat at the same table. I was happy the way the evening turned out. Nothing happened to spoil it for Amy and Sam.

My gift was a trip to Hawaii for them for two weeks. I think Ingrid slipped Amy a debit card.

I guess they took my order for grandchildren seriously. Two months later she announced she was pregnant. Sam started doing his proud papa thing and I did my proud grandpa thing. I started a college fund immediately.

Six months after the wedding, Amy led me from the bathroom to the bedroom by my cock. She shoved me down on the bed and proceeded to try to fuck me into a coma. She was laying on my shoulder, her favorite position, fondling my balls. I kissed her on the forehead.

"Babe, I think it's about time to change your last name. Will you marry me?"

She squealed and started kissing me all over my face.

"Yes. Yes. Yes."

After about fifty kisses punctuated with some squeals, she calmed down a little and grabbed her cell phone.

"Amy. He did it. He proposed. He really did."

They were on speaker and I thought they both were going to pee themselves. They must have talked for an hour. I went into the kitchen and raided the fridge and parked in my recliner. I had just finished eating when Ingrid ran in and jumped in my lap.

"You just made me the happiest woman on the planet."

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Jakersluvs69Jakersluvs6913 days ago

I found this story well done. I experienced several emotions. Well done

fredbrownfredbrownabout 2 months ago

The hero claimed 7 1/2 inches and dear wifie went to try out a bigger cock! Holy mackerel Andy!

Dumbguy69Dumbguy693 months ago

I like this story but I agree with notanannon. The white knighting and threatening of the daughter is dumb and bullshit. But otherwise 4 stars.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19694 months ago

three issues...

1." Amy led him to the bedroom by his cock..." hell of a time to accidently replace Ingrid's name with Amy's name ha ha.

2. The Tina story arc was too light on story. No discussion between them during, after or way after. She was awol for 80% of the story and was too important of a character. Yes, the Ingrid portion was good but how Tina was resolved had very little emotional impact. To me, it made the entire piece less riviting.

3. When they met, Ingrid was in an open marriage, or at least they had an arrangement for separate vacations. They never had that discussion.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon9 months ago

"OK, stop right there. You listen to me. This is between your mother and I. She's still your mother and if you abandon her over this you will lose you Dad too. I will cut you off so fast you won't know what happened. I'll cancel the lease on your car, I'll cancel you credit cards, I won't pay for your apartment, and your tuition will be your responsibility. You will be on your own. Do you understand me?"

When you idiots go all "noble white knight", you lose readers. Quit with the holier-than-thou crap.

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