Party of Five Ch. 10


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After leaving Dawn's room, Josh discovered that there was a phone call for him, and practically set the floorboards alight as he sped to the phone in the kitchen. He stopped to compose himself and to catch his breath before picking up the receiver.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hey, it's me." Valerie's voice.

"Oh, hi." Josh leapt up to sit on the bench and dangled his legs over the side like the giddy child he felt like. He spent at least an hour talking with Valerie – quite possibly the best hour of his life. They were both timid at first, but they relaxed quickly and soon they were discovering how much they had in common and talking like old friends. Josh was at his comical best, making her laugh whenever the situation called for it and trying his best to maintain a suave James Bond voice, sans the British accent.

Alice came in once, but kept perfectly quiet and simply smiled encouragingly at Josh. She left soon after and Josh continued his conversation.

By the end of their conversation, Josh and Valerie had decided that they would see a movie on Friday night, keeping things simple to start with. Once Josh hung up the phone he felt like he would melt into a puddle of happy goo and slide down the drain. He didn't much fancy doing that though, and so he hopped down from the bench and went upstairs to his room for some peace and quiet.

He fell down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling with the same recurring thought in his mind, one which he had never before experienced.I love my life.

* * *

Josh didn't see Valerie much at school the following day, as he was dragged into the library to work on an assignment with his friends during lunchtime. Even so, they tended to stick to their respective groups in the schoolyard, as Josh guessed their relationship hadn't progressed enough to be group-swapping yet. Hopefully, after Friday, he would be able to walk through the courtyard holding her hand.

After school, not feeling much up to returning home, primarily because Dawn had the day off and with both her and Jacquie home, his hormones would have a field day. So instead, he decided to catch a bus to the mall and maybe look around for some new clothes to wear on Friday or a nice cologne to spray on, which he had never done before.

The bus ambled along, stopping occasionally to pick up passengers. To Josh's surprise, and utter, utter dismay, one of those passengers was Dawn, and another three her close friends. She caught site of him as soon as she boarded. Her friends trailed behind her, and, having not seen Josh for years, would most likely not recognize him. If Dawn kept her silence, everything would be fine. However, she had that mischievous glint in her eye and a cheeky smile on her lips.

"Hey, Josh," she said, taking the seat in front of him and turning around. "This is my brother, guys," Dawn informed her friends.

Bitch, Josh thought. He looked up at Dawn's friends. Like her, they were all gorgeous, though none of them quite as attractive as Dawn, in Josh's opinion at least. Perhaps Dawn had selected them personally, surrounding herself with a beautiful entourage of female sirens, and yet, at the same time, ensuring that none of them outshone her beauty. Although, knowing Dawn, she probably just befriended the sluttiest girls in school...for company.

"Really?" one of the girls said; a blonde one who wore jeans and pink top. "This is your brother?"

Dawn nodded, grinning maliciously at Josh. She knew he'd be uncomfortable with this, and she was loving it.

"Wow, he's a cutie," another blonde said.My God, if this isn't the hottest collection of babes I've ever seen in one place...

The other girls giggled and took seats around Josh. One of them was looking over the back of the seat in front, along with Dawn, while the other two were sitting on separate seats across the aisle, facing him and making him feelextremely uncomfortable.

"You said he was a pimply-faced geek," the first blonde said – Lara, if Josh remembered correctly. The one in front was Rebecca, and the other one, the brunette, was Carla.

"He was," Dawn answered.

"She's so mean," said Lara. "I don't know how you put up with her."

"I don't either," Josh said, hoping his voice didn't hitch in mid-sentence.

The girls all giggled. "You should hear some of the things she says about you," Lara continued. "Obviously they weren't true. I think you're a stud."

Josh flushed scarlet and looked out the window. The girls, again, giggled. "You're embarrassing him, Lara," said Carla.

"No I'm not," Lara said, crossing the aisle and taking the seat next to Josh, and just plain refusing to look away from him. "I bet Dawn's a real pain to have around the house."

Josh looked up at Dawn, who was observing the scene with amused curiosity. "You have no idea," Josh replied.

"Does she bring home boys all the time?"

"Every other night," said Josh.

Lara laughed. "She's a real slut, isn't she?"

Josh started to laugh too. "I think I'm starting to like your friends," he said to Dawn. The girls laughed.

"See," said Lara, "he likes me." She turned back towards Josh. "You know, if Dawn pisses you off too much, you can always come and see me. I'll make sure she doesn't bug you."

"Now who's a slut..." said Dawn.

Josh, not for the first time, began to wander if turning eighteen had somehow catapulted him into a parallel universe. It was the only explanation for why so many beautiful girls wanted to have sex with him.

"I bet you're all tense, too," said Lara. "I've seen those skirts Dawn wears around the house. They've gotta be distracting."

"Not really," Josh lied, "I don't find her that attractive."

"Oooh," the girls chorused. Dawn simply laughed.Damn bitch knows it isn't true.

"What about me?" said Lara, pushing her chest out. "Do you find me attractive?"

Josh swallowed hard and wiped his palms on the inside of his pockets. How could he possibly answer that safely? He settled for,

"I guess so."

Lara grinned. "Maybe we could get together sometime," she said, raking her eyes across Josh's body in a way he wasn't too comfortable with.

"He won't," said Dawn. "He's got a girlfriend."

"Oh," said Lara. "Well, you can bring her along too if you want."

Josh almost started to choke. The girls laughed and Lara waited for his reply.

"No, thanks," he finally managed to say.

"Aw, too bad," said Lara.

"I think it's cute," Rebecca added from the front seat. "He's loyal to his girl."

"But does she satisfy you?" Lara asked in a voice she had either learnt from or taught Dawn. "I mean, one girl can't possibly be enough for a guy like you." Her eyes were twinkling.

Self-control, man! Josh thought to himself.Remember your self-control.

"We're almost there," Carla chimed in, looking out the window.

"We're going to the mall," said Lara. "Wanna come?"

"Uh...actually, I was headed to a friend's place," Josh lied.

"Are you sure? We could model lingerie for you."

Again the girls laughed and again Josh flushed. "No, thanks."

The bus began to slow to a stop. "Well," said Lara, getting to her feet along with the other girls, "if you change your mind, ask Dawn for my number." With that, the four girls all strutted down the aisle and off the bus, all of their perfect asses swaying in tandem and fuelling a hormonal rebellion in Josh's loins. If he wasn't going out with Valerie, and if he wasn't on a bus at the moment, he would have stroked himself to possibly the largest solo orgasm he'd ever had. As it was however, he looked back out the window and the bus ambled on.

* * *

"Why didn't you tell us he was so cute?" Lara asked Dawn once they'd disembarked. The bus drove away and they started towards the entrance of the mall.

"Because he's a wanker," Dawn replied.

"That's only because he doesn't have a real girl to do it for him."

Carla and Rebecca laughed.

"I think he's a little Prince Charming," Lara added.

"He's taller than you," Dawn pointed out.

"Well, he's still charming. Did you see how shy he was? It was so cute."

Dawn rolled her eyes, and hoped she wouldn't have to tolerate this for the entire afternoon.

* * *

Josh got off at the next stop and, realizing he was quite far from home, began walking in the hopes that he'd get there before dinner. On the way, he tried not to think about Lara's round tits or Carla's full lips or Rebecca's tight ass or – God help him – Dawn's cum-filled mouth; he resolved instead to think about Valerie, which worked immediately, cleansing him of all unclean thoughts and fixing a smile upon his face.

The walk was long, hot and tiring. By the time Josh reached his front door, his heels were blistered and the sky was even beginning to darken. He walked inside and collapsed on the sofa. No sooner had he shut his eyes and began to wish that he not be disturbed, than Dawn walked into the room sipping a cold drink through a straw. She sat down on one of the armchairs, assuming her usual pose, which was to have her legs draped over the side.

"I was wondering when you'd get back," she said. Josh looked at her briefly and then turned towards the television, which he discovered was not on, but didn't care. "No thanks to you," said Dawn, "I had to endure an entire afternoon of Lara's sordid fantasies involving you."

Josh looked at her. "I thought she was kidding."

Dawn laughed. "She was ready to rip your clothes off." Josh leaned his head back and closed his eyes, willing his body to relax. "She wants me to tell her as soon as you break up with Valerie." Josh's eyes snapped open and he glared at Dawn. "If you break up with her," Dawn amended.

She finished the last of her drink noisily, placed the empty glass on the coffee table and came to sit next to Josh. "So you don't think I'm attractive?" she asked.

Josh looked down at her. "Is there a problem with that?"

"No," said Dawn nonchalantly. "Only I think it's bullshit."

"Think what you like," Josh replied.

Dawn wriggled closer. "Let's just see what Mr. Cock has to say about that, shall we?" She reached out for Josh's crotch, but was stopped, once more, by Josh's restraining hand.

"Would you cut that out! Jacquie or Alice might see you."

"They're not home," Dawn replied. "Mom's car broke down at work; they've gone to get her."

"That still doesn't make it okay."

Dawn slumped her head against Josh's shoulder in defeat. "You're no fun," she said. "We haven't even fucked yet."

Josh was again astounded by how commonplace this type of language had become between he and Dawn. Once it had excited him, and, admittedly, it still did, but it also annoyed him that she thought he would ever betray Valerie like that.

"Why can't we just say your relationship is official on Friday, and until then," Dawn started dancing her fingertips across Josh's chest, "we can do whatever we want."

"I don't understand why you want to," said Josh. "I'm sure you can find heaps of guys out there willing to satisfy your urges."

"Yeah...but it's much more exciting when it's with my brother. It's so naughty."

"So that's the only reason you did it?" Josh asked, feeling slightly offended.

"Of course just makes it even better." Josh looked at her dubiously. "Look," said Dawn, sitting up straight, "we just go upstairs, fuck once, and then that's it; we don't have to do it again."

Josh's stomach turned to soup. Why did she have to keep talking like that? "No," he replied.

"One fuck," said Dawn, "that's all I want. Just one fuck."

"No!" Josh repeated, now very annoyed.

"Pleeeeease," Dawn entreated her brother. "Please, just once."


"You know I can show you a lot more than Jacquie did. I'll even let you cum inside me."

Josh looked startled. "Why would you do that?"

"Because it feel awesome," replied Dawn. "And I'm on the pill, so it doesn't matter. You could spray all your juicy, thick cum inside my pussy and then feed it to me."

Oh my fucking God she's insane. And...insanely sexy. But, no. "No!"

"Fucking hell, Josh," Dawn exclaimed, getting to her feet. "You can't just give me head once and then expect me to stop. used me."

"Excuse me?" Josh barked, getting to his own feet. "You were the one who asked for it."

"Yeah," said Dawn, "because I thought there'd be more."

This was a first, Josh thought. They had argued so often before, and about so many different things, but arguing about Josh giving Dawn head...that was new.

"For someone who thought I was a pimply-faced geek, you seem to be awfully fond of me."

"Of course I am," said Dawn. "I'm very fond of you."

"Because I gave you head..."

"No, not just because of that. Do you know I've been thinking about you every night since we did it? I fingered myself thinking about you."

Josh's jaw reached for the floor. "You did."

"Yes, I did."

"I don't understand," said Josh. "Why can't you just get someone else? I'm sure you can come up with enough kinky things to equate it to incest."

"Because I wantyou, Josh. I don't know why, but I fuckin' want you so bad."

Wow, thought Josh,she really wants me. "I told you," Josh said, still resolute, "I'm going out with Valerie."

"So break it off with her," said Dawn. "I'll go to the movies with you if you want. And then afterwards we can fuck all night."

My God she knows how to be convincing. Her was phenomenal. It was the most erotic experience Josh had ever had, and it was only words.

"I amnot going to break it off with Valerie. I've had a crush on her for years – do you think I'm just going to throw my one chance away."

"If I mean anything to you, you would."

"That's not fair," Josh said. "That isnot fair."

"Fine!" Dawn spat. She spun on her heel and stormed out of the room. Josh could hear her feet pounding up the stairs and then the sound of her bedroom door slamming. Once the noise stopped, he sat back down and shut his eyes again.

Why couldn't Dawn have just understood like Jacquie? And why did she want him so bad? More importantly, why did she admit it? That wasn't like Dawn, to admit that she needed anything. It was endearing really, if a little scary. Still, Josh knew he had done the right thing, and Dawn would calm down in time.

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KnightofmindKnightofmind2 months ago

Man. I understand the need for conflict in narrative, of course, yet I can't help but feel for Josh. He is in so far over his head Neptune and King Triton are taking bets on his drowning but he keeps talking about how much he '...loves his life'. Dude is licking a chocolate covered timebomb with his thumb jammed squarely up his ass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I just dont see the guys problem! Having sex with your sister is hardly cheating on your 'girlfriend', that he hadn't even been on a date with, mind you!

....and more literally he cant very well be cheating if the girlfriend isnt giving him any of that anyway. Is it cheating on my wife if my friend wants to hug and kiss me but my wife has no interest in doing so? I think not. (Peeling open the can of worms, heh;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Dude is such a pussy!

PengoraPengoraalmost 12 years ago

well i gotta say while the thought of Valerie entering the equation, i think i'd be better if josh stayed with his sisters, maybe even adding Alice or his mom.

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