Our House


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I checked the time and decided to check up on Bernie so went down into the basement expecting to find him there. He wasn't but at least he had cleared a few of the twenty odd rooms down there. I went searching and found him on the computer, which he swiftly shut down as soon as I entered the room. "What you up then? I thought you were clearing out the basement rooms?" I asked. He smiled and said, "I got a call and had to respond to some emails, so I took a break. I am allowed a break aren't I? he asked the sarcasm clear in his voice. "Sure." I responded, "Just as long as the rooms are cleared by the end of this week. Something's come up that may change our plans!"

That made him curious, but I refused to answer any more questions and retreated to the library. I had to see what the final journal had to say!

Four -- The Search Quest 3

I took the final journal dated 2011 and opened it to find once more my uncle's distinctive script covered the first page;

My dearest nephew, please think very carefully before you view the enclosed DVD. If you ignore my warning, be aware that the contents could destroy your concept of love and fidelity!

Your final quest, if you choose to continue, will bring you diamonds. I won't wish you luck, because I think you are the luckiest of men to have a wife like Sonja and as long as you have her, you don't really need anything else.

I read and reread this final message. It was clear that he was warning me off, as if he didn't want me to pursue the matter further, but at the same time dangling the bait of finding the diamonds to encourage my greed. Was he trying to tell me that Sonja was cuckolding me? Why else the warning about love and fidelity? I was pretty sure that Sonja would never do that and that she loved me too much to betray me, but as I pondered that another thought struck me. Why else would he intentionally lead me down the path of suspicion if he did not want to pursue it! He knew that one could never put the genie back in the bottle once it had escaped and the evil bastard had deliberately handed me the magic lantern! Fuck it! I decided to watch the DVD and let the cards fall as they may.

Once more the doors were locked and I pressed the play button with some feelings of dread. I wondered what I would find? Once more the scene was the main reception room and the date time reading told me that it was Christmas 2011. I stopped the player and tried to I remember the events of that party, Sonja and I, Laura and Bernie were all there, Uncle Charles had insisted on our attendance but, shortly after we arrived, I had to return home to respond to a reported fire alarm from our business. We had been having trouble with the damned thing for weeks, but it was a simple matter to reset it and I would only be gone an hour. As it turned out it was no false alarm, but by the time that I got there it was out, but I had to wait while reports were completed and a repair firm called out to fix the door that the Firemen had broken to gain access. I tried calling Sonja, but it went straight to message. It was to be the next morning before I got everything sorted and made my way back to Bourton Hall. I struggled with my memory and could not remember anything significant about that morning. Sonja was her normal self in the morning, pretty grumpy, Laura gave me no indication of anything amiss, but come to think of it, Bernie was pretty damn pleased with himself! Curiosity got the better of me and I restarted the player.

The video was playing and I watched as Sonja, Bernie and Laura worked the room talking and joking with the other guests. As the party thinned out the scene changed to what I have decided to call the voyeur room. Bernie was the first to arrive and I assumed that he and Laura had been given the room by Uncle Charles, but it was not Laura who entered, it was Sonja! She had no sooner closed and locked the door, than she was stripping off her evening dress to reveal her naked body. "I see you've come ready for action?" Bernie, lying on the bed said as he slowly wanked his cock. I noted that he was not any bigger than me and wondered what the great attraction was that would persuade my wife to willingly throw herself at him. They were soon hard at it and I listened as he goaded her into doing exactly what he demanded. The final ignominy for me was when he said, "Tell who's the best, me or your husband?" Her reply cut me to more than the visual image of them fucking. "You know that it's always been you and only you that could make me come like this" As she uttered those words she screamed to her first climax. He still had not come and turned her onto her knees and pushed his cock up her puckered arse, it wasn't puckered long as she opened up to accommodate his pulsating cock. They fucked that way for another ten minutes or so before he pulled out and grabbed her hair forcing her round to accept his slimy cock into her mouth and I watched with horror as she sucked him to completion.

As they rested afterwards, he said, "I've told Laura to join us just as soon as she gets rid of the other guests and gives uncle his nightly blow job. Poor bugger lives for that now, maybe we should get him to join us for a foursome?"

They laughed quietly at the thought and then she said, "You know, that's not a bad idea, it would probably kill the old pervert, especially if Laura and I do him together."

Another laugh and then he said, "We just need to keep Andy sweet for the time being and that's still got to be your job. We need his culinary skills and reputation to help build this place up, before we can gradually ease him out."

"That's easy for you to say, but I'm that one that has to fuck him and stroke his ego just to keep him happy. You realise that if he gets one hint that we've been screwing around, then he will walk and we will be fucked, so you need to stop mooning around me, he nearly caught us yesterday. He's a bit thick when it comes to me, but he's not entirely blind."

They were interrupted at that point and Bernie got up and opened the door for my loving sister, Laura. She smiled and shrugged off her clothes and stood there silently until Sonja said, You're your arse over here lick me out!" Like she was on auto pilot, Laura got into bed with Sonja and started licking her pussy until, Sonja stopped her and the pair started kissing passionately, finally ending up in a sixty nine. After a short while of this, Bernie joined them on the bed and proceeded to stick his cock first in Laura's pussy for a few thrusts, then coming out and starting on Sonja. He kept this up for ages until he exploded into their faces. As I watched them, I realised that my marriage was over!

The film stopped then and I struggled to recall the incident she was talking about. Last Christmas, the fire at the business, then my 6AM early morning arrival back at Bourton Hall. I had entered using the kitchen door as the car was parked outside the coach house and practically ran into Sonja in the kitchen. I was beat after being up most of the night and all I wanted was to get some sleep. Sonja is never a morning person, but for her to rise so early was completely out of character. I even made a joke about it and she blocked my way out of the kitchen and insisted in cooking me some breakfast. When I finally got to our room, the one with the mirror, I just lay down on the bed and slept. Now, as I recall the incident, I remember that the bed was freshly made, with clean, crisp, freshly laundered sheets. This was also out of character for Sonja, she rarely made the bed in the morning. Seemingly simple little things but when they are put in context of what I had just heard and seen, it started to add up. Then again, yesterday, when I entered the room and they broke apart, was that me interrupting something?

Poor old Uncle Charles, he died shortly after Christmas of a heart attack! I started to wonder about that, but then reflected, that was done and he had been cremated so there was no mileage in going there, let the poor bugger rest in peace. My marriage may well be over, but I was damned if any of them was going to benefit from that! I had to plan carefully, uncles legacy was still my secret and I was determined that it would remain that way. First plan, find the diamonds;

To help you find the stones,

You need to search the place of moans,

On the bedstead you may discover,

That bed accommodates more than cheating lovers!

The bed of moans, could only be the one in the mirror room, what used to be our regular room, but where on the bedstead could you hide diamonds? I went to the bedroom and inspected the bedstead. It was an old solid oak frame with metal tubular uprights at each corner and each topped with a rounded plastic knob. I tested the two on the bottom of the bed and they were fixed solid! I moved to the bed head and tried them, they too were fixed solidly. I had been so sure that this was where he would have hidden them, but they were definitely secure. I checked over the rest of the bed headrest and found nothing to give any indication of a secret compartment. I then moved to the bottom of the bed and inspected the panelling and again nothing that looked like a secret compartment. Just as I was about to give up and in frustration, I twisted the knob nearest me quite savagely as I pulled himself from my knees. It gave and started to unscrew! I had tried turning it before but in the conventional counter clockwise fashion to loosen. All I was doing was tightening the thread, this knob was a left hand thread an operated in the opposite manner! I unscrewed it and lifted it off and peered inside the hollow post, nothing! It was empty! Disappointment flowed through me, but I made myself check the other three knobs as well and it was the last one I checked that I hit pay dirt. A soft leather pouch that turned out to be about nine inches long was tied by a drawstring to a hook on the underside of the knob. I tugged at the drawstring and slowly pulled the pouch out of the tubular recess and held the sack in my hands. I went over to the dressing table and carefully opened the drawstring and tipped some of the contents on the dresser top. I know nothing about diamonds, but the bag I was holding must contain scores of them!

I suddenly became conscious of the mirror and realised that this was probably not the best place to make an assessment as to how many stones were contained in the bag, so I hurriedly replaced the ones that I had spilled out of the pouch and drew the drawstring tight. I slipped the pouch into my pocket and went to prepare dinner.

After dinner we all sat down to review the progress made that day. Sonja went first and confirmed the planning consent had been given the nod and it only waited for the committee to rubber stamp it then we could start. The builder was ready to go and suggested that as we had more or less received the necessary permissions, maybe he could start the following Monday, he had lots to do that didn't need approval and we agreed to that. At last some progress! Laura went next and reported that we had sufficient funds to at least get the works started, but that we had to get some more funds or we would be bust! She told us that our budget was now looking around £100K short!

I said, "I may have an idea of where I can get some additional funding, but I can't tell you who the benefactor is, only that he is prepared to grant us such a loan as long as we can convince him that we will be able to pay him back within three years."

"Three years! That is a very short time frame, to try and repay that sort sum," cried Laura. Bernie joined in saying, "It's not that bad, we may have to cut back a bit on the refit side, but the kitchen is a priority. It's the kitchen that is going to make or break this hotel. We need to ensure that Andy has everything he needs to provide top quality food!"

Sonja then has say and she objected to the change in the budget and said, "I get it that Andy must have a good kitchen, but don't forget the paying customers will want the decorative state of the rooms to reflect the building! I f we cut corners, I twill show and business will suffer as a result."

All this was manna to my ears for I wanted them to stretch themselves to the limit before I pulled the rug out from under them! "Look Laura, just how much will we need to bring this place up to the standard we set originally?"

"£75K should be enough to bring us up to a decent standard, but for top quality, another £20K would be ideal," she answered.

"Ok. I'll ask him for £100K repayable over ten years. Everyone happy with that?" They all nodded, so I continued, "I'll need to make a trip to France to make the arrangements and while I'm there, I'll check out some wines for the cellar. Do you want to accompany, Sonja?"

It came as no surprise to me when she said, "I'm sorry, I'd love to, but there's too much to do here. Maybe, next time?"

I smiled to myself, I knew exactly what she had to do, fuck fat Bernie and my sister. I'd given her the opportunity to spend some alone time with me and she had turned it down in favour the chance of some uninterrupted screwing with Bernie. Her last chance had gone, now I would screw them, but royally!

The next day, I drove to the Chunnel and loaded he car aboard the train and was soon in France. I had taken the diamonds and the gold coins with me, for I intended to return home via Antwerp and dispose of some of the diamonds there. The coins, I would sell in France, not too many, maybe one hundred per transaction. I sold the first those, to a Jewish merchant in Paris and obtained a good price. I now had enough money for the 'loan' to my sister. As she was the major shareholder, she would have to sign the agreement. I then proceeded to several other merchants and unloaded another five hundred, the rest I decided to hold as a reserve.

I restocked the wine cellar en-route to Switzerland, where I set up a numbered account and deposited about half of the I set up a bank account in a small bank in Zurich and at another, opened a safety deposit box. I put the remainder of the gold and the bonds in there and moved onto Antwerp. Again, made some discreet enquiries and found a dealer prepared to give me a valuation on the gems. I was absolutely astonished at the valuation of fifteen million Euros. He offered to sell them on my behalf, but I thanked him and left. At yet another bank, I opened another safety deposit and left the diamonds in there for the time being.

The whole trip took five days and I had not bothered to talk to Sonja during the entire trip, though I did email her every day. When I returned, they were all waiting for me to tell them about the loan. I had all the papers ready and thanks to an old friend in Zurich, I had a legal loan agreement prepared and ready for signature. I explained that the best deal I could get from the lender, was £75K, but not over ten years, but seven! Naturally, they were disappointed with this deal, but they had no option but to sign. That night, Sonja made a token effort and offered to have sex with me, but I pleaded that I was exhausted and maybe it would be better to try in the morning.

With the project now underway, I threw myself into the project management role and right on schedule the work was completed and we were ready to open. Laura packed in her job to concentrate on the house management and Bernie, he tried to look busy, but he followed Sonja around with is tongue hanging out. They tried to be discrete about it, but once I knew they were having an affair and that my own sister was also involved, it wasn't hard to note the times where they contrived to find alone time. I must admit, I made it easy for them. I had no interest in fucking Sonja anymore and when she did make overtures in that department, I rejected them pleading exhaustion and stress. She seemed to accept that explanation, but quite honestly, I didn't give a fuck whether she did or not.

In advance of the opening day, advertising was commissioned and open days held to show potential patrons the facilities and for them to sample the cuisine from my kitchen. The events were successful and the advance bookings looked promising and it was at that point I made my preparations. I had consulted a lawyer and set the wheels in motion for Sonja to be served at noon on opening day. The morning we were supposed to open, I walked out the door and drove away.

I caught a plane to Paris and spent a few days there before moving on. One of the tasks I did before leaving our house was to arrange for a private detective to keep an occasional eye on the house and provide regular monthly reports on how our business was progressing. At first they managed fairly well and overcame the lack of having a great chef available on day one and managed to make the loan repayments on time. Then the cracks began to appear, first they started getting into arguments about the hotel, the kitchen and the final straw was when Bernie reverted to form and started drinking heavily. It took Laura and Sonja four months to get him out and even then, they had to buy him off with a substantial lump sum, borrowed from a close friend of Sonja's.

The reports coming back from the PI started to change, the house was getting a reputation for being a place where you went if you wanted to score, with the other sex that is, not drugs, well not yet anyway. There were even some evidence to suggest that rooms were also available at short notice and for the hour as well. Despite all the money coming in from that source, they still missed a loan repayment, then another and another. This was what I had been waiting for and I got my lawyer to write to them insisting on immediate payment of the back log repayments. They failed once more, so this time, I got the lawyer to make them an offer, I would waive the outstanding payments in lieu of a 25% stake in the business.

Laura refused immediately, so I waited another month and when the next instalment failed to materialise, I had another letter sent, demanding 30% or I would sue them. This would force the hotel into bankruptcy and I could always buy the house at that point. All this had been done through intermediaries and I refused Laura's plea's for a face to face meeting. I decided to offer her an olive branch, it didn't really matter at this stage how big the percentage was, as long it was greater than 5%, I would have effective control of the business and the house! In any case, I would have it all sooner or later. I told my representatives to strike a deal in excess of 10% and was jubilant when they confirmed that she had agreed to 18% of her shares in the business.

It was time for me to make my reappearance. My divorce was final and I was ready to confront the cheating bitch and my equally treacherous sister! I drove up in my new Bentley and walked past the unstaffed Reception and into the back office, also vacant. I wandered around he familiar rooms and sizing up on the state they were in and decided a redecoration was the first priority for the public rooms. There was a barman behind the bar and I asked him where the boss was. He grinned and indicated that they were both upstairs at the moment and could not be disturbed. I asked him his name and he said, "Trevor, I'm Trevor Stone. Who are you, then?" I slipped him a twenty and told him, "I'm your new boss and if you want to continue working here, keep your mouth shut, because it's like a surprise for your ex bosses!"

I went upstairs and there was some activity going on in the corridor. A maid was servicing the rooms and I walked past her and into what had been our bedroom. I guess I should have been surprised, but somehow it seemed fitting to find my ex on her back getting rammed by a large coloured gent. He was pretty well endowed and while he was fucking at the slut under him, my sister was reaming out his arsehole with her tongue. They were all naked and far too occupied to notice me standing watching. All I could hear was Sonja begging Victor to fuck her harder and he grunted and wheezed as he tried to comply! I waited until he had finished and while he was still in that post orgasmic state, I pulled him off Sonja and ordered him to get dressed and leave as I had business to conduct with the sluts. He was a bit antsy about leaving and he turned to face me and unseen by Sonja or Laura, he winked at me and said, "Look man, whatever business you have here also concerns me. These two sluts are into me for a lot of money and you could say that what you seen just now was me collecting the interest! I want to know just what is your connection with these two women."