Other Men's Wives


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I could patch this to get past the quarter end run but it was going to take many sessions of dedicated Sunday work go make the system right. If I was going to expend all the required effort to save Steven's hide then he was going to pay - and it was not his money that I wanted. The beauty was that this was quite a separate issue to the one I had given promises about. So first thing Monday morning, Steven was back in my office. "I thought that you were a devious if inept twit," I told him, "- but now it seems that you are a total fucking idiot." I indicated the new spread documents and as his face blanched I pointed out, "This is industrial sabotage - if you risked three years before then you'll go down for five with this."

"Are you going to report me or can you help?"

"I can help but what I do is up to you," I told him. "My price is the same as last time but I'm going to want more than one measly evening."

Steven stood glaring with hands clenched by his sides, silently shaking his head. As this was not the first time it rather surprised me that he should jib so badly at the idea. "Come on, I'm not going to damage her," I chided. "Was she terribly upset after last time?"

"No - in fact she was rather too happy, as if it hadn't bothered her at all - that's the trouble."

"Is this a redefinition of love?" I remarked tartly. "You would rather Debbie had returned to you heartbroken and feeling sullied than admit the thought that she might have found the experience less than unpleasant."


"Yes," I agreed, quite understanding how he might, " - but you're still going to let me stick my cock into your wife rather than risk having other men stick theirs into you."

Stephen was incapable of speech but his reluctantly nodding head told me all that I needed to know. "Bring her round at the same time," I ordered briskly. "But this time she'll be staying all night so I'll be bringing her home to you in the morning."

He didn't like that but another thought was bothering him more, "How many times.. I mean how long....?"

"Until the computer system is sorted out and God knows how long that is going to take," I told him happily.

This time he was several minutes late. I forced them through the drinks ritual again mainly because I enjoyed the tension in the air. Debbie wandered round the room looking at things and chattering but her husband sat stiffly in his chair very obviously wishing that this was not happening. When the time came for him to leave, Debbie gave him only a nominal embrace but he pulled her fiercely to him and kept clutching desperately even as she tried to pull away. "Come on, let her go - I'm not going to eat her you know," I laughed but this was a blatant lie for that was the first thing I did when we got upstairs.

Debbie ran up ahead of me and skipped along the landing, going straight to the same bedroom as if she had passed that way many times. By the time that I reached her she was half undressed and mere moments after that was bouncing naked on the bed like an eager child. My intention had been to straight away plant my cock to the root deep inside her verdant garden but instead the moist slit of her cavorting carefree cunt inspired a homing instinct in my tongue. Once started, the sweet dew supped from her nether lips inflamed my brain with an unquenchable thirst for more. This was not all one sided because my oral ministration made her cum, not one great earth shattering event but a whole series of minor orgasms, popping out like peas from a pod. Desperate for breath I finally disengaged my mouth and looking up gasped, "I've wanted to do that from the first moment that I saw you."

Before I could plunge my questing taste-buds back inside her carnal cavity, Debbie had squirmed round to take my penis in her mouth. At first she licked and slobbered in sheer abandon but soon I felt my cock slide deem inside her warm wet welcoming mouth. Now maybe it was the surprise of her action or the pure delight of the sensation but for once my usually rigid self control let me down. Before I could even shout a warning, her silken throat was gulping the semen load that I had thought destined for her womb. She scrambled up and grinned at me, cum coating her chin but with a sparkle of satisfaction in her eyes. "And I wanted to do that to you," she said. Slightly later she explained, "The first time that I did that to Steve it made me sick and the few times I tried since I've always lost my nerve at the last moment and pulled my mouth away. I loved swallowing your stuff. I think the difference is that I wanted to do it to you but with him it was only because he asked."

This small confidence plus the sight of her lovely body quickly aroused me to a state where I was ready to go again but as I loomed over her she looked down and said, "That just has to be the biggest cock in the world."

I laughed and said, "You're wrong - there are men around with one far bigger than mine."

"I don't believe you," she said, "You're so much bigger than my husband."

It seemed that for the moment she was more interested in talking sex than doing it so, as I was a trifle intrigued, I sank back until I was squatting facing her. "How big is he?" I asked.

For answer she leaned forward, placed her thumb at the base of my dick then spread her hand until the end of my penis protruded about an inch beyond the tip of her little finger. "That's you," she said. Next she swivelled her hand until the spread was between the tips of thumb and forefinger. "And that's Kevin - well actually a little bit less."

"I see that but you must have known guys with cocks bigger than that before you met Kevin," I objected.

Debbie shook her head. "I was a very silly girl. I was one of those who fell for the propaganda about hanging on to virginity and like an idiot I felt superior to all the other girls who slept around. I kissed hundreds of blokes and had my tits squeezed black and blue but before Kevin that was it. We started doing it when we got engaged and that's when I realised what a fool I'd been because I liked fucking so much. Now, since being with you before, I'm kicking myself even harder - when I think of all those wasted chances."

It was necessary to lower my head to conceal the rather complacent smile. It was a bonus to find that the gentle Steven and I were the only members of a very exclusive club, (though I was sure that many more would be allowed to join in the future). There was no stopping me, all this had got me raging hot and she was pretty warm too. We did everything, doggie fashion, her on top, this way and that with Debbie thinking up variations herself. At the end of the very long evening during the delicious wind down time before sleep I asked casually, "What did Steven have to say after he took you home last time?"

"Oh he was dying to know what we'd done. He didn't ask outright but kept on hinting and hoping that I would tell him. I didn't of course - it was kind of private."

"I don't mind if you do tell him - it can't do any harm," I said. "You've got to look at it from his point of view. He must be suffering a bit and knowing might help - at least it will stop him imagining all kinds of terrible things."

Debbie gave a delighted little laugh. "Well there's certainly a lot to tell him from tonight."

We had to get up bloody early the next day if I was to enjoy a morning screw, take her home and still get to work on time. It wasn't good enough. Before dropping her I said to tell Kevin that he must bring her again on Friday, explaining, "It can always be Friday's from now on - with Saturday being the next day there won't be this kind of hassle."

Steven rang in sick for the rest of the week but was not too late bringing his wife to my door as ordered on the Friday night. At first glance he looked to be genuinely ill but I soon realised that he was badly inebriated. This did not prevent me following my usual routine of forcing more alcohol on him. Debbie indicated that she wanted to say something privately to me so I hustled her into a corner anticipating some intimate titbit. She only wanted to grass up her husband by informing he had knocked a chunk off my gatepost when turning into the drive. My back was to the room with my female guest facing me. Suddenly her eyes widened and she hissed, "Dave," as a warning. I whirled round to find Steven running at me with a large fire iron held above his head. His eyes were staring and his face was very red but perhaps it is my imagination that has him also foaming at the mouth. "You fucking pervert - leave my wife alone," he shouted.

Somebody up there likes me. I don't know if it was his state of drunkenness or the sudden knowledge that he would not be striking my unprotected back. Kevin veered, caught his foot in something and sprawled full length, cracking his head on the table leg and ending up lying unconscious at my feet, bleeding from the temple. Debbie patched him up and then between us we struggled upstairs and got him tucked up in bed. Duty done we were soon engaged in the objective of the evening.

Now my nasty streak caused me to shag her more loudly so that our activities might be audible in the next room should he happen to have come round. This doesn't explain why Debbie's cries of passion included words were also significantly cruder than on previous occasions. Next morning we slept late and Kevin was still very groggy when he eventually made his way downstairs. I said that in view of his state of health they must stay all day and that I would get them home on the Sunday. He immediately protested saying that it was just a trick to gain me two nights with his wife. Debbie jumped in to help me by saying, "We were too worried about you last night to do anything so it's only fair that I should go with him tonight instead."

Steven did not argue with his wife but I could tell from his face that he knew she was lying - and this in turn told me that he had heard us. Later in the day after a pleasant lunch, he lightened up and I felt that he was beginning to accept the situation. This impression was confirmed when he said to me, "This isn't going to end when the computer system is fixed, is it?"

"There's no reason that it should," I told him. "I like Debbie and she rather likes me, it's just sex and a lot of fun all round with nobody getting hurt."

"Nobody getting hurt?" he echoed ruefully. "What about me - it's all right for you two but I get sod all out of it."

"That's not exactly true," I pointed out. "I bet a pound to a penny that from now on your sex life with Debbie is going to be 100% better than it ever was."

I watched the light begin to dawn in his eyes. "You mean all those things that....."

"Yes - all those things," I confirmed - to trigger the beginnings of a smile as his eyes speculatively sought out his wife.

That night we all three went upstairs together but I deposited Steven in his room before Debbie and I walked on to my adjoining one, (it was not for reasons of ventilation that I left the door ajar). The first session was a pretty noisy affair as we both vented the frustrations of the day but the second round proceeded in a more leisurely way. I was lying on my back allowing her to sensuously slide up and down my greasy pole when, looking past her body, I noticed a movement outside the bedroom door. Steven stood there peering in, the dressing gown I had lent him gaping open to reveal his nakedness and the fact that he was gripping his prick as if afraid it was about to fall off. "You better come in," I called, " - there's a nasty draught out there."

Steven rather sheepishly entered and moved towards the chair I had indicated but his wife surprised me by managing to turn, grab the duvet and incongruously hold it up in front of her.

I laughed and said, "There's no need to be shy - the poor guy must have seen all your bits before unless you always wear a nightie."

Debbie dropped the cover, giggled and even gave a saucy little wiggle with her hips. Steven stood rooted to the spot, his eyes zeroed in on the point where my stalk disappeared inside her. He continued to stare for a full minute and then edged over to sink down on the chair. She resumed her slow up and down motion but I managed to keep at least some of my attention on him. The poor guy was very self-conscious. It was easy to see that he was unsure as to the expected behaviour in this situation; i.e. could he stare intensely at us as we fucked or should he look elsewhere and only keep track of activities out of the corner of his eye. After a while I took pity and said, "I do like to see marital affection - you can kiss your wife if you want."

He jumped up quickly and resting a hand lightly on each of her shoulders brought his mouth to hers. I got the impression that she responded to him enthusiastically. It was probably habit that caused her to also take his little stiff prick in her hand but it took only the slightest touch to make his spunk to splatter all over her stomach. Another time I would have had him clean it up with his tongue but on this occasion I allowed Steven to use her discarded knickers for the job. When he finished I pointed out that his chair was a bit hard to perch on all night and said that he could lie down the edge of the oversized bed if he wished but stipulated, "No touching at all unless you are asked to help in some way." From that position he had the pleasure of watching me invade his wife's anus for the first time and later on, I had him clean some gunge from around her cunt together with mess from the bed using the same sodden underwear - a task he performed quite willingly.

It goes without saying that from then on I had Debbie both Friday and Saturday nights every week, with her husband in attendance. I had it made with a most delectable female to fuck and a pet cuckold of my very own. Unfortunately the situation lasted little more than a month.

Steven had seemingly converted to masochistic pleasure with more malleability than I had hoped but I suspect that he retained a subversive attitude right from the start. I do know that the sneaky little shit totally shafted me.

Who would have thought that he would go to the police and confess? I was inevitably involved but he proceeded to pile all the blame on me. The police were waiting one day when I turned up for work and that was that. My employers got real computer experts in and they soon showed that I was not half as clever as I thought because all my little fiddles of the previous three years were pitifully exposed.

Steven sold his house to make restitution and also turned Queen's evidence against me. He got six months as expected because that was part of the deal but was still shocked as he had believed that it was also to be suspended. I was looking at five years so the day before being sentenced I skipped - white-collar criminals do tend to get bail.

I packed some clothes together with a few light but valuable items and lit out. The car I drove back to the dealer where I had paid twenty-five grand only four months before. "You'll have to sell it abroad but I'll take ten for it," I said. He offered five and I had no alternative but to accept. My plan was to get to Ireland and lie low for a few years but I am currently in Holyhead in a tatty guesthouse that was intended only as an overnight stay. The landlord is a harassed ineffectual man but his wife happens to be a seriously sexual looking woman so I might risk hanging about for a bit.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Mr Glock or Colt will fix his problems.

zeuspmzeuspmover 2 years ago

instant favourite..

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 5 years ago
i liked it

i got lost in the dialog sometimes, but i still knew there was lots of erotic sex and cuckholding. nd that is why you got 4 stars. thanks.

katibkatibover 5 years ago

You write with aplomb; but the final few paragraphs plumb let me down.

spankfunforspankfunforalmost 9 years ago
Women and Men -Well-Used!

Most Fertile Imagination for Fucking Wives, with Their Husbands Knowledge and, Sometimes Almost ,Their Permission! Great Twists!

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