One Whore's Town Ch. 07


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Betty pursed her lips as she recognized a tenderness in Desiree's touch. The blonde turned toward her, smiled, and then whispered to her husband.

He groaned, but summoned sufficient strength to help her wriggle out from beneath him. When she stood, Desiree's eyes widened and she clamped her thighs together. It didn't stop cum from pattering on the bricks at her feet, but it at least stemmed the flow. She grabbed a towel from the arm of the couch, tucked it between her legs, and then bent down to untie her husband's purse from his belt.

Purse in one hand and towel held between her legs with the other, she walked to Betty and said, "Please, come with me."

Desiree kept the towel between her legs until she was outside, and then dropped the semen-soaked cloth. The air was crisp, but invigorating. To his credit, the man standing watch only stared for a moment at the two nude women in the moonlight before returning to his duty.

Once a few steps away from the house, Desiree turned to face Betty and took a deep breath. "I love the feeling of night air against my bare skin, but it is a rare indulgence I will soon have to forego."

Betty shrugged, not knowing what to say.

Desiree opened the purse, pulled out a silver coin, and said, "For the couch. I'm afraid that despite the towels, it may be beyond saving."

"You'd be amazed what you can get cum stains out of with enough experience," Betty said as she accepted the coin.

Desiree giggled. She then fished even more coins out of the purse, and deposited them in Betty's hand. As best as she can tell, there was no sort of counting going on. Without staring for too long, Betty guessed it was about ten silver crowns. A handsome sum.

Desiree said, "For indulging my wicked whims. The brothers won't be too traumatized?"

"I think they'll live," Betty said, and then glanced down at her coin-filled hands. "I'll pass one of these to each of them. That should quiet any demons."

"And you?"

Betty shrugged. "I don't like sharing my man, but... I'm a whore. I do things I don't really want to do every day."

To Betty's surprise, Desiree once again reached into her purse. After raking her fingers through the coins inside, and glancing at Betty's already full hands, she shrugged, and simply handed over the purse.

Desiree explained, "For providing me with an evening I will cherish until my dying day. There is something different about your brothel. Your employees have a spirit I've rarely seen from prostitutes."

"I pay my girls well and treat them right," Betty said while dumping the coins from her hands into the purse. "Happy whores make happy humpers."

"Certainly in my case. I wish there were more brothels like yours. I have so little time left to indulge, and I fear all will pale in comparison after this evening."

Betty said, "Well, if you're heading toward Windsholme, Lakenshire, Foxwood, or Fightershaven, I can tell you where to find more happy whores."


"We share girls to keep things fresh, and we all pay well. I think you'll find what you're looking for at any of them."

Desiree shivered. "My last month of freedom might provide more fond memories, then." Upon seeing Betty's brow furrow slightly, she said, "One month hence, we will return to our estates, and I will have to set about the task of birthing and raising heirs to appease our families."

"Good luck with that," Betty said apologetically.

"I fear I will need it."


After sending Desiree and her husband off in the wee hours of the morning with a list and a letter from her to present at the brothels, Betty had finally crawled into bed.

The late evening prompted late rising, which meant a line had formed by the time Betty and her girls were awake enough to get onto their backs again. Betty was on her fourth hump of the morning — one of Corra's soldiers — and the only thing she had in her belly was one load of cum.

The soldier was young, strong, handsome, well-endowed, and had laudable stamina. He might have been able to bring her to a peak if she wasn't hungry and frustrated about it. As it was, she wailed and thrashed when she saw he was close, moaned in delight as he pumped her full of cum, and prayed there wasn't another waiting for her after he left.

Someone must have answered that prayer, because the front room was empty as she passed through to the outhouse. It was still empty when she returned, so she headed straight for the kitchen.

Keri was waiting with a piece of buttered toast lovingly slathered with preserves. While Betty wolfed it down, the redhead said, "I'll get breakfast going."

"May as well be lunch at this point, but whatever it is, I can't wait," Betty said. She sat down on the couch — which had survived almost unscathed despite what it had endured — and finished her toast.

She sighed and lamented that Ghent wasn't next to her. He was off speaking with the General about acquiring the wagons and teams they would need. The ill-fated venture was nearly over. In only a few days, she would be back in her bed in Windsholme.

She took some small solace in the purse of silver coins the previous evening had earned. With that, she was at least returning home with substantially more coin than she'd left with — not to mention the new girls, new hands, and new wagons.

A young man about Wynn's age emerged on Ginny's arm. She smiled as she led the weak-kneed man to the door. Betty knew from the look of dumbfounded awe on his face that it was his first hump. Ginny kissed his cheek as she ushered him out the door, and then turned to Betty.

"I owe you on that one. He only had enough for a suck, but he just looked so..." the redhead shrugged.

Betty chuckled. "Keep it. You were honest, and I always had a soft spot for the young, desperate ones too. Last chance you'll get, because I drove Alice to distraction pulling that, so she put her foot down when we opened the Kip."

"Ginny?" Keri called from the kitchen.

Ginny turned and said, "Oh, thank you," as she hurried toward her sister. She emerged a moment later with her own piece of toast and a cup of coffee.

Before Betty could even think about getting up for her own cup, the younger redhead approached with one. The scent of frying pork was just starting to waft into the front room. Keri said, "Breakfast won't be long."

"Thanks, honey."

One of Corra's soldiers emerged from Lana's room and nodded to the two women on the couch as he exited. When Lana returned to the front room from the outhouse, she glanced out the window and sighed. "Here comes another one."

Ginny said, "I'll try to rope him in so you can get something in your stomach."

"Hide in the kitchen," Betty suggested.

With the queue of horny men satisfied, things returned to a more sedate pace, allowing all of the girls to have breakfast, and freeing up Betty. She hadn't had a chance to talk to the sellswords yet, and decided that it was as good a time as any. While they had no official leader, Ulis typically spoke for them, and it was his shift watching the back.

"Ma'am," he said as Betty stepped outside the back door.

"I know Ghent told you that we're leaving soon, and he said you're happy to ride guard."

"It's the work we're used to," Ulis said. "This is a nice post, but it will be good to be back on the road again."

"You'll get the going rate, and no walking. Each of you will get to ride with the driver." She shrugged and said, "Apologies in advance to whoever is stuck with me. I can sort of drive a team, and we'll be in the middle of the caravan, but I'll probably hit every mudhole along the way. Pallah has never driven more than a short distance, but I bet his ride will be a lot more pleasant than mine."

"Ma'am, the three of us are farmboys. It's been a while, but we've all been driving teams since we were younger than the boy," he said, nodding toward the stables to indicate Abel. "No need for you and Pallah to struggle with it."

Betty's eyes lit up and she said, "Well now, I guess a couple of you will be getting driver's pay as well."

Ulis held up a hand and waved it in dismissal. "Ma'am, you took a chance on us when we were about to go slinking back to our family farms. Not having to face the brothers we left behind working the fields is pay enough for something we can all do in our sleep."

"Well, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I may have more work for you once we get home, too."

"What's that?"

"We trade girls between a few houses. Keeps things fresh. We usually hire guards when necessary, but my idea is to convince Alice that it would be smarter to have the three of you on hand. You'd spend about half your time at one of the houses, and the rest on the road riding guard between them, if that's something you'd be interested in?"

The smile that spread across Ulis' face was absolutely beaming. "I'll have to talk to Callis and Tula, but I've known them since before we could walk. I think they'll jump at the chance."

"And once I explain how efficient it will be to Alice, she'll be all over it. Every so often, we get a man who takes a dangerous interest in one of the girls. Being able to move them on a moment's notice will save us a lot of headaches."

The door opened, and Raven stepped out. "You're going to need to make a run to my pet wizard for rings soon at the rate you're picking up strays, too. Last time I was there, he had a case ready for you."

"I'll let Alice know as soon as we get home."

Raven nodded toward the door behind her. "Chow's on."

Betty said to Ulis, "Let me know what the three of you decide," and then followed Raven inside.

"Before you ask, Shad and Wynn are fine," Raven said. "They were a little red-faced around each other for a bit, but once they started talking about blondie's tits and those silver crowns, they got over it."

"Good. I was a little worried about them."

"A man forgets damn near everything once he gets his prick wet." Raven turned to Betty, smirked, and said, "My pussy is a little sore, though."

Betty scowled at her.

Raven laughed. "You know I couldn't resist, and you know Ghent's not going anywhere. He'd follow you to the ends of the world and spit in the gods' face for you."

That brought a smile to Betty's face as she accepted her plate of fried pork and potatoes.

"Anyway," Raven said as she sat down next to Betty on the couch. "Miss Golden Pussy's bully boy has been turning men away all day. Lots of slumped shoulders and dragging feet. Probably get a few townies in here before long."

"I wonder why?" Betty mused between bites of breakfast.

"Must have stacked up the coin she thinks she needs. Caught a glimpse of her, and she's cleaned herself up. Still looks a bit knackered, but at least her hair isn't a rat's nest. Wynn plugged a couple of rabbits. He's getting them cleaned up now."

"That should make Janus happy."

"Yeah, he heard that. That's why he popped them."

"Do you want something to eat?" Betty asked.

Raven shook her head as she stood. "Pinched some nice meat pies earlier. Can't let myself get used to honest work."

Betty rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I'm going to get back to skulking. Thought I'd let you know about the bitch and the rabbits." Her lips curled into a wicked grin. "And I needed a distraction from my poor stretched-out pussy. Maybe you could kiss it and make it better?"

"Go on," Betty said with a shake of her head. As the rogue opened the door, Betty saw a pair of wagons turning in and instantly recognized that Ghent and Pallah were driving. She walked out to meet them and appraised the wagons along the way. They and the four horses looked sound to her.

As soon as his wagon rolled to a stop, Pallah said, "I need to check on Abel."

Ghent said, "I got it."

Pallah hurried to the stable, though Betty doubted he had anything to worry about. Abel obviously loved his new trade, and he was catching on quickly.

Ghent gestured toward the wagons as he walked up to her. "They're perfect. Pallah's better at driving a team than he let on, too. I'll get started on topping them right away. Got everything I need in the one wagon."

"I've got good news too. Ulis said he and his boys can all drive a team, so nobody will have to endure riding with me at the reins."

Ghent snorted. "Didn't even think about that. They're farm boys. Makes sense."

"He seems keen on my idea to keep them on hand, too. This whole thing may have been a disaster, but maybe we can end it better than it started."

Janus emerged from the workshop and whistled. "Where'd you get those? They look stout enough to haul bricks."

"Fella east of Corra's base. Wagons were made at a town up north, though. Whittleton, I think they said," Ghent answered.

Janus scratched his chin and mused, "Long haul, but may be worth it. My poor wagon has seen one too many trips."

Betty turned upon seeing movement out of the corner of her eye and smiled when she saw Wynn approaching with the skinned rabbits. She gestured toward them and asked, "How would you like your rabbit for supper?"

Their host's eyes lit up. "Fried. Nothing better."

Betty said, "Take them to Keri and let her know."

Wynn responded, "Yes, Ma'am."

Betty had a devious thought and turned to Ghent. "You know, honey, we should have Wynn bring down a brace of rabbits to eat on the trip home. Rabbit every evening." She then looked over her shoulder at Janus. "It's too bad you'll miss it."

Janus folded his arms in front of his chest — though he was smiling — and said, "Now, that's just cruel."

Betty offered a shrug and a girlish flip of her hair as she returned to the house.


I really enjoyed writing these odd, transactional sex scenes in this story. I know it's probably not everyone's cup of tea, but it was fun for me. I hope everyone's enjoying the story so far. Things come to a head in the next one, so keep your eyes open late week.

As always, please do take a moment to vote and tip your wandering bard. That's what keeps me coming back for more. Comments and favorites not only provide a boost to me, but also raise the profile of the story, attracting more. So drop one of those if you're so inclined. Don't be afraid to point out errors either. I screw up sometimes. If it's bad enough to warrant it, I'll put in an edit. Otherwise, I'll just take my lumps.

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ThrillherbrysonThrillherbrysonabout 2 months ago

I would love for Ghent to get a chance to really express his sexual appetite and attraction to another woman and really enjoy himself. Betty is with other men all the time. It would be nice for him to let loose on some bigger breasts or a tighter hole.

DisquietCertitudeDisquietCertitudeabout 2 months ago

Good series, been enjoying it. Ghent's whispered complaint to Betty was choice - he's clearly not happy with being forced into an orgy (although maybe I'm just projecting). Betty's got herself a good guy there.

5*, mate, for this chapter, and every one prior.

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