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"You ok?" Mark whispered, barely audibly.

I nodded in response, biting my lip. He held my fingertips gently, as he might have done if I was ten years younger. We sat at the breakfast table, speaking only to order our food. Finally my brother broke the silence.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked, placing his Paris guide book on the table.

"Well, I did suggest we could do a boat ride. On the river. Maybe today?"

Without speaking he began consulting the guide book. Eventually he found what he was looking for.

"Well there's one that last for three hours, goes under loads of bridges and past the Eiffel Tower. It includes lunch. That sounds good. It leaves at eleven thirty."

He handed me the book, pointing at the page.

"That sounds great. Let's do that. We've done a lot of walking so far. I could do with giving my feet a rest."

He looked at his watch.

"Shit, it's half past ten. We'd better hurry breakfast."

And we did. We went back to the room to clean our teeth and grab a camera, then ran through the streets to the pier. We made it just in time. We sat at a table and were handed a lunch menu.

"God I'm not hungry. I've only just had breakfast!" Mark laughed.

The boat cruise was fantastic. After we caught the metro and went to Montmartre. We explored the markets and shops, stopped for a beer, then visited the magnificent Sacre Couer cathedral. We stood outside taking views of the city before going inside.

We explored the church, before sitting down on one of the benches.

"That was an amazing day. All of it," I said to my brother.

"All of it?"

"Well, you know."

"Erm, do we need to talk know...what happened?" he said, quietly.

"Do we have to?" I asked.

"I think we need to at some point," he suggested.

"I know."

"Look, I guess I got carried away. We both did. It just happened. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you," he told me.

"No you didn't, I mean, I am embarrassed, but that's just because, you know..."

"I know. Things just got a bit carried away."

"Look Mark, it's really hard to explain, but that's because I'm experiencing something new here, something I don't know how to handle. I'm so used to arguing with you, fighting, and it's just that this week, we've been...we've been getting on so well. I'm confused. I'm so used to hating you, well not really hating but you know, that i not sure how to feel about LIKING you. And I do. You're like, such a nice guy, so lovely, and I'm like, who is this?"

"Wow! Errrrrr... that's kind of how I feel."

"Is it?" I asked.

"Sort of. As well as the fact that...Oh I don't know how to put this..."

"Just try. We're both confused."

"Well, I've also found that I'm...I don't know if I should say this...please don't take this the wrong way...I'm attracted to you..."

"You are?"

"Yes. Kind of."

"Kind of?" I repeated.

"Look I don't know but here I am in this beautiful city, and I'm spending the whole week close to someone I feel I don't really know and I'm finding that I'm liking spending time with that person..."

"Go on..."

"Well it's just that I'm seeing you not as my annoying little sister but as a woman. An attractive woman..."

"I'm not."

"You are, but I also know that I'm not allowed to find you attractive. And also that I don't WANT to find you attractive."

"I know. Shit Mark I feel the same. You're like not the Mark that I'm used to, you're a different Mark, like a parallel Mark, and a much nicer one!"

"Thanks! I think."

"I don't know."

"Look, I don't know either. We're both very confused but I do know that we shouldn't have done what we did this morning. We need to remember who we are."


"We're brother and sister and even though our heads are all over the place we have to remember that we can't do that again."

A woman behind us cleared her throat, we turned round and she put her fingers to her lips. Was she telling us to be quiet because we were making too much noise or because our conversation was revealing a taboo? In a church? Was I analyzing everything too much!!

We left the church, again in silence and looked for a restaurant. We had dinner then caught the metro. We got off the 'wrong' side of the river so we could cross the bridge and walk back to our hotel. Back in the room I changed in the bathroom, putting on a t shirt and a pair of pajama trousers that went down to my ankles. Mark looked at me as I came out of the bathroom, having changed into just a pair of briefs.

"Is that your way of telling me to keep my hands off?" he asked, half joking.

"Maybe. Maybe I just don't know what I want," I sighed.

"I don't have sensible pajamas, I'm afraid," he laughed.

We climbed into bed. At first we both lay on our backs. Neither of us could sleep.

"I'm so hot," I complained.

"Well it is the hottest night so far. And you're wearing more clothes than normal."

I stripped off my t shirt, so I was topless.

"That's not helping me," I laughed.

Again I tried to sleep, but it was no good.

"Mark, can you cuddle me please?" I asked, rolling onto my side.

He put his arm over me, his hand on my stomach. Soon after, his cock stiffened, prodding against my ass. I tried to sleep but still couldn't.

"Mark, err, that's not helping. I can't sleep with that poking me."

"Sorry, I can't sleep either. I think...I'm feeling really horny..."

"Me too. That's the problem I think. Would it help if know...relieved yourself?"

"What do you me...oh right...I see...err...maybe..."

"You could go in the bathroom, then you might feel better..."

"Could do."

"Although, I think I need well..." I whispered.

"Oh...Oh right I see...shit..."

" forget it...that's a really stupid idea..."

"What's that?"

"You'll think I'm being really stupid. I know so just tell me...but we bed..."

" Emma I can't...I won't have sex with you..."

"Not that!! God!! I meant we could...masturbate together. Here."


"I've never...I've never seen a know..."

"Oh right. And you would be interested in watching me?"

"Well obviously I'd be doing it as well. To myself, that is. What do you think?"

"Could do."

Mark pulled back the covers, carefully checking out my naked breasts, then pulled his briefs down and off. I looked at him, then slid my hand inside my pajama bottoms.

"Aren't you going to... get naked?" he asked.

"Do you want me to?"

"I am. Christ I feel like a little kid again, nervously trying to get off with a girl for the first time. I can't do this, I'm going to the bathroom."

I watched as he climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. I lay in bed and masturbated, coming twice in very short succession. Mark came out, still naked.

"Did you?" I asked.

He nodded.



"Good, let's try and get some sleep."

Still naked, he climbed back into bed.


I must have finally got to sleep because the next thing I knew it was daylight. The room was so hot. I had my back to my baby sister, her hand was on my stomach and her breasts were pressed against my back. Feeling this got me hard again. But it was so hot in the room. I lay still for a bit longer then crept out of bed, walked across the room and opened the doors leading on to the balcony. I stepped outside briefly where I discovered to my surprise the sunshine that had been with us all week had given way to light rain. I went back to the bedroom where I saw my sister was awake and lying on her back. She had pulled the sheet up to cover her tits.

"Hey," I said.

"Morning big brother," she said, pointing at my semi hard penis.

"It's raining," I told her, climbing back into bed.

"What do you want to do today?" she asked me.

"Well, I had been thinking, we could go to Disneyland, it's only just outside Paris."

"Oh cool, can we?"

I checked my phone.

"It says the rain should be gone by mid morning. If we have breakfast by eight thirty we can be there by just after ten. Get there before it gets too busy."

"Ok, what time is it now?" she asked.

"Just gone seven. Early. We've got another hour in bed."

As we lay quietly I leaned across, pushed the sheet down and began to lick and kiss her breasts.

"Mmmmm, that feel nice," she laughed.

Emma reached across and began to stroke my erect penis.

We are SO bad. If mom and dad saw us now, they'd go crazy," my sister giggled.

To my surprise Emma pushed me off her chest, sat up, leaned over and began to suck my cock.

"Oh god, oh that feels amazing," I moaned.

To be honest it did feel amazing, because it was the forbidden fruit of my sister doing it. But I could tell she wasn't very experienced at blow jobs. I was still getting close, all the same, when she stopped and looked up at me.

"How was it?" she enquired.

"You've not done many?"

"Does it show? Was I that bad?"

"No it was beautiful. You were driving me crazy. I could just tell, that's all."

"Oh ok. Well...actually you are my first."

"Shit Emma I didn't know. For a first blow job you were good. I was getting close."

"Were you?"

"Uh-Huh. You can finish me off if you want."

"I'm better with my hand. I've done a few of them."

I nodded and she began to jerk me off. I was very close.

"I'm about to cum. You can finish me off with your mouth if you want."

"What do I do when you cum? I mean I've seen videos and all but..."

"It's ok, you don't have to if you don't feel comforable."

"No, I want to. I mean I've got to learn..."

"Well it's up to you. A lot of girls, especially the first few times, like to spit it out. Some don't like the taste. But a lot of girls love it, and swallow it all."

"What do you want me to do? What does Carly do?"

"Do what you feel ok with. Don't try to compete."

She leaned back over me and took me in her mouth again. After about three minutes I knew I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Oh shit, oh fuck I'm going to. Emma I'm about to cum!"

Emma's head jerked back as the first shot of seed hit the back of her mouth. Then she seemed ok as the next few jets came out. She calmly swallowed all my cum, then licked the tip of my penis clean.

"I quite like the taste. Did I do ok?" she giggled like a little child.

"That was fantastic. Even better because you're my sister."

She lay on her back and I sat up.

"My turn now," I grinned.

"Shit Mark, what are you...?"

I pushed her legs open and dipped my head between them. Without pausing I was licking her juicy pussy.

"Mmmmmnnnngggggg...Oh fuck...Oh god...yes...shit...Jesus fucking Christ...that's...Oh..."

Before too long my little sister had reached her own orgasm. I rolled away from her and we both lay side by side, on our backs, sweating and laughing.

"Fuck! That was awesome..." I smiled.

"Oh god, I'm out of breath..."

"Shit Emma, oh wow that was crazy."

"I just sucked a guys cock, and it was my brother! That's too much to deal with right now..." she laughed.

"And you're the first guy to do that to me."

I did wonder. Since she first mentioned she'd never seen a guy masturbate I had begun to wonder if she was actually a virgin. When she said I was her first blow job, I was sure. It felt good but also a bit disappointing as I knew that I could never be the first to fuck her. I couldn't do that to her. The first time had to be special.

"The first guy...did you say..?" I asked, thinking back on her words.

"Amy. She's done it. We've done it. A lot. We do it all the time. I'm not gay or anything.We just experiment. But once we started we can't stop. For a few years now."

"Wow. I'd like to see that?"

"Mark!! I can't believe you. That's disgusting!" she joked.

"What is? Considering what we just did."

"You wanting to see your little sister and her friend!"

"Just saying."

"It's ok. I'm only joking. But would you really?"


"Watch me and Amy? I mean..."

"It's not gonna happen, but..."

"Talking of Amy," she interrupted me, sitting up.

She reached across for her cell phone, lay back down, held it above us and snapped a photo. She showed me the picture. It showed both us side by side, naked, and with my cock semi hard.

"Do you think I should?"

"Will she keep it secret? That's not a picture either of us want doing the rounds."

"She won't show it to anyone."

Emma sent the picture to her best friend. Seconds later her phone buzzed.

Amy; what the FUCK?!????!!

Emma; do you like it?

Amy; what are you guys doing...

Emma; getting along..

Amy; I see that but...FUCK.. ...FUCK...!!??

Emma; no we didn't


Emma; fuck. We didn't. We just...played a bit..

Amy; he's your brother

Emma; and he says hi Amy

Amy; hi but???? Seriously? Your own brother?????

Emma; secret please. PLEASE!!

Amy; trust me. But you and me need to talk when you get home.

Emma; do you like his cock btw?


Emma showed me the conversation on her phone.

"Well I think you have just ruined her day! She won't be able to think about anything else all day!!" I laughed.

At that point my phone jumped into life. Mom!

I looked at my sister, concerned.

"Do you think yet it's way too quick..." Emma worried.

I answered the call.

"Hi mom."

"Hi Mark, how are you both?"

"Fine mom."

"Just checking up on you two. Making sure you're still talking."

"We are."

"Really? Still? No fights? No walk outs?"

"No mom, we're getting on really well."

"Wonders will never cease."

"Mom, it's early what do you really want?"

"Like I said, just checking in."


"No it's just that I really worry about you. A whole week together. You know how you are with each other, I was worried that you'd have the mother of all fights and do something really stupid."

Emma was listening in.

"Mom we're fine. He's looking after me great!" she called out.

I put it on speaker.


"More than great. We're getting on fantastic."

"What are you doing now? What have you got planned for today?"

"We're hoping to go to Disneyland later. Right now we're still in bed," I told her.

"Together? Oh yes you're sharing a bed. How funny! This I've got to see. Send me a picture. Now. Your dad will laugh so much!!"



Emma quickly pulled the sheet over our naked bodies. I took a picture and checked it carefully before sending it. There was about thirty seconds silence.


"It's lovely. I never thought I'd see a picture of you two like that! Wait till I show your father! Better go. Speak later."

Mom hung up before I could say goodbye.

I looked back at the photo. I realized it showed both of us with bare shoulders. If mom looked closely she would probably figure we were both topless, at the very least. Hopefully she wouldn't look too closely.


Mark checked his phone, reading the news and checking the sport back in England.

"Mom seemed to like the photo, " he said.

"Good, not as much as Amy liked the one I sent her," I laughed.

"Let me see it again," he asked me.

"Tell you what, I'll send it to you. Then we've both got a memento of this trip."

I sent him the picture. We lay together for about another ten minutes before getting up. We both showered together, got dressed, then went for breakfast. After that we traveled to Disneyland. Mark was wrong about getting there early to beat the crowds. It was packed. We had to queue ages to get on any rides, but we still had a good time. We stayed till late afternoon, then went to Disney Village, just outside the main gate.

"Tell you what, I've been thinking. Why don't we have dinner here. I could murder a burger. Then we can go back to the hotel. Maybe just chill in the room," he suggested.

"Just chill in the room, burger murderer?" I quizzed him, suspecting he had other ideas for when we got in the room.

"You know..." he stammered.

As we ate our dinner his cell phone buzzed.

"It's mom."

Mom; Mark, be an angel. I accidentally deleted that picture you sent me. Could you send it again. Your dad wants to see it. Sorry.

Mark; hi mom, coming right up

A few minutes passed, and Mark commented it was strange that mom hadn't messaged back about the picture.

"Oh well, she's probably just busy."

We finished our dinner, and jumped on a train back to the centre of Paris. We got off and walked back to the hotel, alongside the river.


Mark and I got back to the room. I switched on the tv, and we lay together on the bed, still fully dressed.

"That was such a good day.!" I smiled.

"I hope the weather is better tomorrow. It's our last day. What do you want to do?" Mark asked.

I checked on my phone.

"Sunshine all day tomorrow. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"No, it's your trip. You decide."

"Let's just wake up in the morning, make sure it is sunny, then decide over breakfast."

"Sounds good to me," replied Mark.

"I'm going to have a shower now,". I told him.

"Ok, I'll have one after."

I couldn't decide but I thought he was being a bit...distant, a bit cautious. I wondered if he was feeling bad about what we had done in bed earlier. It seemed as if he was avoiding the subject and being careful not to get too close. I made up my mind to talk to him after we had showered. I had my shower and came out the bathroom wearing a sports bra and some shorts. I took a couple of beers from the minibar and sat out on the balcony.

Mark had his shower and came out wearing a pair of boxers.

"I'm on the balcony. I've got you a beer!" I called out.

"Great," he replied.

He came out and sat next to me.

"This has been such a good trip. Thank you,". I said to him.

"I've enjoyed it too."

"We've got on so well. I can't believe it. What's been your favorite thing?"

"I just think Paris is so beautiful. What about you?"

"All of it. I've loved all of it. And do you know what's best?" I laughed.

"Go on."



"Yeah, us, how well we've got on."

"I know, it's been amazing."



"Do you mean everything? You know, even the in the bedroom?"

"I...I...don't know what to think. You know we really shouldn't have done those things. You're my sister. I kind of feel that we did something really bad."

"I know...but I really enjoyed it."

"Yeah but..."

"But don't feel bad. You know, I sort of think that perhaps we needed this week to work out our relationship. Maybe we had to spend so much time together, just us two, to get it right. And do all the things we've done, all the make it work."

"Maybe, but what about now?"


"Now. We've done those things. We're close. We've gone much much further than a brother and sister should go, what do we do from here?"

"Oh God, Mark, I don't know. Let's just enjoy being nice to each other."

"Ok, but do we pretend it never happened, or just try to forget about it?"

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"Or do we just accept it happened and be open about it?"

"And do what?"

"Dunno, rather than try to pretend it didn't happen, just be open and not be ashamed."

"I'm not ashamed," I whispered.

"I'm not either."

"I thought you were."

"No, I was just scared you'd hate me even more."

"I've never hated you."

"Nor me. I just couldn't get into your head. Or didn't want to," he said.

"So maybe we should just try to talk more in future. Not waste this opportunity that we've got from this week."


We shook hands then burst out laughing. After a lot of laughter and some more beer I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I cannot believe that I gave you a blowjob!"

"If it helps I can't believe it either!"


"And it felt fantastic."


"What now!?"