Our New Neighbor Ch. 9


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"Sure, no problem sis." with that said I immediately dropped my pants and shorts. Then Nicole came over quickly and helped me remove them completely over my shoes. Between looking at all these girls naked, and obviously in a state of arousal. Plus looking down and seeing Nicole's clit sticking out, seeking attention,as well as smelling her musky sex scent, got my cock to stand to immediate attention.

Of course, good old Kitty, "Bob, you have work to do so forget about doing anything with that 'stiffie' for the time being, and help the girls carry Marta and Cindy's equipment down to the basement." The girls were taking this all in as they giggled at my situation. However, I did notice the look of lust on Kim's face, as she drooled looking at my stiff cock. I knew she was dying to have that cock of mine deeply inserted into her starving cunt.

Everything was in boxes so after we took all the boxes down into the basement, Kitty told the girls to go swimming, and when they lay out in the sun, to be sure they use plenty of number thirty sun tan lotion. I think that the girls would of rather stay and watch me suffering with my throbbing cock. I was now sure of one thing, these girls were interested in guys, (maybe with the exception of Teri,) as well as girls, so starting tomorrow when I get that injection kit that Don's runner is bringing me, one by one the girls, with the exception of Kim, are going to get their first meaningful cock fuck.

There was some interesting items in the boxes. Wrist and ankle cuffs, Ceiling pulleys, foam rubber mattress with straps, assortment of dildos, as well as nipple and clit rings. Over all, quite a large assortment of things for typical B & D training.

Kitty told the girls that today was going to be strictly a chaste day, no sexual activities and no playing around. Today she just wanted them to physically and mentally get themselves in shape and worked up to their potential sexual peak.

When Marta and Cindy left after helping me set up some of the equipment, they told me and Kitty that they hoped that they would be invited to play with our girls and said that they envied us. Marta said to us, "you have a beautiful harem here, please invite us so that we can help you train them." We told them that they would be the first to enjoy the pleasures of our young ladies.

At night, Kitty again instructed the girls that there was to be absolutely no sexual activities, alone or with anyone else. Again, anyone who violated her orders would be subject to severe punishment. This was kind of mean because all day the girls were doing exercises, physical and mental, to get their bodies and minds peaked out for sexual gratification, I mean, these girls were ready for some heavy duty sex, any kind. But Kitty put a fear in them such as, along with the physical punishment, she would put a chastity belt on them and they wouldn't be able to touch themselves until Kitty decided to take it off.

I noticed, as I was watching on the monitor, as the girls were going to bed , as well as after they started falling asleep There was a great deal of restlesness as they tossed and turned. All of them needed some kind of relief, but much to their frustration, they were fighting against any touching of themselves, they weren't alone as I laid in bed making a tent out of my sheet.

The following morning I quickly went to the location of where I had deposited the videos and found them gone, in their place was a box that he said that would be there. In the box there were two dozen vials as well as six needles for injection. I wasn't crazy about the idea of injecting something in my cock, but if it was going to keep my cock stiff for two hours or so to enjoy the pleasures of these ladies, why not.

Kitty told me that we should head on over and start the day with our neighbors. I told Kitty as we left that the first one that I wanted to fuck was Kim. I knew Kim was really hurting and needed it more than the others and I think I owed it to Don. Kitty then told me how she wanted to go about it, she had it all planned out.

When we went into Kim's home, the girls were all slowly stirring to life, but looked as though that they did not have the best rest in their night of sleep because of their sexual frustration. Kitty told all of them to gather around her so that she could tell them what their activities for the day would be.

They all gathered around Kitty, like little baby chicks, including Kim, cute in their nudity, gathering around mother hen. "Ladies, Kitty started, "what this gathering is about is your LIFE and your being happy. I, along with my brother, want you to learn that there is a lot life offers you if you're willing to look for it. For some reason, women have always been left feeling guilty for so many things that men do, but they do it with very little, or no guilt at all. My mother was a very wise woman and she shared much of her wisdom with me, there wasn't anything that was off limits or taboo in our conversations."

I looked around and watched everyone of the girls and it looked like every last one of them, were hanging on to Kitty's word. Kitty continues. "We are a lot more sexual than men, men talk the talk, but most of them don't do the walk. My mother caught me masturbating when I was very young, she didn't scold me or punish me, as so many parents do to their girls, all she said was, 'I see that you have found your HAPPY button.' Then she went on and told me how much pleasure I would receive from it and gave me a few instructions on what and what not to do. First of all, we have the stamina and the ability to masturbate many different ways, secondly, we can cum dozens of times in a day. A man or boy cums once or twice and then rolls over and falls asleep."

Kitty told them how much more beautiful a woman's body is than a mans, and then she came to the time to wrap things up. "You're my girls, and as such, I want you to learn everything that might make your life more interesting when it comes to sex. I don't want you to think that the only thing that you can enjoy is lesbian sex, in fact you may find out later on that you rather have a good stiff cock than a soft women's body, or like in my case, I like men and women alike, I'm BI. You might like being a SUB or maybe like me, be a DOM. Then there is discipline, I expect you to all learn discipline, when I tell any of you to do something, or not to do something, I expect obedience."

Then Kitty stood up, all eyes were focused on her when she said, "speaking of discipline and obedience, Kim disobeyed me the night before last and she made herself cum when I distinctly told all of you not to touch yourselves. Masturbation is fine as well as being healthy, but when I tell any of you not to do something, it's for a reason. Now Kim, it's time for your punishment. Let's all go to the basement where she will receive her punishment and you will all watch."

They all went down to the basement and I stayed behind them going down. I didn't want to be conspicuous because I was carrying a small overnight bag with me that contained what Kitty had me bring.

"Tina, Teri, I want you to put these leather cuffs on Kim, one on each ankle as well as one on each wrist." This was something new and I could see the concern on Kim's face. "Now I want you to attach the clips that are on the cuffs to the clips that are hanging from the ceiling and then pull the rope taut. Fine, now I want you to do the same with her ankle cuffs to the straps on the floor." Now Kim was in a position that looked like an X, her arms and legs were both stretched wide without really hurting her.

"Teri, I want you to put this blindfold over Kim's eyes and make sure that she can't see." As Teri was putting on the blind-fold, we could all see the tears running down Kim's cheeks, but Kim knew better than to let out any sound of protest.

Kitty picked up a whip and then explained to the girls how they would punish Kim. The whip had a handle that was about a foot long and it had about ten strips about one-half inch wide and approximately twenty inches long. "I want all of you to give Kim three lashes each and I want you to do it as hard as you can. I want you to strike the area from her breast down to the bottom of her ass, front as well as her back. The fabric on the whips are very soft so that you'll not be hurting her in a harmful way, however, they will leave red welts, but no cuts." Then Kitty handed the whip to Julie.

Kim's body would stiffen up in anticipation of the lashing and then it would shake as if she was cold. The girls did not hold back, they really lashed her with all their might, I think that they were really enjoying this.

When they finished, Kim was red from the lashings, from her tits down to her pussy. She was moaning ever so softly, but I could, as well as the others, see wetness at the opening of her love hole that was starting to run down her thighs. Then I noticed her nipples were in a highly aroused state, sticking out and looking swollen.

"Girls, you probably are well aware of Kim's state of arousal. When you whipped her as you did, you brought the blood circulation close to the surface of her skin, especially in the area of her breasts and cunt." Then Kitty said to Kim, "Kim, are you going to obey me from now on?"

"Oh yes, aunt Kitty, I promise, I will never disobey you again. I'm so sorry, I'll be your good little girl slut and do anything that you ask of me. Can I get down now, I feel a little weak in the knees."

Then Kitty asked Kim, "it seems as though that you enjoyed that whipping, would you like some more? I want you to be honest with me, and you know I can tell when you lie. What would you like right now Kim?"

Kim's body was trying to move around but she was strung up pretty tight. She realized that Kitty was waiting for an answer. Then she quietly answered, "Kitty. I don't want to be whipped any more, please."

"So what would you like Kim?" Kitty asked her. "What would you like right now, and if you tell us the truth, I'll let you down. So what is it?"

Then Kim cried out, "Oh god , aunt Kitty I just need to cum. Would you just, please touch me down there?" Poor Kim was begging Kitty to help her get off.

That was my cue. Behind a partition I quickly took off all my clothes and then rubbed a little alcohol on my cock, I injected the solution into my cock, per instructions, the needle was so fine that I didn't feel a thing.

Kitty had instructed the girls to leave Kim's blind-fold on and release her from the cuffs. When Kim started to walk, it was obvious that she needed some help because she was so tense from the need for sexual relief. Her hands quickly went down to her pussy for self gratification. Kitty snapped at her, "Kim, I've told you as well as the others, you don't touch yourself unless I tell you that you can You're becoming a real big slut. Do you want some more punishment?" Kim didn't answer as Kitty directed the girls to take Kim to the pad that I put on a bench that was bout a foot off the floor.

Kim was put on the full length pad and Kitty told the girls to help Kim to get on her hands and knees. Kim started sobbing softly, thinking that she was going to be punished some more.

I came up to her from the rear, with the girls all looking at me and staring at my throbbing cock, Kim was not aware of my presence. Kitty put up her hand to me, motioning me not to put my cock into Kim yet. She went to the little bag I brought and took out a butt plug. Then Kitty came over and took some of Kim's juices and spread it on the rubber plug and said to Kim, "Don't cum." as she slipped the plug into Kim's butt-hole.

Kim let out a moan and then Kitty motioned me to stick my cock into Kim's hot cunt. Kim came instantly. As soon as my cock was all the way in and as I started to pull it out, Kim moaned out loudly, "Oh yes Don, fuck me, please fuck me, oh god, I needed to be fucked sooo badly, oh thank you, pleeeasee fuck me some more."

I kept fucking her as Kitty told the girls to play with Kim's breasts, suck her nipples and to wet her clit from her juices and rub it gently.

Damn, Kim really needed a good fucking. She was supporting herself on the pad with her elbows and knees as she moved her ass back and forth as I just stood there with her doing all the work, fucking my cock. I'm not sure if she was having many orgasms or if it was one that kept rolling on.

Kitty pulled me away and when my cock was no longer available to Kim, she was still moving her butt back and forth. "Please, fuck me more. Oh Don, I've missed you, I need you to keep fucking me, please. Aunt Kitty, please make him fuck me some more."

Kitty told Kim that she would have him fuck her some more. I guess that Kim was in such a high state of arousal, either thought that it was Don fucking her, or that she had to rationalize to herself that she wasn't cheating on Don, to justify it being someone other Don.

Kitty slipped a rubber, hollow dildo over my cock, it made my cock thicker, but the big difference was that it had a prominent ridge around it about two inches from the head of my cock. She had me stick my cock back into Kim's, now very open, cunt. Kim went ballistic.

"Ohh fuuck Don, I love your cock. It feels soo fuuckkingg goood. Please don't take it out, just let me fuck you, oooohgaaaawwwd, it feels better than ever, I'mmmm cuuuummmingg and I can't stop. Oooff fuuuckk yeeeese."

The girls couldn't believe what pleasure that Kim was getting out of fucking my cock, especially after Kitty put the dildo on my cock with the G-spot stimulator. Finally Kim collapsed onto the mat, she just passed out.

We lifted Kim off of the mat and put her down where she would be comfortable until she came too, she was totally out of it.

The girls were looking at my cock, still hard and dripping with Kim's cum. Before Kitty could finish asking, "who wants to be next?" Nicole was up on the mat and got into the same position that Kim had been in.

I took off the hollowed out dildo and Kitty asked Nicole, "are you sure you want Bob to fuck you? I don't want him to hurt you, so if it becomes uncomfortable just say so and Bob will stop."

"No way, aunt Kitty, I've been waiting for a chance to have Bob stick his beautiful cock in my cunny. I saw how much my mom enjoyed it and I plan on enjoying it just as much, if not more.

Being gentle, I slowly slid my cock into Nicole's eager and waiting hole, I needn't had to worry, her cunt was well lubed and it felt like warm velvet, it just slid in without any resistance. Her tender smooth ass just kept pushing in and then pulling out of my throbbing cock, as she moaned in ecstasy, she was in a hurry to feel the pleasures of a man's cock. After a few orgasms, she asked if I would put on the hollowed dildo, I did. Like her mom, Kim, she fucked herself into total, but heavenly exhaustion.

Kim was watching her sweet young step-daughter being fucked by Bob, with a very content look on her face. Then she looked at Kitty and said, "oh, aunt Kitty, all the time that Bob was fucking me, I thought it was my husband Don. Have I been unfaithful to my wonderful husband?"

"Kim, let me say this, in your mind it was Don. It was Don fucking you, it was Don whose name you called out. Kim, you weren't unfaithful. One more thing, Don insisted that we keep you and Nicole happy, regardless of what we or you and Nicole do. So, are you happy? Do you you think that Nicole is happy?"

All Kim could say was, "aunt Kitty, you and uncle Bob have brought so much joy and happiness in our lives, I feel as if Don is with us. Thank you soo much for helping us and being there for us. You won't ever leave us, will you?"

"My sweet beautiful slut, NEVER. But c'mon, there is a lot more that we have to do and Bob and I want to show you and the girls a lot more before Don comes back home."

When Kitty told Teri to take her turn, Teri resorted back to the way she was when she first arrived. She yelled back and told Kitty she wouldn't and ran upstairs.

Again...Thanks to the many words of encouragement as well as suggestions, I really consider most of them to be a part of my stories.

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