Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 14: Reality


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"We were friends - good friends before this all happened," I continued.

"We can still be friends, can't we?" he insisted.

"Of course we can't! We can't see each other again. Not ever."

He looked both relieved and disappointed at the same time.

"It's not all my fault," he whined. "You made promises too."

"But you're the one who's broken them," I hissed. "I should hate you!"

"But you don't?" he asked, surprised.

I couldn't answer that; too much had passed between us just to dismiss it all. I had actually been prepared to live with this man as his wife; that wasn't an emotion that could be passed off so quickly. It sounded a lot like love, however painful it felt.

But if I was to survive the whole horrible experience I had to remain firm and in control.

"So let's understand each other clearly. If you ever did love me, you don't love me anymore, right?"

He looked very sheepish indeed as I went on, a plan forming in my mind as I spoke.

"And after the way you've treated me, I can't possibly love you. I despise the way you've behaved but for some reason I can't bring myself to hate you."

He just looked at me in disbelief, wondering what on earth I would say next.

"After today I don't want to see you again. I'm not going to haunt you or stalk you. I'm not going to try and cling onto you; I'm certainly not going to do anything stupid to myself over you but I want you out of my life."

He looked relieved; perhaps the crazy woman wasn't as crazy as she had seemed.

"So if we don't love each other and aren't going to see each other again, anything that happens now can only be physical, right?"

"Ri-ight," he said bemused.

"In that case I want to you fuck me!"


"I want you to fuck the living daylights out of me one last time," I said, unzipping my skirt hurriedly and letting it fall to the floor. "You're going to fuck me here, now, on my terms."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Ignoring him, I rolled my top up over my head, throwing it onto my rumpled skirt then reached behind my back to release the clasp on my bra. It fell forwards, my tiny boobs freed - for all the good it did them.

"This all started with you having your way with me," I said, my eyes fixed on his pleasingly fearful gaze. "It's going to end here and now with me in charge." I lowered my panties to the floor leaving me naked apart from my stockings, heels and Hotwife bracelet.

"You're crazy," he began.

"I was crazy, Tony," I agreed as I slowly walked towards him until my face was inches from his muscular chest. "I was crazy for swallowing all your bullshit! All that crap about loving me and wanting me when all you really wanted was this!"

I grabbed his hand by the wrist and thrust his fingers against my freshly shaved vulva.

"Now it's my turn to get what I want," I said, rubbing his fingers up and down my slit. "You're going to fuck me, Tony. You're not going to fuck me because you want to; you're going to do it because it's what I want."

"For fuck's sake..."

"Fuck is right tony. You're going to make it the best fuck I've ever had. And when it's all over, I'll walk out of that door and you will disappear from my life!"

It was insane; maybe I had gone a little crazy but it did the trick.

Tony and I fell on each other like wild animals, both of us tearing at his clothes until all he had left on were his ridiculous red socks. His hands flew to my body, crushing my boobs cruelly, pinching my nipples hard between his gingers. It was agony but I needed to feel the pain, as if only physical pain could purge me of my desire for him, making me free of him again. His hands were on my sides; on my buttocks, his fingers digging into my bare flesh, pulling me roughly against his already-hard cock.

In return my hands were on his shoulders, on his back, on his bottom, fingernails raking his skin, marking him. My mouth was on his neck, sucking and biting as he forced open my legs. I felt his rough hand on my mound, his fingers thrust brutally into my slit then hard upwards into my poorly lubricated vagina.

Ignoring the pain, I matched the heat of his passion blow for blow but even as we pawed each other I could tell something had changed. It was hot, it was lustful but the vital element of affection had all but gone.

When he finally threw me onto the sofa and forced my knees wide apart with his strong hands, I yielded not to a man I loved but to the prospect of an overpoweringly powerful fuck. And when he reared up over me, his strong chest above my flat boobs, his face inches above mine, it was no longer a face I adored.

Then, when his short, stubby cock forced its way into my vagina, it found my passage dry and tight, as if my body no longer needed or wanted his presence.

It took a good dozen thrusts of his hips before his cock finally bottomed out within me, my vagina finally and reluctantly lubricating in self-defence. It took barely a dozen more before I knew this charade had to end. Clamping down on his shaft with my pelvic floor as hard as I could, I tried desperately to bring him to orgasm and end what had become an ordeal.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

Tony's voice was ugly and crude, as were his thrusts, his body slamming into mine as if I was a sack of potatoes. I lay beneath him, legs spread obscenely wide, my vagina burning as his thick shaft rasped over and through my poorly lubricated entrance, the pain bringing everything into sharp relief.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Don't stop! Don't stop!" I growled.

"Going to cummmm!"


Tony's face broke into the grotesque, leering grimace that I had once craved and which announced the arrival of his climax. I felt the head of his monstrously swollen cock swell even larger inside me followed by the familiar release of tension that presaged a huge ejaculation.

His cock throbbed and pulsed inside my body for a long time, semen spurting against my cervix as his thrusts first grew wild and uncontrolled then slowed rapidly to a panting halt, the dying throbs of his wilting erection deep within me.

Whoever it was that said the brain was the most important sexual organ in the body was right. I hadn't come anywhere near orgasm, the dryness within me had burned the walls of my vagina with the friction his crude fucking had produced.

I had demanded the fuck of a lifetime; I had received brutal physical confirmation that our affair had ended.

Once again Tony's semen was lying deep within my body but for the first time in my life, the earth-mother satisfaction of being inseminated by a strong, attractive man failed to arrive. Instead I felt physically disgusted and emotionally numb.

Even as his cock softened within me, I knew that I would be okay. The spell he had placed on me was broken. I could walk away from Tony and not look back.

If I had anywhere to walk to once Pete returned!

His erection gone, Tony rolled off me quickly. I winced as his half-hard cock was dragged through my red-raw entrance and closed my thighs defensively. There was a long silence, neither of us wanting to be the one to say what we were both thinking.

In the end, it was me who spoke first.

"The magic's gone."

There was a long pause before Tony responded.

"I'm sorry."

He didn't even try and argue. We lay side by side, my mind picturing Tony's semen smeared across my cervix; knowing it was the last time it would ever happen.

"You didn't cum." It was more of a statement than a question.

"No," I told him truthfully.


There was a long pause as we both wrestled with our thoughts and emotions. Had it been a mistake coming for one last farewell fuck? I hadn't planned it; in truth it had only occurred to me as I stood angrily in front of him so had it given me what I needed - the return of a little self-respect?

Far from delivering the best fuck of my life, he had delivered one of the worst but in a strange way, that made everything better. The Breeding Frenzy had not arrived; I hadn't begged him to make a baby in me; I hadn't told him I loved him and wanted to marry him. I had remained in a kind of control throughout.

Finally I understood; it was the forbidden nature and loss of control that had made the sex with Tony great; the novelty, the unfamiliar passion.

Despite our fantasies, sex with my husband had become a bit stale but that was no excuse for my cheating on the Hotwife agreement we had made. Besides, in the past my husband had been a great lover. Hadn't Julie implied strongly that with her Pete had really delivered the goods, even for a woman with her voracious appetite? If that was true, then if I had left Pete and married Tony, might we not have found ourselves in the same position in a few years' time?

And by then I would have destroyed a wonderful marriage and a close, loving family.

I wondered whether my husband had been bored with me too; whether it had been this staleness that had driven him to want me to sleep with other men. Pete hadn't asked me to have a long term affair. Far from it; Pete had wanted me to have a series of short, sharp fuck-dates with exciting new men which he could watch.

My husband was right; I had got what I wanted in bucketfuls. His fantasy had hardly been fulfilled at all.

I began to realise just how monumentally selfish and stupid I had been and how close I had come to losing the most precious things in my entire life - if I hadn't already lost it.

"Will you get back with Pete?" Tony asked, waking me from my reverie.

"I have no idea," I told him honestly. "It's not just my decision."

"Do you want to go back to him?"

More than anything else in the world, I thought but did not say out loud. If Julie was right, I had at least a chance of repairing the damage but I would never take my husband for granted again.

"Probably," was all I could reply.

"What if he's fucked someone else?" he asked.

Had fucked someone else; he had fucked Tony's estranged wife Julie but despite that I would have had Pete without hesitation - if only he would have me. But I wasn't going to tell Tony this.

"If he can live me, I can live with him."

I felt the tears beginning well up in my eyes. It was time to go before Tony saw any sign of weakness; back to the house I prayed would still be my home after Pete and I had talked.

I had done what I needed to do; laid the ghost, ended the relationship on my own terms. I no longer wanted or needed to be in Tony's bed, in his apartment, be his wife. I no longer wanted him in my life. I wanted my husband back.

"Will I see you again?" Tony asked as I swivelled my sore vulva to the edge of the mattress and began to stand up.

I looked down on the man who used to be my lover, his naked body long, slim and almost hairless, his short stubby cock semi-erect on his upper thighs, dark in colour, still glistening with our combined juices.

"No," I said firmly. "That would not be a good idea," I added as I pulled on my knickers and bra.

"You're probably right," he smiled then added. "I'll really miss your Little Pink Pussy, Mrs. Barker."

"You'll find another poor woman's pussy. Maybe even tonight," I smiled. "If your latest conquest is as easy and stupid as I was."

She would have to be even more stupid than me; Tony's neck now sported the makings of half a dozen hickeys. Although they would not achieve full ripeness until the next day, once his clothes were off there was no way his intended victim would fail to see them and know what they were.

I wondered momentarily whether I had just saved another wife from the humiliation I and my predecessors had suffered. As I pulled on my skirt and top, I hoped I had.

As I turned towards the door, intending to leave, he called out.


I turned back towards him.

"I don't suppose you fancy a last quickie? One for the road?" he asked.

He grinned and pointed to his groin where a few feeble stirrings could be seen. Was there no end to this man's audacity?

"Save it for your married friend," I said, gathering my belongings and heading for the door.

"I'm sorry it ended this way," he said softly. "I really did have feelings for you," he insisted. "Strong feelings!"

"It's just that they were lust not love. And lust doesn't last," I said sarcastically, still trying to hold back the tears.

"Maybe. I'm really sorry, Penny."

"So you said," I replied. "I'm sorry too."

I left without another word. As I passed through his front door for the last time the tears were running down my cheeks in streams but he hadn't seen them.

I promised myself they would be the last tears I would shed over him.


I drove home quickly, my stomach churning with emotion, my eyes half blinded by tears. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have confused lust and love to such an extent that I had actually been prepared to sacrifice my marriage for mere lust? How could I, an intelligent, professional woman, an internationally recognised scientist with a PhD have let myself get so far out of control?

I was too blinded by emotion and the wounds were too raw even to think about it. Tony had treated me shabbily; right from my first seduction. From the moment his cock had penetrated my body he had treated me like an object; a fuck-doll; a creature to be used and discarded whenever he wanted.

But what was worse was that I had let him do it; wanted him to do it if the truth be known. Being a sex object had been exciting, fun, exhilarating, almost narcotic in its hold on me and I had come back for more over and over again like a dog returning to the master who beat it.

Now it was over and an emotional as well as physical distance was opening up between us, I could finally see how stupid I had been. I had put my entire marriage and family life on the line for what? To have an oversized piece of male flesh forced into my equally over-sized vagina by a man with an over-sized ego?

What in God's name could I possibly do to try and repair the damage I had caused? Was it too late? Had my husband already made up his mind? Had I already lost him? Had he already found an alternative way of filling the space in his life and his bed I had occupied for so long?

The conference wouldn't be over for another week. I couldn't wait that long.

Jesus! I hoped there was still time!

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cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

That was powerful!

and good for Julia fessing up.

maddictmaddictover 3 years ago

Well said. Your beautiful when your angry, and you've never looked more lovely. Like your pseudonym I've enjoyed what happens after the big bang or the planning it takes for the next encounter. Penny Im not convinced of you nievity

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
Tony never was a friend

He is just a cock in heat. Any man who can seduce his friend's wife is the lowest. He has no conscience. He is a narcissist in the truest sense of the word. He needs a jealous husband to pound his frank and beans into a pulp. A 5 Star Rating and a Favorite.

SkubabillSkubabillabout 4 years ago

I keep telling myself that stories like this aren't my cup of tea. At the same time I can't st jmmj OP reading. I woke up at 2 AM to pee and wound up staying up an hour to read two more chapters. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Reality check

Until I read this, I had always avoided using the term "bull" to describe my, or for that matter, any hotwife's lover. I can't explain why, suffice to say I always found it a disrespectful term for someone in a mutually beneficial situation. This chapter has changed my mind.

Now that Penny's traumatic situation seems to have come to an end, I can express my feelings freely about this serial. I love Ms Gently's way with words. Her prose is well written, erotic and enjoyable. Penny is such a believable character.

Before becoming a hotwife, she indulged her husband's fantasies, because she loved him. He encouraged her to take a lover, and so she did. Unfortunately, that man was Tony.

I think the term "bull" suits him perfectly. An undomesticated animal, who charges at anything and everything that takes his fancy, is led by animal lust, and whose brain is situated between his legs. He is well written by Ms Gently, but, in my view, contemptible, despite her great writing skills.

Where I come from, there has always been a popular saying. "A fox doesn't shit on her own doorstep." There must be similar variations on the same theme all over the country. It means if you are going to do something illegal, wrong or just even plain risky, you do it well away from home, friends or family.

I reserve my deepest contempt for Tony, the man who is supposedly Penny and her husband's friend. I was glad Penny was getting great sex, glad that she returned to her husband to be reclaimed. But it gives me no pleasure at all to have been proved right about Tony.

There will be others who disagree with my point of view. I believe it was Descartes who said something like "I fundamentally disagree with your opinion, but I will fight to the death for your right to hold such a view." That is how I find myself, in regard to what other people think of what I have written.

I intend to finish this serial. I am hopeful that both Penny and her husband can resolve their problems, get back together, and resume what I believe to be their correct roles in this marriage. That of hotwife and cuckold. I can't wait to find out if my wishes come true.

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