Our Arrangement


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'And where does that leave us? What am I supposed to do with a queer for a husband?' He flinched as I deliberately used the derogatory term.

'I don't know.' He shrugged and then raised his eyes to me for the first time. 'I can't help it; it's the way I am.'

'You didn't think to tell me that before we got married? You didn't think I'd expect a normal married life - in all departments?'

'I'm sorry.'

'Sorry's not good enough.' I told him. 'You've got a lover and I've got nothing.'

'What can I do, I can't help it.'

'What do you think would happen if our parents got to hear about it, especially yours? What would they do if I told them that not only did you like to go to bed with men, but that you were cheating on me with a man?'

I knew exactly what his would do, and so did Mark. They'd pretend they'd never had a son named Mark, but they wouldn't forget and they'd make his life a misery every chance they got. As for mine, they'd insist I left him and, because I'd made my vows in church, they'd prevent me having anyone else for the rest of my life. In a nutshell, both our lives would be wrecked and I simply wasn't going to have that happen. In any case, I liked Mark and I wanted us to be together, even if we couldn't be a proper man and wife. I told Mark what arrangement I wanted.

I'd thought it through while I waited, and I decided that his sexuality didn't actually bother me too much now that I knew about it, and we could keep that a secret. He would continue to meet his lover and I would be free to find one of my own, after all I had my own urges and he would have to accept me having a lover if he wanted one himself. That way we could both have a meaningful sex life, the only stipulations being that in future we would always tell each other who we were meeting and when. I didn't ask for the details of what he'd already been up to and I didn't see the point in telling him what I had. He didn't hesitate, but then he wasn't really in any position to and it suited us both.

The strange thing is that after making our 'arrangement' as we called it, we felt closer than we'd been for ages, I suppose because things were out in the open. We even tried briefly to make gentle love that night when we went to bed, although I remember wondering where his cock might have been earlier in the evening. It didn't work, but that didn't seem to matter, we'd entered a new phase in our relationship and it was our way of celebrating it.

The next evening he told me was going out.

'Are you...?' I asked.

'Yes.' He hesitated for a moment. 'And his name is Toby.'

At least I knew where we stood, and I didn't mind his absence because I had something my conscience told me I needed to do. A few minutes after he'd gone I quietly left the apartment and headed for the floor above. I had an apology to make for my behaviour. I'd used Carl and now I felt guilty.

Carl answered the door and a look of confusion spread across his face.

'Come in.' He said, making his voice deliberately neutral.

I stepped through into the hall and he promptly shut the door, standing there waiting for me to speak.

I was tongue tied, not sure how to say what I wanted, and so for maybe half a minute we just stood and looked at each other.

'I'm sorry.' I blurted finally.

'Whatever for?' He frowned.

'For what happened last night.' I told him. 'I shouldn't have done that. I had no idea if your wife was in, or if you were in a hurry or anything, or even if you fancied me. I guess I just needed a man.'

The frown turned to an expression of surprise. 'Well, for one thing, I don't have a wife and I wasn't in any hurry. And I hadn't had sex for more than a year either for that matter, so I guess I was in need of it just as much as you were. So no apology is necessary, especially from your side.'

'Oh.' That kind of took the wind out of my sails. But at least he wasn't mad with me.

'To be truthful.' He went on. 'When I saw it was you I thought you'd come to complain that I'd taken advantage of you when you were upset.'

'No complaints. You were just what I needed.'

'For me too.' He smiled. 'Although it would have been better if we hadn't been in such a rush.'

I couldn't help but giggle at the memory of how frantic we'd both been. 'I suppose so.' I agreed. 'Things were a bit urgent, weren't they?'

'I guess we both needed our itch scratching.' He looked hard at me. 'But normally I like to take my time, don't you?'

We stood and looked at each other for one hell of a long minute, both of us having similar thoughts. I was wondering what the chances were of him becoming my lover, it certainly sounded as though he was interested, and I could see he was debating with himself as if speculating whether he wanted to start something with a married woman, even one who was going without at home. I certainly wouldn't mind, not after last night's performance.

'Would you like someone who takes their time?' He asked tentatively, putting out an obvious feeler.

I nodded. 'I just need some honest natural loving.' I told him. 'I can't get that sort at home. You know why that is.'

'And so that you know why I'm going without.' He paused. 'It's because I was married once and breaking up hurt. I don't want any more romantic entanglements.'

I inclined my head in acknowledgement and then we stood and looked at each other. I think we both knew what we wanted, but neither wanted to be the first to say so. What we wanted was for us to become lovers but without the complication of a relationship, 'fuck buddies' to use the more common term, but it's not an easy thing to ask for. We could easily have stood and gazed at each other until someone backed away, but I felt suddenly emboldened by what had gone before and I wasn't prepared for that to happen. We'd already hinted that we would like things to happen again, it was really just a case of when?

'You free tonight?' I asked, taking the bull by the horns. 'No strings attached.'

'And every other Tuesday.' He answered, a broad smile creasing his face when I took the initiative. 'Not to mention every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.' He added hopefully.

I thought quickly, trying to remember which were Mark's nights out. As well as tonight - Tuesday, it was each Friday and Monday, not a match, but half way.

'Let's try for every Tuesday and Friday.' I told him, smiling happily with relief. 'Starting tonight.'

'And other nights if we get the chance?' He suggested with a boyish grin.

'Let's see how we get on together.' I replied, trying to be realistic. 'We might not suit each other.'

'Then let's go and find out.' He put out an arm, waving me through to the bedroom. 'You're not in a rush tonight, are you?'

I smiled and shook my head. I hadn't intended, or I didn't think I'd intended, to begin anything with Carl, but now it was happening I wanted it to be as good as it could be and Mark wouldn't be back until late. 'We can take all the time we need.'

I felt surprisingly shy this time as I undressed, even though my body was reminding me how much it needed a good session. I stripped with my back to Carl, only to turn round when I was naked to find him watching me across the bed. For a moment I felt very self-conscious, but then I saw the approving look in his eyes and I felt unexpectedly proud. Here, at least, was a man who could appreciate what he was looking at.

We climbed onto the bed from opposite sides with both of us feeling a little uncomfortable, then lay down and turned to face each other. I don't think he was used to getting women into his bed in such a cool rational way, and I wasn't used to getting into another man's bed at all. For about half a minute, a long half a minute, we lay looking at each other without touching, until finally he put his hand out and stroked my shoulder.

That touch was all it took. I melted, suddenly feeling wanted, and reached across to put my arm around him and draw him towards me with a soft murmured yes on my lips. We shuffled closer and my arm went around his back, pulling him into an embrace. He came willingly and suddenly I was on my back with him leaning over me, his hungry lips on mine and his warm hand on my breast. God, this man actually desired me!

His kiss was divine, not at all like the ones we shared previously when his tongue stabbed into my mouth as hard as it could. This time it was sensuous, insinuating itself between my lips and exploring my mouth, and then giving me the chance to respond. Don't get me wrong, I loved the way I'd been kissed on that first occasion and a hard and almost brutal fucking was just right for then, but now I needed making love to, and that's just what he was doing.

As he was kissing me his hand was gently playing with my breast, squeezing, manipulating, stroking, his fingertips lightly skating across my skin. At first it was just my breast, but soon he began to widen his play to let his fingers caress my arm, my shoulder, then my belly, until he was exploring me all over, going everywhere he could reach, travelling down the front of my body and onto the tops of my legs, back again and all the way up and along my arm, around my neck and down over my stomach until eventually, after what seemed like forever, his fingers ran through my pubes and over my mound, coming to rest almost where I wanted them most, right on the edge of my pussy.

For a couple of seconds he let them rest there, pulling his mouth from mine so that he could look down at me as if checking that he was doing what I wanted. I just lay and gazed back up at him. Of course he was doing what I wanted; although I had very little idea what that was, because I wasn't used to someone who went in for foreplay. Mark simply checked that I was wet and receptive before he entered me - or at least before he tried to, but Carl clearly had more than that in mind so I smiled up at him and waited.

He smiled back and I felt his fingers edge their way further down onto my pussy, easing my pussy lips open and running fingertips down along my slit. It was a kind of mild investigation, softly probing, exploring my folds and valleys, finding the little nubbin of my clit and then running down my pussy until he was pushing gently at my entrance. I felt a surge of pleasure run through me, making me hook an arm around his neck and pull him down for another kiss, my tongue pressing into his mouth, encouraging his fingers to follow my example.

He entered me slowly, his two fingers going steadily deeper until they were inside me as far as they would go, wriggling around and making me groan with pleasure. I'd never had that done to me before and I loved it, especially as his knuckles pressed hard against my entrance. I wondered almost hopefully if he could push any more fingers inside me and I moaned encouragingly into his kisses.

'Anything you don't like?' He asked.

It was an unexpected question, one that I didn't really know how to answer. How did I know what I liked or didn't like when I'd experienced so little? 'Try what you want.' I told him, my heart pounding with excitement wondering what he might do 'I'll stop you if I don't like it.'

'Don't worry.' He said. 'I'm not especially kinky.'

I felt almost disappointed, I wanted to experience as much as I could. But then one man's ordinary is another's kinky, so I smiled and pulled him down for another kiss, gasping quietly as his fingers plunged into me.

His fingers felt wonderful. They twisted and turned and wriggled as he pushed them in and out, sending waves of pleasure racing through my whole body. He moved own a little on the bed so that his mouth could find my breast and to make it easier for him to play with me. Now his thumb could bump against my clitoris as his fingers were thrust into my vagina, adding to my pleasure. I'd never felt anything quite like that and very soon I could feel the beginnings of a climax building. I was making those little whimpering sounds again and I felt him smile around my nipple as he recognised them.

My climax was fabulous. Different from the one Carl had given me the night before, deeper, fuller, stronger, more meaningful, but just as incredible. I had my arms wrapped around him and I must have squeezed him so tightly that he nearly suffocated. My hips lifted, my pussy trying to reach for his fingers, trying to take them in deeper as I jerked and shuddered in the throes of my orgasm. When it slowly subsided I opened my eyes and looked up at his smiling face, smiling back and breathing hard with pure delight.

'Good, was it?' He asked innocently.

'Well, it was all right.' I told him, so happy I couldn't resist the tease, knowing full well he would recognise it for what it was.

'I'll have to make sure the next one's better then, I suppose,'

I nodded eagerly, expecting him to roll on top of me, but he had other ideas. He did climb between my legs, but instead of doing what I expected, he slid down my body, pushing my legs back out of the way so that he was staring straight at my pussy. I wasn't sure what he intended to do, my heart was hammering at the thought, the possibility, that he meant to go down on me. Like so many things, I'd never experienced anyone do that to me and I couldn't believe that he would, not on our very first proper session together. I just hoped and prayed that he would. And he did. Slowly and deliberately he lowered his mouth to my pussy so that I felt his breathing on the skin of my thighs as he got closer. My hands gripped the bed sheet and I closed my eyes in wonderful anticipation.

The first touch was so soft I hardly felt it, just the very tip of his tongue moving along my slit, but slowly the touch became firmer and more insistent until he was probing right inside my hole and then moving to flick the tip of my clit with the tip of his tongue, sharp little blows that made me jerk in response. I'd fantasized many times about having something like that done to me, but the reality was so much better than anything I'd imagined, wonderful sensations spreading like waves rippling away from his tongue. I gripped my legs behind my knees and pulled them back, giving him as much access and as much encouragement as I could. I was in heaven and I didn't want him to stop.

He didn't stop, but he did change his method. Instead of flicking at my clit he suddenly placed his open mouth over me and began to firmly lick me along my pussy, his tongue pressing against my clit. I was still sensitive from my climax and very soon I felt those wonderful feelings return. I was heading for my second orgasm in a very few minutes.

I tried to keep still when I came, but it was impossible. I jerked and jolted, squirming under his tongue as he tried to keep contact. He pressed down on the backs of my thighs, trying to hold me still, but frustratingly I kept jerking away from his tongue, though in the end that simply served to make my climax last longer. I cried out, I know I cried out, but I have no idea what I said or if it was even words that came from my mouth. When it was done I fell back on the bed, panting for breath, my whole body trembling from the effects of coming. He looked up along my body and smiled at me, registering my returning attempt at a smile through dry lips, but he gave me no time to recover. Without a word he climbed up between my open legs and lay on top of me, his hand reaching back to guide himself into me. I wanted him, oh my god how I wanted him.

He found his way in very easily, I was so wet and wide from my climaxes that his cock almost found its own way there. This time there was none of the desperate urgency of our first time and he didn't enter me as forcefully as before, he simply eased himself into me, sliding in deeper as he inched himself forward until he was right on top of me and his cock was fully home. I held him in my arms and wrapped my legs around him as if I was trying to prevent him escaping, not that he wanted to. For a moment or two we just lay there, quietly savouring the feel of his cock inside my pussy before he began to thrust.

He began slowly, long lethargic thrusts that went all the way in and made me moan softly with each one. But then he started to speed up, pushing harder, more quickly until he was driving himself up me nearly as hard as the time before. I loved it, I let my legs fall away to give him more room, but I gripped his shoulders harder to compensate, hanging onto him as his he plunged into me. Soon we were both gasping into each other's ears, carried away by the wonderful sensation of hard energetic sex. I was smiling, I could feel my mouth wide with happiness at being fucked by such a wonderful man, a real man. He seemed to sense my smile for her raised his head, smiled back and then kissed me, our mouths locked together as we fucked. We couldn't stay like that for long, we had to part and gasp for breath into each other's ears once more. I think we could both feel our orgasms building, I certainly could, my third, and our pleasure noises got louder and louder, until finally we came together, Carl grunting loudly in my ear while I yelled out loud into his and squirmed in ecstasy beneath him.

It was good that this time I was doing it with Mark's agreement and Carl and I could lie together afterwards without my guilt trip kicking in. It was amazing the difference that made, just nuzzling together in each other's arms until our breathing settled down and quivering legs went back to normal. We were even able to shower together before we dressed and I left with a last lingering kiss and the promise to return on Friday.

I was home a little while before Mark returned, and while I waited I wondered how he would take the news that I'd already found myself a lover, although it was in accordance with our agreement. I wasn't sure if I should actually tell him that I'd already been in bed with him, but I figured that honesty was by far the best policy if we were to make our open marriage - for that is what it was - work properly.

In the event I was glad that I did, for he took it very matter-of-factly, asking if he knew the man. I told him he may have seen him around as he lived upstairs and that his name was Carl, and that I was going to see him again very soon. He nodded and smiled, a genuine smile that settled my lingering doubts about what we were doing.

'I'm glad, because now we can both be straight with each other.' He grinned wryly. 'Not that I'll ever be straight, but you know what I mean.'

It seemed such a strange thing to discuss, but for us it was the only way forward and we knew it. We would keep our love for each other and our bodies for our lovers. We'd made our arrangement because there was little else we could do and still feel human.

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oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Threatening a gay person with outing, especially to destroy their family ties, is waaaay worse than being a closet queer or even cheating

Granted, the husband is a POS, but man you just don't out people unless they are actively attacking you. Even then, better to just kick their ass. Outing sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Truly enjoy your writing.

jy55jy55over 6 years ago
good story

Those who commented negatively probably haven't even bothered to try to write one themselves

Microbevel8Microbevel8over 6 years ago
a woman's voice

You capture how a woman feels perfectly. Not just fucking and cum, but thoughts and feelings too. Wonderful. The fucking is nice too!

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
A generally well-written story based on an interesting premise

No real drama, and eventually open conversation resolved a perceived marital difficulty. I liked it.

I found it interesting that a male author was writing from a female perspective, and perhaps that led to what I saw as the weak episode in the story. She slipped so quickly into bed with Carl after discovering that her husband had a male lover. I felt that part of the story could have been taken more slowly with a lot more of her thoughts and emotions as she moved towards her first adulterous sexual encounter.

Clearly we have here a story that separates sex from an otherwise loving marital relationship. It would have been interesting to see the comments (and the scores) the story would have elicited if it had been posted in the Loving Wives category. In that category the Moral Brigade among the commentariat would have conniptions.


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